Leather & Lace: Trident Security Book 1 (17 page)

BOOK: Leather & Lace: Trident Security Book 1
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Shaking herself from her wayward thoughts, Kristen found him watching her from a relaxed position, leaning against the kitchen counter, his arms overlapping across his grey t-shirt covered chest and his legs crossed at the ankles. "Where did you go, Pet? I lost you there for a minute."

Not wanting him to know what she'd been thinking, she tried to brush his question off. "It wasn't anything important. Do you want some coffee?"

The Dom in him must not have liked her answer because he frowned and his eyes narrowed. "Strip."


He didn't move from his position but his posture no longer appeared relaxed. "I won't repeat myself, Kristen. You heard me loud and clear. Either say your safe-word or do as you're told."

Hesitating only a split-second longer, she pulled her sleeveless emerald green shirt over her head and placed it on the counter next to her. His eyes roamed over body as she continued and they were the only part of him that moved. She felt his disconcerting gaze as if it was a caress across her skin, giving her goose-bumps and increasing her pulse. After removing her sandals and white capris, she stood there in her flower print bra and thong underwear. But it wasn't enough to satisfy him. "All of it, Pet. You've already earned a count of five. If you hesitate again, I'll make it ten."

Crap! Five wasn't
bad but since he was obviously upset about something, she didn't want to add to it. Her ass had barely recovered from last night's spanking. She got rid of the last of her garments then stood there waiting for him to say or do something. It was weird to be standing butt naked in his kitchen while he remained dressed. A minute went by...then another...and he just stared at her in silence. She began to fidget. When she opened her mouth to ask him if she was supposed to be doing something, he abruptly pushed off from the counter causing her to flinch. "Face the island. Put your chest and stomach on the counter top. Rest your head on the backs of your hands and spread your feet as wide apart as you can."

Following his instructions, she laid her upper body across the island and the coolness of the granite was a shock to her system. A moment of panic hit her when he left the room and came back with a black duffel bag, setting it on the other counter top behind her. Taking slow deep breaths to keep from hyperventilating, she heard him rummage around in the bag and tried to see what he was doing, but from her current position she couldn't.

"Do you know why I'm angry, Pet?"

He wasn't yelling at her, but the flat, low tone of his voice was louder to her than any shout she'd ever heard. A shiver of fear mixed with arousal confused her. "N-no, Sir."

"When I asked you where you had gone in your complex brain, what was the answer you gave me, word for word?"

Her mind raced–what had she said? "Um, I think I said it wasn't anything important, Sir."

She tensed when he approached and stood behind her widespread legs. She waited for him to touch her, spank her, do something to her but he made no contact with any part of her body. The longer he stood there and didn't touch her, the more she wanted him to, in any way he wanted. The suspense of the unknown was killing her. After a minute or so, he spoke again.

"I'm not your ex lump of cow-turd, Pet. When I ask you a question, I expect an answer worthy of your intelligence. 'It wasn't anything important' was not an intelligent answer. If I wanted you to give me a non-answer, I wouldn't have bothered to ask the question in the first place. For your little lie, you've earned a count of five. Would you like to revise your answer now or would you prefer I give you your ten, then tie your hands behind you and leave you standing here for the next hour with one vibrator in your pussy, another in this sweet ass of yours and a ball gag in your mouth, while I go sit on the couch and find a ballgame to watch?"

Seriously? "I-I'd l-like..." She cleared her throat and tried again. "I'd like to revise my answer, Sir."

"Very well, but I suggest you to think about your answer carefully. You only have one chance to impress me."

She was so nervous, it took her a few moments to remember what she'd been thinking about before his big, bad Dom-ness showed up for a visit. What had they been doing? She remembered they'd been cleaning the kitchen and putting away the dishes. That's it! She took a deep breath. "It'd occurred to me, Sir, I've never shared a meal with a man where we cooked and cleaned up together, aside from my dad when I was little. That I was enjoying something so incredibly simple surprised me and I wanted to do it again sometime. I-I know you...I mean...we said this was temporary and I didn't want you to think I was reading into things and wishing things could be different so it was easier to brush off your question. I'm sorry, Sir."

He placed his hands on her bare back and began to caress her skin from her shoulders to her bottom and back up again. "Now that wasn't so hard, was it? I may not always like or agree with your answers but I will not allow you to lie to me. Understood?"

"Yes, Sir. I'm sorry I disrespected you with my first answer."

She couldn't see his face but she heard the smile in his voice. "Thank you, Pet. And by the way, I also enjoyed cooking and cleaning with you, and it surprised me too. I don't think I've ever done that with a woman who wasn't my mother. You never did it with your fucktard ex?"

A little giggle came out of her mouth. "Please, the douche-bag couldn't boil water without a ten page instruction booklet."

He let out a bark of laughter. "Douche-bag? Very good, Pet, you're learning. Now, let's forget about the ass-nugget and get back to you and me. Let me get you prepped and then I'll give you your punishment. When it's over, all will be forgiven and forgotten and we can move on to some fun for the rest of the evening."

Prep her? What the heck did he mean by that?

"Relax Pet." She didn't realize she'd tensed up again. "I would never do anything to harm you, you know that, right?"

"Yes, Sir." And she did, although she noticed he used the word 'harm' instead of 'hurt.' Had it been on purpose? When he spanked her the night before, it hurt at first but then it transitioned into intense pleasure. She'd been dripping with need by the time he finished.

His hands were now stroking her legs, arms and hips, in addition to her back and buttocks, in a soothing circular motion. She began to relax at his ministration and finally let out a deep sigh. She didn't notice when he removed one of his hands until she heard a pop and felt a cold liquid land a little bit above her ass before oozing down between her cheeks. It was cold and her body jerked a little but she remained in place. The hand rubbing her back eased lower and his fingers parted her, working the lubricant into the hidden valley and over the sensitive hole within. Her leg and butt muscles tensed and he slapped her right ass cheek with his other hand. "Don't clench. This will be a lot easier on you if you relax."

Kristen took a deep breath and tried to do as he instructed. He didn't say what "this" was but she didn't need him to. This morning in the shower, he'd told her he would soon take her in the ass but he had to prepare her for it first. She hadn't expected her preparation to begin tonight, though. This was one of her soft limits and he seemed determined to test it sooner rather than later.

As he added more lubricant, one of his fingers stopped right at her untried entrance. Part of her wanted to stop him but the other part of her wanted to push past her fears and self-imposed sexual restrictions. This man was giving her a chance to explore her deepest, darkest fantasies. Fantasies she would've denied having before meeting him.

"Don't tense up, Pet. I'm going to start putting my finger in. You'll feel some pressure and discomfort but if it hurts to the point you can't take it, say the word 'yellow' and I'll ease up and start over. Remember to breathe and bear down. It may take a while but I promise, you will have a plug in this virgin hole of yours before we go any further tonight."

Oh God, she knew he meant it and his words made her clit throb while her mind raced. She'd never been touched by a man there before and the feel of him at her anus scared and thrilled her at the same time. This was what she told herself she wanted. Her Dom telling her what he was going to do to her and her only choices were to let him or say her safe-word and end everything. Swallowing her fear she forced her muscles to relax. "Yes, Sir."

"Good girl." His finger rimmed her puckered opening, working in the gel which would ease his entry. He began to push in and her body naturally fought the invasion. His hand landed on her left cheek this time. "Don't fight it. You will let me in."

She moaned not knowing if it was because of the heat spreading from where he spanked her or the feeling of him easing his finger into her ass. Whenever she started to tighten her muscles surrounding her anus, he retreated for more lubricant and inched back in, a little further each time. He got to a point where she wasn't sure if she could handle the burning sensation flaring through her when he reached around with his other hand and found her clit, pinching it once, hard. The new sensation caught her off guard and switched her mind away from his finger in her ass.

As soon as it relaxed, he pushed his knuckle past her sphincter and lit up the nerves inside her. A flash of pain came and went before it was replaced with a feeling of being filled and wanting...no...needing more.

She groaned and shifted her hips, looking for something, anything which would give her the relief she desperately sought. The movement earned her another smack. "Stay still," he growled. "You'll take what I give you, when I give it to you, and not a second sooner."

His finger felt huge as he stroked it in then out again, never coming all of the way out of her. He'd rotated his knuckle on each outward drag, stretching her a little more. She was panting and sweating, wanting to pull away from him, wanting to push back for more. "Please, Sir."

"Please what, Pet?"

"More. Sir. Please. More." She was reduced to one word sentences. Anything beyond that would require thought and she couldn't think, only feel.

"I think you're trying to top from the bottom, sweetheart, but I'm feeling a little generous." She didn't know what she expected but it hadn't been for him to remove his finger completely. She cried out at the abrupt loss and her breath hitched when she felt something larger than his finger at her entrance. He squirted a little more lube on her ass and began to work what she knew was an anal plug into her. It felt huge and she didn't think he would ever be able to get it inside her. Reaching around her hip, he pinched her clit again and the plug slid home. The sensations proved to be too much and she screamed as an intense orgasm washed over her. White and black spots flashed before her closed eyes and her body trembled as wave after wave of pleasure pulsated through her while Devon rotated the plug which was now seated to its hilt, deep in her anal cavity. Her breathing was heavy as she floated back down.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Such a naughty sub, cumming without permission. You should know better and it brings your count up to fifteen, Pet. Now stand there and take them like the good girl I know you can be. But I feel I must warn you, clenching will make it more...intense, but if you relax too much you risk losing the plug. And trust me Pet, you don't want lose it. You won't like the punishment for that offense."

"Yes, Sir," she gulped.

She felt him step away from her and anticipated the first smack, but it didn't come. Instead, she once again heard him retrieve something from his duffel bag. Her mind ran through the possibilities of what he was getting and none of them boded well for her. She'd been so worried she hadn't heard him approach again until she felt a sharp sting as something struck her ass cheeks. She couldn't help the sudden shriek which escaped her mouth, but somehow she didn't move. Her breathing increased again in short pants. Whatever he'd hit her with, he was currently dragging it up the inside of one leg and down the other. "In case you're wondering, Pet, it's a riding crop."

Before she could answer him she felt the torture device strike her ass just above her thighs and she went up on her toes and clenched her leg muscles. Unfortunately, that reminded her of the plug in her ass. Sensations of pain and pleasure warred inside her and she couldn't tell which one was winning the battle. The sound of the crop connecting with her bare skin was more of a thud than a slap, but it didn't mean the damn thing didn't hurt. But as the initial sting eased she felt the increase throbbing in her clit and she worried she wasn't going to be able to hold back another impending orgasm. By the time he reached fifteen she was one touch away from falling into the great beyond. She heard him toss the crop on the counter behind them before his fingers dipped between her legs and he discovered how embarrassingly wet she was. He stroked her folds. "You liked that, didn't you, Pet? Would you like me to give you permission to cum this time?"

"Oh, God, yes! Yes, Sir. Please, Sir, let me cum!"

"Since you asked so nicely..." One of his fingers moved further and tapped on her clit, which was all it took to send her over while screaming her throat raw. She'd never thought she could pass out from intense pleasure but that's exactly what happened next.

* * *

Devon lay on his side, his head in his hand as he leaned on his elbow. It was four o'clock in the morning and he couldn't sleep, so instead he was watching Kristen as she slept next to him. She was still naked, her long hair spread out on the pillow under her head and he fought the urge to touch her because she deserved the rest after what he'd put her through the night before. But he needed a connection to her so he reached out and rubbed a few strands of her brown locks with his fingers.

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