Lesbian Romance: An Erotic Lesbian Sleep Over (Book 1 of 3) (erotic lesbian, lesbian erotica, lesbian sex stories, lesbian, lesbian romance, erotic romance, lesbian fiction, lesbian sex) (6 page)

BOOK: Lesbian Romance: An Erotic Lesbian Sleep Over (Book 1 of 3) (erotic lesbian, lesbian erotica, lesbian sex stories, lesbian, lesbian romance, erotic romance, lesbian fiction, lesbian sex)
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              “Go to the bathroom honey. I am going to go upstairs and change too. Are you going home any time soon?” Trisha asked her.

              “Later on tonight maybe.” Melissa shrugged her shoulders, hoping that Meghan could give her a ride home and they wouldn't have to worry about any interruptions there.

              “If you want you can stay here.” Trisha told her softly as she watched Melissa start up the stairs.

              “I really should go home tonight. I miss my bed. Sleeping on Andrea's floor wasn't too pleasant last night.” Melissa lied easily to her.

              Trisha nodded her head as she got up and headed upstairs behind her. Before Melissa turned off to go to the bathroom Trisha grabbed her ass cheek hard and then let it go, walking past her she turned around to see if Melissa was still watching her. She was and Trisha gave her a wink before going into her own bedroom to change.

              Melissa went back into Meghan's room when she came out of the bathroom. Seeing Trisha's door was still closed she figured she had gone back to bed herself.

              Going into Meghan's room she was thankful that Meghan was still sleeping. She took her pants off and was glad that her pussy was dry. She had washed it with a washcloth and padded it dry so that if Meghan wanted to play with her pussy she wouldn't have to explain why it smelled like pussy juice already.

              Meghan was barely awake when she felt Melissa get into bed with her. Rolling over and putting an arm around her. Moving her leg to rest on hers.

              “No panties? You dirty little girl.” Meghan moaned to her when she felt her knee touch Melissa's hairy pussy.

              “No. I began rubbing my pussy listening to you sleep. I was turned on and before I could get my panties off I came in them.” Melissa told her only half the truth.

              “You want to play?” Meghan asked her, moving so that her mouth was over Melissa's tit and ready to suckle on it.

              “I want to play but what if I told you that we could find a place to play where we won't be interrupted?” Melissa asked her hurriedly.

              “That sounds awesome. Where?” Meghan asked, her eyes growing wide. Wanting to spend the rest of the day with her. Just the two of them and she knew that with her mother home there was no way that was going to happen.

              “My house. Remember no one will be there but us. No parents.” Melissa smiled at her.

              “Come on, what are we waiting for?” Meghan asked her, getting out of bed quickly and putting on some clothes from her closet.

              “I have my dress in the bathroom that I will put on and put these in the hamper.” Melissa laughed at her as she pointed down to the button on Meghan's jeans and let her know that it was unbuttoned.

              “Oh right.” Meghan laughed, she was in such a hurry she didn't realize that she had forgotten to button her pants.

              When the girls were ready to leave they walked downstairs and saw Trisha watching an infomercial covered up with a blanket.

              “Where are the two of you heading?” Trisha asked as they walked in front of the television heading towards the kitchen.

              “I'm going to give Melissa a ride home.” Meghan told her.

              “Alright, make sure you drive careful out there. Try to  be home before it gets dark a storm is suppose to be coming in.” Trisha warned her.

              “I will mom.” Meghan turned and rolled her eyes at her.

              “Bye Trisha.” Melissa told her with a smile.

              “See you later Melissa.” Trisha waved to her without taking her eyes off the screen. Watching how to get stains out of a white carpet.

              Meghan had reached Melissa's house in less then twenty minutes, when they got out of the car Meghan knew her mother was right. Just smelling the air and feeling how raw it was she didn't need the weather man to tell her that a storm was coming in.

              “Maybe I convince you to spend the night with me.” Melissa told her, looking up at the small, brown house she lived in while taking her house key out of her book back.

              “Maybe if you walk around the house only wearing those long, black, sexy boots of yours.” Meghan looked down at them and loved how they looked on Melissa.

              “Done.” Melissa threw her head back and laughed.

As they began walking up the steps and Melissa put her key into the door, turning it so she could unlock it she heard someone calling out to her.

              “Melissa! Hey, Melissa!” Her neighbor from next door came waddling over. She looked to be about seven months pregnant and having a hard time walking over to them. Melissa threw her hand up and waved at her.

              “Hi Mrs. Higgins.” Melissa said to her as she got closer to the girls.

              “Hi, I was hoping that you were going to be home last night. I stayed up until about nine to see if you were going to be home then I went to bed.” Mrs. Higgins explained to her.

              Mrs. Higgins was a short girl who was a few years older then Melissa. A soon to be young mother. She had brown hair and light brown eyes. Wearing a thin dressed and a black coat that buttoned up.

              “What can I help you with? Sorry I left my cell here last night. I didn't even come home on the bus I slept over a friends house so that we could study for a test for tomorrow.” Melissa explained to her, knowing that her mother probably told her to keep an eye on her while she was away.

              “Your mother told me that she had breast pump in the closet in the kitchen. Where I have started producing milk already let me tell you that it hurts not getting the milk out when I need to.” Mrs. Higgins told her, not shy about telling her what the problem was. They were both women.

              “I can get that for you. Come in out of the cold.” Melissa told her as she pushed the door open. The girls let Mrs. Higgins into the house first and then followed behind her.

              The minute they walked into the house they were standing in the kitchen. Walking across the tiled floor she went to the back of the kitchen and opened the door to the pantry. Turning on the light and looking around she didn't see the breast pump that her mother said she had.

              “No, I'm sorry its not in here.” Melissa told her sadly as she shut the light off and shut the door.

              “I don't know how I'm going to stand this pain. My car isn't working so its not like I can go to the store and buy one. I think my car knows when its going to storm out because it never wants to start.” Mrs. Higgins told her, unbuttoning her jacket and taking it off. She sat down at the long, wooden, kitchen table.

              Melissa's eyes brightened when she came up with an idea to help her. Feeling her pussy getting wet inside her dress.

              “There's one way I might be able to help you.” Melissa told her softly.

              “Oh dear, right now anything would help me as long as it got rid of the pain.” Mrs. Higgins eyes looked hopeful at her.

              Melissa walked over to her and quickly pulled the top of her blue dress down, hearing the white buttons pop off of it and surprising Mrs. Higgins.

              “What are you doing Melissa?” Mrs. Higgins almost shouted at her when she that her tits were exposed to both girls. Getting ready to get up out of the chair.

              Meghan was behind her and put her hands firmly on Mrs. Higgins shoulders. Knowing that they couldn't let her walk out of the house without trying to help her.

              “You wanted help. Just relax.” Melissa whispered to her. Licking her lips when she saw how swollen Mrs. Higgins nipples were.

              “I didn't know you were talking about this way.” She shook her head when she felt Meghan grab both her arms and put the behind her back firmly.

              “Just let me help you.” Melissa begged her.

Mrs. Higgins knew she didn't have a choice. Instead of fighting a battle she was going to lose she watched as Melissa brought her mouth to her tit and began suckling it. Melissa didn't touch the other one because she knew how sore Mrs. Higgins was.

              “I don't think this is going to work.” Mrs. Higgins told her, shaking her head. Feeling her pussy getting wet from Melissa sucking on her tit.

              “Just give it some time.” Meghan whispered to her. Removing her hands so that Mrs. Higgins could move her arms. She put her hands on Mrs. Higgins shoulders and began rubbing them.

              Melissa sucked faster at her tit until she felt something sweet enter her mouth. She moaned but continued sucking at Mrs. Higgins tit. The more she sucked the more her mouth filled with breast milk.

              “That feels good. The pressure doesn't feel so bad now.” Mrs. Higgins whispered to them. Letting a moan escape her mouth.

              “Would you like to continue this upstairs where it will be more comfortable for you?” Melissa asked her taking her mouth away from her tit and licking her lips. Seeing that it was going to take a while to have Mrs. Higgins feeling much better.

              “That does sound like a good idea. I think you would be too uncomfortable sitting in a wooden chair and  I could even help.” Meghan whispered to her. Watching Melissa suckle at Mrs. Higgins tits she was starting to get really horny.

              “Oh girls, I don't know.” Mrs. Higgins looked at the both of them.

              “You want to feel better don't you? And two mouths are better then one.” Melissa pointed out to her.

              “Okay.” Mrs. Higgins nodded her head and smiled at the two girls. Her pussy was getting really wet inside her thin dress.

              Mrs. Higgins slowly got out of the chair and followed the girls down a small hallway, glad that there weren't any stairs to climb. She watched Melissa push open the door to her bedroom. The walls were white, a single bed in the middle of the room of the hardwood floor. There was a small closet and table on the right side of the room.

              “I have to get more furniture in this room.” Melissa looked at it and crinkled her nose a little. Seeing that Mrs. Higgins was looking at her.

              “Oh sorry, go ahead and lay down on your back on my bed.” Melissa told her, seeing that Mrs. Higgins hadn't put her tits back into her dress. There was no point in doing that when they were just going to come back out.

              The girls watched as Mrs. Higgins got on the bed and relaxed herself against the pillows. I think this is kind of strange but whatever helps take the pressure away right?” Mrs. Higgins blushed at the both of them.

              “Right. And you don't have to worry about us telling anyone. We won't. It'll be our little secret.” Melissa promised her.

              Mrs. Higgins nodded her head at her and then looked over at Meghan. She didn't even know Meghan.

              “We promise it will be just between the three of us.” Meghan confirmed. She didn't want anyone knowing what they were doing either.

              Meghan walked over to the the left side of the bed and Melissa walked over to the other side of the bed. Both of them bent their heads down at the same time. Bringing their mouths to one of her tits. They both began suckling quickly. Meghan moaned when she felt the sweet nectar enter her mouth. It tasted nice and sugary in her mouth as she continued sucking on Mrs. Higgins tits.

              “Girls I don't know how to thank the both of you for doing this for me. God, that feels so fucking good girls.” Mrs. Higgins whimpered to them. Watching them both go to town on both her tits was making her pussy really wet.

              Melissa almost jumped when she felt Mrs. Higgins reach her hand out and put it up her dress quickly. Touching her upper thigh and massaging it.

              Melissa took her mouth away from Mrs. Higgins tit and smiled down at her. Mrs. Higgins took her hand away quickly.

              “Its alright. Whatever we do in this room stays in this room. Would you like me to take my dress off Mrs. Higgins?” Melissa asked her sweetly.

              “Oh yes. Oh god yes, you have no idea how wet my pussy is.” Mrs. Higgins confessed to her..

              “It's alright we will take care of that too, won't we Meghan?” Melissa asked her, looking over at her.

              “Oh indeed we will.” Meghan grinned, unbuttoning her jeans and taking them off quickly.

              “I don't know what I would have done if you didn't come home tonight.” Mrs. Higgins smiled at her and then smiled over at Meghan.

              “Whenever you need help like this just let me know and we will help you as much as we can.” Melissa told her, moving closer to the bed and putting her mouth back on Mrs. Higgins tit, when Meghan saw that Melissa was already going back to town on one tit she quickly moved her mouth over the exposed tit.

              “You girls are so fucking wonderful. Mmm, such great bodies.” Mrs. Higgins moaned, stretching out her hand to Meghan she put a finger to Meghan's pussy and spread her pussy lips apart with one finger. Teasing Meghan's clit.

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