Let It Snow (10 page)

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Authors: Suzan Butler,Emily Ryan-Davis,Cari Quinn,Vivienne Westlake,Sadie Haller,Holley Trent

BOOK: Let It Snow
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“Sorry,” Leo murmured. He grabbed a few paper towels and started cleaning up the mess. Her eyes followed his movements as he tossed the dirty paper towels into the trash bin and turned back toward her.

“Don’t be. I’ll never look at this kitchen the same again, though.”

“Me neither,” Leo said as he tossed the paper towels in the trash, “but maybe not for the same reasons.” He stared sternly at her. It took her a moment to realize what he was talking about, as dazed as she was from watching the two men only moments earlier.

“Hey,” Garrett grinned and started to back away. “I’m just gonna… take a shower!” Before Brianna could say a word, Garrett bolted into the bathroom and slammed the door shut.

The traitor.

Leo stalked toward her, naked and getting hard again already. Her heart pounded, her blood roared in her ears. This wasn’t the same man who just took her husband’s cock in his ass. His muscles rippled with his movements, sure and confident like a predator.

“You messed up my kitchen, Bri.” She stuck her chin out, but he took another step toward her, his face schooled into a very stern look.

She backed up instinctively, straight into the couch. “You told me I meant nothing to you.”

“This was some sort of revenge, love?” He crowded her, making it hard to breathe without his scent in her nostrils. She should have pushed him away, but the smell of him caressed her, relaxed her. He uncinched her kimono and ran his fingertips along the edge, barely touching her skin, from her ribs to her boobs, to the hollow of her shoulders. The cooler air gave her gooseflesh.

He looked about ready to kiss her, but as he leaned in, he stopped. A mischievous grin crossed his face. She held her breath, anticipation making her tremble. He took her by the shoulders, flipped her around, bent her over the couch. She squealed in surprise but stilled when his fingers touched between her legs, feeling the slickness of her folds. Her entire body shook as he slipped the kimono off the rest of the way and dropped it on the floor.

“Fuck, girl, you’re already wet.” Reverence coated his words, maybe a little amazement. But how could she not be after what she’d witnessed?

“I’m always wet for you,” she replied. She sounded so calm, even to her own ears.

He lifted her torso, pressing her against his naked body. His fingers splayed across her abdomen, holding her in place as his other hand brushed along her nape. 

His hot mouth closed on her bare shoulder, once, twice, thrice. She leaned back against him, not caring that she was completely naked or that he’d just been fucked by her husband. Right then, it was just him and her. She could have stayed like that forever.

Watching the whole thing had been arousing. She wanted that passion between all of them. Like the triangle. That was the way it was meant to be. His hand curved around her ribs to cup her breast, his thumb brushing the nipple, teasing with every light stroke. His touch sent little sparks of fire through her body, and her nipples puckered with the cool air.

“Leo,” she moaned.

“Did you know your husband sucked me off before he fucked me?” He whispered in her ear. “Can you truly be okay with that? With a man who takes the cock down his throat? With a man who takes it in the ass from another man?”

“As long as that man is you or Garrett, I’m okay with any of it.” She reached back, running her fingers through his short, dark hair. His hand caressed her arm, running straight down, following the curvy line of her body.

“All night long,” he started. “I tossed and turned. I hurt you. I hurt Garrett. Because I’m… because I didn’t know how to handle how I feel.”

“I know,” she said. “I love you.” Saying the words wasn’t as hard as she’d thought. She’d said them before she could even register that it had happened. And the funny thing was she didn’t want to take it back.

“Quiet, Bri,” He said. Normally, that would have offended her. But this was Leo. This was how he expressed himself. It was his process. His hands roamed over her body. She leaned toward them wherever they went, causing her ass to rub against his cock. She felt it behind her, getting harder, still damp from his climax. He needed to express things the way he knew how. It was where he and Garrett were similar. Both were more expressive with bodies than words.

“You drive me crazy, woman,” he whispered in her ear. “How can you be so sexy without even trying?”

“Who says I’m not trying?” she giggled. Nerves shocked her, her heart pounding with the way they pulsed through her body.

He slid his hand from her breast down to her core, and slipped a finger between the crease of her pussy lips. She gasped and wriggled in his grasp. She threw her head back against his shoulder, letting out pleasure-ridden moans that no doubt would lead to ecstasy if he kept it up.

“How far will you let me take you?”

“You’ve already fucked me, Leo,” The very question made her hot.

“I took you here,” he said as he pressed a finger inside her pussy. He removed his finger and brought it to her lips. “I took you here.” She opened at his prodding of her lips and sucked his entire digit. She didn’t care much for her own taste on him, but the scent of his climax from earlier made her nearly cream.

As his glistening finger left her mouth, she gasped as he pressed that finger against her ass. He worked it just inside the opening. “I haven’t taken you here yet. Would you let me do that?”

“Oh, god,” she breathed.

“How far, Bri?” he prodded. “Would you trust me?” She opened her eyes and glanced around the room. The cozy living room seemed too big, too open. She wanted it to be small, so there was less space between her and him. She wanted him against her, she wanted his hot body writhing against hers for all time. She wanted the love she saw between Garrett and Leo. She wanted the three of them together in a way that was unique to them, and yet, made sense.

“Yes,” she whispered, her voice clear and sure. “Yes, I would let you take me there.”


Chapter Eight



Holy fuck
, Briana was so responsive to his touch. Leo saw exactly what Garrett had seen in her. She was a walking, talking wet dream. He nearly came against her when she’d said he could fuck her ass. But that wasn’t what he wanted to do right then. It was something he’d keep in mind for the future, but he wanted that hot center of hers again. He wanted to feel her warmth enveloping him, the softness of her surrounding his cock.

He palmed her ass with both hands, rubbing the pliant flesh. Where women were concerned their backsides always interested him more than any other part of their body. So much soft flesh. He ran his hands from her hips over her smooth belly, up to her bare breasts. If he had his way, she’d never wear clothes again.

He shifted, and pressed her upper body back down against the couch so he had a lovely view of her full ass. He pushed a knee between her thighs until she spread her legs wide. Kneading her ass cheeks, he slid a finger along her anus, playing with the rim just to watch her shiver. Leo slid his finger down to her pussy, tangling in the trimmed curls there. Wet. She was always wet for him. He held his breath as he pressed two fingers into her clutching heat. She sighed audibly as if she were relieved he was touching her.

Brianna gripped the edge of the couch, pressing her tits against the fabric as he thrust his fingers deeper inside her. Her slick walls clamped on his fingers.

My God.

He needed inside her.

He pulled his fingers away, ignoring her whine of disappointment as he ran the few steps to the kitchen and grabbed a condom from the drawer. And Garrett had laughed at him for keeping them in the kitchen. It had come in handy twice now.

Bri hadn’t moved, but over her shoulder, the wanton expression on her face so fucking seductive he nearly lost it right then. He tore open the condom and rolled it on his excruciatingly hard cock. She looked about ready to protest again, but wisely didn’t say anything. She and Garrett might have been trying for a child, but he wasn’t ready for fatherhood.

He ran his finger around her asshole, and she stilled. “I’m going to fuck your pussy now, Bri, but we’ll keep this in mind for another time, okay?”

She didn’t say anything, but a nervous blush crept over her whole body. A pure shot of animal lust hit him as she wiggled her ass at him, a silent acquiescence.

Merry Christmas to me.

He held himself in one hand as he guided his dick to her pussy, rubbing it up and down her slit. He slid home in one thrust, not stopping until he was flush against her backside where he stilled.

She groaned loudly, too loudly to be a whimper and pressed back against him. He grabbed her hair, tangling his fingers in her wet locks as his balls tightened. Every nerve felt like it was on fire. Desire filled every vein in his body. He was going to blow if she moved at all. She was so damn tight.

“Bri?” he whispered with effort. “You good?”

“Ohmygodfuckmenow, Leo!”

To emphasize her words, she pressed back against him. He pulled her hair, forcing her head back. “Easy, baby. We have all day.”

Then she whimpered as he kissed the exposed column of her throat and released her hair so he could grab her lovely hips. Holding them in an iron grip, he began an easy rocking rhythm. Her entire body tensed, and she tossed her head, teeth bared. He sped up, thrusting deeper, harder with every slide of his cock. His pelvis slammed against her ass in a punishing slap of skin against skin.

Need nagged at him, his balls tightened, ready to launch. Never had he ever come so much in one weekend. But these two… they brought it out of him. Love was the feelings that came to mind, but he didn’t dare voice it.

He covered her pelvis with his hand, sliding his finger down to play with her clit as he fucked her hard and fast. “Come for me, Bri. I want to hear you scream my name.”

He pounded into her, pressing harder on her clit and rolling his finger in circles around the sensitive bud. Her legs shook from the tension of her body and she panted openly. Suddenly, her muscles clamped down hard, and he wasn’t prepared for it.

“Oh, god,” he whispered as she screamed his name into the empty living room. Hot liquid raced from his swollen cock. Intense pleasure slammed over him, rocking him on his heels. Bri pressed back, keeping him clamped inside her, milking him, until it passed and he was drained.

He collapsed over her, still lodged deep inside her. He was completely lost now. There was no way he could go back to just being friends with Garrett and Bri. No, like a moron, he was completely in love with both of them. He could never see Bri without thinking of her like this, her ass in the air, his cock inside her. He could never again forget how amazingly beautiful Garrett’s cock had felt in his ass. He needed them too much to just walk away.


In the back of his mind, Garrett wondered if this was a bad idea. He loved his wife. He loved his best friend. The two were muttering quietly to each other, like real lovers. What if his wife and his best friend loved each other more than they loved him?

It was a stupid thought; he knew that. Brianna had made her stance clear. She’d been honest with him. She wanted to love them both. He knew Leo was just about on board, if he wasn't after what Garrett had just witnessed.

He stayed back where they couldn’t see him as Leo withdrew from her and went back to the kitchen to clean up. A moment later, he returned to Brianna. Leo spun her to face him. They made a gorgeous couple. Brianna’s smooth curves and definition, and Leo’s angular and chiseled muscles. They fit together. Like two sides of a triangle… or a perfect pair.

As Leo’s hand brushed her cheek, Garrett felt his first pang of jealousy as he heard Leo say, “I do love you, Bri. I don’t want you to doubt that.”

It was odd to be both the husband and the one out of the loop. Brianna and he had wanted sex with his best friend. Somewhere along the way, they’d both fallen in love with him. Being lifestyle poly wasn’t something he’d ever considered. He’d always believed in the nuclear family: 2.3 kids, a couple of dogs, maybe a fish. He and Brianna had been trying for months to get pregnant. And then she had this hare-brained idea to become a long-term threesome. He’d give Brianna whatever she wanted, whatever made her happy, but he was beginning to realize that unless it was what Leo wanted, he couldn’t give her this.

Leo brought a nearly spineless Brianna over to the other side of the couch and they both curled up together, Leo’s strong arms, ones that had held Garrett not too long ago, around Bri’s shoulders. She tucked her head into the crook of his shoulder, her petite body molding itself against Leo.

Both of them looked relaxed as they turned the TV on.

Garrett went back into the bedroom and quickly got dressed. He honestly hadn’t thought Leo could go for more than a week with them. He’d known that he could convince him of that much. But now, he was starting to develop feelings for Brianna. Even Garrett could see that. How could anyone not love her? He should be happy that this… whatever it was, had become something more.

He just needed to take a walk. Relax and think straight. Not let these emotions rule him. The other two deserved better than him being jealous for no reason. And if he just had the chance to think, he probably wouldn’t see it in a bad light anyway. The two people he loved most in the world were falling in love with each other too. This was supposed to be a good thing. But all he could see when he closed his eyes was Brianna curled up against the anchor tattoo on Leo’s chest, and he wasn’t quite sure of which one he was jealous.


Chapter Nine


Leo flipped through the channels while Brianna snoozed, the soft glow of the Christmas lights on the tree reflecting against her soft skin in multicolor. His fingers traced lazy circles over her naked body, dropping her into a deep, relaxed sleep. He’d covered them both with a blanket a while back, the throw that had been draped over the back of the couch.

How was it she’d trapped him so effortlessly? He’d never allowed a woman get close to him, not when he’d carried the torch for his best friend all his life. But Bri was different. She accepted him. She accepted Garrett. She wanted them both. He found himself wondering what he’d done right in his life to get her.

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