Legion's Lust (3 page)

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Authors: Samantha Blackstrap

BOOK: Legion's Lust
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Two quick popping sounds and Angie fell silent and still. Martha pushed herself up and looked around the room. She could feel them but not see them. They were hiding like cowards.

"You going to fuck me now?" Martha scrambled to her feet. "Come fuck me then."

There was a rush of hot wind then something ploughed into Martha’s chest and sent her crashing to the ground. The air knocked from her lungs when she landed. She rolled onto her side and willed her lungs into expanding. She gasped and sucked down a haggard breath.

Then the heat was on her again, all teeth and nails, chewing and scraping her soft flesh. The hatred this being was composed of was overwhelming. Martha felt like screaming and brushing it away, like a bug had fallen on her, but she needed the other one too. She couldn't banish them one at a time. One was too cunning and this one too hate filled for that to work.

"Come get me you limey fuck. You want sloppy seconds after this thing?" Martha's heart beat in her ears. The savage would tear her apart given half a chance. "What's the matter, huh? Legion got your cock?"

The being chuckled and heaviness pressed down upon her. The savage bites turned to nips and the heat of the other being chilled. The one who called her love was on her now, the master pushed aside his pet.

A cold hand pried open Martha's mouth, and then filled it with an icy cock. Her nostrils flared as she sucked in air through her nose. The being shoved it in deep and pumped.

The cold rod prodded the back of Martha’s throat. She opened up and angled her head to make the skull fucking less painful. He pounded her, his cock dripping with sulphur pre-cum.

Martha swallowed the monsters juices. Now that she had them both she just needed to get them off their guard, to bring them to the brink of climax, then send their asses back to hell. She reached up and cupped her hand around the cold one’s balls, gently rolling them around her fingers.

The cold one flinched back and yanked his cock out of her mouth.

“Let me suck your cock.” She circled the head of his cock with her tongue. “Please?”

“Oh I do so love it when they cooperate.”

Martha cupped his balls again, then gently sucked and lapped at the head of his cock.

A shudder passed through him. Alive or dead, so it seemed, all men like a good blowjob.

She wrapped her other hand around the base of his cock and squeezed, then slowly slid his shaft into her wet mouth. She stroked slowly and sucked and rolled her tongue around the head of his cock.

She felt his cold fingers in her hair. This is right where she wanted him. She took him out of her mouth. “Aren’t you going to fuck me?”

“Not quite yet.”

“But I really need to be fucked. What about your friend? Can he fuck me good?”

“The pussy is mine,” he said. “Take her ass. But gently. She does have my cock in her mouth.”

His cold fingers pried open her mouth again and he jammed his cock into it.

Martha felt the hot cock of the other being push into her. Despite his nature, his strokes were gentle.

Martha found herself rocking back into the being fucking her. The heat and fullness was a pleasant surprise and it made her pussy ache with want. She took her hand from the cold being’s cock and rubbed her swollen clit, sending shivers throughout her body. Her pussy dripped and Martha smeared her juices around, creating lube for herself.

With her mouth and ass full, Martha wished there had been a third being in Angie. Someone who could be in her pussy right now. Her fingers would have to suffice. She circled her clit with the pads of her fingers, her sensitivity so intense her muscles jumped from the sensation.


For a moment she did not know what said it then panic rush through her. Jeff was awake and was probably about to do something stupidly heroic.

"No," she screamed, but it came out garbled.

"Martha are you up there?"

Things were not going to her plan. If she was going to banish them, she'd need to do it now. “Fuck me,” Martha said and hoped the cold one would take the bait. She squeezed her eyes shit and prayed Jeff kept his stupid mouth shut.

The cold one laughed and pulled his cock from her mouth. He rammed it into her pussy, the cold filled her. Martha cried out despite herself. This was much worse than she'd prepared for. The cold and evil spread through her like a wildfire, and turned her self assuredness into ash.

The cold one licked her face and neck, smearing his icy spittle all over her. Martha recoiled and retreated into herself. This, she had not accounted for anything like this. The cold and hatred; spit and ghostly grunts. Martha felt herself retreating deeper inside herself, folding in. Distant from everything happened to her.

"Martha? Jesus. What-"

A loud crack pulled Martha from her internal panic room.

"Jeff!" She struggled to rise but the beings had her pinned.

"That stupid son of a bitch. Be right back, love."

The cold moved over her skin and was replaced with rushing heat. "No," Martha said. "No no no."

"Don't worry. My friend here will keep you company."

Panic, fear, and anger welled inside her. "No," she screamed and focused all her energy on the two beings. She felt their fear and confusion as her energy hit them, knocking them back and scattering their forms. For now. She scrambled to her feet and headed for the stairs. "Jeff?"

The eye turned to her.

"You pieces of shit. What did you do to him? What did you do?" She started down the stairs. Another crack. Martha flew backward awash in black flame. The sickening stench of burnt hair filled her mouth and lungs.

She lay too afraid to move. Hell. She just got a taste of hell and it wasn't pleasant. That’s where she'd be going shortly. Were they'd all be going. Perhaps the other two were already there. Martha lolled her head to the side. Angie was still breathing. The eye lay between her and Jeff. She pushed herself up, her red and raw skin sending pain throughout her body. She gritted her teeth and felt around for the rotary phone they used to communicate. If she couldn't get close to Legion maybe she could lob something at it.

The large unblinking orb tracked her every movement. So much for the element of surprise. She grabbed the phone and chucked it at the eye. It sent out a stream of flame and engulfed the phone.

Martha collapsed spent. She'd just given all she physically had to give. She could feel the two assholes behind her, swirling. Trying to piece themselves back together. Once they did they'd tear her apart. She could use the last of her energy to keep them away for a bit. With any luck she'd conk out before they overpowered her. Or just give in. There was no walking out of this. Just sit and relax. Find some peace before the end.

The thought turned sour in her mouth. Martha was many things, but she was not a quitter. "Hey you shits," Martha lurched to the stairs and took a step down. "I held up my end of the bargain. Let us go."

The eye stared, unblinking and uncaring.

"You know I'm going to send you back to hell, right? Throw your asses so far into the pit that it'll take you centuries to climb back out."

The eye studied her but there was no response. They didn't want to play, just observe. It infuriated her. A blast of psychic energy burst out of her. She felt the two swirling beings torn asunder as her energy touched them.

Martha focused on the eye. She felt the hellfire around it but pressed on. She took a step down and Legion squirmed.

"I told you fucks." Martha took another step. Flames lashed in her face. One more step and they'd blast her before she got to them. She'd have to launch herself and hope they didn't expect it.

"Last call Legion, you set things to rights or it's back to hell with you."

Legion blinked.

Martha focused her attack, her head split in two from the effort. She clawed at her temples but kept on the offensive.

Something moved on the stairs. A body. Jeff. "No!" Martha screamed through clenched teeth. A small dark lump left Jeff’s hands and flew toward the eye. Flames reached out for it but it kept on sailing. It struck the eye with a plink.

The absurdity of the sound, plink, froze Martha. Plink. She watched the flames flicker out. Plink.


Plink. Her bewildered eyes flick to Jeff's face, bruised and bloodied. She turned and looked at Angie. Still breathing.

"What do I do?" Jeff was on the stairs unmoving.

Martha regarded the eye. There was motion there now. She saw confusion and fear in the growing pupil.

Plink. Her good luck charm.

Martha smiled, and then attacked the eye with all she had. The force of her mind sent the orb spinning and shrinking. The house rumbled and the eye blinked out of existence.

Plink, Martha thought. Then everything went black.

Martha awakened to bright lights and her immediate thought was that she had died. When Jeff's face appeared she was overwhelmed with relief. Martha tried to sit up but Jeff put a firm hand on her shoulder.

"You need your rest."

"Where? Angie?" Her voice was a croak.

"Anonymous 911 call. I think she and the baby will be fine. Physically anyway. I brought you here."

Martha looked around the stark unfamiliar room.

"My sister's vet clinic. She fixed you up."

Martha stared back at him in confusion.

"You'll be okay," Jeff said.

It sounded more like a question than a statement. "Yeah," Martha said, "I'll be fine." She knew she would be, despite everything. She had to be. There was work to do. "Any new cases?"

Note From the Author

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