Last Chance: A Second Chances Novel (2 page)

Read Last Chance: A Second Chances Novel Online

Authors: L. P. Dover

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #New Adult & College, #Romantic Suspense, #Sports, #Contemporary Fiction, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Sagas, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense, #Fiction

BOOK: Last Chance: A Second Chances Novel
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My sister was busy working at the restaurant we owned, and my best friend was most likely busy with her new, dreamy, football-playing husband. I had no one to call. When had I become such a loser?

Huffing, I pulled a pair of shorts and a tank top out of my bag and stripped down. If I was going to walk two miles in the blistering heat, I wasn’t going to do it wearing a blouse and pants. Already drenched in sweat, I got out of the car and winced as the sun beat down on my skin. There wasn’t a single cloud to hide the unforgiving sun. Summer was brutal in North Carolina.

“This has to be payback for something,” I whined, trekking alongside the road. It was two o’clock in the afternoon, the worst time of day. Either everyone was at work, or at home, relaxing by their pools. I was never going to let my car get below a quarter of a tank again. Ever.

A couple of people honked their horns, but no one stopped. What ever happened to southern hospitality?

A rumble came up from behind and a muffled shout called out, “Lara!”

Jerking to a stop, my breath caught in my lungs. I was surprised he would even take the time to pull over for someone in need. Luke Collins was all about getting pussy, twenty-four-seven. And I hated the fact I’d ever had a crush on him. Granted, he had gotten much worse since losing Kate to Cooper, but he was just
a douchebag. I guess putting his dick in whatever skank he could find was his way of dealing with a broken heart.

“Lara?” he shouted again.

Placing my hands on my hips, I turned, the light breeze from cars driving by blew my blonde hair into my face. He shut off his bike and slid off his helmet, his hair drenched in sweat. He gave me a smile that made me shiver.
Damn him.
“What do you want, Luke?”

“I saw your car down the road and figured you needed help.” He paused and raked his gaze down my body. “Unless you’ve got a new job I don’t know about. You
looking pretty hot in those shorts.”

I scoffed and muttered, “I guess I should’ve expected that, having a vagina and all.”

He squinted and leaned forward. “What?”

“It was good of you to notice,” I said loudly. “But I don’t think many men will want me after I’ve been out here, sweating my ass off.”

His gaze lowered to my hips. “We don’t want that, now do we, cupcake? I like it the way it is. Where are you going?”

Rolling my eyes, I took a step back and continued walking backward, refusing to give him another chance to check out my ass. “To the gas station. My car ran out of gas.”

Grinning from ear to ear, he started his bike and slowly trailed me.“I see. Then it looks like I get to rescue you.”

“More like patronize me. Why are you even here? Don’t you have some groupies waiting for you somewhere?”

He chuckled and nodded toward something behind me. “Head’s up.”

Gasping, I turned around and almost walked headfirst into a road sign. I dodged it and turned right back around, giving him my front once again.

“I know my face is gorgeous and you can’t get enough, but maybe you should turn around and watch where you’re walking.”

“As if.” I huffed. “I don’t want you staring at my ass. I know how you are.”

“Then get on my bike. I’ll take you to get some gas.”

“No thanks. I’ll do it on my own.”

He revved his engine, his smile fading. “No, you’re not, Lara. Now get on the damn bike.” Turning around, he unhooked the extra helmet from the back and held it out to me. “It’s a hundred degrees out here, you’re being ridiculous.”

I huffed and continued walking. “I’ll be fine.”

Slamming on the brakes, he got off his bike and stalked toward me. “You don’t have any water, and I don’t see anyone else stopping to give you a hand. Now stop being a silly woman, and get on the fucking bike.”

“What, are you going to make me? Get over yourself. I’ll be fine.”

He cracked his knuckles. “I’ll chase you down. You can’t outrun me, cupcake. I wouldn’t even try.”

He was right, and it drove me crazy. I didn’t want to be indebted to him under any circumstances, but would I really cut my nose off to spite my face? It was scorching out, and I didn’t need to get heatstroke over this. “Fine, I’ll come with you,” I said, giving in.

A triumphant smile splayed across his face and I wanted to smack it off. He held the helmet out to me and I put it on, not having any idea how to work the straps.

Grabbing my waist, he pulled me toward him. “Here, let me fix it.” His fingers brushed against my neck as he tightened the straps. After he was done, he stared at me with his sea-green eyes. “Feel okay?”

I nodded, though my patience was shot. “Peachy.”

He got on his bike first and held out his hand. “Have you ever ridden before?”

“No.” My stomach turned in knots.

He smirked. “You’ll be okay, I promise. We don’t have to go far. All you need to do is reach around my waist and hold on tight. It’ll be over before you know it.”

Taking my hand, he held it while I straddled his bike. It wasn’t one of those big Harley ones either; it was a sleek, black sport bike. I reached around his waist to hold on, and my body was flush with his. After he put on his helmet, his hand landed on my thigh and my body tightened.

“You ready?”

“I think so.”

He patted my leg and I sucked in a deep breath.
Here we go.

he second I placed my hand on Lara’s thigh, she squeezed her legs against my body. I’d often wondered what it’d be like to get her in my bed, to ride her like I do my bikes—hard, and full throttle. Her stubbornness was what I liked most. She could push me away all she wanted, but I was determined to wear her down.

Revving the engine, I sped through the last corner on the way to my house, and laughed when her arms tightened around my waist. When we pulled into my driveway, I could hear her growl above the motor. I parked my bike and helped her off, her eyes staring at me with such contempt. I was half tempted to kiss her to piss her off even more.

“Did you like that?” I asked, grinning wide.

She tried to take off the helmet and couldn’t unfasten the straps. Her face turned red. Chuckling, I helped her take it off and she scoffed. “What the hell are we doing here? I thought you were going to help me get gas.” Her blonde hair was wet with sweat, and I could smell her perfume as the wind carried it over, reminding me of apples and honey. If I licked her skin, I wondered if it’d taste just like that. One of these days, I was going to find out.

After strapping the helmet to the back of the bike, I nodded toward the house. “And that’s what I’m doing. Come inside. I’ll get you something to drink while I get it.”

“That’s not necessary,” she blurted.

I started for the door and she reluctantly followed, pursing her lips the entire time. All I wanted to do was bite them, to taste that mouth of hers. Why was it that we always wanted the ones we couldn’t have? It was probably the chase.

Opening the door, I ushered her inside. “You have somewhere else to be?”

She rolled her eyes. “As a matter of fact, I might. It

“Ah, so you have a date. Who is he?”

She sat down at the kitchen bar and smiled. “You don’t know him.”

The thought made my stomach clench. I didn’t want to imagine another guy fucking her when it should be me. “I don’t, huh?”

“Nope. All I can say is, he’s not a dirtbag like you,” she stated, grinning smugly.

“Ouch. I didn’t realize you hated me so much, even after I just saved you. Where’s all this hostility coming from? We used to be friends.” I didn’t realize she hated me as much as she did. That was about to change.

She smiled, but there was no humor in it. “No hostility, just stating facts. I appreciate you helping me today though. And if you don’t mind, I really need to be heading back.”

Breaking that ice cold shell of hers was going to be tough. “All right, let me get the gas can.” I started for the door, but then my phone rang. It was right in front of Lara so she slid it to me; it was Chance Harris, a fellow motocross racer, and a good friend. “Give me one second, and then I’ll take you back.”

Lara nodded and pulled out her phone, busying herself.

“Dude, what’s up?” I said into the phone.

“Nothing much, man. Thought I’d let you know I’m having a party tomorrow night.”

“Tomorrow, huh? I think I can manage that.” Lara glanced up at me and I winked, making her huff and roll her eyes. I loved that I could get under her skin. “Is it all right if I bring someone?”

“Fuck yeah. The more the merrier. Who ya bringing this time?”

There was a list of girls I could bring, ones who would suck my dick in a heartbeat if I let them, but that wasn’t what I wanted. It wasn’t fun if there wasn’t a challenge. “Don’t worry, I got someone in mind. We’ll see ya there.”

“Sounds good, bro.” We hung up and I set my phone down, waiting for Lara to look up at me. When she did, I smiled.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

I watched her bite her lip and my dick twitched. “Want to go to a party tomorrow night?”

She snorted. “You’re joking, right?”

“Why would I be joking?”

She shoved her phone into her purse. “Uh, I don’t know. Maybe because I’m not your type. Once you moved on from Kate, your standards went lower than your IQ. I don’t want people to think I’m one of your conquests.”

“I didn’t think you were the type to care what people thought.”

She shrugged. “I don’t, but I still have a reputation to protect. Unlike you, I’m an owner of a well-established restaurant. You can fuck twelve donkeys in a night and still be on top of the motocross world. I can’t do that.”

I burst out laughing. I didn’t consider the girls I’d slept with to be donkeys, but it confirmed what I’d wanted to know for a long time. Lara was jealous; I could see it in her eyes. “Twelve donkeys? Where do you come up with this shit?”

She huffed. “Don’t know. It just comes out when you’re around.”

“I think I kind of like it,” I said, leaning against the counter. “I tell you what, come with me tomorrow and I’ll consider it payment for saving you today. If not, you’ll have to eat dinner with me at the tavern.”

Narrowing her gaze, she studied me. “No, to both. Can we go now?”

Grabbing the keys to my truck, I pointed to the door. “The gas is in my garage. I’d hate for you to miss your hot date tonight.”

She lifted her chin and stood. “That’s right. I don’t want to be late.” She walked out the door, but not before something fell out of her purse.

Laughing to myself, I picked it up and threw it on my counter. I’d give her this round, but I wasn’t giving up.

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