Letting Go (20 page)

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Authors: Erosa Knowles

Tags: #parenting lbgt teen, #inter racial romance, #politician romance, #bwwm fiction, #bwwm marriage, #politicians fiction

BOOK: Letting Go
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“You…you were at the apartment?” Grant asked as pieces of the puzzle rearranged and clicked into place.

“That night I had your dad send you to that apartment. She had asked me to come, but I didn’t trust her,” his uncle said.

Grant nodded. “That part always confused me. She’d been scared, nervous, her words didn’t line up with her actions. The gun went off and she screamed. That was the last thing I remember hearing her scream.”

His uncle met his gaze and shrugged.

“You were there? You got there before I did?” He didn’t know why he knew with certainty he’d blamed the wrong person all these years for shooting him. Priscilla had tried to talk to him afterward, but he'd barred her from his home and his life.

His uncle continued to stare without speaking.

“You set all that up? You shot me? Why?” He didn’t understand.

“It’s not important. Let’s say by that time I had buyer’s remorse. Make the call to get the money or I pull the trigger, your choice,” his uncle said in a tired, determined voice.

For the first time that night, Grant was concerned. A man with nothing to lose was dangerous.

Kelly leaned against the hall wall and covered her mouth. The old man had lost his mind. She looked toward the bedroom where she’d left her phone beneath a pile of clothes. Could she make it without alerting him? The idea of Grant being shot scared her to the point she couldn’t move.

She took a breath, looked around the area for something, anything to use as a weapon. Her gaze lit on a high school trophy they’d moved from the den and placed in a niche in the hall. It would do nicely. She inched closer and picked it up, praying not to make a sound, and that she didn’t miss.

“Call Robert now, tell him you need the money, he’ll get it for you,” Grant’s uncle said. Kelly moved to the end of the hall, holding the trophy in one hand. She glanced around the corner and saw his back. Grant stood naked against the counter with his cell phone in his hand.

She took another step, aimed and threw the trophy as hard as she could. It flew wide, almost clipping Grant on the shoulder. The older man turned and pointed the gun in her general direction.

Grant dove and knocked him to the ground.

Heart in her throat at the sight of a real gun, Kelly ran back to the hall, and peeked around the corner. Grant pinned the man’s hand with the gun to the ground, leaned to the side and clipped him on the jaw, knocking him out.

Breathing hard, Grant pulled the gun away and kneeled while catching his breath. “I love you woman, but you can’t throw worth a damn. Remind me to give you lessons; not only did you miss him, you broke my high school trophy.”

She ran into the kitchen and wrapped her arms around his waist. “Are you okay?”

He nodded and picked up his phone. After punching in a few numbers he placed the phone on his ear. “I’d like to report a break in and murder attempt.”

Chapter 19


“I’m sorry,” Grant’s dad said, shaking his head. “Ray got in over his head with the wrong people. I tried to help him quit, bailed him out a few times before, but he’s sick.” His dad and his brother sat in the den of the condo after the police left with his uncle.

“It’s not your fault and I’m sorry for accusing you. Damn, I can’t believe he had me fooled. I never suspected him and Priscilla. She told me it was you.”

“What? She lied. I would never do that.” The affronted look on his dad face increased his shame for their argument in the hospital.

“I know. Uncle Ray said she hated you, which is probably why she lied. So many lies over the years. I hope we can get past this.”

His dad met his gaze, smiled and nodded. “I’m sure we will. We’re family. How’s Blair?”

Grant warmed at the genuine concern in his father’s voice. It had been a long time coming and things had deteriorated to a bleak point but change didn’t always happen overnight.

“He’s good, home, chilling. I talked to him earlier. We’re going to Key West next weekend.”

“You and your girlfriend?”

Grant nodded, wondering how Kelly felt about the term, “girlfriend.” She meant so much more to him than that. “Yeah, she has a son. The four of us are flying down for a long weekend.”

“Ah… so you’re pretty serious with this one?”

He glanced at Dean who sat in an arm chair next to him. Their gazes met and Dean smiled.

“Very serious. I planned to ask her to marry me tonight before Uncle Ray got here and derailed everything. Got the ring in my pocket.”

Dean nodded but remained silent.

“Where is she?” his dad asked looking around. “You still plan to do it tonight? You want us to leave?” he glanced at Dean and then at Grant.

“No. Not yet anyway.” Grant looked at Dean. “Kelly and I talked. We’d like for you to continue handling our combined finances. When you get a chance send me the paperwork so we can sign them.”

His dad sat back in his chair and looked at each of them. “You cut your old man out, huh?”

Dean shrugged. “No. I just gave him more options; he can sign with anyone he wants too. I have enough clients to start my firm. We’re not going to fight for clients, dad. I plan to run my firm in a way I’m comfortable with. No games.”

No one spoke for a few moments.

Grant wanted to propose to Kelly before she fell asleep. His dad and brother could work out there problems on the way down in the elevator. He slid forward in his chair to end the conversation.

“Your mom has wanted me to spend more time with her doing who knows what. The past few years she’s been after me to retire.” He eyed Dean. “I think the timing’s right. I’m not going to compete against your firm, that’s not how we do things. I’ll support you in any way you need. Give me time to release my clients and pension off my employees. If you’re smart, you’ll take most of them with you.”

Grant watched in disbelief. After forty years of climbing to the top, had his dad just closed his company?

Dean cleared his throat. “We can work out the details later. Let’s leave so lover-boy can propose to his woman.” He stood and looked down at Grant. “Good luck, she’s a good catch. Don’t mess up.”

Grant stood and embraced his brother, something they hadn’t done in years. It felt right. “Thanks and this is just window dressing. We’re already committed where it matters.”

His dad stood and they embraced. “Proud of you son. Be happy. You deserve it.”

Grant nodded. “Yes, I do. And so does Kelly. Thanks dad.” They left the den, it no longer seemed like a crypt since Kelly moved his things all over the condo, and headed toward the front door. “I’ll talk with you guys later this week.” He pointed at Dean. “Don’t get so busy building your empire you forget to send me those papers.”

Dean held up his phone. “Already made a note.” He waved and left.

“Tell mom, we’ll see her later this week.”

“Okay, will do.” His dad waved and left.

Grant closed and locked the door. He looked down the hall at the closed bedroom door. Should he wake her? He strode down the hall, turning off light as he went until he reached his bedroom and walked inside.

A lone lamp cast light in the far corner of the room barely illuminating Kelly beneath the covers. He picked up his pants and searched his pocket for the blue Tiffany’s box. Eager to see her response, he crawled across the bed, kissed her eyelid, her cheek and then her forehead.

“Mmmm, you done?”

He climbed beneath the covers and scooted closer to her. “Yes they just left.”

“Your dad okay with you pressing charges against his brother?”

“Probably not, but I don’t want to talk about them. I want to talk about us.” His fingertips brushed across her face with long soft strokes.

“Okay.” She yawned, wrapped her arms around him and threaded her legs through his.

“Will you marry me?”

She stopped moving, opened her eyes and met his gaze. For a short moment in time they stared at each without speaking. She pushed against his chest and leaned up on her elbow. “Marry you?”

He nodded suppressing a grin. She planned to milk this moment, make him sweat. God he loved this woman. “Yes. Marry me.”

She smiled. “Yes I’ll marry you.”

He pulled her close and kissed her. “I knew it. I told you.”

She eased back and looked at him. “Told me what?”

“That you were going to like me.” He sounded smug, but the three carat marquise cut diamond said he’d earned it.

“Well you were wrong.” She settled into his embrace and rubbed her legs against his.


“I love you Grant Whittaker. You didn’t predict that.”

He smiled, placed a kiss on the top of her head. She was right he hadn’t predicted her loving him or vice versa, but damn if he wasn’t glad she did.





Thanks for reading Letting Go. I began hearing news account regarding teens who self-identified as gay and the challenges they face. A lot of it wasn’t pretty, and there’s nothing romantic about being bullied, put-down or being treated as if you’re less than a person because of who you are and the choices you make.

I have children and I wondered how I would feel if my son or daughter told me they were gay or a lesbian. The more I thought of my reactions, I realized that it’s not just the son or daughter who deals with life-changing decisions, but their entire support system. Starting with their parents and siblings.

Letting Go is not a political statement, or an attempt to sway anyone’s moral compass. It’s romantic fiction. Everyone’s entitled to their own opinions. In this story, the underlying theme is love. Love expresses itself in a multitude of ways, acceptance is simply one.

Grant and Kelly find a way to rekindle their romance despite everything they grow through, which is the heart of this story.




Please visit my website:
for other titles. Also check out the Men of 3X Construction website:


All my books can be found on Amazon, Barnes & Nobles, All Romance, Kobo, IBooks and Smashwords.


Other Books by
Erosa Knowles

Lyon on a Leash

Promises Kept

Loving a Bad Boy


Special Forces

Nikki’s Challenge

The Ultimate Breed

Lawked Flame

Jaleesa’s Pleasure

Have I Told You Lately?*

Ready for Love*

Where there’s Smoke*

Not This Time*

Run to You*

Those Jones Girls, Sabrina

Those Jones Girls, Melissa

Double Trouble*

*denotes Men of 3X CONStruction series

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