Letters to Penthouse VI (39 page)

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Authors: Penthouse International

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I am a white male in my early sixties, retired from the military, previously married but divorced for over twenty years. For about ten years after my divorce I wasn't involved with anyone. During that time I became a workaholic, keeping at it both day and night. While on a business trip to Jersey City, I met Maria. We instantly became friends and soon started going out. At that time I was living with my sister. As I didn't get along with her, Maria suggested that I move in with her. Since I'd already had a bad marriage, I was skeptical about the idea, but she convinced me that we'd be happy. She was right, too. We shared everything: expenses, food shopping, cooking, cleaning.

She did have one habit that put me off. If we were out clothes shopping she would hold pieces of sexy lingerie up in plain view of all the other shoppers and ask my opinion of them. People would look at me with silly grins on their faces, probably the same expression I was wearing myself. I told Maria that I could no longer go into the ladies department with her. She just looked at me, smiled and replied, “Don't worry. You'll get used to it. Who cares what other people think?”

Even I had to admit this was a pretty small complaint, and as each day went by I found I loved her more and more. Maria asked me once if I'd ever had oral sex with anyone, and I said, “No, and I never would!” This was something my mother had taught me was wicked.

Our sex life was very good, though. Maria knew just how to excite me, often waking me up at night by rubbing my lips with her index fingers, saying, “I love you,” calling me affectionate names, and so forth. Then she would play with my pecker and get me going.

Until I met Maria I'd never made love to anybody but my ex. My sex life with Maria was completely different. She drove me wild, often wearing just her panties and bra around the house, teasing me, rubbing herself all over me. Once she knew she had me excited she'd French-kiss me, sticking her tongue deep in my mouth. Or she'd run her tongue around the rim of my ears. Maria never stopped experimenting with new ways to turn me on. From time to time we'd come back to the subject of oral sex, but I would never give in and eat her. She wanted just as much to do it to me, but I always stopped her. When I objected she listened to what I said, never showing anger. Instead she'd tease me about it and continue trying to find out what excited me most.

One night Maria woke me up, as she had done so many times. Rubbing my lips with her index finger, and tickling my ears with her tongue, she suddenly slid her tongue right inside my ear. Right away I was powerfully turned on, and Maria knew that she had finally found my most sensitive spot. Keeping her tongue in one ear, she moved her finger up to drift over the other. That really got me going! I was moaning and squirming right away. Normally I'm not so out of control, and it embarrassed me. I kept begging her to stop, but she ignored me. My penis got so hard that it was lying flat on my stomach, the tip of it even with my navel.

All of a sudden she had my penis in her mouth, and I just couldn't stop her. Overwhelmed by a wonderful series of feelings, sensations I'd never experienced before, I could only lie there and take it. My fists kept clenching and unclenching, and I'll be damned if my toes didn't do the same! Maria was going up and down so fast that I exploded in her mouth.

Come still dripping from one corner of her lips, she climbed on top of me, put my penis inside her and began pumping. She leaned forward, put her tongue once more in my ear, and took control of me again. Without letting me slip out Maria rolled onto her back and wrapped her legs around me. We were both slamming away with our hips, and before long we both came at the same time. Her cunt muscles squeezed my cock, sucking out my load.

We held each other for a very long time, and I fell asleep on top of her. What a beautiful experience I enjoyed that first time oral sex was ever performed on me.

In the morning I felt ashamed that I couldn't stop her from sucking my dick. I felt that I had degraded her, and couldn't look her in the face. While we were drinking our coffee Maria looked at me and said, “I want to be sure you know that I love you very much. Last night was the most beautiful night we've shared together yet, and things are only going to improve. Tonight will be even better—for both of us.”

That night, after I was asleep, Maria again woke me up. She gave me a big hug and told me, “Tonight, I'm going to be the specialty of the house.” Maria began to fondle my penis, her tongue at the same time playing around with my ears. At first I tried to move my ears away from her tongue. Letting go of my penis, which was already erect, my honey put a finger in my right ear, her tongue in my left, and sent me spinning into orbit.

I tried to move away by shaking my head back and forth, but she held it in place. Giggling, Maria said, “Tonight you belong to me, and I will do as I please with you. Now you shut up and listen, or you can start packing.”

Frightened by that, but still excited, I gave in to her, thinking she was going to suck me again. I got the surprise of my life when she got on top of me and sat right down on my face.

I tried to move my face away, but Maria grabbed my head with both hands and pushed my mouth right into her vagina. She kept rubbing if in my face, holding me tightly. With the fingers of one hand she held open her vagina, then pulled me closer to her. “Put your tongue out as far as it will go!” she commanded. “Now work it around inside. Touch me all over. Slide it out of my vagina and lick all around the outside. Gently! Just your tongue, no teeth! That's right. Oh yes, that's definitely right!” Maria moved up a little and told me to work my tongue real fast up and down. I could hear her moaning, and breathing faster and faster. “Keep going,” she moaned. “Faster, faster, faster!” The pressure of her hands on the back of my head kept increasing. “Open wide, lover,” she sighed, “I'm going to come!” I tried to move my head away but couldn't move. Maria was moaning much louder now, and saying, “Oh that feels so good! I'm coming! Keep my juice in your mouth and don't swallow it until I tell you to.” My mouth was filling with juice, both my own saliva and the love juice that was squeezing from her ripe fruit. Maria kept twisting and rubbing herself all over my mouth, holding me tight against her with both hands. Finally I heard Maria telling me to swallow her love-juice.

When she finally released me, Maria sat next to me on the bed and calmly informed me, “Starting today, I'm going to teach you how to be my slave.” Then she lowered herself on top of me and put my penis inside her. She began rapidly rising and falling. As she came down I met her with my own hip thrusts. She stuck her tongue into my ear and took control of me, whispering that from now on I would be her slave and she would be my mistress and I would have to obey her without question. “Is that what you want? Make up your mind!” Maria demanded I reply right away, and I gave in to her, agreeing to do whatever she demanded of me.

She rolled off me to her side of the bed, reached onto the floor and picked up her red panties. She said that from this moment on I would have to wear her soiled panties, and wouldn't be allowed to wear my shorts anymore, in the house or anywhere else. Even when I went to work I would wear her panties. Then she slipped her dirty panties on me and smiled.

In the morning I discovered that she had already hidden all my boxer shorts. Until then I thought I could fool her, because she works days and I work nights, and I figured I could change when she wasn't home. Scrounging around in the laundry bin I found a pair she'd missed, and wore them that next day.

When I got home from work at around one in the morning, Maria was awake, waiting for me, and asked me to hand her my key to the house. I asked her why, and she bluntly told me that I hadn't worn her panties to work, so I would have to leave. My pleas fell on deaf ears. She said that she would give me one last chance, but only if I would listen to her and give in to her demands. Also, to show my sincerity I would have to agree to be punished first. Once more I gave in.

We went to the kitchen and she made coffee, then told me to take all my clothes off. Before I could sit down to have coffee she took off her short black negligee and told me to put it on. She helped me, then took her black panties off and told me to put them on as well. I figured that this was my punishment, but she had something else in mind. After we had our coffee she put on a shocking pink negligee and told me to get on my knees. She made me recite a promise never to disobey her anymore, and always to accept whatever punishment she felt I needed. I was getting excited by Maria's request, and my penis was getting hard from wearing her clothes.

Maria turned around and told me to raise her negligee. Bending over, she told me to kiss both of her cheeks and say I was sorry, which I did with a growing pleasure. She then instructed me to lick her asshole, trying to push my tongue into her butt, then slowly circle my tongue inside her hole. The smell was very clean and sweet. She had obviously bathed and perfumed, knowing what she had in mind.

After several minutes of this, Maria turned and smiled, telling me that I was a good listener. She took a towel and put it around my neck, saying, “Now you're going to eat my cunt until I tell you to stop, and I'm going to fill you with love juice.” As I began my work, not nearly so unwilling as I'd been the night before, she explained just how she liked to be eaten? “Flip your tongue back and forth on my lips. Make me good and wet. Now put your tongue in deep. Move it around in circles.” Her breathing kept growing heavier and heavier. Her legs were holding my head very tightly, and trembling. “Oh, lover!” she shrieked. “I'm getting ready to come in your mouth. Open your mouth and drink my honey.” Then she let out a scream and twisted back and forth, rubbing her love juice all over my face.

Maria finally stopped, looked at me lovingly, gave me a kiss and told me to swallow her love juice. Then she told me to lie on my back and make sure the bath towel covered my chest and my neck. She let out a squirt of urine and rubbed my face with it. She instructed me not to wash or shave the next day.

In the morning, Maria didn't go to work, and I asked her if she was sick. “Not at all,” she replied. “I just want to make sure you have my panties on when you go to work. I'll be waiting at the door tonight when you get home, too, and you'd better have them on.” Believe me, I did.

Maria has moved to another state, so we don't see each other anymore. I've never had such an exciting relationship with anyone else, and I miss it desperately. If I could find someone who wanted to dominate me as Maria did, I'd be in heaven.—
N.W., Trenton, New Jersey


It was to be Cerita's big birthday party. For over a year she'd been telling me what she wanted: lots of friends, food, dancing and naked, beefy men. “I like hard-bodied male strippers,” she'd tell me. “And that's what I want at my party. With maybe some baby oil and a hot tub.”

I'd had a huge birthday party myself the year before, but the only gift I'd asked for had been a stripper. It was mostly a joke, but Cerita had made good on my request. Late in the evening a lovely girl had arrived and performed a striptease for me. The performance had been videotaped, complete with me sitting alone in the middle of the floor watching, while my wife, mother and in-laws watched. My excitement was dampened by all the spectators, and the girl only stripped to her bra and bikini. It was fun, but nothing like what my wife had in store for her party!

Her friend Marge was my accomplice. On the night of the party, Marge arrived early. She and Cerita almost immediately started sucking jello shooters and giggling. As they dressed for the party, Marge explained to Cerita that we hadn't been able to afford male strippers for the party. She had found a club nearby, though, that had some very hunky men, and Marge said that they could go there after the main party was dying down. Cerita likes to stay at a party until the bitter end, so she wasn't sure about leaving. Marge had brought some pot with her, though. I'd told her that it makes Cerita hot as a pistol, and after a couple tokes she's flushed, panting and ready to skip right to the naked part.

Cerita's family is huge, with dozens of children, so I'd rented the local Lions' Club hall for the party. It was a lot of fun—music, food, presents, happy people—but Cerita seemed a little agitated. She left the hall a number of times with Marge. They would return each time a little more giggly, and Cerita kept getting more and more flushed, so it was pretty clear to me what was going on. Marge was acting sillier than usual, probably because she knew something Cerita didn't. You know how that is.

At about ten I announced that we were going to take the kids to a local bowling alley. It's connected to a dance club and bar, and would be open until very late, so both the kids and the adults could have a good time.

Everyone piled into cars, and Marge made sure that she and Cerita took a car by themselves. They were going to dress for a different club, she explained. I gave Cerita a great big birthday kiss and told her to have a good time.

They drove to our house, and Marge encouraged Cerita to shower and think about what to wear to a sexy strip show. Just as Cerita was emerging from the shower, the doorbell rang.

Marge didn't answer. Swearing, Cerita opened the door, wrapped in a towel that barely covered her large tits. Her pussy was clearly peeking out below. It nearly fell off altogether when three huge, handsome men asked for her. She yelled for Marge, but got no response. One of the guys handed Cerita a note that read, “Happy Birthday! Ask these men to unwrap your presents! Love, Marge.” It was like offering cream to a hungry kitten. She let them in.

The first one, Sean, held her tightly and started to dance as Chaz put a tape in the stereo. While she ground her naked pussy into Sean's bulge, Cerita saw Chaz and Gordon, the third man, begin a slow striptease. She moaned when Gordon finished stripping and pressed his naked body tightly against her back. Without skipping a beat, Sean was replaced in front of her by a naked Chaz. He pulled her towel away to reveal her beautiful body—quivering, clean and naked.

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