Last Call (Stranded in the Stars Book 1) (20 page)

BOOK: Last Call (Stranded in the Stars Book 1)
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It wasn’t until a little time later that she realized that he was moving through the terrain and past her home; that they were still heading towards his ship. It wasn’t a comfortable feeling going into his space but a feeling filled with trepidation and anxiety. Any control that she had left would be taken away once they entered the hatch.

“Jack? Could you take me back to my cave tonight?”

He looked down at her and continued to move forward. “No. I want to get you into my medical bay and make sure you’re on the mend.”

“I feel fine. The only ache I have now is in my foot and some tightness where the stitches are. I would really like to go home.” She was willing to beg, every step took her farther from where she wanted to be and closer to his destination.

“Let me get you checked over and then if you still want to, I will take you back to your cave.”

“It’s almost full dark now.” The tremors of the wurms moving below them increased with every step.

“It’s not problem for me to move around after dark.”

His grip tightened around her when a rather volatile quake hit them. “I don’t want you traveling after dark. Just take me back now and I can go to your medical bay tomorrow.” She was willing him with her mind to listen to her.
Take me back!

“Worried about me?” He smirked and kept moving forward. She stretched her neck and looked behind them longingly, knowing her imaginary mind powers sucked. He wasn’t going to take her home until he got what he wanted.

“Of course I would be worried about you. It’s dangerous at night, especially in the dark. You know that.” She sighed, deflated and focused on him instead.

He laughed, startling her. “What?” She asked.

“It’s cute that you would worry over me. It’s downright adorable. I’m a very difficult being to kill or even hurt for that matter.” He squeezed her briefly in a hug. “I should give you information about my kind when we get back.” He leaned over and buried his face into her hair. “I like that you would be worried about me.”

She liked it when he was in a good mood, she’ll worry about him more often. It was infectious and made her feel better about being in his space ship tonight now that his grumpiness had gone away.

“I’ll stay the night.” She conceded.

“I know. I really wasn’t going to give you a choice.”

She sighed as the last ray of light washed over them and then vanished beyond the horizon. The night sky was now prominently above them with billions of twinkling stars gazing down at their moving forms. She felt at peace looking up at them, the starlight made the normally brown-gold planet into a deep blue-grey. Her home was beautiful when it wanted to be. Beautiful and wild.


Her attention was brought back to Jack, he was looking ahead as he quickened his pace into a jog, his ship was now in sight far in the distance.

A little while later they were crossing through the hatch and into the large circular room with the holographic floating planet.

She was set down on one of the chairs in the middle while he dropped off his pack to the floor with a loud thunk, the metal plates attached to it slamming together.

She was still only wearing the blanket from the night before wrapped tightly around her chest and tucked in at her shoulder. It was uncomfortable and she hoped she would be rid of it soon.

The ship was just as it was before, stark but still a welcomed sight. The purity and crispness of the design was the exact opposite of the destroyed battle cruiser. It was everything this planet was now and it gave her a sense of security in knowing that it would be a temporary escape.

Tonight will be okay, it’s safe here, it’s safe with Jack.

Allie watched Jack fiddle with a translucent screen on the wall, he was typing in a series of numbers while his other hand was placed on another, different pad. The ship soon after powered on with a quiet hum, the low lights on the floor being replaced with brighter white lights.

“The ship is in standby. It shouldn’t attract unwanted attention from the wurms. There are no electrical or magnetic pulses coming from it. It’s powered by stored energy for now.” He looked over at her, “we’ll be safe.” The translucent screen vanished but his hand remained on the pad, a moment later a wall opened up to reveal a small stark room. “The medical bay. It rarely gets used.” He answered before she could ask.

He walked back to her side and lifted her back in his arms walking over to a cushioned white bed that extended from the wall from inside the bay and placing her on it gently.

“Will this hurt?” She asked, watching him turn his back to her. A clear glass frame appeared out of nowhere and covered over the bed and her, trapping her inside.


Her hand instinctively pushed at the enclosure, feeling an abrupt sense of entrapment. “What’s happening?” She wanted out.

“Calm down. I can sense your heart rate increasing. The machine is going to scan you and run some tests, looking for infections, abnormalities, the works. It’s going to give you several vaccinations as well.” He said as the glass above her vibrated and glowed; A blue light moved over her tense form. To the side, next to Jack, she could see a screen appear on the wall with numbers coursing by. Jack wasn’t looking at it but was instead looking at her, his eyes soft yet intense.

A cool spray misted over her skin, sending a shiver through her. It dissipated quickly. She was watching Jack throughout the whole process, unaware of the tiny needles that appeared on the opposite side. Her body jerked when a series of tiny pricks ran down her undamaged arm. It was over before she could move, her hand ran down her arm, rubbing away the uncomfortable sensations.

The glass barrier lifted away and vanished into the wall.

Allie sat up and reached for Jack, wrapping her arms around him. She was uncomfortable with the medical bay, needing to feel connected to him again. His arms snaked around her body and lifted her into a tight embrace. “I don’t like being in here.”

“You’ll never have to be in here again if it was up to me but the medical bay has its uses. I would prefer you healthy and safe than in pain and damaged.”

“I don’t want to be alone, Jack.” She whispered. The last time she was in a medical bay had been an unpleasant experience.

“I’m not going anywhere, sweetheart.”

She burrowed as fiercely as she could into his hard form.

His arm moved away and touched the screen. The room around them shut down soon after. He lifted her in his arms and carried her out of the small white room, the panel sliding shut behind them and hiding its entrance into the wall seamlessly. They headed for the central table but instead of being set down, Jack cradled her in his lap and held her. Their breathing synchronized and she felt herself relaxing.

“You’re going to need to eat and drink more liquids, the scan still indicates that you’re deficient in many nutrients and minerals. I’m sorry I did not warn you about the pricks but now you're vaccinated to many of the common viruses found in space.” She felt goosebumps over her scalp as his fingers tugged on her hair. “Your ankle is healing but at a slower than normal rate which is to be expected, under the circumstances. I’ll be able to remove your sutures in several more days, possibly sooner if we continue to massage the medicinal salve over them.” He breathed, “there are more readings if you would like to know more,” trailing off.

“What else did it say?”

“Your body is going through withdrawal from something on this planet, a food source perhaps. I believe it may be the wurms.”

Allie knew she felt sick when she didn’t eat them on a regular basis but she had been so distracted she hadn’t noticed the usual twitch. She couldn’t imagine what it would be like to go through the effects with Jack present. Her cheeks burned hot with embarrassment. “It’s the wurms.”

“Most likely. You have probably started going through the process but with the incredible amount of blood loss, the overuse of the medicinal salve and all the rest of the random shit that has happened, it may have had a chemical effect on you.”

“I have some in my cave and my pouch if you haven’t discarded it at some point. I’ll eat one tomorrow.”

“What the fuck, Allie? Of course you're not eating that shit again, being dependent on something is not healthy.” He raised his voice.

“I need to eat them. They're my main source of food here besides the roots.” She raised her voice to match his.

“You’ll go through withdrawal. You’re never eating that shit again.”

“You can’t decide what I do and don’t do. We’re not beholden to each other and we’re not friends, we made that clear.” She pushed away from him but his grip tightened on her.

He stopped her struggles and cupped her chin, lifting her head to look up at him, slamming his mouth against hers. The kiss was desperate and rough.

When he had ravaged her mouth completely and all of her struggles had stopped, he whispered over her lips, “I always get what I want. I always fucking get what I want. And I think we are beholden to each other. You’re never eating a goddamned bug again because you see sweetheart, I’m taking you off this Hell-in-Space; whether you like it or not.” He picked her up roughly and carried her into a passageway, past the storage unit and down a corridor she had not explored before. They entered a room that looked much like the captain’s quarters and she was placed on a bed.

He tore her blanket off and threw it through the door.

Allie curled up onto the soft material beneath her, anxious from the violent look in his eyes. “What are you doing?”

“What does it look like I’m doing?” He grabbed her wrists and tied them together with a strap he unbuckled from his body armor. When she didn’t answer, he answered for her. “I’m going to fuck that little hole of yours, the one that has been wet and screaming for my dick for the past week.” He stared at her core, where she held her thighs tightly together, feeling the wet heat he was talking about. Her wrists held tight in one of his hands outstretched between them.

She watched as he ran his other hand through his dark hair to rest at the back of his neck.

“Jack,” she whispered.

“I’ve been wanting to fuck you since I crash landed here over a week ago. I smelled your cunt on that first fucking day. You can’t get enough of it.” His voice was hoarse and she could see his hard-on tent his armor. He snickered at her when he noticed what she was staring at. “You naughty girl, staring at my crotch. You’re so far gone from what I’m saying I can taste you in the air.

He leaned forward slowly, menacingly and placed a chaste kiss over her pouted lips. “Tell me you want it.” He breathed softly over her mouth.

She swallowed on her words, acutely aware that her face was flushed red; she curled her toes in anticipation. “I want– I want you. I want everything, everything you’re willing to give me.” Allie felt the confession come from her pounding heart.

Jack pulled away from her but didn’t move far. Before she should process her thoughts, his hand had let go of hers and were both now on her thighs, pulling them apart. “Tell me to stop.” He groaned. “You’re broken, tell me to stop.” He demanded. He had, had his demands met at every turn, this time she wasn’t going to give him what he thought he wanted.

Instead she lied back slowly, opening herself up, laying her hands loosely above her head.


Jack was the one going crazy. He was between her long lithe legs with her body begging and stretched out on his bed before him.
I need to stop, turn my humanity off, walk away.
But he couldn’t, he was a selfish man.

He knew he should let her heal; body and mind. Let her rest, eat, and recover but he
a selfish man and right now he wanted reassurance that she was alive more than anything else in the universe.

With a full view of her pussy, he watched as she contracted her muscles– opening– trembling and wet. She was becoming uncomfortable with the vulnerability of her position, her breaths increasing with each second but he couldn’t look away. She wiggled her hips to prompt him but instead he found himself enraptured by her movements when her wetness was spread all over.

“Jack.” She whimpered, pushing her butt up in the air, urging him to move. He placed a hand on her hip to stop her.

“I’m enjoying the view.” Her face blushed an even deeper rosy pink. “If you knew all the things I want to do to you, you would run, you would keep me from you.” He confessed, picturing his cock sliding into her.

She moaned, the sound weak yet encouraging.
She is encouraging me, how could I deny her?
She was so willing.

“I don’t want you to stop.” She moaned, subtly pushing her hips toward him again. “If you knew all the things I wanted you to do to me. You wouldn’t be hesitating.” Her eyes closed. “I want you.”

Her words burned him, shot through him like a spray of bullets. His reaction much the same in both situations. Violence, passion, retaliation. He dropping onto his knees between her on the bed and roughly penetrated her with his index finger, watching it get lost in her, any remaining tension of anticipation melted away.

“Do you feel that, sweetheart?” He pressed hard into her, flexing it, plying her sheath to open up. His finger preparing her tight cunt for his straining cock.

Jack heard her whimper yes.

She was so willing and receptive, it made it difficult to stop himself from succumbing to his baser instincts. He ensured his dick remained buckled in his pants to stop himself from doing anything rash.

Her brow glistened with perspiration as he pumped his finger into her core, flexing his thumb to rub her clit. His hand was coated in her dripping essence.

“Do you like my hand, Allie?” He groaned.

“Yes,” she gasped, her hands coming forward to hold onto the arm that was currently fucking her pussy, increasing the pressure between them.

“It really likes you.” He released her suddenly, pushing his finger between her soft lips. “Taste yourself.” He demanded, grinding his teeth together as she hummed, her tongue swirling around it; licking it. Her pretty lips puckering around him.

BOOK: Last Call (Stranded in the Stars Book 1)
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