Lessons in Gravity (Study Abroad #2) (4 page)

BOOK: Lessons in Gravity (Study Abroad #2)
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I almost jump when Maddie’s hand lands on
leg. My cock pulses, hard, when she gives my knee a small squeeze. She leans in, pressing her body against mine; her breast nudges my arm, her hair falls across my shoulder. Our faces are inches apart. I need only duck my head to take her mouth in mine, to start the thing we both really, really want to do.

I look up to meet her eyes. She’s looking at me like
. Like she knows exactly what I’m thinking, and she’s thinking it, too.

Let’s get the hell out of here.

She doesn’t say a word; she just waits for me to respond to her unspoken proposition, her slate blue eyes intent, intense.

I clear my throat. Why does she have to be so fucking sexy? It’d be so much easier to stick to my guns if I wasn’t wildly attracted to her. She just…she smells so good and she looks so good and the way she moves makes my dick pulse in agony.

it. I shift my legs again.

“Listen, Maddie. You’re a gorgeous girl. And I’m having a really wonderful time with you.” I wince at the sound of my own bullshit. Best to go with the truth, I suppose. “But, um. I’m not really looking for something quite so…um. You know. Sudden. Fleeting.”

“Ah.” She smiles. “You’re a relationship guy.”

I nod. “Trying to be, now that I’m back home. And I’m buzzed enough to tell you that I’m looking for el amor. Love.”

“Do you have a girl in mind?”

“I do.” I glance down at her hand. It’s still on my knee. “Unfortunately she has a boyfriend at the moment.”

That girl is María Carmen Burgos. We fell for each other, hard, when we were just eighteen. Funny, but that seems so young now. After breaking up a few years ago, we’ve recently gotten back in touch. I’d love nothing more than to fall for her again—she’s just the kind of forever girl I’m looking for. Smart, established here in Madrid, ready to settle down.

I don’t have feelings for her. Not yet. And she is in a relationship with some guy who works in finance. But I’m secretly hoping the spark between us is still there after all these years. I guess we’ll see.

Maddie slides that hand up my leg, a slow, lazy movement that drives me insane. Her touch is patient, intentional, confident. It drives me wild, knowing she’s into me for
It’s all I can do not to leap off the couch and make like hell for my flat with Maddie slung over my shoulder, horny ninja-style.

“This works out perfectly, then,” she murmurs in my ear. “One last lay before you go off and steal your lady love from the other guy.”

I blink. “A lay?”

“Listen, hombre, not all of us are in the market for a happily ever after.”

Her hand is at the top of my thigh, each fingertip sending spikes of fire through my entire body. Her bottom lip grazes my earlobe. The fleshy curve of her hip presses against my leg.

“I shouldn’t,” I manage. “This isn’t what I’m looking for right now.”

She pulls back. “So you don’t want to leave with me then.”

I look at her. A beat passes. Then another. Inside my skin my blood, hot, traitorous, riots; inside my jeans my dick is dying to be let out to play.

I settle my eyes on her mouth. Her lips are parted, the remnants of lip gloss making them appear slickly pink. Swollen.

I bet she’s just as swollen and slick between her legs.

“I didn’t say that,” I reply.

And then I look in her in the eye and reach down and slide my hand between her thighs. Her eyes darken when I discover she’s not wearing panties.

Jesus Christ, this girl is trying to kill me

I press the pad of my middle finger between the lips of her cunt and they part. They let me in.

She is. Oh, she
. Slick and hot and tight and so wet my hand is already sticky with it. With her arousal.

I find the swollen nub of her clit and give it a stroke. Maddie inhales and bites her lip, eyes fluttering shut.

I swallow, hard.

“Let’s go,” I growl. “Now.”

Chapter 3


One side of Maddie’s mouth kicks up as I take her hand and pull her to her feet. A saucy, knowing smirk, confident and full of promise. I want to kiss that smirk off her face, ravage her mouth with mine.

I want her.

I hold her close behind me as I stalk toward Ático’s back entrance. I know a few of the bouncers here, and they let me in on this well-kept secret; on nights like this, when a swift exit is necessary, the back door is a godsend.

Just outside the bar, we pass the table where Maddie and I met. I narrow my eyes at a rumpled leather jacket that’s shoved onto a nearby ledge. I never forget my bomber—I’ve had that thing since I was eighteen, for God’s sake, a graduation present from my parents—but I guess I was distracted by Maddie’s eyes, or maybe it was her legs, or her ass, or her fearless interest in

This girl is fearless. And I fucking love her for it.

I grab the jacket, but I don’t put it on.

I tug Maddie closer to me, the front of her body plastered against the back of mine. I feel the rounded softness of her breasts pressing into my shoulder blades, her long, lean thighs plastered against my backside.

Desire, dark and impatient, coils at the base of my skull, between my legs. I walk faster, holding Maddie’s hand firmly in my own. She doesn’t ask me to slow down; she doesn’t stumble; she keeps pace with me, her breaths coming fast and hot against the nape of my neck.

I grit my teeth, praying there’s no traffic on the way to my flat. I’m going to explode if I don’t get Maddie in my bed, naked, in the next five minutes.

I can’t wait to see her—all of her—naked. I imagine the way her tan legs would slope into hips and soft belly. The fullness of her breasts, the hardened points of her nipples.

And that pussy. I can’t wait to see it, feel it, taste it.

You’d think I hadn’t been laid in a decade for how badly I want it.

I burst through the door. I feel like I’m about to burst out of my jeans, too.

It’s freezing outside, but I hardly notice. The alley is dark and quiet; my ears still ring from hours spent dancing too close to the DJ booth. In the sliver of sky visible between two buildings, stars pulse silver against a black velvet sky. I inhale the faint smell of churros, fresh from the fryer. A nearby streetlamp provides the only light—dim, soft.

Madrid after midnight. I’ve really missed this place.

I’m about to make for the street—
please, please let there be a taxi
—when Maddie gives my hand a solid tug, pulling me around to face her.

Her eyes gleam in the darkness, a dirty little smile playing at the corners of her mouth. She takes a step back, pulling me after her; she takes another, and another, slowly, her hips swaying, heels sounding a decisive beat against the pavement.

We’re three steps from a brick wall when it dawns on me.

She wants to fuck here. Now.

She wants to fuck against this wall.

My pulse leaps.

“Maddie,” I say, squeezing her hand. “I have a bed. A really nice bed. A

She takes another step back, our hands still intertwined between us.

“What if I’m bored with bed?” she says. “I’ve been in lots of beds.”

I pull her to me, curling my body around hers as I attempt to move her away from the wall. My mouth hovers over her mouth. As I talk my lips brush against hers.

“But you haven’t been in my bed.” I glide my tongue along her bottom lip. She tastes like lime, lime and sugar and heat. “I’ll do things to you those others guys haven’t done, I promise you.”

“You know what those guys haven’t done?” She stands on her tip toes, pressing her lips to my ear. She curls a hand around my neck and glides her fingers through my hair. “Me, against this wall.”

I don’t need to ask her if she’s sure, if this is what she really wants. She knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to go after it. And now it’s what I want, too, more than I’ve wanted anything in a long time.

Using the bulk of my body, I turn her so that her back is once again to the wall. She lets out a small hum of approval as her mouth moves from my ear to my jaw, nicking the stubble there with her teeth. We begin to move backward, small, slow steps.

I clutch my jacket in both hands and pull it over her shoulders, tugging the leather into place. She’s a tall girl—definitely not petite—but still my jacket swallows her from her shoulders to the tops of her legs.


“Wait,” she says. “Wait. Why are you putting clothes on me? Aren’t you supposed to be taking them off?”

“Because.” I take her chin in my hand and thumb her lip. “I don’t want you to get hurt. The bricks will tear the skin off your back if...if it gets a little rough.”

Maddie bites down on the pad of my thumb. “Is it going to get rough?”

I grin. “Only if you want it to.”

“Show me what you got, hombre.”

I don’t hesitate.

I lean forward, pressing my hips to hers, pushing her backward with one large, forceful step. She draws a sharp breath when her back meets with the wall, eyes flashing with wicked, searing heat. She rolls her hips against mine, her hands trailing ribbons of tingly heat as they move up my torso.

“Show me,” she breathes. “Show me everything.”

I pull my thumb across her lips, a possessive, almost lewd caress, erasing the last traces of her lip gloss. The soft slickness of her mouth against the calloused pad of my thumb is incredibly, frustratingly erotic. She’s so hot, so soft. So feminine.

I slide my hand onto her face, burying the tips of my fingers in her hair, and pull her to me. Her skin is silken, and so are her lips.

There is no preamble, no tentative exploration. I duck my head and kiss her hard. I kiss her hungrily. I kiss her deeply, and she kisses me back like she means it. Like she wants more, more, always more. Our bodies move against one another, into one another. She is so goddamn sexy.

I glide my other hand up the length of her leg. Goosebumps break out on her skin, and I curse—it comes out in Spanish—against the insistent press of Maddie’s lips, her tongue.

“What?” she pants.

“You’re cold.”

She curls her fingers into the front waistband of my jeans, her first finger toying with the button.

“Then warm me up.”

“I’m trying. You sure you don’t want to go back to my place? It’d be a hell of a lot more comfortable.” I curse again when, through the thick denim, her curious finger finds the hypersensitive tip of my dick. “Maddie. Maddie, I also don’t have a condom with me.”

She reaches down into her bag—it’s a tiny thing, the strap slung across her chest—and holds up a foil packet between her first two fingers.

Carefully, her eyes never leaving mine, she tears open the condom with her teeth.

I bite the inside of my bottom lip, tucking her thick hair behind her ears as I stare down at her like a man possessed. I watch as her tongue works at the crinkled seam of the foil packet.

She’s done this before—the tease. The instigation. And she is painfully good at it.

I am
this close
to losing my shit.

I grab the packet from her mouth.

“You’re fucking ridiculous, you know that?” I say hoarsely, reaching for the fly of my jeans.

Maddie beats me to it. Digging her teeth into her bottom lip, she pops open the button and slowly—
fuck, fuck me
—slowly tugs down the zipper.

A flick of her wrist and she’s reaching inside my boxers. The head of my dick meets with her palm, and then she wraps her fingers around me, tight, so tightly, and gives me a slow, hard tug.

For a minute I think I’ve gone blind.

“So are you,” she murmurs. “More than a handful, Javier. I’m impressed.”

Grunting, I pull the condom out of its foil packet. I wrap my hand around Maddie’s, and guiding our fingers down, down, I roll the condom onto my dick with brisk, almost violent strokes.

And then I’m pressing her against the wall and grabbing the back of her thigh and hitching her leg around my hip. I settle myself between her parted thighs and all the while she’s panting, hot, hurried intakes of breath, her chest rising and falling against my own, my dick throbbing between us as she fists the front of my shirt in her hands. I revel in the feel of her body, all lush curves, all coconut-scented softness, pressed against mine. I crush my mouth against hers, opening her lips with my tongue as I reach down and shove up her teeny tiny dress and open her pussy with my fingers.

I don’t know how, but she’s wetter than she was before. Hotter. My fingers sink easily into her folds. She is so small and so sweet and so perfect I want to scream.

“You have never,” I pant, stroking her clit, “been fucked as well or as hard as I’m about to fuck you, guapa.”

“Now who’s being ridiculous?” she murmurs, smiling against my lips as she rolls her hips, begging, pleading for more.

BOOK: Lessons in Gravity (Study Abroad #2)
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