Late Nights

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Authors: Marie Rochelle

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Late Nights

The Williams Sisters Book Two























Marie Rochelle

Published by Phaze Books

By Marie Rochelle


Alpha Male Incorporated: Under Your Protection

Alpha Male Incorporated: Access Granted

A Taste of Love: Richard

Closer to You: Lee

My Deepest Love: Zack

More Than Friends: Brad


Caught 2: Ajana’s Return


All the Fixin’

Crossing the Railroad

A Rancher’s Promise

The Men of CCD: Slow Seduction

The Men of CCD: Loving True

The Men of CCD: Help Wanted

Lucky Charms

Hunks: Too Hot to Touch

Hunks: Opposite Attraction

Hunks: Pulled Over

Me & Mrs. Jones

Taken by Storm

The Men of CCD: Tempting Turner

Roped Into You

So Much Better

Bikers & Bars: Dante’s Way


Alpha Male Incorporated: Take Control

Final Delivery

Stormy Weather


This is an explicit and erotic novel

intended for the enjoyment

of adult readers. Please keep

out of the hands of children.

Late Nights

Copyright © 2015 by Marie Rochelle



Cover Art © 2015 by Niki Browning


First Edition July 2015

Trade Paperback ISBN: 978-1-60659-838-2

Ebook ISBN: 978-1-60659-837-5



Published by:

Phaze Books

An imprint of Celeritas Unlimited LLC

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To LB:

Thank you so much for giving the love of reading at a very early age.




Chapter One



I swear, sometimes I wish I was an only child,
Sasha Williams thought
She really didn’t need Akisha or Genise. The only sister she would think about keeping was Rachelle, because they were more alike than the other two were.

Why couldn’t Akisha or Genise have volunteered to do this instead of her? Both of them came up with stupid excuses.

Moving the cell phone away from her ear, she glared at it before hitting the end button and tossing it back into her purse, which lay on the bed near her. She couldn’t believe her sisters were ignoring her phone calls.

Neither one of them wasted time by staying in bed late. They were usually up and ready for their days by five o’clock. Now, they were either asleep or too busy to take her calls?

She expected them to act like this with her, but not Rachelle. Her big sister always answered when she called, no matter the time of day. Yet, everything changed when Rachelle married Cash Garon. Even now, it was hard for Sasha to grasp that her sister wasn’t single anymore, but happily married.

Eighteen months ago, the usually level-headed Rachelle met Cash while he was staying at their inn,
. It was like she got shot by Cupid’s arrow—straight through the heart, and love at first sight had taken over both of them. Well, that was the way Rachelle explained her quickie marriage to the family.

Truthfully, Rachelle hadn’t known her new husband more than forty-eight hours before she’d fallen in love with him. If she believed magic spells were real, Sasha would have truly believed Cash cast one on her sister, like in an episode of

Once her formerly workaholic sister got the huge diamond wedding ring on her finger, Rachelle instantly stopped checking in at work—worrying her little sister—and got her own life. Her past life and responsibilities were thrown out the window when she became Mrs. Cash Garon.

So what?
Rachelle was on her honeymoon. She still had family who cared about her. She shouldn’t have to blow them off in order to please Cash.

Can Rachelle really not spare a few minutes to answer her phone messages, especially if they’re from me?
No was the answer.

Before leaving, Rachelle told her that she decided to extend her cruise from two weeks to an entire month. Sasha was thrust into her sister’s shoes because she was oldest of the triplets. At this moment, Sasha felt like she was unfairly forced into something she really didn’t want.

Sasha hated trying to keep up with Akisha and Genise’s daily routines. Her siblings weren’t paying attention to one word coming out of her mouth. They thought she was too pushy and walked away from her any chance they got.

All of them should have stepped up and shared the responsibility of running the inn, but there was no way her sisters would think about doing that for her. They were more worried about themselves. Now, she wondered if Rachelle felt like this. They wouldn’t answer her phone calls because they were
too busy.


God, she didn’t have a clue what Akisha and Genise were doing this morning. She wouldn’t be able to do her job correctly until she got a hold of them. Sometimes she really hated how selfish they were when it came to their family business.

Akisha and Genise were wonderful little sisters most of the time, but they had problems keeping their competitive streaks to a minimum. They were always looking for ways to outdo each other, which led them constantly to argue. Sure, sibling rivalry was okay, but when it came to them they could go overboard with it.

Why couldn’t Rachelle be here instead of away having fun on her honeymoon? Sasha desperately needed someone to confide in. Her big sister gave the best advice, even when Sasha was too stubborn to accept it and wanted to do things her way.

Without a doubt, the first words out of Rachelle’s mouth would be for her to stop stressing over the small things. She couldn’t help it, she liked everything to be seamless and in its place, because when nothing was cluttered her daily life ran more smoothly.

Deciding to give her sisters another call, Sasha grabbed her cell phone out of her purse. She tried Genise first and still didn’t get an answer.
Forget Genise
. She would try Akisha. She quickly dialed her other sister’s number and got the same result as last time…no answer.

Great! She knew they were ignoring her on purpose. Wait until she saw them again. She was going to give them a piece of her mind.

Genise and Akisha didn’t seem to be aware she knew them like the back of her hand. Rachelle was blind to how truly blessed she was not to be included in the unique, and sometimes unwanted, bond triplets shared.

Damn it!

Fine. If her sisters were doing something else and didn’t want to speak with her, she wouldn’t bother them. Probably an hour or two from now, they'd be calling her nonstop with some kind of problem.

Of course, they would expect her to drop everything she was doing to help them. They would be in for a huge surprise—she would be in the driver’s seat then and would determine if their problems were important enough for her to deal with.

Leaving her bedroom at the back of the house, Sasha made her way down the hall towards the front. In the living room, she stopped by the side of the couch and grabbed her briefcase off the seat. All the time she wasted trying to contact her siblings put her in a bad mood, but she didn’t want to make it worse by being late for work.

She had to get her ass in gear because she had to get there early to prepare for her meeting with her boss, Sterling Hamilton. Sasha prayed nothing went wrong with the new promotional campaign Sterling was marketing for his business. He had been working night and day to get everything ready to make this a huge triumph.

The last thing she wanted to do was get on his bad side by being late the day it launched. This was the first time she would be there to watch and see if the diversity training she had taught would take effect. If not, she would have to think of another angle to approach his employees.

Sliding her purse over her shoulder, Sasha took one final glance around the house. She left the house, slamming the front door to make sure it locked automatically behind her. On the way to her car, Sasha tried not to fantasize about her handsome boss, but it was hard to keep the man off her mind.

His compelling blue eyes, the firm features of his face and chiseled jaw line, and beautifully proportioned body had made him a permanent fixture in her head and nightly dreams since their first meeting. Her attraction to Sterling totally hit her out of the blue because she wasn’t normally drawn to white men. Every single one of her past boyfriends had been African American.

She never saw herself as one of those women who crushed on their bosses, until
. Sterling came into her life and, as much as wanted to, she couldn’t stop being fascinated by him.

Every time his gaze met hers, her heart skipped a beat and she barely got two words out of her mouth. All of those public speaking classes she took in college went to waste any time he unexpectedly walked into the room.

Of course, she had jobs in the past and her former male bosses were
attractive white men, but it never crossed her mind to date any of them. She never saw any of them as potential boyfriends.

Yet, for some odd reason, Sterling was completely different from them. She loved being around him any chance she got and when she wasn’t, a piece of her was gone. She'd miss his deep, coaxing voice and staring into his beautiful eyes and getting a whiff of his expensive cologne.

Okay! Stop it!

Sterling Hamilton was her employer and nothing else. It didn’t matter in the least that he made her heart race every time she heard his voice in the hallway at work. She wasn’t going to turn into Rachelle and end up falling in love with a man she barely knew. Hell, even Akisha was hung up on her boss, Ethan Newman, and it wasn’t going good for her at all.

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