Legends of Marithia: Book 3 - Talonsphere (33 page)

BOOK: Legends of Marithia: Book 3 - Talonsphere
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How long have you been waiting?
Vartan said.

Another serpent’s voice entered his mind.
Far longer than your lifetime, but not long enough to forget.

Forget what?
Vartan said.

The serpent Vartan hung on to shuddered before his darker voice filled Vartan’s mind.
Some things do not need to be repeated. A new age is coming for all of us. Once you activate Talonsphere, and this war ends, then we can be reborn as winged ones. We are here now. Look up and swim.

The serpent stopped and Vartan saw a large crack above him. He nodded to the serpent before swimming upward.
Thank you for the safe journey.

Vartan looked down to see the serpent’s whiskers shake. His companions approached and he continued upward. The walls surrounding him glowed blue, and he looked closer. Sea worms crawled on its surface, creating the lighting. A mermaid swam up to accompany him, grabbing him by the arm and shaking her head. She pushed her hands down, and Vartan understood her.

She wants me to slow down.

His head began to hurt, and he nodded to her, easing his ascent. He looked down to see Anakari and Yuski nearing him. They had their own mermaids with them. At first, Vartan thought that there were larger glow worms beneath him, but then he saw Anakari clearer and his eyes widened. Her symbols were also glowing blue, many of them projecting light through her clothes. She followed his gaze, crying out.

Vartan shook his head as he had no answer for her, but smiled.

Everything is falling into place
, he thought.

He continued upward through the opening. His spell dissipated as his breathing turned ragged. He continued with a slight increase in speed, until he emerged through a marble floor.

This must be Alyanti.

The closer he got to Talonsphere, the more he wanted to activate it. He imagined a way to be with Helenia, even if it was not in Marithia. His thoughts were overcome as he looked around, still below the surface. Most of the city’s structures were underwater, but a large circle of mermaids surrounded him. Many had dropped bags of algae and treasures, and he watched them glide to the floor. They all looked to him, then to his companions. For a moment, he wondered if he would be attacked or have to prove his worth, but no mermaids moved toward him in anger.

Vartan became dizzy, and one of the mermaids pointed upward. He nodded, then swam toward the surface. He saw a wide set of stairs and headed in its direction, checking that his friends followed him. Laying his hands on the steps’ cold surface, he climbed and then breached into air. His gills sealed shut as he emerged, and he spat out liquid before taking a breath. He surveyed their surroundings with glowing blue eyes, checking for all signs of life. Once he was satisfied that they were not in any danger, he focused on the water in their clothes, waving his hand as he dried them. He blinked back to normal.

An ornate mermaid approached him, cocking her head as her eyelids blinked vertically. Her gold armour shone as she gripped her pearl trident, and she wore a tight crown of sparkling rubies and amethysts. “Welcome. We have been long expecting you. I am Nathalia, sister of sisters.”

“I am Prince Vartan, the man born of dragon’s blood. Can you show us the way to Daessar?”

She turned to the growing crowd of mermaids and cried out, “He has arrived!”

Alyanti was filled with the sounds of cheers, shrieks, and clapping.

Scanning along the many jewel-covered walls, Vartan spotted a young man catching his eye. Seeing other outsiders in Alyanti was strange, but Daessar was where he needed to be, and time was of the essence. Golden statues gleamed by ambient light, and he wondered who they represented.

In the massive cavern full of wonders, he only wanted to move forward. All he could think of was Helenia, and his mission before him.

Nathalia offered her arm and led him past many buildings, waving off the surrounding mermaids. “Man of dragon’s blood, you don’t need to be in a rush. Would you care to spend some time with us? There is much to learn from our long history.”

Anakari continued to glow, and the intensity increased as they travelled through the underground city. Dryden and Yuski checked their weapons.

“Forgive me for my rudeness, but I must get to Talonsphere without delay. Marithia depends on it,” Vartan said.

“As you wish. I hadn’t expected you to be in such a rush, but will take you to Daessar.”

Vartan shared a glance with his companions. The determination on their faces gave him strength. They soon reached a staircase, guarded by mermaids wearing golden armour from head to toe. The guards stepped out of the way as Vartan approached.

“We have waited a long time for you,” Nathalia said.

“Why stay here?” Anakari said.

“Because it is our purpose. Once that is fulfilled, we can leave this place,” Nathalia said.

They descended the stair case, lit by blue light, soon outshone by Anakari’s symbols. Vartan reached over to brush over her arm. “Kari, are you all right?”

He noticed that her hands were shaking, but she replied in a confident voice. “I am fine. Don’t worry about me.”

The stairs opened up to a large room, with a small circular door that was covered in symbols. Four similarly armoured mermaids waited on either side, standing to attention at the sight of them, gripping their swords.

Nathalia waved her hand toward the door. “The entry to Daessar stands before you. Passage will be granted, but only once you have passed the test.”


Chapter 20 : The Final Journey - Part II


“What happens when you repair a heart that was once destroyed?


Someone can become the person they once were, or hoped to be. This was the best gift I could have given her.”




artan cocked his head toward Nathalia, narrowing his eyes as he surveyed her. He was a short distance from the door to Daessar and the weapon that would save them all.

“Have I not proven myself enough?” Vartan said.

Nathalia smiled. “Before you came here, maybe so, but we cannot let just anyone step through that door. Beyond lies
sanctuary, and our agreement was to wait until the one of the Talonsphere prophecy arrives and activates the great one.”

“So, what about us?” Yuski said.

“If he is truly the man he says he is, then you may follow him, but only until Talonsphere is activated. Then we can all be free.”

Vartan stepped forward. “Tell me what I have to do and it will be done.”

“You are the first to be tested. This room has been engineered by the ancients themselves,” Nathalia said.

“You know much. Can you tell us what to expect?” Vartan said.

Nathalia’s face turned grim. “There are no rules that I know of. All I know is, you need to step to the centre of the room to begin, and we are not to remain behind to spectate.”

“Let us begin then,” Vartan said.

“Guards, you may leave,” Nathalia said.

Vartan’s companions turned to follow the guards marching out of the room, but Nathalia raised a hand to stop them. “Wait. If the one of dragon’s blood was to reach this place, with others, then they would all need to remain in this room for the test.”

Vartan looked to the others, and they smiled at him. “Then we will stay.”

Nathalia bowed to them. “Good luck, and may we meet again.”

Vartan wondered what she meant, but before he could ask any more questions, she promptly left the room. His heart thumped as he turned toward the door. To reach the door meant he had to step toward the centre of the room.

He tightened his grip around the hilt of his sword, wishing that he hadn’t abandoned the shield, but knowing it would be safely returned to Greenhaven.


Everyone was counting on him, and Shindar could already be at their doorstep. There was no time for hesitation.

Vartan marched toward the door to Daessar, and looked around. His footsteps were only answered by their echoes and the sound of heavy breathing. The room quaked, and he nearly jumped out of his skin. Dust fell all around him. Drawing his sword, he saw no threats, but the staircase was covered by a wall falling into place. They were captured there.

The walls continued to glow blue, and Anakari’s symbols flickered. She stepped toward the door to Daessar, seeming mesmerised by it before coming to a halt an arm’s length away. She began to speak words, but none of them made any sense. She spoke another language, and when she turned, her eyes shone bright white. Her voice changed, and not to one he recognised.

Oh shit.

Vartan invoked Mazu. He surveyed his surroundings, seeking sources of any danger. He may as well have been blindfolded. The room must have been protected with magic, as he could not see anything else around them.

“Something’s controlling my magic,” Vartan said.

Dryden circled around, spinning his sword and watching for danger. Yuski looked to her orb, which didn’t appear to be doing anything.

Anakari turned to him with a sharp twist. “Your magic will not work here, mortal. This room was crafted to keep our enemies out of Daessar.”

Yuski’s eyes widened as she approached Anakari. “Who

Anakari raised an open palm. “Stop. All of you. This girl will be returned to you, once we are sure. My name is not important, and neither is yours, for now. What matters most is who you are.”

The room shook again. This time, the roof opened up, revealing long metal spikes along the entire ceiling. They covered the entire surface, and were barely inches apart. If it fell on them, there would be no escaping death.

“What is this?” Dryden said.

“This is for our protection,” Anakari said.

“It doesn’t look like protection to me,” Yuski said, easing her sword out.

“If you harm me, you harm your friend. Well, at least her mortal self. Losa would be returned to the kingdom above the stars.”

Vartan spoke through a clenched jaw. “Enough of this. What do you want us to do?”

Anakari approached Vartan, looking him over. “If only it were so easy. Your soul interests us greatly. But first, I need a small amount of your blood.”

Vartan grimaced and ran his arm against the tip of his blade, ensuring only a small cut, then held it out to Anakari.

“I see you waste no time. This is good,” Anakari said, approaching him and running her finger over the cut.

Anakari neared the door to Daessar. “As long as you haven’t deceived us, then you will all be safe.”

The symbols glowed bright blue as she approached. She read over the door and reached forward to run her bloodied finger over a symbol in the shape of a dragon. It hummed, pulsing for a moment, before turning white.

“After all this time, he has finally come? Let’s see if you are worthy of Talonsphere,” Anakari said, staring at him. “I have a series of questions for you, and your answers will determine if you live or die.”

Vartan sighed as he looked around with a furrowed brow. “With all my training, you don’t want me to prove my strength? There is nothing for me to fight?”

“It is strength we are testing, just not the way you had imagined. You may discover that your worst enemy is yourself.”

Vartan narrowed his eyes. “Ask what you want of me.”

Anakari laughed, shaking her finger at him. “I will, but there is something you need to know. If you lie to me, the roof lowers. You keep lying, then you will all die.”

This was not at all what he had been expecting. “This is your twisted game. Ask away.”

“Let’s start with something simple. Do you want everyone in this room to die?”

Vartan remained still. “No.”

Everyone looked to the roof, the long spikes reflecting the aqua light. Nothing moved. The door hummed, and a few symbols turned red.

“As I said, that was simple. So, Vartan, do you want to die?”

Vartan leaned toward her. “How the—”

“I know who you are, as Anakari knows who you are. Her thoughts and memories are a library for me to read through. Now, answer the question.”

Vartan searching inside of himself, and the only answers he received were conflicted. Nobody wanted to die, but he was ready to do it to save Marithia. He feared death, but also feared living. The woman he loved was dead, and he wanted to be with her. Death could bring them together.

If I admit that, then why would my companions fight for me?

“I will do what I must, to activate Talonsphere,” he said.

“Our questions cannot be bypassed. Do you, or do you not want to die?” Anakari said.

Sweat rolled down Vartan’s nose. “No.”

The room shook so hard that they struggled to stay on their feet. The ceiling of spikes fell lower, stopping only metres above them.

“Did you think we are weak? I told you, you will all die if you do not tell the truth.”

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