Learning to Blush (24 page)

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Authors: Korey Mae Johnson

BOOK: Learning to Blush
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Mike rubbed some blood off his nose and pursed his lips, looking like he wanted to argue.

“You got something to say, Boy?” Jack demanded.

Mike suddenly thought better of it and shook his head. “No, Sir,” he finally gritted. He and Tom, stepping back, turned and walked as far around both Thorton and Jack as they possibly could and trudged into the hallway.

Only Tim lingered, his hands in his pockets. “I have something to say,” Tim admitted after clearing his throat.

Jack and Thorton turned around, looking hard in Tim's direction. “What?” Jack demanded.

“I'm really, really sorry,” Tim said sincerely. “I know we fucked up. Thanks for bailing us out, and… Well… Thanks for saving Penny's butt. I'm sorry she touched you, Thorton… But I'm also glad in a way. I know you'll take care of her… And she needs that. She… She's had it tough, and back at home I wasn't always…
sober enough
…” Tim admitted after a moment's hesitation. “To…uh… Do anything for her. Like protect her or anything. She's done a lot more taking care of us than the other way around, so I'm glad you came and'll be what we never were.”

Thorton straightened his shoulders. “Thank you, Tim,” he replied.

“And we really screwed up on the whole saving Graham thing, but we totally went in with the best of intentions,” Tim added uncomfortably, looking between Jack and Thorton.

“I know. It's okay, Kid.”

Tim's apology was suddenly just making Thorton feel guilty for bearing down so hard on them. He nodded his head and then jerked his thumb in the direction Mike and Tom shuffled off in. “Go shower and get some shut-eye.”

Tim nodded and bid them both good night before he walked off. Thorton and Jack looked at each other, but then simultaneously moved back into the medical room and stood right inside the doorway.

“How is he?” Thorton asked Fie, who didn't seem too worried anymore. That was encouraging.

“He's severely dehydrated, obviously blinded, and he's lost a lot of blood,” Fie admitted. “But it's not as bad as it could have been. They were at least trying to keep him alive
; at least until they could hand him over. So, he'll survive. Whether or not his eyesight will ever return remains to be seen; we'll have to get him to a specialist…” He looked down at Graham, who still looked like he was in a lot of pain, now complete with being hooked up to several machines, with tubes in his arms and nose. “Captain Masterson, I'm going to put you in a deep sleep now.”

“One second,” Graham grumbled firmly. “Dad?”

“I'm here, Son,” Jack assured.

“Take care of Ellie for me—just until I get better. I give you guardianship.”

“She has a brother,” Jack reminded, since next of the wife's kin was normally who got guardianship if a woman's husband died or was injured.

Graham snorted. “No! Not Michael! He's still just a kid. I want
to watch her,” Graham clarified.

Jack nodded, but really looked pleased to accept the responsibility. “Sure, Son.”

Graham smirked. “And Thorton—got a wife, now?” he asked, his voice somehow teasing.

Thorton grinned and gave a singular laugh. “Yeah.”

“Don't screw it up.” With that, he waved at Fie. “Alright, lay the pain-meds on me. I'm

“Speaking of meds,” Fie said after he gave Graham something that immediately made the man lose consciousness. “I've given your mate something to put her to sleep. She was getting a little hysterical after you left. Hope that was okay.”

“She was sort of hysterical
I left,” Thorton huffed, but then shook his head. “Poor thing.”

“I want you to bring her into my office when we get back to the mothership. First thing,” Fie ordered. “We need to get her checked out. There are lots of things to check up on after you lose a girl on a planet like that for three days.”

Thorton groaned, slouching. “She's not gonna be happy with that…”

“If you have to choose between your wife's health or your wife's happiness, Thorton,” Jack told him, “Choose
every time.”

“I unfortunately agree with you,” Thorton said, wearily rubbing at a new bruise on his shoulder as he turned. “Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to pass out into a coma, myself…”


* * *


Penny had no idea how much time had passed. Could have been hours or even days as far as she was concerned, but she did hear someone in the nearby shower. She raised herself from the bed as she heard the water turn off. She chewed her lip and found herself praying that Thorton would walk out of the bathroom, proving that he was home and that he was okay.

And then he did. His body looked more cut up and bruised than she remembered but, other than that, he was standing tall and handsome!

She stood up on the bed, rushed across the mattress, and practically jump-tackled him. Even she was surprised by it—before he'd left her, she was on the verge of hating him, but she couldn't deny that now that he was there, and safe, her heart felt like leaping for joy.

He gave a laugh. “Well, that’s a nice welcome home. If I knew you were awake, I would have pulled you into the shower with me!” he growled hungrily into her ear.

“You’re okay!” she cried, snuggling her face against his chest.

He laughed a little more. “Of course I am! I promised you I’d be fine before I went to bail out your nutty family, didn’t I?”

He had, but she knew very well that everyone promised that before they went into certain-death situations. She’d been to the movies before. “My brothers?” she immediately asked. “Were they there? Did they really go try to get Graham themselves?”

Thorton heaved a weary sigh and nodded. “They should be dead, but they're as lucky as they are stupid.”

Penny sighed with relief. “And Graham?”

“He’ll live. He’s extremely injured. Fie’s stabilized him but there’s not much we can do until we get to the mothership and get him to a specialist…” He sighed. “I’m just glad we’re going straight to the mothership. This has not been a good journey… Besides for you,” he added, and bent his neck down to kiss her lips. He pulled back and asked, “Were you a good girl for me?”

She found herself blushing at the question; there was something to it that reminded her of her spanking that morning. She nearly wanted to protest, but she couldn’t find it in her. He was looking at her so adoringly that her stomach felt swarmed with very happy butterflies. She nodded in reply and he brushed his fingers through her hair and kissed her as a reward.

“That’s my baby.”

“Didn't have time to be anything else! Fie drugged me,” Penny added after the kiss, remembering to be slightly annoyed when she said it.

“He told me he sedated you soon after we left,” Thorton said, nodding. “Don't be too annoyed with him. You'll be seeing him again earlier than later—I want you completely checked out, top to bottom; every scratch, every bruise, every freckle.” She opened her mouth to loudly protest, but then he put his finger to her lips. “I don’t want to argue about it tonight; we’ll talk about it tomorrow.”

She nodded and wrapped her arms around his waist, and then had a perfect idea.

She pulled off the towel around his waist and let it drop to the floor. “I think you need a thank-you for fighting in the line of duty,” she told him teasingly, moving her hands to wrap around his extremely-hard member.

His eyes half-closed with desire. “I don’t need a thank-you. You’re my wife; I’d walk through fire for you. I’m not saying no to the sex, though,” he added, just to clarify, and then put his mouth on hers and moved like he was going to pull off her top.

She put her hands on his own, stopping him. “Nope—no sex. Tonight’s special,” she announced slyly, and put her mouth on one of his nipples and flicked her tongue across it as she skillfully circled her thumb across the head of his staff.

special,” he complained, almost a pout in his voice. He let out a low groan.

She kissed down his chest slowly until she came to his member. His body froze even before she put her tongue upon it teasingly. She felt his hands on her shoulders, “Whoa, whoa!” he said, panting, and pushed her away. “You don’t have to do that, Penny…”

She lowered her brows with confusion. “What do you mean? I want to.”

“It’s… extremely hot, but… it’s a little…” He didn’t have to say ‘taboo’. It was written all over his face.

Blow jobs were taboo to the Swarii! No wonder he had looked at her like she was nuts the first night they'd met! He thought she was being

How delightful—she could be a sex goddess without even getting her hands dirty. She grinned mischievously and said, “I want you in my mouth. I want to taste you.” She led him towards the bed and pushed on his chest until he sat down, then she kissed him again. “You’ll like it,” she promised.

“But what about you…”

“This isn’t about me right now. It’s about you. Relax.” She kissed her way back down his chest until she was kneeling between his legs.

She took his cock in her hand and skillfully played, toying with his heavy, swollen testicles and the foreskin with her fingers, learning every inch of him. She was excited to do this, she realized. This was no rendezvous in the back seat of a car, and he was a beautiful man! He had such a grown-up body, was so sculpted, and so hardened. His skin was covered with a million little scars and scratches, and his manhood was so thick, so beautiful.

She licked her tiny, pink tongue across it and smiled to herself when she heard Thorton emit a groan. She had given blow-jobs in the past to reward men, but she had never enjoyed it so much before. She loved making him moan, she loved feeling his fingers in her tresses as she wrapped her lips around the mushroom-like head of his cock and suckled.

He was so well-behaved and so controlled; he didn’t press her head down further on his shaft, but let her lick and suck as she wanted to. He merely looked at her adoringly and petted her hair as she let her mouth make love to him.

He gritted his teeth eventually and began to urge her on, looking like he was trying to keep from bucking his hips as he growled, “You are so goddamn sexy. So damn
. All mine. Your pretty little mouth… Feels so damn

Suddenly his eyes widened. “Alright, Penny… Penny… I’m close,” he warned. He didn’t expect her to suck harder, apparently, because he yelped, “I’m close!”

He moaned again right before she felt his cock begin to convulse. She sucked hungrily, taking his seed in her mouth as he watched her, looking both dazed and in awe as he saw her taste his nectar and then swallow it as he contracted over and over against her lips and tongue. She loved it; she loved his expression, she loved his taste, she loved having pleased him. Afterwards, she licked her lips and looked up into his eyes from where she was kneeling.

He was panting. “I hope your brothers get stupid more often…” he finally said, his tired body falling back onto the bed.

She lay next to him and kissed his cheek. He immediately dragged himself up the bed and then grabbed her waist until her body and head was settled in the nook between his arm and chest. She giggled, “Don’t worry. They will.” She kissed his chest and then asked, “What happened, anyway?”

All the answer she received was Thorton’s snore.

Finally having nothing to worry about, safe in his arms, she fell asleep again herself.


* * *


Penny woke up the next morning because of the feeling of Thorton pulling down her panties very slowly and very gently under the sheets, as if he was practicing taking them off without her noticing. She smirked slightly and pretended to be sleeping on her side.

He had only pulled her panties down to her knees before he reached around her hips, found and began stroking her clit with his thick fingers. She figured he would turn her around any moment and settle himself over her body, but instead she felt him pressing his naked staff up against her bottom.

She had never been mounted from behind in her life, but she had heard of the spoon position. It seemed intimate and fun—perfect for wakeup sex.

Except that his staff rubbed against her wet opening and then moved
. Her cunny wasn't where he was going at all!

No, no he couldn't be… He couldn't be thinking he could just…!

He was beginning to rub his head against her
opening. He brought his moist fingers around and positioned one of his fingers by his cock and began to press…

She violently and suddenly jerked her whole body away from him and sat up. “What are you doing?” she charged angrily.

“I was just playing with that sexy bottom of yours, that's all!” he said, looking quite surprised. “What’s wrong, Baby?”

“Don’t ‘baby’ me! There will be NO touching of that area. None. At all. No playing, no touching, no pushing, no nothing. I don’t even want you looking at it. Ever. Forget that area exists!” She simply had to lay out the law on this. The bottom was an ‘out’ hole. Anal sex was gross. She didn’t like bottom-play, she never did it, never wanted anyone to do it to her.

Thorton blinked, which was something he very rarely did. He seemed to only do it if he was confused about something. “Let me get this straight,” he slowly drawled. “You’ve never… had… anyone in your bottom?”

“No!” she said. “Gross! Of course not!”

“Really?” he asked, and did a really, really lousy job of hiding his smirk. If he was trying to hide it at all, that is.

“Don’t even think about it.”

“So you haven’t even had a finger—?”

She clapped her hands over her ears, too mortified to hear any more questions, and just said, “Lalala! I can’t hear this! Shut up, okay? No—no butt. Not at all. Read my lips,” before she removed her hands from her ears.

He was looking right at her lips, but his own mouth was grinning. “Haven’t you at least ever had an enema?”

“No!” she quickly claimed, but then she paused, frowned, and raised an eyebrow. She had distantly wondered what an enema was since she had heard Graham threaten Ellie with one. “What
an enema?”

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