Lavender Oil (23 page)

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Authors: Julia Lawless

BOOK: Lavender Oil
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After removing a splinter, always apply a drop of lavender oil to prevent infection. Splinters can be dangerous if they do become infected – often because a small portion of the splinter remains embedded in the skin.

If the splinter is infected, sore and with pus: clean the area gently, apply pure lavender oil, then cover with a clay poultice or plaster (adhesive bandage) and leave for 2 hours to help draw it out. Remove the splinter with a pair of tweezers – repeat the procedure if this does not work – then apply a few drops of lavender and cover with a plaster (adhesive bandage).

Other oils of benefit: tea tree, chamomile (for inflammation).




As an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent, lavender is useful for treating sprains.

Prepare a cold compress to which a few drops of lavender (or chamomile) have been added, apply to the injury. Repeat as often
as possible to reduce the swelling. Do
massage the injured area; wrap it in a bandage and rest as much as possible.


‘Stress’ is not an illness as such but a ‘multi-dimensional syndrome’ which can cause a wide range of physical ailments and psychological problems ranging from high blood-pressure, headaches or digestive complaints to feelings of constant tiredness, depression or nervous anxiety. Stress also weakens the immune system and, in the long term, makes an individual more susceptible to all kinds of disease.

Recent research indicates that stress is most probably a causative factor or a trigger for many of the so-called ‘civilization’ diseases such as cancer, ME, stroke, and AIDS. Material proof of the widespread sense of ‘dis-ease’ experienced today is shown by the high consumption of tranquillizers and stimulants, although it is well known that addiction, toxicosis and other side-effects can be caused by these drugs if they are taken regularly.

Any treatment which can help to de-stress or revitalize the organism without producing detrimental side-effects is, therefore, of great value.

The possibility of applying new therapies to these widespread psychoneurosis is therefore of considerable importance … essential oils that are employed in aromatherapy, in the appropriate doses, are harmless to the organism and do not cause troubles like those produced by the ordinary psychological drugs. Very conclusive experiments in this
direction have been carried out in various clinics for nervous diseases, on patients affected by hysteria or psychic depression.

Stress-related problems are an area in which aromatherapy enjoys a great deal of success, due to the powerful combination of touch and smell. During a massage, the essential oils themselves also interact with and de-stress the body in two ways: through inhalation (primarily psychological effects) and through dermal absorption (primarily physiological effects). By easing the problem at its source, rather than by treating the individual symptoms, aromatherapy is especially valuable for those who suffer from a number of different responses to stress simultaneously. In the words of Dr Ann Coxon:

For instance, a person who has a difficult ongoing life situation, who has high blood-pressure which needs one set of tablets, indigestion requiring another set of tablets, back pain that would actually be contra-indicated in view of the indigestion, and so on. One could go on with that patient forever. And they invariably end up with 15 pots of tablets, total confusion and a sense of dependency on the doctors. Obviously, the approach of holistic treatment is to help enable people to manage their primary life situation, and the ability of aromatherapy to get at the knot, at the stress reaction itself within the body without using yet more pharmacological treatment is terribly important.

Lavender is possibly the most useful oil employed in this context because of its regulating effect on the nervous functions and its versatile nature. Indeed, lavender is indicated for all the symptoms mentioned above, for it reduces blood-pressure (especially in combination with massage), eases back pain, soothes indigestion and reduces any emotional anxiety. It is in such cases that lavender really comes into its own!

Use lavender in baths, vaporizers, massage, perfumes, etc. for its de-stressing effects.

For specific symptoms, see
High Blood-pressure
Mood Swings/Hysteria


Due to its excellent healing and analgesic properties, lavender can provide instant relief from heat rash or red and sore skin – it can also prevent blistering.

For large areas, make up a lotion using 12 drops of lavender oil in 1 tbsp of distilled water (or a water-based gel to which 5–10 per cent lavender oil has been added) and dab the area gently.

For severe patches of sunburn apply lavender oil neat.

Other measures: soaking in a lukewarm bath containing 6–8 drops of lavender or chamomile roman is very soothing; tea tree is
also a very effective sunburn remedy when used in the same manner as lavender.

See also

Ulcers (Varicose and Tropical)

Varicose ulcers can form on the lower legs when the veins are not functioning properly, often as a result of varicose veins. Elderly people are particularly prone to this condition, especially if they suffer from poor circulation – some merely have to scratch the skin on their lower legs to develop a sore which can be very slow to heal.

Patient with a long-standing varicose ulcer. All else had failed. [Treated with lavender.] Healed in 17 days.

Tropical ulcers (also known as ‘naga sores’) usually occur in hot, humid climates. Again a large painless sore develops, often on the feet or legs, due to a bacterial infection, poor nutrition or environmental factors.

Gattefossé and Valnet used lavender successfully for the treatment of ulcers (see

Infected ulcerated lesion of the lower third of the left leg. 24th December first application of lavender. 31st December: improvement the purulent suppurating base was granulating and pink. By 16th
January, the sore was half its original size. By 10th February, it had healed completely.

As a preventative measure, apply a 5 per cent lavender cream/oil (see instructions
) to the lower legs on a daily basis.

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