Leopard's Spots 2: Oscar (9 page)

Read Leopard's Spots 2: Oscar Online

Authors: Bailey Bradford

Tags: #mm

BOOK: Leopard's Spots 2: Oscar
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“Jothiah, look, jutht lithen to me for a minute.”

The sound Oscar made wasn’t quite human, a rough rumbling, not a roar or a purr or anything Josiah could put a name to. Josiah wanted to drop to his knees and worship Oscar, something he’d have to examine later as it was not a reaction someone who was supposed to be an alpha should be having.

A touch to the back of his shoulder startled him as Bobby tried again. “Joth—”

“No!” The word sounded like it was ripped from Oscar, shredding his throat as it burst out.

Josiah stumbled as Oscar spun him away from Bobby. He could hear it in his mind, Oscar’s voice repeating
mine mine mine
! The possessiveness zipping into him seemed tinged with not a little bit of surprise. Oscar hadn’t expected to feel like he was, and Josiah flushed with pleasure at causing such a reaction.

“Fine,” he heard Bobby mutter, “but you coulda told me you found your mate. I wouldn’t have fucked with him like that if I’d known y’all hadn’t done the deed yet.”

Josiah was ready for Oscar, attuned to him now in a way he’d only heard of mates being. When Oscar tried to lunge around him, he gripped hard. The bite of Oscar’s claws piercing his skin flooded Josiah’s groin with heat. “Fuck me,” he demanded, and Oscar stopped trying to get to Bobby, pivoting fast and almost dragging Josiah. Almost, but not quite, as Josiah was just as eager to get into his apartment as Oscar was.

Chapter Ten




It’d hit him like a freight train, this need coiling around his spine and pressing into his groin. Every heartbeat set the rampant desire throbbing more intensely, and Oscar couldn’t control it or himself. He was acting like a beast instead of a man, growling and snarling, attacking and dragging his mate away. Part of him wondered if this was what happened between Lyndon and Levi the first time they’d had sex, but mostly he didn’t give a shit. He just needed Josiah, now. Conversation, questions, all the things they’d have to work out could wait.

“Careful,” Josiah muttered.

Oscar cocked a brow at him as he took another step back.

“Stairs,” Josiah explained.

Oscar twisted around enough to see that he was indeed now at the steps leading to the garage apartment. He turned back and watched Bobby stumble into his house. Oscar couldn’t believe he’d gone nuts and lost his temper, but he’d had it with being bullied, and maybe that wasn’t what Bobby had meant to do but it’d sounded like so many other times Oscar had been tormented. The memories had rushed back in a flash. One minute Oscar had been having the most erotic experience of his life, the next he’d been in a rage.

He wasn’t going to think about it now. Not now, when he was leading an unhesitating, obedient Josiah up the stairs, not when the scent of Josiah’s arousal was mingling with his own and firing up even more pinpricks of desire in Oscar’s body.

He stopped on the last step and let go of one of Josiah’s wrists long enough to reach back for the doorknob. It turned easily, and he made a mental note to lock it once they were inside, since Josiah obviously didn’t bother doing so.

Oscar had always worried he’d be nervous his first time, as self-conscious as he was about his scrawny body, but he wasn’t feeling even a hint of nervousness now. How could he when Josiah was looking at him like that? So much desire, so much want, as if only Oscar could satisfy him.

Which was the truth. Oscar felt it down to the marrow of his bones. He may not have known anything about mates, but it was coming to him in waves almost, instinctive pulses he didn’t question. Maybe it was the strength of the connection between Josiah and him.

He pulled Josiah through the entrance, thrilled with the way Josiah let him lead. “Shut it,” he instructed. He’d shifted his paws to hands to open the door, but there was another reason he wanted Josiah to handle it. He released Josiah and took a half step back.

Josiah turned and did so.

“Lock it, too.”

As soon as the lock snicked into place, Oscar leapt forward and slammed Josiah against the door. He was careful enough to shove his hands between Josiah’s chest and the hard wood, but it still knocked the breath from them both. Oscar kept himself glued to Josiah’s back. And damn it, he wished he was taller.

Oscar nipped Josiah’s back through his T-shirt and figured it’d be best to be clear about his intentions. “I’m going to fuck you.” The shiver that ran through Josiah was powerful enough to nearly rattle Oscar’s teeth.

“Oh shit, please, fuck me!”

Oscar grinned and rutted on Josiah’s thigh. He did it again, because it felt so good, hard muscle and friction for his aching dick. “I’m going to, but first…” Oscar slid one hand down, working it beneath the waistband of Josiah’s jeans when he sucked in his stomach. He didn’t have to move his hand much further before encountering a wet tip, spongy and hot.

Josiah whimpered and dropped his head forward.

“Oz…I can’t…I’m gonna come if you don’t stop!”

The desperation in Josiah’s voice cut through Oscar’s fascination with the slit he was thumbing. Did he want Josiah to come already? No, because that’d mean Oscar would have to wait to fuck the tight ass rubbing against him, and he didn’t think he could wait without whimpering or whining about it. This was his first time, and he was beyond eager, well past horny, plunging into desperation himself, but he didn’t want Josiah to know that. He wanted to retain at least the appearance of control, and he didn’t give a damn why that was.

And if Josiah came in his jeans, Oscar was likely to do the same. He circled the underside of Josiah’s glans with his finger and thumb and squeezed forcefully.

“Ah ah,” Josiah gasped and his hips spasmed, his ass flexing.

Oscar leaned to the side and watched the way Josiah flattened his hand first then curled his fingers repeatedly, as if struggling to get himself under control.

“Need me to do it again?” Oscar asked, although he hadn’t yet loosened his grip. But he could tighten it.

“No,” Josiah croaked, shoving a hand down to clutch at Oscar’s wrist. “I’m good, or at least not gonna come now. Maybe not tonight at all.” He gave a strained chuckle and Oscar, afraid he’d pushed too far, started to pull his hand back. “No,” Josiah repeated, and he held on with a grip Oscar didn’t care to break. “I’m teasing. It’s just that I liked it, and it hurt, and I didn’t know I liked stuff like that.”

Now it was Josiah who was leaning, craning his neck and trying to see Oscar without turning around. “Like with my nipples. Man, I didn’t know, and you just did and it hurt but, holy fuck, Oz, it was this good hurt that made me hot and cold and tingle in places I—” He stopped abruptly and gave his head a very slight shake.

“I just didn’t know I was like that. Didn’t know I’d want to be fucked so bad, either. When I tried it before a few times, it was just out of curiosity. But, you, I want to feel you mounting me and fucking me harder than I ever thought I could handle. Feel your claws marking me, your teeth, feel you come inside me. Make me yours.”

“Yes.” Oscar used his grip on Josiah to turn him around, literally leading the man by his dick. “Yes,” Oscar said again, glaring up at him, possessiveness and the need to claim and mark his mate clawing at Oscar. “All of that, I’ll give you.” He should have felt nervous, but he didn’t. Couldn’t, because he knew this was right, knew if he listened to himself, to Josiah, it’d happen as it should.

He’d watched enough porn, read enough factual and fictional sex stuff to know what to do, not to mention he’d seen Levi and Lyndon more than once. They weren’t always discreet, and Oscar had thought they should have had better control over themselves, but now he understood why they didn’t. He’d have fucked Josiah in front of Bobby and everyone in the entire state of Texas if they’d been there.

“Kiss me,” Oscar ordered, giving Josiah’s dick a tug.

Josiah sucked in a sharp breath and lowered his head as he framed Oscar’s face in his hands. Oscar started the kiss off with a stinging bite to Josiah’s bottom lip, testing the man, and sure enough, Josiah moaned and all but drooped against him, eager and needy and oh, so perfect.

Oscar rewarded him with a kiss so thorough he thought Josiah might still taste him in the morning. He ended the kiss the same way he’d begun it, and caught the tinge of copper on his tongue.

Tipping his head back, he checked Josiah’s lip. “Slick, swollen, red, but no blood,” he observed.

Josiah tipped his head down and nudged Oscar’s cheek with his own. “You could,” he whispered in Oscar’s ear. “I’d like it, I think.”

Well, hell.
Oscar had to close his eyes and clench every muscle in his body to keep from blowing his wad. Josiah was going to kill him, make him burst or something from having to hold back orgasms.

“Come on,” Oscar said roughly, moving back so fast Josiah stumbled. Oscar threw up a hand to steady him before fisting that same hand in Josiah’s shirt. He pulled, ripping the cotton down the middle.

“Fuck, that’s hot,” he said as he stared at the thick pelt on Josiah’s chest. “I love this.”

He pushed the shirt down Josiah’s arms then trailed his hands up over the stacked muscles until he felt the crisphair on Josiah’s chest. His brown nipples were pebbled and peaked, sticking out from the thick swirls surrounding them. Oscar grinned and reached for them.

He pinched the tips between his fingers. Josiah gasped and slapped his hands on top of Oscar’s. “Stop! Fuck fuck fuck!” Josiah trembled as he panted heavily, and he swayed a little.

Oscar was concerned that Josiah might just drop to the floor, and not in the way Oscar wanted him to. He freed his hands and hooked an arm around Josiah’s waist. “Lean on me.” Josiah did and Oscar guided them to the bedroom, not hard to find considering the small size of the apartment.

In the bedroom, Oscar pushed Josiah down on the bed. As soon as his back hit the mattress, Oscar pointed at him. “Get your pants off, or at least out of the way. Everything else is negotiable.”

Oscar watched while Josiah sat up then hunched over to pull off his boots. He kind of hoped Josiah would leave them on, but Oscar couldn’t quite figure out how to ask it and he didn’t want to try sending the thought when he could barely concentrate as it was.

Josiah got his boots and socks off. He straightened up and looked Oscar in the eye. Even so, Oscar could see hints of movement, Josiah disrobing, his hand flitting in and out of Oscar’s field of vision.

 Josiah rose up slightly, and Oscar jerked his gaze down. The shredded shirt had fallen off, and Oscar could hardly wait to touch. He followed the broad treasure trail down, anticipating touching every inch of Josiah’s skin. Then he concentrated on being patient while Josiah wiggled out of his jeans.

“Damn,” he couldn’t help but utter when he saw Josiah’s cock. Thick and long, with a crown that made Oscar’s ass clench involuntarily, Josiah’s shaft was a thing of beauty. The broad slit was glistening, and the smell of aroused male was intoxicating, shooting through Oscar’s veins.

Josiah ran a hand through some of the dense curls at his groin. He gripped the base of his dick and squeezed hard enough to turn the length purple. “Oz, soon. I need you inside me, soon. After, you can look all you like. Explore, whatever, I don’t care. Just
fuck me!
” Josiah edged his pinkie down to stroke his heavy balls, and Oscar’s muscles unlocked.

“Where’s your lube and condoms?” He asked, ready to hunt them down if need be, but Josiah stopped him with a chuckle.

“We don’t need condoms.”

Oscar turned back to scowl at him. Josiah frowned in return. “We don’t. How is it you don’t know these things?”

That sounded too much like Josiah was laughing at him, and Oscar didn’t appreciate it at all. He narrowed his eyes at the man and growled, and Josiah’s amusement morphed into something hotter that added to the dominant streak pervading Oscar’s mind.

Josiah’s smirk faded, the hungry expression from earlier returning in a rush. Josiah tilted his head down and peered up through his lashes. “We don’t need them. Shifters don’t catch human diseases. Has anyone in your family ever been sick?”

Oscar shook his head and held up his right hand. He wiggled his two shortened fingers. “No, and there’s not really been anyone hurt except for when I did this. Caught them in a trap when I was six.”

Josiah held out his hand and Oscar placed his in it. When Josiah brought Oscar’s fingers to his mouth and sucked them in, the warm, slick sensation had Oscar reaching to tug at his balls with his other hand.

Which reminded him, he had too many damn clothes on. Josiah slid his tongue between Oscar’s fingers and Oscar shuddered. He pulled his hand free but traced Josiah’s lips, leaving them wet. Oscar pinched the centre of Josiah’s bottom lip and was rewarded with a shaky moan.

He released Josiah’s lip and stepped back. “You do have lube, right?”

Josiah’s mouth moved, but nothing came out. He closed his eyes and cleared his throat before he answered Oscar. “On top of the dresser.”

Oscar turned and started stripping, tossing his shirt aside. Unfastening his jeans with one hand, he used the other to grab the lube.
Maximum Glide.
He wondered if it was regular lube or if it had some of that numbing stuff in it. He hoped so, because he was dangerously on edge. Oscar pivoted towards the bed and tossed the lube in that general direction, just needing both hands free to get his jeans off, or at least down.

Josiah caught the stuff and flicked a glare his way. Oscar figured he was misreading that until he stood up from bending to shove his jeans around his ankles and saw Josiah spread out, literally. On his back with one leg hitched up to his chest, one hand used to hold his balls and cock up, while teasing his pucker with the other.

Oscar took a step and cursed, his feet tangled in his clothes. Josiah lifted his head enough to peek at him, but Oscar didn’t think Josiah saw much of anything. The blissful expression on Josiah’s face made his tanned skin glow as he puffed out shaky breaths. Oscar managed to keep upright from sheer determination. He got one leg free and hobbled to the bed, holding his dick at the root lest he come from the slight breeze caused by the ceiling fan overhead.

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