Legally Bound 2: Against The Law (13 page)

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Chapter 18

just had an interesting lunch,” Jeremy snapped as he entered Julia’s room and tossed the paper down on the vanity she was sitting at. “Then I had something interesting to read on my way home. Pumpkin, I don’t believe you were as thorough as you believed in winning Mairettie’s heart.”

“Wh-what do you mean,” Julia asked nervously. She hadn’t told her father about the break Marcus asked for. She thought she had time to fix things when Marcus returned.

“If you are the fiancée of Marcus Mairettie why were you the only person on the planet not invited to his brother’s private wedding on an island which you were on just days ago,” Jeremy snapped.

“I traveled back with Marcus so he could take care of some business. I wasn’t feeling up to the trip back, and he couldn’t wait for me to get well. He had to be back in time for the wedding,” Julia covered with a smile.

“Interesting, I want to tell you a story Julia, and you tell me if you see where I have developed my own conclusions,” Jeremy said and brushed a hand over his hair. He licked his lower lip and tugged at his tie before running a hand over his hair again.

“You see Pumpkin, I had lunch with Henry Fitzgerald. Very good friends with James Mairettie, you know. I thought he would be a great asset to me. Well, Henry informs me that Marcus was in his store this morning purchasing a new engagement ring.

“Henry jokingly asked me if the one you have wasn’t big enough since Marcus purchased a sizably bigger ring. My initial thoughts were that perhaps you did express your displeasure with his original purchase. But my darling daughter, Henry goes on to say that he had no idea you and Marcus were seeing each other for so long. He said it surprised him it had taken him five years to finally give you that ring you are wearing.

“You see Henry sold that ring to Marcus five years ago Julia. For a young lady that Marcus would not reveal the identity of. It was a very private sale. Are you seeing where my concern is coming from sweetheart,” Jeremy hissed.

“But daddy I…I,” Julia compressed her brows and looked down at the ring on her finger. Marcus had been so reluctant to actually hand it over to her and had the same reluctance when it needed to be sized.

“But that is not what has wrung my attention, Julia. The photo of your fiancé with another woman in his arms is what has peaked my interest. I’ve never once seen Mairettie look at you this way,” Jeremy jabbed his finger at the photo in the paper.

Julia took this moment to really give the paper he tossed in front of her, her full attention. Her heart crumbled in her chest. She had disappointed her father. Seeing the way Marcus looked at the young woman in the photo said a million words. She closed her eyes and knew she had royally screwed up.

That’s her; that’s Rita
. Julia knew it the moment she saw her. A picture of her and Marie had been under the ring box in the nightstand where she found the ring. Marcus never said to her he loved her because he was in love with this girl. She never gave it a thought because the girls looked so young in the picture. It looked like it could be a prom picture or something. She’d just written her off as one of his sister’s friends and thought he kept the photo because his sister was in it.

Julia never asked Marcus because he would have known how much she was really snooping. She was gorgeous. There was no way Marcus wouldn’t have noticed how beautiful she was back then or now.
She is, even more, beautiful now
; Julia thought to herself.
I can’t lose him; I won’t.














Chapter 19

arcus wanted nothing more than to go after Rita right away, but Nate was right he needed to clean up his mess before he could bring her back into his life. It wasn’t half as easy as he thought it would be.

First he made a trip to see Henry to replace the ring that should have gone to the one he loved. Henry had mentioned Julia a number of times and Marcus allowed him to think it was for her. He was not ready for the world to know his plans before he straightened things out. Little did he know his privacy wouldn’t last for long.

Next he started to pack up his apartment and called his realtor. He would need to sell his place and find a place of his own. He was hoping to do it as soon as possible. He needed a home for him and Rita.

Then there was Julia. He wanted to end things face to face, especially after what he learned about her and her family’s finances. He wouldn’t put anything pass anyone with the cases he has come across over the years, but he was a little disappointed with himself for not having a better read on Julia and her father. Not to mention he was disappointed in Julia for her actions. He had thought of her as a sweet girl and had once felt guilty for not being able to be whole for her.

Now all he wanted was to be able to tell her there was no future for them, and their break was indefinite. The only thing stopping him was the fact that Julia was ignoring his calls. He would have accepted that as her wanting to break things off as well if it wasn’t for the fact that their families ran in some of the same circles and rumors were roaming around about her still planning the wedding and acting as if their relationship was fine.

Then there was the paper she had delivered to his door with an article circled in bold red marker and question marks around it. It was released the day after he arrived home. After Bobby and Paige addressed the tabloid photos, as well as their engagement and marriage.

The delivery guy had him sign for the envelope and handed it over. Once he opened the package and removed the paper he furrowed his brows and scanned the pages. He looked down at the pictures surrounding the article. They were from Bobby’s wedding. First was a picture of Bobby and Paige looking like the perfect couple in love. Next was one of the group photos. Rita was in his arms, and he was looking at the side of her face. He looked like a man lost in love. Marcus groaned internally and started to read the article.

Sorry ladies but it looks like New York’s breathtaking, most eligible bachelors the Mairettie brothers are all taken. We all mourned the loss of the middle brother Samuel Mairettie when he married, Ellen Kensington, four years ago. I know I shed a tear when that hottie Marcus Mairettie got engaged to socialite Julia Pennywell a few months back, but I was holding out hope for the oldest son. With that jaw dropping face, lawyer Bobby Mairettie.

Well, my dreams were dashed when these pictures came across my desk. It seems last weekend Bobby Mairettie married fellow attorney, Paige Kemble. While I am totally jealous, the blushing bride is absolutely gorgeous in the $75,000.00 dress in the picture to the left. The two look so in love in this beach wedding photo taken in the Bahamas, on a private beach.

However, Bobby and Paige are not the couple I want to bring attention to in this little photo. If you look closely, you will see many of the usual players in the circle, with a few new additions. Our favorite elusive Billionaire, Nathaniel Briggs is holding Paige Kemble’s twin sister on the right. Jasper Briggs is even making an appearance with our beloved little sister Marie Mairettie and, by the way, don’t they make a hot couple. We’ll keep our fingers crossed. Speaking of which, where’ve you been Jas?

The lovely Camille Carter is standing with Sam Mairettie. No big news there. Camille has been reported to be one of Paige’s best friends. Sources say Seth Carter and children were among the invited guests.

This leaves the couple I couldn’t take my eyes off of once I got over staring at Bobby and his glowing bride, Rita Briggs and Marcus Mairettie. Now I heard rumors which were confirmed. Rita and her hot fiancé, racecar driver, Anton Funicelli called off their wedding, that would have actually been the same day as the Mairettie nuptials.

After some digging, I found out that Marcus’s new fiancée Julia was not actually at the wedding of his big brother. I’m sensing trouble in paradise. Just look at the way Marcus is looking at the gorgeous Rita Briggs. Could it be that the Mairettie boys are not all as taken as we believed?

Looks like news of a newly single baby sister Briggs has Marcus a little mesmerized. Sucks to be you, Pennywell. Lastly readers, could these couples be any more gorgeous?

Marcus thought that this would be the point where Julia would finally answer his calls, but she didn’t. Week after week started to pass and to Marcus’s frustration Julia refused to answer his texts or calls, yet still rumors were getting to James and Minnie that she was still talking as if they were a couple.

Four weeks passed, and Marcus was at his wits end. He was ready to show up at the Pennywell estate. If it hadn’t been for James and Nate’s warning to stay away from their property, Marcus would have been there already.

He’d just finished a workout to try to get his mind off the stress. He spent his nights and days reliving his one night with Rita. At times, he swore he could taste her, smell her, feel her. What he would give to wrap her in his arms, but he would do this the right way this time.

Nothing could be between them. She’d left because she thought he was still engaged. He cursed himself for not taking care of Julia properly in the first place. He’d known from the beginning he could never really go through with marrying her. It was always Rita or nothing. 

Stepping from the shower Marcus wrapped a towel around his waist. He was living partially out of boxes and suitcases. He entered his bedroom in search of some boxer briefs and something to throw on so that he could go to the office. Days like this it was best to get lost in his work. He had a sinking feeling that Rita needed him, and he wasn’t there for her.

He’d just finished pulling on his pants and looping his belt and started looking for a shirt and tie. “Going somewhere?”

Marcus stiffened and lifted his eyes to the door. He hadn’t changed the locks, but he was so sure that Julia wouldn’t just show up. His brows drew in at the sight of her in a short pink trench coat and shiny black fuck me heels.

Marcus cursed himself for not getting the locks changed. Bobby had offered him his old room just long enough for him to find a new place. James thought he might have found a buyer for the condo.

“Actually, yeah I am,” Marcus sighed. “Jewels, I’ve tried to call you.”

“Well, I’ve needed some time. I thought we both could use some time so we could get back on track with planning the wedding,” Julia huffed and then seemed to think better of it and put on a pout. “I thought you needed some time to miss me.”

She started to untie her trench coat to reveal a black lacy bra and panties set underneath. Marcus clenched his teeth and fisted his hands. He wasn’t sure what he’d seen in her before. No one could compare to his woman. His body didn’t even stir as Julia dropped her coat to the floor.

“What are you doing Julia,” Marcus growled.

“I thought it was time I remind you of what you are missing Baby,” Julia purred.

Marcus blew out a frustrated breath pulling on the first shirt he could put his hands on and crossing the room to pick up her coat and shove it at her. “Put your clothes back on.”

He pushed past her and walked into the living room where he began to pace. A part of him was relieved she was here. He could finally get this over with and go after his woman. Julia followed him into the living room looking hurt and dejected.

“Put the damn coat on Julia,” Marcus snapped.

“I just thought that you would want to be able to look at me like this before I start to grow with our little baby,” Julia cooed.

Marcus stopped pacing and just stared at her. A smirk tugged the corner of his mouth. He walked over to the kitchen to pour himself a glass of brandy. He walked back into the living room with his glass and took a seat. He leaned back on the couch throwing one arm over the back and bringing the drink to his lips.

“So you’re pregnant,” Marcus said coolly.

“Yes, I wanted to surprise you, but things have been so tense,” Julia starts.

“So how far along are you?” Marcus cut her off before taking another sip of his drink.

“I…I’m just a few weeks. I thought we could go to the appointment together,” Julia replied with a trembling smile.

“You haven’t thought this all out too well have you,” Marcus snorted. “We haven’t been intimate in several weeks Julia, even before we left for the trip to the Bahamas. I haven’t touched you in almost two months.”

Julia chewed on her bottom lip looking anywhere but at Marcus. She finally pulled on her trench and sat gingerly on the chair across from Marcus. Her shoulders slumped, and she reached to smooth a hand over her hair.

“This ring was never for me,” she said in a small voice as she started to fidget with the ring on her finger. It was more of a statement and not a true question.

“No, it wasn’t. I bought it years ago for someone I am still very much in love with. I’m sorry Julia. I never meant for you to find that ring and I didn’t mean for things to get as far as they did. You’re a very nice girl….”

“I’m just not Rita,” Julia said bitterly. Her nose wrinkled as she pulled the ring from her finger.

“Don’t,” Marcus sighed and Julia looked up with hope in her eyes. “You can keep it. It is the least I can do. It may help with some of your family’s issues.”

Julia’s eyes went wide, and her mouth flapped open and shut a few times. “Oh yes, I know about your father’s troubles. I’m still not sure how I feel about being trapped into a marriage under false pretenses.”

“Marcus I truly do care about you. Yes, I did pursue you under Daddy’s orders but I did come to care for you,” Julia said sadly.

“My father nor my grandfather would have ever moved a finger to help your father’s situation even if we had married. The firm is five generations old, built in Mairettie blood, sweat, and dreams. Your father will never be half the man that the Mairettie men have come to be.

“I would have probably tried to help if it was for you, but I have a feeling your father’s troubles are not for lack of his own doing.  Leave now, we’ll forget this mess, and I will never speak of it again,” Marcus said holding Julia’s gaze.

“She’s beautiful Marcus and very lucky,” Julia said with pain in her voice as she rose to her feet. She placed the key on the coffee table and turned to leave.

Julia knew when she been beaten, and Rita had won this round without question. It wasn’t until she walked out the door and closed it behind her that she realized how much she really did care for Marcus Mairettie, the man.

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