Lechomancer (13 page)

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Authors: Eric Stoffer

BOOK: Lechomancer
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“Mmmmmmmm” was the best Lisa could manage.

“Maybe if you beg me…” Ashlynn offered offhandedly.

“Please, please, please…” Lisa began to chant.  Ashlynn looked over Lisa’s soft, sweat soaked body, squirming, trying to rub her aching lips against anything.

“I think you need to swallow a couple more loads first,” Ashlynn decided, and headed back to the Blue door.

Ashlynn returned with Mike’s demon, the pavement skinned demon that looked like a city accountant Lisa had once fucked for a raise, and a demon covered with glowing green tattoos that looked like the large college student she had sucked off behind the bar.  She led each by the hand.  As they entered the room, they were mesmerized by Ashlynn naked form, until they saw Lisa quivering on the bed.

Mike grabbed her by the waist and shoved his cock deep inside her.  Again, she was certain she was about to cum, but the Master’s influence kept it from happening.  Mike pistoned into her, and she was lost in the feeling.  She barely noticed the glowing demon, as he turned her head towards him, and thrust a cock like a soda can into her mouth.  He held her head, and kept thrusting. Her jaw ached, but the site of his pleasure fueled her own lust, and she squirmed with gratitude. Every time he pulled out past her lips, she swallowed a frantic lungful, and he shoved his way back in.

As Mike continued to pound into her, she felt Vivian’s tongue licking against her clit, and slipping down onto Mike’s shaft.  She wasn’t sure how long she was stuffed in both ends, and the overwhelming desire made it feel like forever, and a moment at the same time.

The glowing demon came first, cumming straight down her throat.  As best as she could manage, Lisa thrust her face forward, pressing herself into his crotch, making sure she didn’t miss a drop.  The demon laughed darkly, bunched up her hair in his fist, and thrust again, squishing her nose against his hips, and cumming again.  She swallowed his Essence greedily, and was having trouble forming thoughts as she teetered on the brink of an endless orgasm.

She felt Mike pull out of her, and she struggled to look down.  He was shooting his load into Vivian’s mouth.  She turned to Lisa, showed her the mouth full of cum, and her eyes sparkled cruelly.

“Uh uh,” Ashlynn laughed.  She pushed Mike aside, and put a hand on each of Lisa’s thighs.  She spread them apart, and slowly traced her way up to Lisa’s cunt.  “I think Vivian might swallow that load.”  Vivian nodded slightly.

“No,” Lisa gasped.  “No, no no no.”

Ashlynn kissed Lisa’s tender labia, and Lisa shuddered with desperate joy.  “Are you giving orders, fuck toy?”

“No, no no no no.” Lisa repeated.  Ashlynn slid a finger along Lisa’s feverish wet slit.  Vivian shook her head slightly.  “No orders.  Please.  Please Viv, please.”

Lisa felt Ashlynn’s finger slip into her, and felt her whole body buck.  “Vivian doesn’t know what you want, whore.”   The word, or maybe the second finger, made her thrash happily.

“Spit.  Spit it in my mouth.”

Ashlynn’s thumb teased Lisa’s aching clit.  Lisa could barely think.  “I don’t know, I think Vivian really wants to swallow this one.  You’ve had them all, so far.”

“More,” she begged.  “More, more.  Please.  More.”  Vivian loomed over her, straddling her shoulders, and let a long strand fall into Lisa’s mouth.  Lisa drank it hungrily.  Vivian stepped forward, and offered her own cunt to Lisa.  Lisa clumsily flailed her tongue over it, trying to make her happy.  She could barely work her mouth as Ashlynn made her scream out in joy, with her own clever fingers and tongue.

Finally, Vivian grabbed her chin, and spit the rest of the cum into Lisa’s mouth.  Lisa bucked against Ashlynn’s face, and screamed primally.  Her entire body flared with relief, and she spasm and came, lost in the sensation.

Lisa came so hard she passed out.

When she woke up, her restraints had been removed.  Vivian was asleep beside her in the bed, the flawless skin of her back facing Lisa.  Ashlynn’s head rested on her stomach, and Lisa’s hand absently went down, and her fingers combed through Ashlynn’s hair lazily.  Ashlynn opened her eyes slightly, smiled at Lisa, and went back to sleep.

Lisa’s body ached, with exhaustion now, a pleasant feeling of relief, and she knew every part of her would be sore for days.  She glanced around, and realized there was no sign of Erostopholes.  His absence made her heart ache.  Or maybe her head.  At this moment, she wasn’t sure.

Epilogue: The Otherside Court


Erostopholes radiated anger as he sat on the tattered throne in his cavernous throne room.  He stared into the glowing pool that showed Lisa Meyer waking up between the two Succubus hosts she had collected.  His jaw clenched, and he glanced around the throne room.

The cavernous hall was in disrepair, ragged benches and tumbled columns barely lit by floating blue lights.  Once, this had been an opulent palace, but as his power had diminished, it had become a ruined cave.  Once, his court had numbered in the thousands.  Now, six demons stood in attendance.

Vickus, the oldest of the demons, was a corpulent goat-legged thing, although he still maintained a human form.  Fifty years ago, he had been Erostopholes last Lechomancer, but after his mortal death, the demons he had controlled and brought had faded, stolen by other, more powerful courts.  Before Lisa, Erostopholes had been alone in hell with this pathetic husk.  “Perhaps,” Vickus offered, “We should begin searching a second for the coven.”

The Prince glared at him.  “Do you see how dark it is in here?  We barely have the lust to maintain one pact.  We’re not ready for a second yet.”

“Maybe you need to replace her?  With someone else?”

The room quaked, and dust and rubble fell from the darkness above.  Vickus bowed, and became silent.

“Lisa Meyer will stay,” he said to the silent court.  He looked over at the dark purple demon, a soul once named Garret, but he now renamed Garnet.  “Continue,” he ordered.  Garnet was mounted on the Succubus Vivian, thrusting deep inside her.  She had tried to rise above her station, and now she was chained to the floor, for the use of his court, stripped of all rank.  Pavement, a demon named Mike in life, had been using her roughly for hours, punishing her for previously enslaving him.  Vivian continued to moan on the floor, regretting only now that she was the lowest of the demons.

The grunting resuming, ticking like the clock of this infernal place, Erostopholes stood and went to the Great Book, the one which feed into the Pact book Lisa had.  “We need to generate more from her, first,” he announced.  “Then we can find the rest of the coven.  And for that, she wants showy magic.”

“Won’t that exhaust what we have now?” Vickus asked.

“If I know my pet, she’ll generate far more than she uses,” Erostopholes grinned.

He began to flip through the pages, until he found several curses.  “What she needs is enemies.  She’s gotten used to power, now she needs somewhere to focus it.”  He began to seep a little magic into the pages, sending them up to Lisa’s book. 

He turned to Pavement, who had exhausted himself with Vivian, and Taput, a muscular demon with green tattoos.  “I need you to sneak out through the door, glamoured as humans.  Find people for Lisa Meyer to hate.  I will do the rest.”  The demons nodded, and headed out of the court, Pavement looking forlorn at Vivian, as Garnet continued to pound away at her.

“Before long, we will begin to restore my Principality.  Then we will be able to lessen our dependence on Lisa,” he grinned.  Vickus nodded, and the demon Prince motioned for the Succubus Ashlynn to follow him back to his chambers.  It was only a matter of time, before this court regained it’s true place in the Principalities of Hell.



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