Layayoga: The Definitive Guide to the Chakras and Kundalini (94 page)

BOOK: Layayoga: The Definitive Guide to the Chakras and Kundalini
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Buddhi    Intellective mind.

Chakra    A subtle circular organization, containing mahabhuta, tanmatra, prana wayu and sensory principle, and situated within the body, not as a part of the material body but as a supramaterial power-centre, only ‘seen’ in thought concentration.

Chandra pranayama    Left-nostril inspiratory breath-control.

Chandra-danda    Brahma nadi.

Chandra-mandala    Indu chakra.

Charana    A system of skeletal muscular contraction and control; muscular control.

Chirishka    Volition.

Chitrini    The third inner force-motion-line within the sushumna, in which the chakras are strung.

Chitta    Sense-consciousness; perceptive mind.

Chittakshaya    Absorption of sense-consciousness.

Dahana    Burning.

Daiwa manas    Supernormal mind.

Daiwa prana    Supernormal life-force.

Dewata    Supreme Consciousness-Power in form; deity.

Dharana    Holding-concentration, constituting the 6th stage of the eight-fold yoga (ashtangayoga); the Tantrika term for breath-suspension.

Dhatu    A basic constituent of the body.

Dhi    Concentrative mind; superconsciousness.

Dhyana    Deep concentration, constituting the seventh stage of the eight-fold yoga (ashtaṅgayoga).

Drishi    Insight; intellective vision.

Dwadashantabrahmarandhra    Nirwana chakra.

Ekadhanawarodhana    Bio-energy control.

Ekatanata    Unchanging and uninterrupted, deeply concentrated consciousness.

Gunas    The three primary attributes.

Hridaya    The nonconscious aspect of mind, where post-conscious impressions are stored.

Hridayañjali mudra    A mode of aligning hands and fingers to make them hollow.

Ida and Piṅgala    The two vital force-motion lines or directions, situated on the left and right side of the vertebral column respectively.

Indriya aharana    Pratyahara; sense-withdrawal; sensory control.

Indriya manas    Sense-mind.

Indriya sangharana    The same as Indriya aharana.

Indriya sanniwesha    The same as Indriya aharana.

Indriya-yama    The same as Indriya aharana.

Ishtadewata    A divine form linked to a particular mantra. When the mantra is made living by japa and concentration, that divine form appears and is ‘seen’ in concentration. Also: the thought-form of Shiwa-shakti as an object of concentration.

Ishwara    The Supreme Consciousness in whom both yoga-power and pranic energy are in harmony, but who has full control over prana and has power to transform prana into mind-body.

Jalandhara    Chin-lock.

Japa    Mantra-practice, that is, the repetition of a mantra (a particular sound-form), verbally, in a low voice or mentally.

Jiwa    The embodied being.

Jñanatman    Sense-consciousness and intellect; perceptive mind; perceptive consciousness; chitta.

Jñanendriyas    Senses.

Kala    Time principle.

Kala    Life principle.

Kama    Desire.

Kamakala    Coiled creative omnipotency in sound-form ; the principle of the actualization of the power as sound in a triangular process; an aspect of the supremely concentrated prana as bindu power, endowed with the capacity of transforming pranic force into pranawa, which releases fifty mantra-sound units as matrika and from which the universe of mind-matter comes into being.

Kama-wayu    Desire-radiating power.

Kanchupas    The powers of limitation which arise from maya.

Kanda-mula (or kanda)    Force-concentration centre from which all nadis originate; an oval-shaped, subtle, central nadi-root from which all nadis originate and which is situated inside the coccyx, just below the muladhara.

Kanda-sthana    An oval-shaped subtle space in the perineal region having a twelve-petalled centre.

Karana-samaharana    Pratyahara; sense-withdrawal; sensory control.

Karmendriyas    Conative faculties.

Kewala    Non-inspiratory-non-expiratory suspension.

Kewala kumbhaka    Automatic breath-suspension caused by pranayamic breathing and deep concentration ; non-inspiratory-non-expiratory suspension.

Khechari mudra    An advanced control exercise, by which a latent form of existence is achieved.

Kratu    Conative impulse.

Kriti    Conation.

Kula    Kundalini; the muladhara chakra.

Kulakundalini    Kundalini, when in the muladhara centre.

Kumbhaka    Breath-suspension.

Kundalini    Power-Consciousness dormant at the senso-intellective levels of consciousness, but realizable at the superconscious level.

Kundalini-kapaka    Door of Kundalini, that is, the entrance to sushumna.

Kundalirandhra-kanda    Wajra nadi.

Kundali-sthana    The seat of Kundalini in latent form, that is, in the muladhara centre.

Laya    Deep absorptive concentration.

Layakriya    Absorption process; absorptive concentration.

Liṅga-form    A form which is thicker at its base and gradually tapers to become a point at its apex. Concentration starts at the base and gradually, as it becomes deeper, it automatically passes towards the apex, where concentration is the deepest. So the liṅga-form is an appropriate form for the development of concentration.

Madhyama    Subliminal.

Mahabhuta    Metamatter. It is that aspect of matter which lies beyond the boundary of elementary particles and anu-point.

Mahakulakundalini    Mahakundalini, when residing in the muladhara centre as Kulakundalini.

Mahakundali    Mahakundalini.

Mahakundalini    Supreme Power in its supreme spiritual aspect.

Mahalaya    Supreme absorptive concentration, leading to asamprajñata samadhi,

Mahan    I-less supervast consciousness.

Mahan Manas    Superconscious mind.

Mahanada-wayu    Pranic force, exercising great control, which effects natural breath-suspension; suspensive power of great control.

Mahayoga    Supreme yoga; the original yoga, consisting of eight fundamental practices, termed ashtaṅgayoga; asamprajñata samadhi.

Manana    Intellection.

Manas    Will-mind; sense-mind; the sixth sense; subconscious mind; also mind as a whole—usually termed antahmanas or antahkarana—of which manas as sense-mind is a part.

Manas mandala    Manas chakra.

Manas tattwa    Principle of mind; mind as a whole.

Manas-nirodhana    Sense-mind control.

Manasa-radiation    Subconscious radiation.

Manasyana    Will

Manasyana manas    Will-mind.

Manisha    Higher intellection; deeper thought-intellection ; superintellect.

Mantra-chaitanya    The process of life-impartation to a waikhari-mantra.

Mati    Thought.

Matrika    All the fifty particularized sound-forms together.

Matrika-unit    A particular sound-form, which constitutes a lettered mantra and is used as a unit.

Matrika-wania    Sound-units.

Maya    The specific power of Supreme Power as negato-positivity, by which it is possible to manifest a limited phenomenon, such as the universe, in the unlimited sphere of Supreme Consciousness; negato-positivity.

Medha    Retentive power.

Mitahara    Moderation in eating.

Mudra    Control exercise.

Mulabandha    Anal-lock.

Mulamantra    A special mantra given by the guru directly to a disciple in initiation; the basic mantra.

Nabhichakra    A hen’s-eggs-shaped plexus-like subtle centre from which all nadis originate and ramify in all directions.

Nada    Causal or unmanifest sound; sound-radiating energy-point; sound-power.

Nadi    That which is motional or in motion; a subtle line of direction along which the wayus move, that is, a pranic force-radiation-line. The nadis are no physical channels, neither nerves nor blood-vessels.

Nadi-chakra    The nadi-system, i.e. the system formed by the subtle nadis, which originate from the nabhi-chakra and are distributed all over the body; force-motion field; force-field.

Nadi-kanda    The subtle central aspect of the nadi system.

Nadi-shodhana    Pranic purification.

Nadi-shuddhi    The purification of the subtle wayu (vital)-force operating as nadis, that is, force-motion lines.

Narayana    Supreme Consciousness, beyond creation ; God in his supreme aspect.

Nigraha    Control.

Nirguna-dhyana    Deep concentration without any form.

Nirodhika    Control.

Nirodhika    The power of supreme control.

Nirodhika-wahni    The power of supreme control exhibited by Kundalini.

Nirwana Shakti    All-absorbing Kundali-power.

Nirwanakala    The coiled power which is an aspect of Kundalini, exhibiting absorption-power.

Nirwikala samadhi    A synonym of asamprajñata samadhi, that is, non-mens concentration.

Nishkala    Having no manifestation of Shakti-Power; power absorbed in Shiwa.

Niyama    Observance—the second stage of control or discipline in the eightfold yoga (ashtaṅgayoga).

Niyati    Regulatory principle.

Nyasa    A special method of purification by placing hands on certain parts of the body with appropriate mantras.

Ojas    The basic life-force. It is derived from prana as life-dynamism, and, being infused into matter, transforms it into protoplasm.

Pancha-dharana    Concentration, in conjunction with breath-suspension, on the earth, water, fire, air and void principles in stages, with their bija-mantras, in their appropriate centres.

Para    Supreme.

Parakundali    Supreme Power in its spiritual aspect; Supreme Kundali.

Parama kala    Supreme Kundalini.

Parama Shiwa    Supreme, infinite and whole Consciousness.

Parasharirawesha    A yogic process of entering into another’s dead body to make it alive and functioning.

Pashchima-Liṅga    Swayambhu-Liṅga in the triangle of the muladhara centre. It is Supreme Consciousness in a specific form which shows the process of concentration.

Pashyani    Radiant.

Pinda    Basic force of the body.

Piṅgala    See Ida.

Pitha-shakti    The holding, i.e. the holding-concentration power.

Plawana    Irradiation.

Prajñana    Superconcentratedness; superconsciousness.

Prakriti    The primary principle of force, mind and matter; primus.

Prana, Pranana    Oupanishada terms for expiration.

Prana-apana sangyama    Pranayama; breath control.

Prana-mantra    Mantra in a vitalized form; a living mantra.

Pranana    The central vital force-motion; metabolism.

Pranawa-nada    The sound of the first mantra, Ong.

Prana-wayu(s)    The basic vital force exhibiting functions or motions; different forms of bioenergy.

Pranayama    A system of bio-energy control through short-quick and long-slow breathing and breath-suspension exercises.

Prithiwi mahabhuta    Earth metamatter.

Paraka    Inspiration.

Purusha    Primary consciousness principle.

Raga    Pleasure principle; love.

Ragatmika-bhakti    All-love.

Rajas    The primary energy-principle.

Rasa    The water content of the body, including intracellular fluid, interstitial fluid, lymph, plasma water, and fluids in the cartilage and bone.

Rechaka    Expiration.

Rodha    Control.

Ruchira    Oupanishada term for breath-suspension.

Rudra    Supreme Consciousness, manifesting the power of absorbing the creation; God who absorbs the universe.

Sagarbha    That form of pranayama in which mantra and concentration form parts.

Saguna-dhyana    Deep concentration on a form.

Sahaja state    Samadhi; superconcentration.

Sahita    Inspiratory-expiratory suspension.

Sakala Shiwa    Aroused power, remaining as the being of Shiwa.

Samadhi    Superconcentration.

Samanana    The equilibratory vital force-motion.

Samanya spanda    Basic infinitesimal motion, almost uniform in character.

Samata or Aikya    A state of oneness when the embodied spirit is absorbed into the Supreme Spirit to become one and the same with it.

Samprajñata samadhi    Superconscious concentration.

Samprajñata yoga    Superconscious concentration.

Sangjñana    Consciousness evoked by sensory impulses; the quality of chitta; sense-knowledge.

Sangskaras    Post-conscious and unconscious impressions.

Sangyama    Supercontrol.

Sangyoga    Superunion.

Saraswatt-chalana    A process of muscular motion, consisting of rolling movements of the rectus abdominis muscle from right to left and left to right repeatedly, while assuming the lotus posture and doing sahita suspension with chinlock and anal-contraction. It is specially done for rousing Kundalini.

Sarupa-dhyana    Deep concentration on form.

Sarwabhawatmabhawana    Multiform consciousness.

Sarwa chitta    Multiform consciousness.

Sattwa    The primary sentience-principle.

Shabda tanmatra    Sound tanon.

Shabdabrahman    Kundalinias the source of sound.

Shakti-chakra    Power field.

Shaktichalana    A control process, consisting of the execution of anal-lock and abdomino-retraction in conjunction with the thoracico-short-quick breathing, while assuming the accomplished or adamantine posture. It helps in rousing Kundalini.

Shambhawa sthana    Indu chakra.

Shambhawi    A process of concentration by which the external seeing is transformed into an internal gazing.

Shaṅkhini    Supreme Kundalini in the spiral form, lying above the sahasrara.

Shitali    Lingual breath-control.

Shiwa    Supreme Consciousness.

Shiwa-Shakti    A stage of non-mens concentration in which Shakti as yoga-power, lying in the being of Shiwa, is experienced.

Shoshana    Drying.

Shoucha    Cleanliness, consisting of external baths and internal lavage.

Shukra    The sexual energy which activates the sexual glands of the female and male to produce sexual secretions, both external and internal.

Siddha mantra    A mantra which is living and fully powerful and can accomplish the desired purpose.

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