Read Last Kiss Online

Authors: Dominique Adair

Last Kiss (5 page)

BOOK: Last Kiss
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“I missed you,” he growled.

A laugh bubbled in her throat. “And I, you.”

“Come.” He glanced around the outdoor party before meeting her gaze. “Let us find someplace quiet.”

She nodded and, together, they turned and arm in arm, walked toward the doors and the gardens outside.

“Did you see
?” Sabrina said in a mock-stage whisper.

“I most certainly did,” her twin Serena said, the laughter evidence in her voice. “You, my dear, were just kicked to the curb.”

Elaine’s grip tightened on Alexei’s waist. He’d claimed her in front of the entire assemblage. She considered herself a liberated, modern woman, but there was something to be said for caveman tactics and she couldn’t deny the thrill that possessed her as he kissed her.

The sounds of the party faded as they entered the formal gardens. Tiki torches were positioned at regular intervals along the path, lighting the way through the darkness. The scent of night blooming jasmine and lavender swirled about her head as he led her toward the small gazebo in the center of the garden.

Her heart thudded painfully in her chest as he drew her into the shadowed interior and into his arms. His mouth was soft, warm as he kissed her. His touch tender, worshipful. Gone was the man staking a public claim. Here was Alexei, simply a man.

Her hands stole about his waist as he kissed her, seduced her senses and sent her mind twirling into oblivion. He nibbled her mouth as he removed her shawl to stroke her shoulders through the linen.

He broke the kiss and leaned his forehead against hers. “I want you,” he breathed.

“You can have me.” She pressed a kiss on his chin, noting that he’d shaved recently.

A shudder ran through him and he kissed the edge of her jaw before leaning down to nibble on her neck. Nimble fingers ran along the edge of her exposed bosom. “You look lovely,” he mumbled against her flesh.

“I think it’s false advertising.”

He gave a startled laugh, then gave her a hug. “There is nothing false about you, my dear.”

Oh, I wouldn’t be so sure about that…

Elaine pushed the intrusive thought away as she curled her fingers in his shirtfront to pull him into a kiss that was sensual. He was fully aroused, his erection strained against her belly. She was hungry for him, aching and empty. A gush of warm wetness between her thighs had her straining upward so that she could cradle his hardness where she needed him so badly. Her breasts grew taut, her nipples hard, her skin slick with need.

Alexei backed her against one of the gazebo supports, pinning her against the column with his big body. He broke the kiss, his breathing harsh as he leaned into her. Catching her thigh, he lifted her leg, hooking it over his hip. Her breath left her in a rush as he thrust against her mons, sending a rush of heat straight to her toes.

“I can smell your arousal,” he breathed.

She moaned as he dipped his fingers into her corset, teasing her nipples with his fingernails. His scent swirled about her head, hot and musky, blending with the perfumes from the garden blooms.

“And I can smell yours.” She nipped his jaw.

He growled, thwarted from touching her by her tight-fitting corset. “I need this off.”

She gave a throaty chuckle. “That may take a while.”

“No, it won’t.” He withdrew the knife from his waistband.

She tensed, relaxing only when he examined the laces of the corset. “You’ll ruin it.”

“I’ll buy you a dozen more just like it.”

Elaine was amazed at the speed with which he handled the knife. Within a few seconds, he’d cut the laces in the back and the corset fell away, her once-mountainous bosom resuming its former position. Already she missed her abundant cleavage.

Stripping the linen aside, he cupped his hands over her breasts as she sighed with delight. He wrapped an arm around her backside and lifted her higher, his mouth hungry on her exposed skin. He sucked at her flesh, her fingers curling in his hair, holding him tightly to her as wave after wave of sensation rocketed through her.

Abruptly, he released her and set her on her feet. She leaned against the column, barely able to stand, her senses in turmoil. She watched with drugged eyes as he tore his pants open and released his turgid staff. In the dimness of the gazebo, she couldn’t see him well. He was but a shade among the shadows. But she knew his proportions well as she’d dreamed of him while sleeping. She heard the tear of foil and the soft snap of latex, then he reached for her again, twining her skirt in his fist.

He tore her panties from her unresisting body before he picked her up, resuming their former position. She arched her hips, his fingers moving over her damp flesh until he found her opening, then he sank one finger deep. She moaned, her hips moving against his invasion. She shuddered, her fingers digging into his hair as he stroked, preparing her for his entry. When he could stand no more, he removed his hand and replaced it with the broad head of his erection.

She moaned as he pushed into her, stretching her heated flesh with his. With slow, stroking motions, he entered her, each motion taking him deeper than the last. She moaned, pressing against him, wanting him deeper, yet fearing she wouldn’t be able to take him. To her amazement, he sank deep, his breathing harsh in her ear.

His grip tightened on her hips, arching her to take his thrust as he began to move. She was open, vulnerable as he pressed into her. The inexorable rush of desire swept over her, her body straining against his as a low cry built with the tension in her body.

Then a shudder swept her body as her orgasm burst through her. It was so strong that reality faded away and there was only Alexei and herself. On and on she spasmed until she triggered his release as well. Head thrown back, a cry burst from his mouth, his grip punishing on her hips as they traveled to the heavens together.

* * * * *

“We’re missing the party.”

Alexei watched as his woman took a bite from a slice of fresh peach. A single drop of juice glistened on her lip and he fought the urge to lick the sweetness from her skin. Instead, he propped his head on his hand, comfortable in her spacious bed.

“Are you sorry you’re missing it?”

Elaine licked her lips and shook her head. “Not a bit.” She selected a ripe strawberry from the bowl of fruit. “Are you?”

“Not in the slightest.” He smiled. “I’d much rather be here with you.”

A soft blush stole across her cheeks as she chewed. They’d removed their masks hours ago and he couldn’t stop staring at her. The golden glow of candles scattered around the room made her skin appear golden. Her hair was unbound, the thick sable locks below her shoulders in waves of silk. Her deep green eyes were dark and surrounded by thick lashes. Her mouth was full, her lower lip soft from his kisses.

She wore a silk robe while he remained bare to her gaze. He’d been sorry she’d elected to don the garment but he didn’t want to push her. Soon enough, she’d feel comfortable to remain nude with him and he was a patient man.

“You’re staring again,” she said.

“I can’t help it, you’re beautiful.”

She dipped another berry into a bowl of whipped cream. “No, I’m not.” She licked the white blob with tiny cat-like motions.

His groin tightened as he thought about her licking him the same way. “Why do women always say that?”

She dipped her berry in the cream once more. “I don’t know why other woman say it.” She shrugged. “I am what I am. I can’t take responsibility for genetics.”

“Is your mother beautiful?”

“Was. She was very beautiful.” Elaine licked the berry clean before taking a small bite. “She was a singer and she met my father on Broadway. Oh, the scandal of it all…” Her eyes gleamed with amusement

“Do tell.” He wanted to know everything about her. Her past, her lovers, her family, her dreams as a child, her favorite color and what delights her future held.

“My mother was Rachel White and her stage name was Rachel Martin. She was a chorus girl in New York in the late fifties. She worked hard and was finally awarded a part in
Fiddler on the Roof.
It was during this stage production that she met my father.” She tossed the stem on the tray, her nose crinkling in his direction. “Are you sure I won’t bore you with this?”

He shook his head. “Please, continue.”

“My father was the heir to a bread fortune or a fortune in bread, depending upon how you want to look at it. You’ve heard of Downing Mills?”

He hadn’t, but he nodded in agreement anyway.

“He was born with the proverbial silver spoon in his mouth. He and some college friends escaped from their dorm rooms and came into the city. He took one look at Rachel and that was it. He fell madly in love and set out to possess her.” She selected another berry. “He sent her flowers, gifts, came to see her every weekend and they called each other every other day. They were married eight months after meeting.”

“Were they happy?”

She turned the fruit over in her hands, her expression thoughtful. “What’s happy? They had one child—me. They lived a life of wealth and privilege, but my mother never forgot where she came from. My father’s family looked down on her for being an actress and I think that bothered her a lot.” She shrugged. “She loved my father and she loved me. But I always had the impression she felt she was missing something in her life. Maybe she should have continued with her acting? She talked about doing some small roles, but never got the chance. She was killed when I was thirteen.”

He brushed his fingers over her knee. “I’m sorry.”

She tossed the berry onto the tray untouched. “It seems like a lifetime ago.”

“Doesn’t lessen the pain any. What happened to your father?”

“He remarried and has a new family. Three girls and a boy.”

He stroked the tender skin of her inner knee as he spoke. “Do you see them?”

“Several times a year. Father moved them to California, said he couldn’t stay in New York any longer. There were too many memories on every corner.”

“What happened to little Elaine?”

The smile she gave him threatened to curl his toes. “Little Elaine grew up to become devastatingly beautiful.” She rose to her knees and moved closer. ”She became a legend with scads of handsome lovers…” She rolled him onto his back and slipped her leg over his, seating herself across his thighs. “All of whom she cast—” She dipped her head and pressed kisses to his chest as she spoke “—aside, one by one.”

He chuckled and laid his hands over her knees. “Is that so?”

She raised her head and gave him a devilish grin. “Mmm, until now, at least.”

“That’s reassuring.” He stretched to give her better access as she nibbled her way south. His breath caught as her hair brushed his groin.

There was something almost painfully erotic about watching a woman pleasure her man. His eyes narrowed as she nipped the sensitive area just below his belly button. Her fingers curled around his cock and his eyes almost crossed with the power of lust. He murmured his acceptance and his eyes slid closed, giving himself over to her magic touch.

Her tongue rimmed his sensitive head and he fought the urge to lunge for her when she stroked a particularly sensitive spot. Sensation curled in his stomach as she licked his cock, her touch soft yet assured.

She paused, then something cool touched him and his eyes flew open.

Elaine held the bowl of whipped cream and was liberally coating the head of his cock with the mixture. Once covered, she put the bowl back. After licking her fingers clean, she picked up the bowl of chocolate syrup. Dipping her fingers, she then drizzled the liquid over the tower of white, laughing as his cock twitched, threatening to topple its white covering.

“Are you quite through?” he asked, amused in spite of himself.

“Not yet.” She licked her fingers clean again and reached for the bowl of fruit, extracting a cherry. She placed it on top where it wobbled precariously. “Now I’m done.” She shot him a heated smile. “I guess dessert is on you this time around.” She lowered her head.

“Take your robe off,” he said.

Her brow rose, her gaze heated as she tugged the silk tie and the material slid open to reveal her body. Her breasts were firm and high, her skin creamy pale and the small raspberry-colored heart-shaped birthmark stood in relief against her pale skin.

His throat tightened. She had the birthmark. She was The One.

Her hips were slim, her legs long and strong as she tossed the robe out of her way. A soft thatch of dark hair covered her feminine mound, mere inches from his cream-coated cock.

She leaned forward to nibble the warming cream and he suppressed a groan as her lips brushed the sensitive underside of his head and she lapped at the melting cream and chocolate.

“Mmm,” she purred. “Delicious. I could eat this all night long.”

He groaned. There was no way he’d last all night, not at this rate. She licked him clean, taking small cat-like laps as she cleaned him from root to head before taking him fully into her mouth. He was so big that she couldn’t take much, but she made good use of her hand and, within minutes, he was straining beneath her.

“Elaine, I’m going to explode,” he rasped.

She made quick work of a condom before rising over him, her slender fingers guiding him to her damp entrance. He dug his heels into the bed as she rubbed the broad head of his cock against her slick opening. Her eyes closed, her expression rapturous as she rocked her hips. Positioning him, she sank, his fists clenching as she clasped him in her honeyed heat.

He slid his hands to her waist as she moved slowly, languorously. Bracing her hands against his chest, she rode him to completion. Her orgasm triggering his, their cries mingling as he came in slow spurts, from deep inside his gut.

He managed to open his eyes as she sank to his chest with a sigh. Wrapping his arms around her, he rubbed her spine in a long slow sweep, complete for the first time in half a century.

Chapter 5

Silently cursing, Alexei reluctantly slipped from her bed. The sky outside her window ripened with the coming morning and he had to remove himself to his lair within minutes or face the painful consequences.

Nude, he gathered his scattered clothing, tossing it carelessly over his arm as he moved about the room. His fingertips brushed the stiff velvet corset and he picked it up. Her scent rose from the fabric as a stab of desire shot to his loins. His fist knotted around the hard plastic stays. He raised the corset to his nose, inhaling her perfume, the scent of her skin. A soft shudder ran through him and his arm dropped as if his muscles were suddenly unable to support even the slight weight of the garment.

He’d always been weak where she was concerned. With each incarnation, his desire for her grew and each time he lost her, he’d been devastated. No matter how hard he’d tried, he’d never succeeded in saving her life. With each loss, he’d lost another piece of himself until he often wondered if anything remained of the human he’d once been.

He dropped the corset on the back of a chair and looked at his lover. Elaine lay on her stomach, the covers twisted about her long legs, her back exposed. Her hair was tangled from his fingers as they’d made love, her lips swollen from his kisses. Rosy with life, her skin glowed with contentment.

His lips tightened. She was his, for now and forever and, this time, he was determined to never lose her.

* * * * *

The low throbbing in her head took her from sleep to full wakefulness in seconds. Elaine opened her eyes, her heart constricting at the dimness in the room. A cry locked in her throat as she sat up in her nest of silken sheets and her hand moved to her forehead where the grinding pain was centered.


Her knees collapsed as she tried to get to her feet and she slid to a heap on the floor by the bed. Her hands shook uncontrollably as tears of desperation filled her eyes.

Not now, not yet.

Threatened tears spilled over and she covered her eyes with her fists, trying to stop the tide. Alexei’s scent swirled about her, filling her with a sense of yearning so powerful that she nearly crumpled beneath the onslaught. For a split second, she failed to breathe, her heart thudding so hard she thought it might explode from her chest. What she wouldn’t give to have his arms around her for five more minutes more. A bitter laugh escaped her. Who was she kidding? Five years in his arms would never be enough.

BOOK: Last Kiss
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