Leah's Seduction: 1 (Gianni and Leah) (5 page)

BOOK: Leah's Seduction: 1 (Gianni and Leah)
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Chapter 8

Leah hadn’t known a man like Gianni before. Talking with him at dinner, he was like any attractive man. But in many ways he wasn’t. For one thing, he was a sexy hunk that, in her experience, wouldn’t have given her a second glance.

The fact that the relationship seemed to be escalating was beyond her. It was one thing for her to fall at his feet in the lobby of the Empire Hotel, and even to meet him. It was remarkable that he had taken her to his party.

Beyond all that was the fact that he had initiated a sexual relationship. With her. And what he’d made her feel by barely touching her was more than any other man had made her feel before. It excited her, and stirred feelings she wasn’t sure she could cope with.

Touching her intimately, grazing her jaw with his lips, and lifting her into a sweet orgasm just hours before, Gianni had her in a state of exquisite anticipation. He’d voiced the intention to continue what he’d started, and outright said she would have the chance to please him, too.

Leah looked forward to that, because almost more than the orgasms he might grant her, she wanted to give back the pleasure in kind. Something about being the source of his satisfaction was wildly exciting.

No man had viewed her that way before, and she wondered why he did. But she didn’t linger too long on that mystery. He did see her as a sexy woman, and that was enough. Not that she mirrored his sentiments. Leah wanted to fulfill his ideas of her, though, and vowed to take the risk.

It was a risk, because he was immensely wealthy, and sexy as hell. Leah would have plenty of competition for his attention, and had no real plan on how she could win out. The only thing she could do was take it one moment at a time, and savor the hours she had with him.

She was a hopeless romantic. Especially to fall so readily into the arms of a man she barely knew. But Gianni sparked hope that she might be something more. That she might find sexual satisfaction instead of unending frustration. And it was enough to make her cross the line, and allow him to take from her whatever pleased him.

When Gianni took her back to his room after dinner, she went willingly. The taste of pleasure he’d given her earlier appeared to be a prelude to something even hotter. In the expansive suite, Leah felt lost. The sight of the man who had captivated her was the only anchor in the maelstrom of emotions.

Gianni left the blinds open, and gleaming city lights sparkled against the expansive windows. Pressing a button, he turned on soft music, but left the lights in the room turned off. He was quiet, commanding her with just a look.

“I haven’t seen you naked,” he said. “I’d like to.”

It occurred to her that he hadn’t yet kissed her. But the tone between them was intensely intimate. Leah wanted his command, and craved his approval of her. “Yes,” she whispered. “If you like.”

He stepped closer but did not embrace her. Instead, he removed his shoes, socks, and shirt. Leaving his pants on, he sat in an armchair by the window and looked at her. His gaze slid over her, undressing her. Under his examination, a fire started under her skin and burned straight to her clit.

Gianni relaxed in the chair, waiting. He had already told her what he wanted. With shaky hands, Leah undid her blouse and let it slip off. Then she kicked off her shoes and stood on the thick carpet in bare feet. Her nipples pressed against the satin of her bra.

“Take off the bra,” he said, showing no emotion.

Leah reached behind and unclasped it, then tossed the satin garment to the floor. She wasn’t familiar with undressing in front of a man, but found it erotic. Usually, if she had sex at all, she undressed quickly in the dark, and was lucky if her partner touched her breasts for more than a few minutes as foreplay.

The cool air wafted over her bare skin, like a sensual caress. And her nipples distended under Gianni’s gaze. Just by looking, and just by demanding, he aroused her more than she would have thought possible.

“The pants,” he said.

The way he said it—his tone harsh, and yet tender—made her weak. With measured movements, Leah undid the button of her pants, as she had done earlier on the terrace, and unzipped them. She put her thumbs under the waist band and lowered them the rest of the way, then stepped out of them.

Now, wearing only her blue lace panties, Leah was slightly embarrassed. Standing before him, hoping for his approval, she cringed, feeling she might not look good enough. Maybe he would want her anyway. She shifted from one foot to the other.

“Come closer,” he said.

Leah stepped toward him, stopping a foot away.

“Closer,” he said, and she could see the fire in his eyes.

She stepped in front of him until she stood between his knees. She swallowed, unsure what was next. He was unpredictable, yet reassuring in a way she had no experience with. Gianni reached up and ran his fingers down her belly.

It felt so insanely good that her sex clenched. Gianni touched her collarbone, and then ran his palms down her arms. She wanted to fall into him, make him take her, but she stood firm. With one finger, he stroked over her skin, around the plumpness of her breasts but avoiding her nipples.

His ministrations made her want to beg. She would get on her knees and ask him to take her, do anything to her. But not to leave her dangling on the verge, without giving her what she needed so badly. Leah hadn’t known how much she needed it until Gianni coerced it from her.

How he could make her feel the sensations he did, without even touching her nipples, escaped her. And she didn’t care. Leah only cared about what he was doing: slowly driving her crazy. She breathed in a ragged staccato and wanted to say something to him, anything to encourage him to see through what he started. But not a word could she utter.

Gianni didn’t smile. Nor did he seem to react. Yet even so early, she had learned to read his eyes. They gleamed and changed color, giving away the feelings he wouldn’t show or voice. The protracted agony of standing before him, and letting him tease her, pushed her into a dizzying state of arousal.

When she thought he might do no more than torture her, Gianni pulled back. The loss of his touch created an instant void, and she gasped.

“Take off your panties,” he said.

Sweeter words were never uttered. Leah slid the lace to her ankles and kicked them off, anxious to be naked before him. And hoping the sight would explode his control. But it was not to be. He remained seated, looking at her.

Leah ran her hands over the tops of her thighs, not quite knowing what was expected.

He took control with his voice. “You don’t know how sexy you are, do you?”

Having no idea how to reply, Leah stood mute, trusting he would guide her.

“If only you could see through my eyes: your full breasts, your long legs, and your soft brown eyes.”

His words were like a warm caress over her body. It sounded more like poetry than a description of her naked form. But she relished it, and craved more like a flower needing water. When he opened his arms to her, Leah lowered onto his lap and let him hold her.

He had reached past the fear and her lack of experience. Gianni had reached her very soul with a few alluring touches. And Leah was propelled into a sexual world that was previously foreign. But that she knew could not be replaced by any other now that she had experienced it.

She could feel his erection under his pants, and wanted to touch him. But she knew she would have to wait. For now. Gianni brushed her hair over her shoulder and looked into her eyes. Leah melted against him.

He whispered, his breath like a feather against her skin, “Do you want me to touch your nipples?”

Leah struggled to get the words out. “Please. Please. I want it so much.”

Gianni pulled her to him so her back was against his chest. And with his arms wrapped around her, he cupped her breasts, feeling their weight. “Beautiful,” he said, and Leah half closed her eyes.

Her nipples were tight, and her clit ached. Instinctively, she parted her legs slightly. Gianni raked the tip of his tongue along her neck and under her jaw. “I like it when you are aroused,” he said. Leah whimpered. It was everything he
doing that was pushing her to the precipice.

Then, as she had begged him to do, Gianni fondled her nipples. Still cupping her breasts, he rubbed the pads of his thumbs over the distended peaks. Leah panted faster, and a deep moan escaped her lips. Gianni flicked his thumbs a little faster.

“Do you ache for me?” he asked.

And she realized she did. She ached for him as she had not ached before. With each squeeze of her breasts, and every flick of his thumbs, her clit tightened. It hurt. So good.

“You’re wet,” he said. “I know how wet you are without touching you.”

Leah could feel it. The more he spoke, the longer he lingered, the wetter she got.

“You’re going to come for me.” It wasn’t a request. It was a command. “You’re beautiful,” Gianni whispered against her neck. “When I hold your lovely breasts and rub your pink nipples, you are going to come in my arms.”

Leah closed her eyes, soaking in every sensation.

Gianni gently massaged her breasts in his palms while he flicked her nipples, harder and faster. But he didn’t touch her needy clit. And before Leah could get a grip, the heavy waves of her climax rocked through her. Heat flooded her veins, and her muscles stiffened.

Gianni nuzzled her ear and whispered, “Scream, baby. I want to hear you scream.”

And she did. Leah’s voice echoed off the windows and boomed through the room. She did scream. She screamed for pleasure, for having found Gianni, and for the relief of the unending frustration that had crushed her for too many years. But mostly she screamed because the intensity of the release was too powerful to contain. And yelling out was the only thing she could do.

When she collapsed against Gianni, he wrapped his arms around her waist, and her head rested against his chest. Her racing pulse began to quiet, and a drug-like relaxation seeped into her. Leah wasn’t sure when she’d be able to move again. She felt Gianni’s warmth against her, and wanted him. So much.

But he didn’t make a move, or offer any encouragement for her to touch him. Or to give him, even in small measure, sensations such as she had felt. Instead, he lifted her chin with two fingers so that her eyes met his.

“You please me,” he said. “Very much.”

Leah looked deeply into his blue-gray eyes, grasping for understanding of a man who would give so much and take so little. She was about to comment on it when Gianni spoke again.

“And lest you think I am self-sacrificing, let me say that I will take pleasure from you. I am greedy, as I told you. And you will have much opportunity to submit to my needs.” He paused, as if letting that sink in. “But in return, you will continue to receive pleasure as only I can give you.”

Then he kissed her, gently; his soft lips pressed against hers in an electrifying touch. And Leah knew she was his. It wasn’t a question that needed to be asked. Because for her, there was only one answer. And that was to be with Gianni for as long as he would have her.


Chapter 9

When Gianni’s lips touched hers, a lightning bolt went through him. He had started something he probably shouldn’t have. The way Leah melted in his arms and responded to his kiss tore him apart.

The electricity that radiated between them shook his control. He wanted the sex, and he wanted to teach her. But he knew she would want more. And
he couldn’t give. Maybe once he could have. But no more.

He drew back, shutting off all emotion. It was the only way. Leah looked into his eyes, puzzled. Yet he didn’t look away. It was vital to maintain a strong position. She touched his cheek, and he was acutely aware of what that did to him.

Every time she shifted on his lap, Gianni’s arousal notched up. “It’s time for you to go,” he said.

She didn’t seem to understand.

“You need to get some sleep,” he said, “as the events start tomorrow.”

The pleading look in her eyes was hard to ignore. “But I’m not tired.”

“You need to obey me.” He had to be harsh, and let her know from the start he was in charge.

Leah stiffened. “You don’t own me.”

Gianni said nothing.

Tears filled her eyes, and she slid off his lap, embarrassed. Bending to reach for her clothes, Leah hugged them over her naked body. The tears streamed down her cheeks, and Gianni couldn’t watch. He stood up and went out to the terrace.

After a few minutes, Leah stood beside him. He didn’t look at her. “Why are you doing this?”

Gianni turned but made no move to reach for her. “The things I can teach you don’t involve the heart.”

The hurt in her eyes stabbed his gut.

“Did I give you pleasure, Leah?”

“You know you did. But didn’t you feel something too?”

Gianni made a point not to flinch. “That’s not the point.”

“What is the point?”

“I don’t want you to get too attached.”

The distressed look in Leah’s eyes turned to fury. “Don’t worry. That won’t happen.” She turned and left the terrace. And possibly his life.

When the door slammed, Gianni turned to look at the view. He was an ass. Not that it was anything new. With most women, it didn’t matter. Each took what he gave and remained ready and willing, if and when he wanted more.

Emotions had nothing to do with it. Physical pleasure had to be kept separate. It was just that way for him. It had been bold to begin things with Leah before establishing that understanding. But he’d needed to make that clear when he realized what was unfolding between them.

It was poor planning on his part, and he berated himself for that. Though he still didn’t know if Leah and the writer of the journal were one and the same, he should have been more cautious. In his defense, he hadn’t known she would show up at his hotel.

But he should have had more restraint, and established boundaries before enticing her. He’d handled it badly, but it couldn’t be undone. At least she knew now what was expected. Maybe she wouldn’t have anything to do with him again.

He couldn’t blame her for that. Leah was new at this game, and delicate. All the more reason he should have talked to her first. Gianni had let his craving take over. And he had craved seeing her naked, and touching her intimately.

That was what rattled him. The craving. Leah was average at best. Or so she had appeared in her business attire. Lacking confidence, she obviously didn’t take steps to accent her best features.

In any vision Gianni had of the woman who could satisfy him, one he might find that he wanted in just the right way, the woman had not looked like Leah. Yet he had been amazed to find that underneath the ill-suited clothes was an entirely different woman.

Seeing her naked, he’d had a chance to admire her firm breasts, silky skin, and innocent eyes. Something new had stirred within him. Leah looked beautiful, and he had been telling the truth when he told her so. In that moment, she had been lovely.

And what had done that? It seemed that when he looked at her—and barely touched her—she came to life. The idea that his touch did that was empowering. Thinking of it made him harder, and the memory of sending her away more hurtful.

She needed him, but not as just any woman would. It had surprised him how quickly she had responded to him. And had seemed to drink in his attentiveness. Was it because she’d been alone too long? It was a possibility. But Gianni didn’t think that was it.

And that’s what was driving him crazy.

There was a connection between them. When he gazed at her, Leah transformed into a stunning beauty before his eyes. It was as though his look was the sunshine she required to thrive. Gianni had to get a grip. He couldn’t let all of this go to his head.

He needed to keep things in perspective, which was difficult. Because the way she had looked at him had affected him. Too much. And not in a way he’d anticipated, allowing just that little bit of control to slip through his fingers.

It was better to rein things in early. Before the situation slipped from his grasp. He wanted Leah again. And what he hoped to do with her hadn’t changed. As long as she didn’t start to expect more, it could work. But even as he thought it, Gianni was riddled with doubt.

No woman had affected him this way before. He should just walk away. He didn’t need this, and he had plenty of women to call on. Any urge he had, or could dream up, could be satisfied. So why deal with such complexities?

The journal
. There remained the issue of the journal and who was its rightful owner. One option was to discard it, and not give its contents another thought. But he couldn’t. Gianni was obsessed with knowing the identity of the author, and knowing if the woman truly had such passion inside. Or just wrote about it.

Frustrated, he went inside and poured a shot of bourbon, which he downed in one gulp. Then he retrieved the journal from his suitcase and settled into a padded chair to read. Holding the book in both hands, he hesitated.

There was the possibility that it was Leah’s journal, and he was about to read her most personal thoughts. Having been with her and shared intimacy, made the prospect of reading more exciting.

Gianni had no right to delve into her private sexual fantasies, but such morality did not prevent him from opening the book. It was impossible not to imagine Leah as he read the words on the page. The vision of her screaming as an orgasm ripped through her was emblazoned in his mind as he scanned the first page, and then slowed, to savor every word.

I’m alone, and it allows me too much time to fantasize about what might be. The strength of my desire is often too much for me, but I have no one to reach out to. No man to call my own. Not now.

Yet I don’t want to be with just any man. And when I get the opportunity for a date, I often decline. I shouldn’t I suppose, as there could be a chance for intimacy. But I fear it won’t suit me. I have certain inclinations, which may put off any man who tried to claim me.

I want a man who is demanding, who makes me drop to my knees to give him pleasure. And one who disciplines me when I err. I need that man, and no other. But I don’t know if he exists.

If he does, he will crave my submission, and bend me for his pleasure. And for mine. Such a man would not only steal my body, but my heart. I write this all down in a desperate struggle to understand. I find my longings somewhat of a mystery.

So far, even my gentle urgings of a man in that direction were met with disapproval. It severed any blossoming relationship that might have started. Somehow I was misunderstood, and was admonished that I should not submit to anyone.

But I think the man that can assume the posture I need would see it otherwise. I dream that he will see my strength as a woman and in life. Yet be overcome with passion at my willingness to submit to his power in the bedroom.

Crazy? Maybe. But I still search. I look for such a man, knowing I might never find him.

Gianni looked up from the text. His blood ran hot, and the urges he’d worked so hard to subdue when Leah was in his arms rose up with greater ferocity. It was one thing to dominate a woman sexually, as he had done before.

And he expected the woman he was with to be pleasured when he took her, as he took care to make sure she was. But if the writer of the private thoughts wrestled with a burning desire to be taken, in the way he so much preferred it, that made it different.

Gianni could feel her emotions radiate off the page, feel her longing and her disappointment. His urge to reach out to her, to be the man she sought, overpowered him. Yet he didn’t know this woman. Or did he?

Whoever had written the scorching words was a real woman. She was somewhere. And in a kind of crazed state of mind, Gianni resolved to find her. She spoke about desire that refused to release her. Yet it was desire for which she failed to find satisfaction.

He compared Leah and the woman who was desperate to submit. The woman consumed by passion, so much so that she was forced to write it down in great detail. The pages he had just read were just a few of those in the thick journal filled with similar sentiments.

But he failed to match them up. Leah seemed innocent, looking for him to guide, and unknowing of her likes or dislikes. In contrast, the author seemed certain of what she looked for, and woeful over not yet finding it.

But Gianni couldn’t rule it out. He had to be observant, and take it slow. Leah was mad at him right then, but she would get over it. And he could continue to lead her and excite her. Learning what was in her heart, and what stirred real passion within her, would be his answer.

Gianni looked up at the ceiling. Even with all that, he should back off. The outcome of his intention could be bad. He might end up hurting Leah, though he didn’t intend to. She shouldn’t have gotten messed up with him.

It was fate, after all, that had pushed them together. A simple occurrence such as an envelope dropping the floor and skidding to his feet had changed the course of their lives. But he still had a choice. He could walk away. But

Tossing the journal onto the table, Gianni stood. He went to the bedroom and stripped off his pants. Then took a hot shower, letting the spray pound over his shoulders. His balls were tight under his strong erection. Reading had lit a fire to his desire.

He stood under the water and fisted his cock hard. The situation was pushing him to the point of exploding. As he pumped his shaft, finding release from the ache in his gut and the burning in his loins, Gianni thought of Leah.

He thought of Leah, on her knees with the water running over her. She had her mouth on him, and wanted nothing more than to suck him dry. He yelled out as his cum spurted up, hitting his abdomen. Release at last. And as his chest heaved from panting, Gianni whispered her name:

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