Legacy Found: Legacy, Book 3 (5 page)

BOOK: Legacy Found: Legacy, Book 3
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“I’m fine,” she whispered. “We shouldn’t just be sitting here on the side of the road.” The quicker they got moving, the faster they could leave this state behind them.

“I need to stop in Nashville to see a man.” James slid back to his seat, strapped on his seatbelt and pulled back into traffic. “Buckle up.”

She fumbled with her seatbelt until it snapped together. Leaning back, she rested her head against the seat and closed her eyes. She could get through this. The chances of her running into someone who knew her were slim to none.

“You said you wanted to be dropped off in a city,” James began.

Panic threatened to swamp her. Her fingers clenched the hem of her sweater. Everything would be fine. She refused to believe otherwise.

“But I don’t want to leave you here,” he continued. “Come home with me. Give yourself a few days to rest and think about things before you make a rash decision. It’s the least I can do after causing you to lose your job.”

The fact that she was considering his offer made her realize just how afraid she was. He was a complete stranger, a male, and one of
—a werewolf. It was difficult for her to think of that as being normal. She’d spent her entire life being told she was a freak, a monster, something to be reviled.

But no more. She’d gambled, taken her chance and had earned the right to live in peace. Could she actually trust another of her kind? She’d always been told her family had abandoned her, hadn’t wanted her because she was weak.

She didn’t know if it was the truth because she couldn’t remember ever having a family. In her dreams, she caught the occasional glimpse of a face or heard a voice that seemed oddly familiar, but nothing concrete. She wasn’t even sure exactly how old she was or where she’d come from.

The last seven months had pushed her to her limits. She was mentally and physically exhausted.

“My daughter would love to meet you,” James added when she didn’t answer him.

“You have a daughter?” Somehow that made him seem more approachable. Which was stupid. Having a kid didn’t mean he was a good man.

“Yeah,” he glanced at her and smiled. She could see the pride, the love in his face as he spoke of her. “Alexandra. She’s married now, but lives next door.”

Shelley nibbled on her bottom lip. This was her opportunity to learn more about herself. She’d worked blind her entire life, knowing only what she’d been told by her captor.

As if sensing her indecision, James tapped his fingers against the steering wheel as he drove. “Think about it. You can go to my meeting with me if you want or you can let me buy you something to eat while you wait. Take some time before you decide. No pressure.”

She almost snorted. James might say there was no pressure, but he’d gotten his way about everything he wanted since they’d met. “Maybe,” she conceded. She’d think about it and decide when they arrived in Nashville. If nothing else, his buying her a meal would save her some money. He owed her that much.

Her stomach rumbled, reminding her that she’d tossed up what little she’d eaten today. The motion of the truck was making her sleepy. She closed her eyes and leaned against the door. She’d just rest for a few minutes.


James glanced at Shelley for the hundredth time as he drove toward the city. Her breathing was even and her head was tilted at an awkward angle. He didn’t know how she could sleep like that. She must be worn out.

The bulky sweater she wore was way too big for her. But rather than hiding her femininity, it accentuated it. Her hands looked delicate poking out from the folded-back cuffs. The fact that it hung so loosely on her emphasized her slight build.

He eyed the skirt of the dress she wore. The fabric was thin, not much good for cool weather. Her footwear was no better. She was still wearing the canvas sneakers she’d worn at work. She wasn’t even wearing tights or stockings, just thin ankle socks. He’d have to see about getting her some new clothing.

All her belongings fit into one small paper bag. His fingers clenched around the wheel until his knuckles turned white. He wanted to reach out and touch her, smooth her silky hair from her face.

There was something about Shelley that made him want to protect her, care for her. He snorted as his dick flexed, pushing against the zipper of his jeans. He wanted to take her to bed for about a week too. And he didn’t want to spend the time there sleeping.

Her scent filled the cab of his truck. It was light, almost floral. He breathed deep and his cock reacted, twitching once again.

He shifted in his seat, trying to get more comfortable. Wasn’t going to happen any time soon. Not with his balls pulled up tight to his body and a huge erection straining for release.

James forced himself to focus on the road, changing lanes and merging with the thicker traffic as he entered the city. He’d been here before, but it had been more than twenty years ago. Still, he recognized landmarks and quickly found his way to his destination.

He found a parking spot and slid the truck into it. The cab grew quiet as he turned off the ignition. Shelley didn’t move, didn’t stir. He didn’t want to wake her, but he didn’t have much choice. Not only did he not want to leave her alone, he was afraid she might not be here when he returned.

He released his seatbelt and leaned closer. Her chest was rising and falling slowly, her breathing deep and relaxed. Her lips were slightly parted and he couldn’t resist the temptation.

A lock of hair brushed her cheek and he pushed it aside with his thumb. Her skin was so soft. A low rumble began deep in his chest. He leaned forward and touched his lips to hers, keeping the contact light and undemanding.

She mumbled in her sleep but didn’t wake. James traced her lush bottom lip with his tongue, almost moaning, as he tasted her. Heat and mint were tinged with a touch of salt from her skin.

Shelley stirred, her eyelids fluttered. Her dark brown eyes were slightly glazed as she stared at him. A second later, panic filled them. James eased back immediately. The last thing he wanted to do was frighten her.

“We’re here.”

She blinked several times, her gaze going past him to the world outside. “Oh.” She straightened and rubbed her eyes. “I must have dozed off.” She frowned at him as if it were somehow his fault.

He fought back a grin, certain she wouldn’t appreciate it. “You did.” He glanced at his watch. “I’ve got a meeting I really need to get to. Are you up to coming with me?”

She shook her head.

“I don’t want to leave you alone.” His wolf was howling inside him, demanding he protect Shelley.

“You don’t owe me anything. You brought me to a city. That’s all I asked.”

James was beginning to feel desperate. As alpha, he was used to his word being law. But Shelley wasn’t a member of his pack. He couldn’t demand anything of her or she’d run.

He buried all his alpha nature and tried to cajole her instead. “How about we find a coffee shop and you can wait there until I’m finished? My treat. Then we can talk.”

Shelley studied his face and whatever she found there seemed to reassure her. “Okay.”

Relief hit him like a blast from a furnace. If he could cancel this meeting, he would. But he’d already put it off for several months. He needed to deal with the bank manager today.

She pushed her door open and slid out. Reaching in, she grabbed her bag.

“You can leave that here. We’ll lock up.” And if she didn’t take it, he knew for sure she’d be waiting for him when he was done.

Shelley hesitated and finally released her hold on the bag. Taking a deep breath, she pushed down the lock and shut the door.

James knew what a monumental step it was for her to trust him even this much. He wanted to howl, to strut with pleasure. Instead, he slid out of the truck, closed and locked his door and made his way to Shelley’s side.

“I’ll probably be an hour, maybe less.” He pointed to a building just down the road. “I’ll be at the bank if you need me.” He glanced around and found exactly what he was looking for. “Why don’t you wait in there?”

He put his hand on the small of her back and guided her toward the funky little coffee shop. There were three tables outside with one hearty soul sitting there sipping coffee. The rest of the patrons were inside. The day was a bit too chilly to be having coffee outdoors.

Shelley was twisting her head from side to side, trying to take in everything at once. He moved her along as quickly as he could without trying to rush her.

“We can look around after if you’d like,” he offered.

“No.” She shook her head and grabbed the door handle and pulled. The fragrant air, redolent with the scent of coffee and sweets, enveloped them in a warm wave of welcome.

James yanked a twenty-dollar bill out of his pocket and handed it to her. “Get whatever you want. I’ll be back as soon as I can.” He closed his fingers around hers, lifted them to his lips and kissed the back of her hand. He left before she could object to the tiny caress.

As he left the coffee shop, the cold air hit him like a slap in the face. His wolf was pacing inside him, making him feel antsy. Every cell in his body was screaming at him to go back to Shelley. He gritted his teeth and crossed the street and headed to the bank. This was going to be the fastest meeting he’d ever had with a banker.


Her skin tingled where he’d kissed her. Shelley soaked in the warmth and the delicious smells surrounding her even as she turned to watch James. True to his word, he crossed the street and disappeared into the building he’d pointed out to her.

She shoved her hands into her sweater pockets, wishing she’d brought her belongings with her. What if he left without her?

“It doesn’t matter,” she whispered under her breath. She still had her money with her. Her fingers automatically closed around the twenty James had given her.

A man bumped her shoulder and excused himself when she startled. He gave her a strange look as he left the small shop. She realized she was just standing there like an idiot, blocking the doorway.

Hurrying to the counter, she checked out the display case. Her stomach growled. Suddenly she was starving.

“What can I get for you today?” An older woman with a shock of gray hair and brilliant blue eyes smiled at her from the other side of the counter.

“I think I’d like the chicken noodle soup.” It was still a novelty to be able to choose her own food. For years she’d eaten whatever she was given.

“That comes with a roll. Whole wheat, multigrain or white.” The woman began serving up the soup while she was talking.

“Multigrain. Please,” Shelley added. “And one of those apple turnovers. And a coffee.”

“Sure thing.” The woman deftly filled the order, putting it all on a tray before ringing up the total.

Shelley paid and left a tip in the jar by the cash register. She pocketed the rest of the change. She hoped James didn’t mind her leaving the tip. He’d told her to buy what she wanted. She only hoped he’d meant it.

Not that it mattered. She had enough money to pay him back. She shouldn’t have taken his money in the first place, but she’d still been drowsy from the nap she’d taken in the truck and hadn’t been thinking clearly.

She grabbed her tray and carried it to a small, round table near the window. Not that she was watching for James or anything. It simply gave her a good view of the street.

Shelley sat down, almost moaning in delight as a waft of warm air shot out from the radiator next to her table. She lifted her spoon and dipped it into the bowl. The liquid was steaming as she sipped it. Taste exploded in her mouth and she dipped her spoon again. The multigrain bun was fresh and delicious. But it was the apple turnover that she enjoyed the most. She hadn’t had anything this wonderful in her entire life. It was filled with chunks of apple and the pastry was light and flaky.

When she was finished, she sipped her coffee. She couldn’t remember ever being this full and content before. Meals had been sparse in her world for so long. Even at the diner, Gus hadn’t been generous, making her pay for whatever she ate.

“That’s done. Over,” she muttered. Now that her belly was full and her head was clear, it was time to make plans.

Should she walk away and leave? She could get a bus ticket to anywhere. Shelley nibbled on her bottom lip, licking a sticky spot and tasting apple. A part of her didn’t want to leave James. He made her feel safe. And that was dangerous. She couldn’t afford to let down her guard or get sloppy. There were men out there who wanted to kill her.

She fiddled with the handle of her spoon as she peered out the window, not really paying attention to the people or the world beyond the coffee shop.

Obviously, she needed another job and a place to stay. But first she needed to get as far away from this state as possible. A shiver raced down her spine and she tugged her sweater tighter around her. No, she couldn’t stay here. Not where she’d lived for so many years. The cabin might be deep in the hills, but it was still the same state.

“You okay, honey?” The woman’s voice was kind, but it still startled her. Shelley needed to start paying more attention to her surroundings. She usually did. She had no idea what was wrong with her today.

“I’m fine,” she lied to the woman who’d served her. She was anything but fine.

“More coffee?”

“Please.” She wasn’t ready to leave the safe confines of the coffee shop yet and she didn’t want anything else to eat.

She offered the woman a smile even though it felt unnatural. Picking up her mug, she sipped the hot beverage. She needed a plan.

First up was clothing. Whether she liked it or not, she needed something warmer to wear. Something more practical than the two dresses she owned.

Her gaze darted up and down the street. There were a few shops, but Shelley didn’t want to waste money on new clothing. Gathering her courage, she pushed back her chair and walked to the counter.

The woman smiled, making the corners of her eyes crinkle. “Do you need anything?”

“Yes.” Shelley nodded decisively. “Do you know of anywhere I can buy some clothes? Preferably a thrift shop.”

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