Legacy Found: Legacy, Book 3 (26 page)

BOOK: Legacy Found: Legacy, Book 3
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He would court her long distance if that’s what it took.

Resolved, he turned when he heard footsteps behind him. It wasn’t Shelley, but a female he loved all the same.

Alex stopped a few feet away. “What’s wrong?”

He smiled ruefully. His daughter knew him too well. “Shelley is leaving with Isaiah today.”

She frowned. “I thought she was staying.”

James absently rubbed his hand over his chest. “So did I.”

“Aren’t you going to do anything to stop her?” Alex demanded.

James crossed his arms over his chest. “What should I do? Should I lock her in her room? Maybe chain her up somewhere?” Alex paled, but he couldn’t stop. “She’s already had too much of that in her life. She needs to make her own choices.”

“I know.” She tentatively walked up to him and put her hand on his arm. James knew his muscles were as hard as steel. “I just wanted her to stay.”

He sighed and pulled his daughter into his arms, kissing the top of her head. “Me too.” She had no idea just how much.

Alex pulled away. “I’m going to go up and say goodbye.”

He nodded and turned back to stare out the window. The beauty of the trees and mountains that usually soothed his soul did nothing for him today. How could they when he knew he was losing his heart.


A tentative knock came on the door. Shelley knew it wasn’t James. She took a deep breath. “Come in, Alex.”

The door opened and the younger woman stuck her head in. As always, Shelley was struck by just how alike father and daughter were. “I heard you were leaving.” Alex stepped inside but left the door ajar. As usual, Alex was wearing jeans and a sweater. She was less intimidating than Meredith who always seemed to look put together and classy no matter what she was wearing.

“Yes.” She nodded, not knowing what else to say.

“I wish you would stay.” There was no mistaking the honesty in the younger woman’s voice.

“I can’t.” Shelley sighed.

“Why? I know you like it here. Don’t you?”

“It’s not that simple, Alex.”

“Why not?”

Shelley just shook her head. Alex didn’t understand. Couldn’t understand. Yes, she’d dealt with a lot herself, finding out she wasn’t human but really half werewolf. But she was confident in her ability to deal with it. Alex knew who she was. Knew how to stand on her own two feet.

Shelley was still learning. Had barely begun to find her own feet, her identity. She couldn’t expect James to wait for her to figure out her life. Nor could she ask him to take her with all the problems she had. She had to deal with her issues and become a strong female. To figure out who she really was.

“Will you come back?”

That was a question she could answer honestly. “Yes. I’d like to.”

Alex came to her and wrapped her arms around her in a hug. Shelley returned it, blinking back tears. “I’d like that. And I know my father would.”

Shelley tried hard not to think about James. If she dwelled on him too much, she’d never find the strength to leave. There were more footsteps in the hallway and she knew the time had come.

“Hey.” Meredith stood decked out in jeans and boots and a cashmere sweater. Her leather jacket was hooked over her arm. Her long, black hair was pulled away from her face and clipped in the back. It emphasized the beauty of her face. Even in what should have been casual attire, she looked impeccable. “It’s time.”

Shelley felt underdressed standing beside her. Her choices were limited, as was her knowledge of fashion. But it wouldn’t always be that way, she promised herself. She’d work hard and do whatever it took to become whole and healthy again. And that meant learning about every aspect of life.

Alex hugged her hard again. “Remember, you’re welcome here anytime. You can stay with me and Joshua if you want.”

Touched by the offer, Shelley hugged her back. “Thank you.”

“Can I help you with your stuff?” Meredith motioned to the two bags on the bed.

“No, I’ve got it.” It wasn’t that she didn’t trust Meredith. It was just hard to relinquish control. Everything she owned was in those two bags. And a little voice in the back of her head reminded her that James had bought most of it for her.

She’d pay him back. As soon as she started working at Meredith’s nightclub, Haven, she’d send money back to James. That would put them on a more even footing. She didn’t want to owe him. Didn’t want him to have to take care of her. She wanted to be his equal.

“I’m ready.” Grabbing her belongings, she left the room without a backward glance and headed down the hall.

James was waiting for them by the front door. It hurt to look at him so she kept her gaze averted. He murmured to Alex and Meredith as they hurried out the door. She started to go past him but he stopped her.


She swallowed the lump in her throat and stared up at him. His eyes were molten gold as they held her spellbound. When he cupped the side of her face in his hand and leaned inward, she couldn’t move.

Their lips barely met. He pulled back, swore and swooped down, capturing her mouth. The bags crumpled between them as he yanked her against him and plundered her mouth.

He tasted like coffee and a hint of mint from his toothpaste. But beyond that was the flavor of hot male. Of desire. Of want and need.

The bags fell from her nerveless fingers and she grabbed the front of his shirt to anchor herself. His tongue tangled with hers. Their breath mingled. His cock throbbed against her belly.

She didn’t know how long the kiss lasted. She was lost. In James. In his taste, his scent, the feel of his body against hers, the whimpering sounds of need that came from deep inside her.

It was a shock when he pushed her away. He bent down and picked up the bags at her feet and handed them to her. She took them automatically and closed her arms around them.

“This isn’t over,” he growled. “Not by a long shot.”


He dropped a quick, hard kiss on her lips and motioned to the door. With his hand on the small of her back, she stepped outside. Isaiah and Meredith were waiting. So were her brothers and Alex.

This was much harder than she’d expected it to be. In seven short days, she’d come to know these men. They were no longer strangers. They’d welcomed her with open arms even when she’d held herself back from fear of being hurt.

Joshua pulled her into his arms. “Don’t stay away too long, Shelley.” He kissed her forehead and handed her off to Levi.

“I’ll miss you.” His voice was gruff as he hugged her.

Then Micah had her, his arms so tight around her she could barely breathe. “Come back.”

Finally, it was Simon’s turn. “I’m coming to Chicago in a few weeks,” he promised. She smiled, her heart lightening slightly. She would be glad to see him.

Isaiah waited patiently beside his mate. The look of understanding in his gaze was almost her undoing. She wanted to run back inside James’s house and stay. It was only the fact she knew she was doing the right thing that enabled her to turn and face him.

His face was fierce, the harsh angles and planes even more austere and forbidding than usual. His golden eyes were hard as he stared at her.

His gaze flicked to Isaiah’s. “Take good care of her.”

Her brother inclined his head. “You have my word.”

James nodded and then turned and walked away. She watched until he disappeared from view.

“Come, little sister. It’s time to go.” Isaiah urged her toward the gate and beyond. She turned at the last second and saw her family standing there, watching her. Only James was missing.

She stumbled slightly. Only quick action by Isaiah kept her from falling. She murmured her thanks and kept walking. The world had changed so much in such a short time. The snow had finally melted and tiny flowers were poking their heads up through the moist ground. Buds covered the trees. Soon leaves would appear and change the entire face of the forest.

And she wouldn’t be here to see it.

She heard a wolf howl in the distance and her heart stuttered. The mournful sound made her soul ache. It was the sound of a creature in pain.

It was James.

All the beatings she’d endured. The rapes. The pain. The long, lonely years with no hope. Nothing hurt her as badly as the thought of James in pain.

She came to a halt, her feet refusing to take another step forward. Her wolf howled and fought for release. She knew James was her mate. Wanted him with her entire being.

What was she doing?

She loved James.

It was as simple and as complicated as that. A little more than a week ago, she would have said it was impossible for her to ever love a man. Then James had walked into the diner where she’d worked and changed her life forever.

Had changed her.

In a few short days, she’d found her family, come to understand her heritage and taken the first real steps toward healing the wounds of the past.

James had risked his life for her. He had never offered any recriminations for bringing the wrath of the hunters down on his pack. All he’d ever done was offer her support.

He was letting her go because he knew it was what she wanted.

“Shelley?” Isaiah peered down at her, concern etched on his face.

“I can’t do this.” She took a step away. Her back hit a tree and she stared wildly around, her belongings clutched tight in her arms.

“Do what?” His voice was gentle. “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”

There was so much love. So much understanding. All of them had given her so much and she’d all but thrown it back in their faces with her need to stand on her own two feet.

But that was wrong.

Wolves were pack animals. She’d been alone far too long, cut off from her kind and her family. If she ever wanted to fully heal, she’d have to embrace who and what she truly was.

She licked her dry lips. Her heart beat so hard and wild she knew her brother could probably hear it.

Isaiah hooked his arm around Meredith and smiled. “Don’t be afraid to go after what you want. We’re all here for you. If things don’t work out here, you’re always welcome in Chicago.”

“And we want you to come for a visit, even if you don’t stay,” Meredith added. “I want you to meet my pack, my family.”

Their continued generosity astounded her.

As though he could read her mind, Isaiah cupped her face in his hands and leaned down. “We’re family. It doesn’t matter if your name is Rachel or Shelley. You’re my sister and I want you to be happy.”

A low sob was torn from somewhere deep within her and she flung herself into his arms. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, brokenly. “Sorry I disobeyed you that day and got caught.”

The guilt had been eating at her. She’d disobeyed the rules about going out alone and had caused nothing but grief and hardship for her family.

His arms tightened around her. Then she felt Meredith’s arms enclose her as well.

“It wasn’t your fault.” His voice was fierce. “Do you understand me? It was those fucking hunters.” Isaiah pulled back and glared at her. “We all broke rules as pups. That’s part of growing. Learning. But none of us paid. Not like you did.” He brushed away the tears from her face as another howl echoed across the air.

“Go.” He pushed her away. “Go to him. Tell him how you feel.”

She gave a watery laugh. “Is it that obvious?”

“Only to those of us who love you both.” Meredith’s words comforted her. They loved her.

Shelley knew what she had to do.

She thrust her two bags of belongings at her brother. “Can you take this back for me?”

He smiled. “Yeah, I’ll make sure your things are safe.”

Shelley knew he understood what a big deal it was for her to leave her few belongings with him. Ducking behind a bush, she began to yank at her sweater and jeans. Meredith was beside her a few seconds later, gathering and folding clothing. “I’ll make sure you’re clothing gets back to James’s house.” Leaning forward, she kissed Shelley’s cheek. “Go for it, honey.”

Naked, Shelley stood and took a deep breath. She barely felt the chill of the spring air or the damp ground beneath her feet. She hadn’t willingly changed in decades. It happened around the time she went into heat, but that was involuntary and she’d fought it with all her might.

This was different. For the first time in her life she wanted to shift into her wolf.

Closing her eyes, she embraced the wilder part of herself. Primal. Instinctual. She reached for it. Welcomed it. Her wolf howled. The sheer happiness and acceptance of that part of herself rushed through her. The wolf held no grudge against being imprisoned all these years. It understood survival.

But now it was time to live. Freely. As she was meant to.

Her bones cracked and reformed as she fell to her hands and knees. The moss was soft against her skin as she threw back her head and let it happen. Fur covered her skin. Her facial features shifted, her jaw elongating.

When it was done, the world appeared different. Sharper. More detailed. Her hearing was always good, but this was even better. She lifted her nose and sniffed the air. The earthy smell of the ground mixed with the tangy pine needles. She scented a squirrel in the tree to her left and the perfume of an early flower off to her right. The wind ruffled her fur as she watched a beetle climb up a tree trunk.

It was incredible.

“You’re beautiful.” Isaiah dropped to his knees beside her and held out his hand. She trotted forward and nuzzled his palm. His fingers rubbed through her thick fur. “I’m so proud of you.”

A howl sounded in the distance and she swung her head around. James was out there. Alone.

“Go,” her brother urged her.

Giving no further thought to her belongings, she darted off into the underbrush. She trusted her family. She trusted James.

Shelley savored that feeling as she jumped over a fallen log and under yet another. A creek trickled off to her right, but she ignored it. Exploring could wait for another time. She had to find James.

As urgent as her mission was, she couldn’t help but experience the exhilaration coursing through her veins. She felt more alive than she ever had. Whole.

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