Lethal Temptations (Tempted #5) (44 page)

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Authors: Janine Infante Bosco

Tags: #By Janine Infante Bosco

BOOK: Lethal Temptations (Tempted #5)
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“The lawyer is coming here tomorrow to meet with me and discuss a deal from the district attorney,” I commented.

“There is no deal, and the lawyer isn’t coming because tomorrow your ass is being carted to Otisville. You trust Jack or what?”

I used to trust the man with my life but I don’t know if he wants me out. I mean put yourself in his shoes. He knows me better than anyone, knows the shit past I have and that at the end of the day no matter how much I try to get help I’ll always be an addict. He knows what I’m capable of, he’s seen me kill for crying out loud. How can he not want me to rot here? Every day I waste away here is a day his daughter lives a life without me. That’s got to be a win for him.

But take the title of father away from Jack, leave him as the president of the Satan’s Knights and my brother…now ask me if I trust him.


With everything I am.

He’s got my back.

I looked back at Stryker.

“How does he expect me to get transferred?”

“You’re going to kick my ass,” he seethed. “With the charges you got pending, they’ll move you because they think you’re a fucking liability or a goddamn nut job. Either way when the bus comes you’re going to meet the Don,” he wiggled his eyebrows. “Heard he’s a real winner too,” he exaggerated as he climbed on top the top bunk. “Now, I’m all talked out and tomorrow I’ve got to get my pretty face fucked up by your sorry ass so I’m turning in,” he paused, glancing down at me. “Try not to put me in a coma too.”

“I can’t make any promises,” I muttered.

“Glad we had this talk,” he said, shifting around on the bed. “You got to be a midget to fit in this fucking thing,” he complained.

“Stryker,” I called.


“Why us? Why in God’s name did you hang your hat here?”

“I fucking ask myself the same question every day,” he replied, letting out a long yawn. He didn’t elaborate or divulge anything new and I didn’t really expect him to either. He doesn’t have roots, and doesn’t make ties, he’s not going to give me any of his truth. Stryker was just like any other nomad I’ve met…a mystery.

The next morning, they brought us into the yard and I beat the fuck out of Stryker, broke his nose and got my ass shipped to Otisville where the don himself, Victor Pastore was waiting for me.


Chapter Thirty-seven



“Bulldog, we gotta roll,” Pipe called as he walked towards his bike. “The kids alive.”

“Praise Jesus,” Wolf ground out, spitting out his toothpick and clasping his hands together before he rubbed them in anticipation. “You get the kid to drop the fucking charges and then I’ll cover his face with a pillow. Time to make the little shit sorry his father’s sperm ever found the egg.”

I stared at him as I fitted my gloves and straddled my Harley.

“You’re a sick fuck,” I said as I shook my head. “But I’m the one with the fucking crazy pills.”

“I’m not playing Bulldog, I don’t give a fuck if the kid can’t talk, you grab a fucking pad and paper and fucking write his confession. If you’re too much of a pussy, I’ll sign the goddamn thing.”

“You’re pushing, Wolf,” I seethed. “I’m ten seconds away from making
sorry your old man’s swimmers ever set sail.”

“Someone’s got to lay it out there for you,” Wolf interjected. “We need Blackie out and this shit between the two of you needs to get resolved. This club can’t afford anymore fucking problems, we’re swimming in them or drowning depending on the fucking day.”

“Wolf’s right,” Pipe chimed in, tightening his chin strap. “It’s fucked up thinking any man’s got your girl’s heart let alone one of us but it could be worse,” he pointed out. “Blackie’s got a big heart and the fact it’s been dead for so long, means it’s well rested and ready to work overtime. Let’s get him out of the can, give him a chance to prove himself and I swear to you, he fucks with your little girl, Wolf will kill him,” he vowed.

“Why me and not you?”

“You’re much more creative,” Pipe shouted over his engine.

I shook my head and revved my engine leaving those two clowns behind me and peeled out of the compound. I needed no one giving me advice when it came to my daughter. I also didn’t need anyone reminding me my brother was in jail or why he was there.

It was never a question of whether I’d do whatever I could to get Blackie released. I’m not a fool, I know Blackie’s worth to this club. The man is loyal to the core, something you don’t find much of anymore.

I can’t get on board with him having a thing for my daughter. After my son died I sat in my room at the clubhouse with a gun in my hand. I pleaded with my predecessor Cain to give me the junk I needed to be reunited with my boy. Cain shot me down, reminded me I still had Lacey and one day she’d grow up and be a looker. She’d need her daddy to filter through the shit and protect her heart or she’d end up with someone like us.

For a long time after that conversation, I’d look at my little girl and hear Cain’s voice in my head. I didn’t think she’d grow up as fast as she did. I wish I didn’t spend so much time worrying about the older years and paid more attention to the younger ones.

The years when she was still only mine.

Now I had to share her.

I never learned how to share.

I didn’t want my first lesson to be sharing my daughter with Blackie.

But like everything else in my life, some things were just out of my control.

There was one thing no one would take from me, one part of me I’d always have power over and that’s my ability to get down. First, I’d start with the kid’s father, because that son-of-a-bitch should’ve taught his boy manners and how to use his fucking dick. He thinks he’s been sparred a debt, that motherfucker is in over his head and he’s in with me.

The motherfucking

We parked in front of the hospital, dismounted and started for the door. I glanced over each shoulder making sure Wolf and Pipe were ready to get down with me and saw the devilish look in both maniac’s eyes. We’d get the job done.

Free Blackie.

These two assholes behind me were about to have shirts made if I didn’t get him out. I’m not going to lie, I want him out. This last month I could’ve used my V.P. with everything we’ve had going on. As much as I want him out, I don’t know how I’m going to handle watching my daughter run into his arms.

She thinks he’s her knight in shining armor.

I used to be.

Maybe that’s what it is. Maybe it’s not about giving her to Blackie and trusting he’s going to do right by her. Maybe it’s losing her and wondering where I’ll fit in her life.

We made our way to Brandon’s room and Pipe tapped my shoulder.

“Go ahead, I got this,” he affirmed, brushing off his shoulders.

Wolf pulled open his jacket and grabbed a pen from inside his pocket before he shoved it in my face.

“Get it signed and sealed and I’ll deliver the fucking sentence,” he grunted. I grabbed the pen and pushed open the door to the kid’s room. Lacey sat beside Brandon’s bed with his mother on one side of her and the father across from her.

She lifted her head and pinned me with a stare before turning to Brandon’s mother. “Thank you for helping him write this,” Lacey said, tapping her pen to the pad of paper and then she turned to Brandon. “Thank you for doing the right thing,” she offered.

“We’re sorry what happened,” the kid’s mother said. “And I know Brandon is too, isn’t that right?”

“What the hell is going on?” I hissed.

“Brandon is dropping the charges against Blackie,” she said, lifting the pad as my eyes zeroed in on the signature on the page.

“The cops will be here any minute to take his statement. I thought it would be best if we had this just in case someone should change their mind,” she said, diverting her eyes to the kid’s father.

“No one is changing their mind,” I said, walking up behind the man who used his son as payment plan. “Time for you and me to take a walk, buddy.”

“Dad,” Lacey started, but I shot her down with a glare.

“Go outside and wait with Wolf and Pipe,” I ordered. “Now.” Then I looked over at the Brandon’s mother. “You too lady, out.”

“Sir, my son--- ““Is lucky I need him alive,” I interrupted. “Now, I’d like a word with the guy who tried to rape my daughter and the man who put him in the position. If you want to stick around and watch that’s fine with me but I can guarantee you, you won’t like what you’ll hear,” I paused. “And not what you see either.”

I could feel Lacey’s eyes stare me down and under other circumstances I would’ve thought twice about talking like this in front of her. I’ve tried real hard not to unleash the bulldog in front of her but now I didn’t give a damn. Now, I knew she didn’t scare easily and wasn’t afraid of the life I tried to shield her from. Now, she chose it.

Both women turned around and made their way out of the room. I walked over to the door, peeked through the blinds and locked the door.

“Mr. Parrish,” the elder man started.

“Shut your fucking mouth!” I cut him off, walking around the edge of the bed to the run my hand over the buttons of the machine pumping air into Brandon’s lungs.

“The only one talking right now is me. Do you understand?” I asked.

“Yes, sir,” the father choked out.

I looked down at Brandon and watched as he stared back at me blankly.

“You fucked with the wrong girl,” I seethed. “Thank whatever God you pray to that Blackie was there to stop you. If you would’ve succeeded I would’ve cut your little dick off and fed it to that sweet woman who’s been sitting vigil over you.”

The father flinched at my crass words causing me to divert my eyes toward him.

“You got something you want to say old man? Because I’ve got a plan for you too.”

“The doctors say he’s permanently deaf,” he hoarsely informed me.

“How’s that feel?” I asked, pushing off the respirator and standing tall as I stared him down, confusion masking his features.

“How’s it feel to know you put your son in the middle of a situation only to save your own ass? Does your wife know you’re gambling degenerate that asked his son to step in when he couldn’t pay?”

“It wasn’t like that,” he argued. “I didn’t have a choice! I wouldn’t have done it if I knew Brandon would be hurt, or even if I knew he’d hurt your daughter. Boots told me he wanted him to get close to her, get a little information about that Blackie guy. He’d let the debt go but if I didn’t send Brandon in, he’d kill him.” He glanced down at his son. “I never wanted any of this. And now Boots is saying because Brandon did what he did— ““What’s the matter you can’t say it?” I ground out. “You can’t bring yourself to say the word can you? Say the fucking word! Be a man and say what you’re fucking son did to my daughter.”

He stared at me silently.

“SAY IT!” I demanded as I outstretched my hand, my fingers hovered over the plug.

“Rape,” he blurted. “He said because Brandon tried raping your girl that the deal was off the table and he owned me.”

I arched an eyebrow.

“I used to work for the club. I was their mechanic for a long time, seen a lot of stuff go down. I don’t want to be under his thumb. I won’t survive being in debt to him, neither will anyone in my family. I got a daughter man, just like you do, and I’ve already compromised one child.”

I walked around the bed, pushing down the sting of his words and focusing on what I was there to do.

“That man preys on girls,” he rambled. “Brandon’s going to drop the charges on the guy and then we’re out of here. I’m taking my family and getting the fuck out of here before another kid becomes a victim.”

“Let’s get something straight, Boots doesn’t own you…. I do. And you’re not going anywhere until I say so, until I’m sure Blackie’s out and then I’ll decide what you can and cannot do, where you can and cannot go,” I growled.

“He’s already threatened my daughter twice,” he cried as I started for the door.

“Don’t like it do you? It’s not a good feeling when someone takes advantage of your girl is it?” I turned around and point my finger between his eyes. “Stay put or I’ll deliver your daughter to him myself.”

I glanced over at Brandon debating whether to acknowledge the poor slob in the bed, deaf and barely able to function. I decided to let it go---his mother would wipe his ass for a long while. Blackie took care of him and took care of him good.

I should probably thank him.

After I kick him in the balls.

I pulled the door open, and the mother lifted her head, wiped her tears and brushed past me as she ran into the room.

“Relax lady, they’re still breathing,” I called over my shoulder before turning to Wolf who followed her. I placed my hand against his chest. “Where do you think you’re going?”

He looked at Lacey.

“We got the confession now it’s time to deliver the sentence,” he explained, staring back at me like I was half tanked. “Don’t sweat it, Bulldog, I’ll be quiet.”

“No need. Blackie gave the kid his sentence already,” I muttered, turning around to stare at my daughter leaning against the wall, holding her man’s ticket to freedom in her hand.

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