Last First Kiss (34 page)

Read Last First Kiss Online

Authors: Lori H. Leger,Kimberly Killion

Tags: #Fiction, #Contemporary Women

BOOK: Last First Kiss
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Not just yet,” she said, unwilling to give up the freedom she had here in this city where no one knew she was Toby’s widow. She pulled away from him and began clearing their dishes from the table.

Red cleared his throat loudly from the hallway, “Hey, you two, is it safe to come in?”

Sure,” Giselle said before he rejoined the couple. The three of them cleaned the kitchen in relaxed conversation. By the time they were done it was nearing seven o’clock.

We need to go, Red. You’ve got a very successful club to run,” Giselle said, gathering her things.

Yes I do, but I’ve got plenty of time and reliable help,” he said.

I think it’s time to go, anyway,” Giselle said, stifling a yawn. “I’m not used to all this late night life.”

They made their way to the front door, and Giselle gave their host a big hug. “Thank you so much, Red. You have no idea how much I needed this.”

I think I do,” he said, as he hugged her back tightly. “You’re welcome here anytime—with Jackson or without—if you ever feel the need to just come by and talk things over.”

And there’s no reason for you to make yourself scarce around Kenton anymore, is there?” she said.

All you have to do is call me. I expect I’ll see a lot more of everyone over there from now on.” He released Giselle and clasped Jackson’s hand in a one handed hug. “I’m happy for you, man,” he murmured into his ear.

Jackson nodded. “I know you are.”

Next weekend your boy, here, will be playing in the company baseball tournament, Red. Sam will be umpiring. You think you can drag your butt out of bed Saturday morning to come watch him?” Giselle asked.

Red flashed his white teeth in a grin. “Try and keep me away!”


Once Giselle was in the cool air conditioning of Jackson’s truck, she could barely hold her eyes open. She tried to make conversation with him for awhile, but he finally told her to recline her seat and take a nap.

Before she knew it, Jackson was waking her with a kiss in the driveway just outside her home. She sat up and blinked several times, trying to shake off her nap. “I really passed out, didn’t I? Swimming always does that to me.”

Along with the dancing and the beer.” He stifled a yawn.

It must have been difficult to stay awake driving.”

Jackson smiled and kissed her lips softly. “Whenever I got sleepy, I’d look over at my precious cargo.” He took her hand and helped her down, then got her bags for her. After she unlocked the door, he set her bags down on the kitchen floor. She told him not to go anywhere, as she walked to the back of the house to pay a visit to the restroom.

Giselle washed her hands then rinsed her mouth out. She fluffed her hair and took out her compact, applied some powder and just a little eyeliner. She hadn’t been gone from Jackson for more than ten minutes. When she walked quietly back into the living room she found him sound asleep on the couch, his long legs stretched out and his head propped on the overstuffed arm. Giselle tiptoed around and kneeled in front of the couch to watch him sleep. She knew there was no way she could ask him to leave and make the drive back home.

She grabbed her bag and snuck back into her bedroom and closed the door. Twenty minutes later, she came out, freshly showered, and dressed in a pair of shorts and a tank top.

Giselle tiptoed back into the living room and found Jackson in the same position. She sat on the edge of the sofa for a moment then took a giant leap forward from her past with Toby as she stretched out alongside Jackson on the couch. She wrapped her arm around his waist and lay there watching him sleep. Giselle gave in to the urge to touch his hair and trace his features with her fingertip. Finally, when she couldn’t stand it any longer, she kissed him on the lips. She kissed him softly at first, then a little firmer when he began to respond. Her arm went around his waist again and suddenly he brought his hand up to her face to cup it lightly as his kiss grew deeper and stronger. Giselle pulled away from the kiss and opened her eyes to see him watching her hungrily.

Hey,” she told him.


She gave him a sheepish grin. “I guess I could have let you sleep, huh?”

I’m glad you didn’t, I only meant to close my eyes for a minute. I took a power nap so I can drive home now.”

Uh uh,” she said. “I won’t risk you falling asleep at the wheel. Think you can handle spending the night here?”

That all depends on where you’ll be.”

Well, I thought I’d stay right here with you if that’s okay. But if you can’t handle it, I’ll move to my own bed.”

You can stay here with me if you behave yourself; otherwise I won’t be able to...ensure your virtue,” he finished.

She smiled as he brought his free left hand up to lightly caress her face and trace her features. He pulled her head to him and began to run his fingers through her silky hair. Every movement of his fingers diffused the soft floral scent of her shampoo.

Mmmm, you smell delicious. You must have showered.”

Yeah, chlorine and hair highlights aren’t a good combination. Did you want to shower?” she asked him.

He nodded. “Would you mind? That might even wake me up enough to go home tonight.”

No,” she said, pressing him back against the sofa. “You don’t need to take a shower—you’re fine like you are.”

Jackson laughed as she pushed at him. “Whoa, I gotta admit it’s nice to be wanted. Okay, I’ll stay, but we need to get to sleep. Can you manage to keep your hands off of me long enough for that?”

I’ll try,” she said, rolling her eyes and turning around so that her back was to his front. She wiggled and squirmed until she felt him, hard and insistent, on her lower back. She gasped as Jackson released a low groan.

For God’s sake, Giselle, this is only gonna work if you quit that damn squirming and keep some distance between us.”

Sorry,” she said, as she pulled forward just a bit, until she couldn’t feel him
, anymore. “That’s umm...that’s really quite impressive, Jackson,” she said. This time it wasn’t just her face, but her entire body that burned, and not from embarrassment, but need.

Uh...thank you?” he said, sounding uncomfortable.

You’re welcome.”
As well as endowed
, she thought, resisting the urge to push back against him...hard. “Maybe I should go sleep in my bed and leave you alone,” she said, trying to sit up.

He laid an arm heavily on her shoulder. “Stay where you are. What do you want to do tomorrow?”

She smiled at his effort to change the subject. As unwilling as she was to let it go, she did so for his sake. “Ride your bike again?”

If that’s what the lady wants, that’s what we’ll do,” he said. “Did you call the girls earlier?”

Yep, but Gwen said they’d passed out watching a movie they’d rented on the hotel television. They had a full day at the water park today,” she said, yawning.

The comments got fewer and farther between the two of them as they both finally drifted off into an exhausted sleep.





Jackson dreamed that Giselle was asleep in his arms. The scent of her shampoo tantalized his sense of smell as soft curls tickled his chin. When she shifted, he could smell the soft, floral scent of her perfume. In his dream, she slowly drew her knee up and rubbed her delectably long thigh over the tops of his legs, until it rested on his groin.

Oh boy...not a dream
. His eyes flew open as he struggled to get his bearings. He was on a very comfortable sofa, with Giselle sprawled out on top of him, her head on his chest, and his right arm wrapped around her shoulders. If she hadn’t yet felt his reaction to her close proximity, she would soon enough. He rubbed his hand softly along her shoulder and then began rubbing her back with light circular motions. She moaned, but didn’t awaken. He raised his hand to her hair and began running his fingers through it, trying to tame the unruly curls. She moved her leg again, causing an even more intense reaction from that area. Her leg froze and he could feel her entire body tense up as she awoke and realized what was happening. She slowly raised her knee and moved it down the length of his thigh without touching it, until her leg rested on the sofa cushion.

Too late,” he murmured. “Newton’s third law...”

What?” she mumbled.

For every action there’s an equal and opposite reaction.”

She looked down at his significant
and blushed. “Sorry about that.”

Don’t apologize. This is the best dream I’ve ever had.”

She giggled. “It’s not a dream.”

Then it’s the best morning I’ve ever had.” He pulled her close. “Good morning beautiful. How’d you sleep?”

Good, once I finally fell asleep. What time is it?”

He hit the backlight button on his watch. “6:05...When will the kids be back?”

Late this afternoon. I haven’t spoken to them since yesterday morning.” She stretched slowly and sensuously next to Jackson, raising her arms and arching her back.

Mmmm. You stretch like a cat...a long, sleek, sexy cat.”

You think I’m sexy?”

He groaned deep in his throat then pulled her knee to its former position, where the evidence still existed.

Hmmm...” she purred.

Uh huh.” He removed her knee again. “Are we ready to ‘come out’ in the light of day yet?” he asked.

She bit her bottom lip. “Jackson, when’s the last time you lived in a small town?”

Never, but I hope to one day,” he said hopefully.

Let me tell you something about small towns. Word gets around fast and gossips can be ruthless and cruel. Adults talk, and kids overhear, and then kids talk. As cruel as adults can be, that’s nothing compared to how cruel children can be. How would you feel if the child of some gossip went to school and said something to upset Lex or Mac? Something like ‘My mom said that your mom shouldn’t be dating already...Your daddy has only been dead seven months.’”

Kids aren’t that mean, are they?” he asked.

Children don’t understand how badly they’re hurting someone. Believe me, Jackson. I’ve seen it.”

Okay, we’ll be discreet, if that’s what you want.”

Thank you. Now, I don’t know about you, but I sure need some coffee.” She got up from the sofa. “Are you hungry? I’ll cook breakfast,” she said.

I’m starving. You mind if I take a quick shower first?”

Not at all. How does bacon and eggs sound?”

Like heaven.” He kissed her then went to get his bag.


Twenty minutes later, Jackson emerged from the bathroom freshly shaved, and showered. “Mmmm…smells good in here.”

Sit down, here’s your coffee, and here’s your breakfast.” She set down a plate of crispy bacon and scrambled eggs.

Thanks, I’m starving.”

They ate a leisurely breakfast while discussing the girls. “They only have two more weekends before school starts again.”

Already? This summer flew by, didn’t it?”

Jackson cleaned the kitchen while Giselle went to change her clothes. She applied a little make up, fixed her hair, and finished with a light spray of perfume. When she walked back into the kitchen, Jackson stood at the counter watching the slideshow on the digital picture frame. She walked up to him and put her arm around his waist.

I hope you don’t mind,” he said, “I love these shots.”

I took those the day before he died,” Giselle said, reaching out to touch the frame.

You, Carrie, and I worked late on that turn lane project,” he said. “I remember.”

I came home and asked Lexie where her daddy was. She said he was ‘outside burning the steaks’ like it was the most natural thing in the world.”

Jackson chuckled. “The girls have wonderful memories of him, but it’s up to the rest of us to make sure they keep them.”

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