Leonardo’s Mountain of Clams and the Diet of Worms (51 page)

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Grateful acknowledgment is made for permission to reproduce the following:
La Gioconda
(the Mona Lisa), Leonardo da Vinci, Louvre, Paris, France. Neg. no. 93DE1846. Photograph by RMN-R. G. Ojeda.
Sketches by Leonardo da Vinci from the Leicester Codex. Courtesy of Seth Joel/Corbis Corporation.
The Fighting
Tugged to Her Last Berth to Be Broken Up, 1838
, J.M.W.
Turner, 1839, copyright © National Gallery, London.
Physica Sacra
, J. J. Scheuchzer, 1730s. Photographs by Jackie Beckett, American Museum of Natural History.
The Earth Before the Flood
, Louis Figuier, 1863, and 4th ed., 1865. Photographs by Jackie Beckett, American Museum of Natural History.
Rustic Adornments
, Shirley Hibberd, 2nd ed., 1858. Photographs by Jackie Beckett, American
Museum of Natural History.
Fundamenta Testaceologiae
, Carolus Linnaeus, 1771.
On the Classification and Geological Distribution of the Mammalia
, Richard Owen, 1859.
From monograph, Vladimir Kovalevsky, 1876. Photograph by Craig Chesek, American Museum of Natural History.
Lascaux Cave painting. Photograph by Jean-Marie Chauvet/Sygma. Courtesy of the French Government Tourist Office.
The Moose
, George Stubbs, 1770, Hunterian Art Gallery, University of Glasgow, Scotland.
from Cougnac Cave, southwest France. Modified after Lorblanchet et al., 1993, by A. M. Lister, 1994,
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society
, London.
Skeleton of an Irish elk, Richard Owen, 1846. Neg. no. 2A23132. Courtesy of the Department of Library Services, American Museum of Natural History.
Copyright © 1997 Donald C. Johanson. Used by permission of Nevraumont Publishing Co., New York.
Photographs courtesy of Sally Walker.
Photograph by Jackie Beckett, American Museum of Natural History.
Memoir of the Dodo
, Richard Owen, 1866. Neg. no. 5848. Courtesy of the Department of Library Services, American Museum of Natural History.
Memoir of the Dodo
, Richard Owen, 1866.
Neg. no. 5847.
The Dodo and Its Kindred
, H. E. Strickland and A. G. Melville, 1848. Neg. no. 5869. Both courtesy of the Department of Library Services, American Museum of Natural History.
Illustration by John Tenniel from
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
, Lewis Carroll, 1865. Copyright © Corbis-Bettmann.

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