Left Together (2 page)

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Authors: D.J. Pierson

BOOK: Left Together
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Did you think I was going to drop it?” I ask sarcastically.

align my fingers along the laces the way my brother taught me, pull my arm
back, and throw the ball to Evan. He catches it square in his chest without
moving. “Holy shit! Where the hell did you learn to throw like that?”

standing there looking proud and a little cocky about knowing something else
about me that Evan doesn’t. “Noah was the starting quarterback in high school for
four years. They won the championship his junior and senior year. His number is
the only one the school ever retired. He had colleges from all over the country
scouting him and offering full rides. The dumbass went to college here in Florida,
then to medical school.” Jake shakes his head. He never understood why my
brother chose being a doctor over a potential professional football player.

call my brother a dumbass,” I scold him. “Noah was meant to be a doctor in the
same way I’m meant to be a teacher. He’s doing what he loves. Not many people
get to say that. Being an athlete wouldn’t have lasted forever. If he got hurt,
it would have ended even sooner. He made the right decision for him.” I turn
back to Evan. “Anyway, when my dad wasn’t around, Noah took me to the field and
taught me how to play.”

was still being talked about years after he graduated when Kacie became a
freshman. She was always the person everyone fought over to have on their team
in gym class,” Jake brags. “Coaches wanted her to play whatever sport they were
involved in, but she always turned them down. Stubborn chick.” I shoot Jake a
wicked glare.

didn’t play any sports?” Evan asks, almost as if he couldn’t believe it.

Well, not on a team.”

not? You’re the most athletic girl I know. Why wouldn’t you?”

only would’ve given my parents another thing to criticize me about,” I confess,
shrugging. “Wasn’t worth it. I only joined other clubs to make it look good on
my college application.”

flash of sympathy crosses his face. Despite the fact he no longer gets along
with his parents, they always supported him and his brother growing up. He
doesn’t understand how my mom and dad could have treated me so poorly. “How did
I get so lucky? My girl runs, swims, works out at the gym with me…,” we only started
going there two weeks ago, “watches sports, and can throw a football better
than most guys.” I know he’s changing the subject and I appreciate it.

forget how well I can pull off a strip tease.” I wink at him.

I will
forget that,” he promises, coming across the patio toward
me. Evan flips the football, which I grab seconds before he scoops me up in his

Jake complains behind us. “Good thing I didn’t eat…yet. It would’ve fucked with
my stomach.”

you don’t like it, go home,” Evan tells him, keeping his eyes glued to mine.

nice,” I say, then kiss his cheek. “Let’s go have some breakfast.” He sets me
back on my feet.

not making it, are you?” Jake questions.

are you trying to say, Jake?” I snap as I toss the ball at him.

but everyone knows you’re a terrible cook, Kacie,” he replies. He’s right, but
now I feel like I have to defend myself.

for that, I’m cooking and you’re both eating it!” I announce and stomp into the
house. There’s no way I’m standing in the kitchen in a bikini, so I march upstairs
to change. When I return, both of them are sitting on the stools at the counter,
staring at me. Jake looks afraid to say a word, and Evan is smirking while
holding a glass of orange juice.

what’s on the menu?” Evan asks, trying to sound as casual as he can. “If you
want my opinion, I think you should make a chocolate cake. You make damn good
chocolate cake.”

last time I made one was before Evan and I started dating. He had stopped over
for lunch while I was attempting to bake one for a friend who was coming for
dinner that night. I’m not sure if he actually thought I needed help or if he
just used it as an excuse to touch me, but we came pretty damn close to having
sex right here in the kitchen while trying to mix the batter.

am I getting the feeling this is yet another story I don’t want to hear?” Jake
interrupts my flashback of Evan standing behind me, running his fingertips
along my waist.

don’t know,” Evan offers. “You
want to hear it.”

can’t have cake for breakfast,” I say with an implied warning for Evan to keep
his big mouth shut.

“I can
when pain in the ass neighbors aren’t dropping by so early in the goddamn
morning,” Evan mumbles.

me never to eat any baked goods that come from this house,” Jake says, shaking
his head.

my back on the two of them is all I can do because they won’t stop with the
remarks unless I ignore them. Having them blast my poor cooking skills is more
tolerable than listening to this nonsense. There’s pancake mix in the cabinet, so
I pull it out and set it on the counter. When I turn to get a bowl, I hear Jake
say, “Can’t we just have cereal?” I pretend not to hear him and gather the rest
of the stuff I need, silently praying these turn out to be edible.

the guys distract themselves with discussing plans to go to some baseball game,
I blend all the ingredients together and carefully pour the mixture into the
frying pan. Once both sides are a golden brown, I put them on a plate and set
it in front of Jake. He glances at them, then to Evan, then to me.

do I have to be the first one to try them? Shouldn’t your boyfriend do the

be such a baby,” I say over my shoulder. Standing there and waiting for him to
take a bite will only encourage the worried feeling he has, so I go back to the
stove and pour more batter into the pan.

Jake. Don’t be such a baby,” Evan mimics me. I shoot him a look and he smiles.

sighs, adds syrup, and cautiously takes a bite. He doesn’t say anything right
away. After he finishes chewing, he takes another bite. “Wow. They aren’t bad.
Good job, Kacie.”

relieved, I get back to making Evan’s breakfast. When he gets his plate, he has
the same reaction. I had Jake taste them first because even if the pancakes
sucked, Evan would have told me they were the best he’s ever had and finished
every last bite. He’s sweet that way.

as I sit down with my plate, the back door swings open. “Smells good in here.
What’s for breakfast?” Jade says, coming into the kitchen. A very satisfied-looking
Kyle is two steps behind her.

Jake announces. “Kacie made them.”

stops in her tracks and looks around. “You guys let Kacie cook?”

what happens when you’re too busy fooling around?” Evan answers, laying his arm
over the back of my stool.

grins at him. “Says the guy who snuck a girl out of a party last night.”

didn’t sneak anyone out of anywhere,” Evan retorts. “And it wasn’t just a girl.
It was
girl. If she tells me she wants to go home, I take her home.
No questions asked.” The smugness on his face is as clear as day.

glances at me. “What?” I say. “I had a headache.”

rolls her eyes and starts mixing up more pancakes. “Anyone want more?” Jade
appears almost hurt when they say no. “So was something Kacie made actually fit
for human consumption, or are you so sick that you aren’t hungry anymore?” she

I hold up a piece for her to taste.

is the one who takes my fork and eats it. “Mmm. Not bad,” he states. “However, I
did just work up an appetite, so that could be why they taste so good.” He
tries to hand the fork back to me.

don’t want that. Who knows where your mouth has been?” I say, completely
grossed out.

I can guess where it’s been,” Jake mutters, causing everyone else to laugh.

you guys sure you don’t want to come out with us tonight?” Jade asks, sliding
another fork across the counter. “We rarely get to hang out together, except
when we’re at Skyline.”

Kacie is all mine tonight,” Evan informs her. He’s been planning this night for
over a week now. “It’s even more rare that I get to take my beautiful
girlfriend on a real date. Besides, we hung out at the barbecue yesterday.” He
stands up and kisses my forehead. “You and me?” he whispers.

and me,” I reply. Since we started dating, that has become our thing. I like
it. What I like most is that every time I say it in response, his face
brightens up as if it’s the greatest thing he’s ever heard. Sometimes I wonder
if he’s asking just to reassure himself we’re really together. I’d say it a
million times a day if it would make him happy.

runs the backs of his fingers down my cheek. “I’m going to take a quick shower.”


can’t wait until tonight.” He smiles, then heads upstairs.

Once he
is out of hearing range, Jake snaps me out of my daze. “He still hasn’t said

what?” Jade asks before I do. She’s now standing on the other side of the
counter, eating.

“The ‘L’

soon,” Jade tells her brother as she shoves another forkful of food into her

it’s not. They’ve been together almost every day for over a month.”

soon,” she repeats, matter-of-factly.

already told you,” Kyle says, getting involved. “We’ve only been together a
little longer than they have.”

smiles at him. “That’s different.” Her tone is much softer toward him than it
was toward Jake. “They haven’t known each other as long as we have.”


think he should have said it by now,” Jake utters.

stand up and take my dishes over to the sink. Honestly, I haven’t really
thought about it. I’m more than happy with the way things are between the two
of us. Yes, I definitely feel more for Evan than I’ve ever felt for anyone
before. Not all that long ago, I was convinced the fluttery feeling I’ve read
about in books was just a myth. Now, if something simply reminds me of him, it
feels as though an entire flight of butterflies has been unleashed in my chest.
“I don’t think there’s a specific time frame on this kind of thing.”

totally is,” Jade says.

I think he’s in love with her,” Kyle replies. Normally, he’s pretty quiet and
laid back, so his involvement in this conversation is odd.

three of us turn to him. “What makes you say that?” Jade wants to know.

don’t? It’s pretty obvious by the way he looks at her and how he acts when
she’s around. It’s the same way I am with you.” He’s responding to Jade’s
question, but he’s grinning at me. “And I also think she’s in love with him. But,
hey, who am I?”

uncomfortably, I begin washing the dirty dishes to avoid eye contact with any
of my friends. I liked it much better when they were mocking me about being a
crappy cook.

he better,” Jake says, bringing his plate over to me. I don’t look up, despite
the fact he’s practically breathing down my neck.

I’m glad Jade asked that question because I’d really like to know his answer,
but am afraid to ask.

all the time he spends in her bed, it would be really fucked up if he didn’t.”

she half-scolds him, but is laughing at the same time.

shock at his bluntness makes me turn to face him. “Don’t give me that look,” he
tells me. “Whether or not you want to admit it, I know how you feel about him.”
He pauses for a brief moment. “If he hurts you, he’ll regret it. That goes for
anyone who dates my sister, as well,” he warns Kyle without breaking our stare.
After several minutes, Jake takes a step back, then leaves without saying

the hell was that?” I ask Jade, trying to get air back into my lungs.

gives me a sad smile. “You know exactly what that was.”




way Jake reacted before walking out of my kitchen a few minutes ago really
isn’t sitting well with me. What Evan and I say to each other…or don’t say, for
that matter…is none of Jake’s business. I have no problem with him watching out
for me. I’d do the same for him if the situation was reversed. However, Evan
hasn’t done anything in all the weeks I’ve known him to warrant Jake’s behavior
just now. If Evan had been in the room to witness it, he would have been pissed
and it would have started a huge argument.

I’m so sorry. I should’ve kept my big mouth shut.” Kyle’s voice breaks through
my thoughts.

squash my irritation down and put on a happy face. “Don’t be ridiculous. You didn’t
do or say anything to warrant an apology.” I finish washing the pan and put it
on the drain board next to me.

you okay?” Jade asks, coming over with a towel to dry the dishes.

wouldn’t I be? Jake’s mood swings are nothing new. Don’t worry about drying
those. I’ll get them later.” I shut off the water and take the towel from her
to dry my hands.

you girls need to talk, I can head out,” Kyle offers, starting to back up.

with the two of you? I’m fine. I just wasn’t expecting that
conversation to come up with Jake, that’s all. It threw me for a second, but
I’m over it,” I say.

sure?” Jade wants to know.


you change your mind…,” she starts to say.

know where to find you,” I finish for her.

right…” She’s not convinced. Thankfully, she lets it go. “We’re going to hang
out by the pool for a bit if you want to come over.”

Evan gets out of the shower, I’ll see what he wants to do. He has to meet his
uncle soon, so I may just come over after he leaves.”

good. Come get me if you need anything.”

I say with a smile.

the lovebirds disappear, I give them enough time to make it at least halfway to
the Quinn’s backyard before locking my door and heading upstairs. The sound of
the water running is a relief because it assures me Evan hasn’t heard anything
that went on. Briefly, I debate whether or not to join him in the shower, but
knowing he has somewhere to be makes me reconsider. I slide into the bathroom and
sit on the counter to patiently wait for him to finish. The frosted glass of
the shower stall prohibits me from seeing anything on the other side of it.
Suddenly, I’m not really liking those doors.

words begin echoing through my head. What if he was trying to tell me
something? Jake and Evan had been friends for four years before I moved back
home. Jake probably knows him better than I do. I’m sitting here, wondering if
there has been any sign something is off with Evan. I can’t think of anything.
He’s attentive, sweet, and always makes time for me no matter how much he has
going on.
Damn you, Jake Quinn!

sound of the faucet turning off pushes those thoughts out of my head. Evan’s
arm reaches out for the towel hanging on the bar next to the shower. Through
the glass, I can see him quickly drying his hair, then patting down the rest of
his body. I lean forward, both hands on the countertop next to my legs, as he
opens the door. Unfortunately, he has had time to wrap the towel around his

eyes immediately focus on mine and one side of his mouth turns up. “Like what
you see, Miss Foster?” he asks. How many times do we have to play out his naughty
student-teacher fantasy?

exactly what will happen, I blurt out the first thing that pops into my head,
“Maybe a little,” I reply, returning his smile.

ambles across the ceramic tile floor to stand directly in front of me. “You
know, every time you use that fucking ‘L’ word when I’m naked is a major blow
to my ego.”

the hell is it with people pointing out ‘L’ words today? I swallow hard, trying
not to let it get to me. “How have you not figured out how much I enjoy the way
you respond when I use the ‘L’ word?” He becomes a man on a mission, set out to
prove himself.

must have noticed my slight hesitation because his eyebrows draw in. He knows
something’s off. His hand reaches up to cup the side of my face. “Are you
telling me you purposely say that shit to force me to have sex with you?”

makes me giggle. “I don’t think I’ve ever
you to have sex.”

smile returns. “No? You don’t think so?” My hands slide up the front of his bare,
damp chest, and clasp behind his neck. He leans his forehead down to rest it on
mine. “What’s up, Kacie?”

I whisper.

give me that shit. What’s wrong? Did something happen?”

shaking my head before he finishes. “No.” He waits for me to continue. “You and
me?” He doesn’t miss the question in my tone, the same way I never miss it in

pulls back so he can look at me. “Hey. That’s my line.”

borrowed it. Hope you don’t mind,” I tell him, shrugging.

not that I mind. It’s just...” He pauses, then switches the direction he was
going. “It will be you and me for as long as you allow it.”

if I allow it for a really, really long time?” We’ve never talked about the
future. Perhaps that’s why Jake’s comments are getting to me. Up until now,
Evan and I have been content to live in the moment.

places a kiss on my forehead. “Then I’ll be one lucky son of a bitch for a
really, really long time.” I give him a smile and he inhales deeply, then
slowly lets it out. “What did I do to fuck up?”

do you think you fucked up?”

acting weird.”

done. So, weren’t we talking about some other

were not talking about anything
,” he growls. “I think it was more
like I was about to prove to you how
little it is.”

No one
has ever made me laugh and feel at home the way Evan does. “
That doesn’t even make sense,” I say, trying to stop myself from laughing. “And
that’s definitely not what was going to happen. You’re supposed to be meeting
your uncle in less than an hour.”

slides his hand up my back, gently tangles my hair around his fingers, and
pulls my head backward. His lips find their way to my neck, then all the way up
to my ear. “I guess I’m going to be late,” he whispers.

not right to make him wait,” I breathe out, desperate for him not to stop.

no way in hell I’m leaving here without you being sweaty, satisfied, and spent.”

about his uncle’s reaction to Evan’s tardiness is what makes me attempt to
separate myself from him. He just pulls me in tighter. “Tonight,” I say. “We’ll
have all night after dinner.”

I’ve never heard you say you don’t want me.”

matter how bad I feel about him not getting where he should be on time, those
words will never come from my mouth. “You won’t ever hear me say that.” I kiss
the corner of his mouth lightly. “I always want you.”

let me be late,” Evan says before capturing my lips with his own. At this
point, I wouldn’t let him leave. His hands slip under my thighs and he lifts me
up off of the counter. While he’s carrying me out of the bathroom, the towel
falls to the floor. As if I’m the most fragile thing in the world, he sets me down
on my feet, strips off my shorts and panties, then gently lowers me to the edge
of the bed. All too slowly, his fingers raise my t-shirt and sports bra up my
sides and, eventually, over my head. He tosses them on the floor behind him.

should go shower first,” I whisper. “I probably smell like the pool.”

smell like you always do. Fucking amazing,” he says, sliding me back on the
bed. My head rests on the pile of pillows, and Evan is on top of me before I
have a chance to get comfortable. He brushes back the strands of my hair that
refuse to stay until they’re washed. Being in the water always does that to my
curls. He begins to speak, watching his fingers play with my hair. “I have no
idea what that was about a few minutes ago and you obviously don’t want to tell
me. There’s something I want you to know, though.” I watch his face as he’s
trying to figure out how to say what’s in his head. “Kacie, you are the best
thing that has ever happened to me. Even if you changed your mind about
allowing you and me, I’d fight for you. I’d fight for you so fucking hard, you
wouldn’t know what hit you. And the most important thing you need to remember
is that I’d never give up until you changed your mind again.”

the hell did I let someone make me feel unsure of my relationship all because
of one stupid word? A word that I will never need as long as his actions speak
for themselves. Any doubt that has crept into my head over the last half-hour
melts away, along with all thoughts of anyone who would put them there in the
first place. As if I needed more assurance of his feelings for me, Evan does
exactly what he said he would. My skin is left perfectly moist, I’m pleasantly
gratified, and I’m so exhausted, I fall asleep before he has the chance to
leave my bed.


When I
eventually open my eyes, I have no idea what time it could possibly be. The sun
is still shining brightly, so at least I haven’t lost the whole day. My arms
slowly stretch out as a smile spreads over my face. The things that man can do
to a girl are nothing short of spectacular. Waking up alone sucks, but I know
he’d be here if he could. I really hope Evan wasn’t too late getting to the
club, especially knowing our absence was noticed last night.

I give myself a few minutes to wake up, I reach over for my phone on the
nightstand. The first thing I notice is the time. I’ve been asleep for four-and-a-half
hours?! How the hell did that happen? Something tells me Jade isn’t by the pool
anymore. Then I notice the text Evan sent me.

want to wake you. You’ll need the rest for 2nite. Can’t wait. Call you later.   

fact he’s making such a big deal about taking me on a date tonight is so sweet.
Most of our nights out are usually at Skyline, and there’s always a group of
people with us. Since Evan is usually working, he has to constantly leave to
deal with things that come up or to check on how everything’s running. He hates
that his attention gets diverted when I’m around. With his aunt and uncle back
from their extended vacation, Evan does take a night or two off during the
week. Those nights, we usually spend either at my house or his condo and order
takeout. Most of the time, he has to run to the club earlier in the day to take
care of this or that. Like today, for instance. He has one of the bartenders
managing the club for the evening, but he still has stuff to take care of,
including a couple meetings. Sometimes I’m afraid he’ll burn out, but he always
seems fine.

phone starts buzzing when I start to get out of bed. “Hey, Jade,” I answer.

the hell have you been all afternoon?”

I just woke up a few minutes ago.”

That must have been some workout Pierce put you through. We saw him leave hours
ago,” my best friend teases.

it was,” I say, remembering the physical activity of this morning.

I can
hear her laughing. “Are you able to walk?”

sure. I haven’t tried yet,” I half-jokingly tell her.

hope so. You’ll miss your important date if you can’t.”

not upset Evan didn’t want to go out with you guys tonight, are you?”

No way. I’m happy he’s doing this for you and I know you’ve been looking
forward to it. I feel bad the two of you don’t get to do it more often. Going
on dates is one of the most exciting things about the beginning of a

guess. I don’t mind the nights we spend here at home, though. They’re usually
more fun than going out, anyway.”

bet,” she mumbles, making me roll my eyes. “So, I was wondering, even though we
aren’t going out together, can I still come over and get ready there? Kyle and
Jake just sat down to play some stupid video game. They could be at it for
hours, and I don’t feel like listening to the shouting and carrying on that
will be starting any minute.”

laugh only because I’ve witnessed exactly what she’s talking about and it’s one
of the most obnoxious things ever. “Yes. Come on over. Use your key, though.
I’m jumping in the shower.”

should probably change your sheets, too. I don’t want to catch anything when I
sit on your bed,” she utters before hanging up on me.

I say, even though she can’t hear it.

I pull the blankets down to the bottom of the bed, leaving the sheets exposed.
I grab something easy to throw on while getting ready and head into the
bathroom. My hair was a mess from swimming earlier this morning, but now it’s
really disheveled. Good thing Jade called before she came over. I yank out my
ponytail holder and throw it on the counter. That didn’t help at keeping my
hair under control. I turn on the water and step into the shower, letting the
hot water soothe my overworked muscles. Who needs to swim, run, or go to the
gym when dating Evan?

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