Leather & Lace: Trident Security Book 1 (11 page)

BOOK: Leather & Lace: Trident Security Book 1
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"You're a lucky man, Devil Dog." He tilted his head toward Kristen. "She's hot but there's got to be something wrong with her since she picked your sorry ass over mine. When she shot me down, I thought maybe she played for the other team. I must admit, though, I was a little surprised when Jake mentioned you were on a date tonight. I didn't think you knew what the word meant."

Devon smacked the man's shoulder with the back of his hand. "Knock it off, Egghead."

His buddy chuckled and changed the subject, but Devon knew once Kristen was out of hearing distance, Brody would continue to bust his chops. "Have you spoken to Marco today?"

Keeping an eye on the women next to him, still chatting about Kristen's books and her recent move, Devon shook his head. "No, I haven't. How's his sister doing?"

Brody's face became somber. "Not good at all. The doctors told them this morning to bring Hospice in as soon as they can. She's only got a few weeks left at the most." Marco's sister, Nina, had been battling inoperable brain cancer for over a year but a month ago they discovered it had spread to most of her major organs. Now Devon knew they would need to give their friend a leave of absence so he could spend as much time as possible with her. "The only reason he's here tonight is for Shelby's birthday. She asked us last week if we would tag-team her tonight to celebrate and you know how much I like that. The little girl right there has one of the most talented tongues I've ever had the pleasure of licking my dick."

Both men laughed and then Brody interrupted the women's conversation. "Hey, birthday girl, your spanking bench is almost ready. Why don't you go over there and keep Master Marco company for a few minutes. Give him a little sass so he can look forward to your birthday whacks."

Shelby's grin lit up the room. "Yes, Master Brody." Before she headed to the station reserved for her scene, she gave Kristen a hug and turned toward Devon. "Thank you Master Devon for letting me talk to your sub. Besides Master Brody and Master Marco playing with me tonight, I think it was the best present I could get."

Devon reached out and gave the girl's pink hair a gentle tug. "It was my pleasure, little one. Enjoy your birthday."

As Shelby turned, Brody smacked the girl's backside and she yelped but walked away with a smile on her face. Brody then looked at Kristen and winked. "I'm a little offended you picked my boss here over me. I don't think it's ever happened before, but I'll get over it sooner or later. If you ask Master Devon, I'm sure he'll let you watch our scene with Shelby in a little bit. She'll be getting her birthday whacks along with a few birthday orgasms."

Kristen's eyes widened and she bit her lower lip as her cheeks flamed red. Brody laughed at her expression. "Master Devon, I do believe your sub likes the idea. Bring her over in about ten minutes to the last spanking bench and I'll save a place for you up front."

Devon was focused on his sub as he agreed with his friend. "I think you're right. She does like the idea. We'll be there in a little bit."

Devon continued to stare at her as Brody left them standing a few feet to the left of the staircase. Her mouth became dry and as if he sensed her need, Devon took the bottle of water from her hand, unscrewed the cap and handed it back to her. "Drink up. You'll find it easy to get dehydrated in here."

She took a sip. The water was so cool and soothing to her tongue and throat and she guzzled some more. After she drank half the bottle, he took it from her again and replaced the cap.

"We'll walk around for a little bit on the way to their scene which is toward the back. But before we do, the locker rooms are right around the back of the stairs here. Would you like to use the restroom?"

Now that he mentioned it, her bladder was feeling full. "Yes, Sir. I think I will."

He lifted his hand to cup her cheek and used his thumb to brush her plump bottom lip. "I like hearing the word 'Sir' from your lips. I can't wait to hear you say it while begging me to let you cum." Her mouth gaped open at his statement and he took the opportunity to push his thumb between her lips and rub it along her bottom teeth. Her tongue poked forward and licked the tip of his finger and heat flared in his eyes. His dick hardened painfully and he placed his other hand on her hip and pulled until she was flush against him from their chests to their thighs.

Bending forward, he replaced his thumb with his mouth and tongue. He didn't start the kiss as slow and gentle as he had in the parking lot. This time he plunged right in, taking her intense passion as he gave her his. Their tongues dueled, first in her mouth and then, to his surprise and delight, in his as she explored and tasted him. He took her arms, placed them on his shoulders and left them there as his hands traveled south. One hand stopped to cup the weight of one of her breasts while the other went to her ass and he squeezed her lush flesh. It took everything in him not to lift the bottom of her dress, pick her up and impale her on his rigid cock.

He was about to grind his throbbing erection into her clit when the sound of a single tail split the air, followed by a low moan. The loud crack startled Kristen and she jumped back, her mouth tearing away from his, her breath coming in hard pants which matched his own. As much as he wanted to draw her to him again, he knew if he did he would be in danger of breaking his own club's rule of no playing with guests. Kissing was one thing, but he wanted to do so much more to her than just kiss. As they both recovered their breath, he took hold of her shoulders, turned her toward the door to the women's locker room and gave her a gentle push. "Hurry back, Pet. I'll be waiting."

Kristen glanced over her shoulder at Devon before walking on shaking legs to the locker room door. Holy lip-locks, the man knew how to kiss. With the taste of him still on her tongue, she entered the locker room, walked around a partition which blocked the inside of the room from the doorway and froze at the sight before her.


As Kristen disappeared into the locker room, Devon heard his name being called by someone coming down the stairs. Looking up, he saw his brother and cousin approaching him with amused grins. Both wore similar leather vests without shirts and leather pants, but where Ian's leathers were black, Mitch's were dark brown. Devon rolled his eyes at their expressions, knowing what was coming and there was no way to avoid it.

"So little brother, I hear you went on a date tonight. Do you even know what to do on one of those?"

Of course Mitch had to add his two cents. "I don't think the boy does, Ian, considering his date appears to have abandoned him."

"She's in the bathroom, ass-hat." It was times like this he hated being so close to his family. They never missed an opportunity to give him or each other a pile of shit.

"So who's the lucky lady who managed to get you to pay for dinner before you screw her?"

"Fuck you, Ian."

"No thanks, I’m a pussy lover." Devon growled and Ian relented. "Alright, alright, I'll be good. Who is she?"

"You remember the girl who was typing away on her laptop last week when we were at the pub?"

"The cute brunette you were drooling over in the mirror?" Of course Ian would have noticed since the man never missed much. Devon rolled his eyes again and nodded. "Very nice. Mitch told me how you ran into her here earlier. Just be careful you don't end up being written into a chick-lit book. Everyone will find out about your small Irish dick."

His brother and cousin laughed again and Devon was about to tell them both to fuck off when the door to the women's room flew open. He expected Kristen to walk out but instead a shy little sub named Colleen came running out, her eyes wide in panic.

"Master Mitch, Master Ian, hurry, please help!" She turned around and ran back into the locker room with Ian, Mitch, Devon and one of the nearby bouncers following on her heels.

Ian and Mitch managed to get through the door first and before he finished rounding the corner of the partition Devon heard Ian bellow in his loudest Dom voice, "STOP!" The female screeching and yelling in the room came to an abrupt halt. They hadn't been able to hear the commotion outside the locker room due to the pounding music.

Confused, Devon took in the incredulous scene before him and tried to figure out what the hell was going on. A sub named Heather was face down on the floor with Kristen sitting on her back. His date had the other girl's arm jacked up behind her back and her hand was clenched around a mass of the red-head's hair. Another sub, Michelle, was sitting on the floor holding her stomach, trying to catch her breath, while Colleen was now standing in a corner to Devon's left, her eyes still wide and her hands covering her mouth as she stared at the other women. Although they were all quiet now, he could still hear the heavy breathing coming from the women on the ground.

While Mitch and the bouncer were as confused as Devon, Ian was downright pissed. Mitch managed The Covenant, but Ian was the head Dom and Mitch often deferred to his cousin taking the lead in situations like this. The men watched as the three subs got to their feet with Kristen taking two steps back to avoid Heather's swinging arms which were now loose again. "You bitch!"

"Enough!" Ian boomed, his anger evident. "Knees!"

Without faltering, Colleen, Heather and Michelle dropped to the ground and presented themselves appropriately–on their knees, which were shoulder–width apart, their heads bowed and their arms behind their backs, hands clasped around the opposite forearm. The only sub still standing was Kristen who was looking at the other three in apparent shock.

Devon took a step forward and her eyes swung up to meet his. In a low, controlled voice he told her, "I know this is new to you, Pet, but I suggest you drop to your knees as fast as you can." She hesitated. "Now."

Oh crap, she screwed up big this time. She fell to her knees, mirroring the other sub's postures as best she could. Once she was in position, she heard Devon whisper. "Sorry Ian, this is new to her."

"Then she better learn fast or her ass is going to be red for a month."

Was he serious? Yup, he probably was. Could this get any worse? Yup, it could. She realized if it moved up another inch, the hem of her dress would give everyone a glimpse of her bare crotch. She was desperate to adjust it but since she was in enough trouble she let it stay where it was and prayed it didn't move. She kept her gaze on the floor in front of her, yet she was dying to look up to see what was going on but didn't dare. The door leading out to the club opened again and she heard Tiny's voice.

"I got this in here, Anthony. Wait outside and keep everyone out. Kent is upstairs doing the same." The door closed, once again blocking the music blaring out in the main room.

The man, Ian–she recognized him as one of the sexy six-pack from when she first noticed Devon–spoke in a deep tone she had begun to refer to as a Dom voice. "Does someone want to explain what the hell is going on here?"

Kristen and the girl in the corner, who was now crying quietly, didn't say anything but the other two began talking over each other.

"We were just talking and this bitch comes out of nowhere..."

"She attacked us for no reason..."

"She tried to break my arm..."

"Quiet!" Ian barked, having reached the end of what little patience he had. "Michelle and Heather go get your Masters and wait for me outside the office upstairs. I advise you to hurry because you do not want me to get there before you." Kristen didn't look, but one of the two must have tried to speak again as they got up because Ian added, "No, upstairs with your Doms, I won't tell you again."

As the two women ran barefoot out the door another man walked in and looked around. Through her lashes, Kristen saw him drop to his knees and pull the crying girl into his arms to comfort her. The man appeared to be in his late thirties while the girl was younger than Kristen's own twenty-six years, but she thought they made a cute couple.

"What the hell is going on, Ian? Why is my sub in here crying?"

"I'm about to find out, Reggie." Ian closed the distance between himself and Kristen and she saw his feet stop a few inches in front of her. When he spoke, his voice wasn't as harsh as it had been but she could tell he was still pissed. "Eyes up, sub."

She tilted her head back until she could see his face but remained silent as his eyes bore into her.

"Do you want to tell me what this is all about?"

Kristen's gaze went from the man looming over her to the young girl sobbing in her Dom's arms and back again. "No, Sir, I don't. Not at the moment."

She waited for him to yell at her but instead, the man raised his brow at her words and then proved he was astute. "Tiny, would you take Colleen up to the office and wait with her inside away from the others, please?"

Tiny stepped toward the couple as they got to their feet. "Come with me, Ms. Colleen, I'll take care of you until Master Reggie can join you again."

Colleen looked at Kristen, then at each of the Doms, tears still falling from her pretty eyes. Her lips trembled. "Please, Master Ian. It wasn't her fault. She was helping me."

Ian looked over his shoulder at the sub and his voice softened. "Go upstairs, little one. Everything will be alright. I promise."

The girl started to say something else but Master Reggie gave her a quick kiss before handing her off to Tiny. "Go with Tiny, love. We'll get this all straightened out. I'll be upstairs in a few minutes."

After the young sub and head bouncer left, Ian took two small steps back and his voice sounded weary. "Stand up, girl, and tell me what happened, although I have a feeling I already know."

Kristen stood, tugging the hem of her dress down as she did, and looked at the four Doms in the room staring back at her. She tried not to be intimidated but it was no easy feat with their stiff postures and stern faces. Ian, Mitch and Devon stood in a similar manner, with their arms crossed over their chests and their feet shoulder-width apart while Reggie had his hands on his hips. Kristen swallowed hard and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, Sir. I didn't mean to cause any trouble but when I came in to use the bathroom those two bit...I mean, those two women had the girl, Colleen, up against the lockers and the redhead had her hand around Colleen's neck holding her there."


Kristen's eyes widened and shot toward Master Reggie, who held up his hand in an apologetic gesture. It was obvious the man was keeping his anger in check for her benefit. "Forgive me, girl. Go on."

She nodded and kept her gaze on the man. "I didn't want to say this in front of her because she's upset enough as it is. They were in her face and I didn't hear everything they said, but the gist of it was they thought she was too fat and ugly to keep her Dom happy and if it wasn't for her daddy's money, she wouldn't have a Master."

She winced as Master Reggie's exploded in rage. "They said what?! Fucking cu..." He cut his vulgar insult short when he remembered there was a woman in the room. "God-damn it, Ian! I've had all I can stand from those two bitches. I want their asses out of here tonight!"

Ian's stare never left her face. "Reggie, calm down. I don't need you having another asthma attack in my club. The last time we had to call the EMT's to the lobby, I think one of them creamed his pants when Shelby walked by, then cried when Mistress China threatened his manhood because she thought they weren't working on you fast enough." With those words, the tension rolling off the four men was released and to her amazement, Mitch and Reggie began to laugh. Devon's posture eased a bit and he leaned back against the wall, the corners of his mouth trembling as he held back his own laughter. She had a feeling he would be laughing out loud with the other men if he hadn't been so mad at her. Ian stayed where he was, looking at her. "Is that everything, little one?"

Kristen nodded. "That's when I stepped in and, well, you know the rest."

Ian's lips twitched but he didn't smile. "Reggie, go upstairs to Colleen and we'll be right behind you. After I mind-fuck those two for a bit, their memberships will be terminated."

Rather than heading toward the door, Master Reggie approached her and took her hand in his. "What's your name, girl? And whose collar are you wearing?"

"Kristen, Sir. And it's Master Devon's collar." She swallowed and her eyes flashed to Devon before returning to the man in front of her.

Master Reggie's brown eyes softened. "Thank you for sticking up for Colleen, Kristen. I'm grateful you were here and stepped in to protect her when I couldn't."

Her heart swelled at the gratitude in his eyes and voice and she smiled at him. "I'm glad I was here at the right time. I hate bullies."

"So do I." He let go of her hand and walked toward the door, passing the other men on the way. "As a favor to me Devon, please don't be too hard on your subbie's ass tonight."

Kristen bit her bottom lip when Devon didn't say anything and only nodded at the other Dom. He was no longer looking at her, instead his gaze was on the floor, and she knew she was in so much trouble.

"Little one." She looked back to Ian who no longer seemed to be pissed–at least not at her. His voice and his blue eyes, which were so similar to Devon's, had softened as he spoke to her. "I don't condone fighting in my club, but every once in a while–very, very rarely I might add–I'll admit there's a good reason behind it. This is one of those times. However, next time, please try to alert security or a DM and don't take on the bullies yourself. This time you had the upper hand but it may not always be the case and I'd hate to see you get hurt. Now if you'll excuse us, Master Mitch and I have some things we need to tend to and I'm sure my brother is thinking up ways to punish you for putting yourself in harm's way."

Without waiting for a response from her, Ian turned and walked out of the room followed by Mitch, who winked and smiled at her before he left. She stood there waiting for Devon to say something to her. He still wasn't looking at her and she began to fidget. She knew she spoiled what was left of their date.

"If you'll give me back my purse, I'll call a cab to take me back to my car."

His eyes whipped toward hers then narrowed as he studied her. As he took slow and deliberate steps toward her, he tilted his head. "Why do you want to leave?"

She twisted her hands and fingers together in front of her. "Well, I obviously ruined the rest of our evening. I know you must be furious with me for having a cat-fight in your club."

Devon stopped inside her personal space but she managed to not take a step back, not that there was much room between her and the lockers. Grabbing her hands, he brought them up to his lips, kissing the back of one and then the other. She watched him, stunned he was being so gentle with her when he should be kicking her out the door. "Where did you learn to do that, Pet?"

She was confused and her heart rate sped up at his closeness. "Do-do what?"

"Kick subbie ass when it was two against one."

Really? Was he serious? "Um...I told you my dad was a cop. A few of the female officers he worked with ran a program for teenage girls on how to defend themselves and I was a fast learner. Look, I'm sorry, Devon...I mean Sir. I didn't mean to cause trouble and get them kicked out of the club. I saw what they were doing to her and I snapped, I guess." She watched in amazement as his head fell back on his shoulders and he began to laugh. And it wasn't a short light laugh but a full blown belly laugh.

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