Liam's Bride: BBW Werebear Romance (Clan Conroy Brides Book 1) (14 page)

BOOK: Liam's Bride: BBW Werebear Romance (Clan Conroy Brides Book 1)
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Meredith struggled to contain a smug, wicked grin. Instead, she lowered her eyes, shrinking away from him with an instinctive feminine wile, hair falling over her face in a silky curtain of glossy red.

“Don’t hurt me,” she said, allowing a tremble in her voice, almost ruined by a husky note of anticipation. She didn’t know how much longer she could play her part. She wanted him, was close to demanding he fuck her. But she also knew her pleasure would be greater the more dominant he felt. Submitting to him activated an electric thrill in her; she wasn’t a weak woman for all her wariness of men. She wanted a strong man to take her, to fuck her- but a worthy strong man. Liam.

He pulled her up to her knees by her hair, still not quite painful, but borderline. Tears pricked her eyes and she gasped, hands catching her fall on his chest.

“Oh, Liam,” she breathed, stifling a giggle, rubbing her soft breasts and belly against his hard torso, the shifter heat of his body nearly scalding. “Punish me. I lied to you- I deserve to be punished. I want to be punished.”

He nodded, satisfied by her penitence. “Good. My mate must be honest, and obedient.” He paused, eyebrow quirked, free hand stroking her cheek. “How are you going to show your regret?”

“I-” she licked her lips, hand traveling down his chest, hesitantly, as she peeked up through her lashes. Her fingers wrapped around his engorged cock, squeezing gently, caressing the length. “Let me put my mouth on you. I want to show how sorry I am.”

Her clit throbbed, pussy dampening in response to her own words, in response to the vivid images racing through her mind. Her nipples hardened, breasts drawing up from the ache. His eyes lowered to her chest, flaring.

“Yes,” he said softly. “I can see how much you want it. Lay down.”

He released her hair as she stretched out on her back, reaching for him as he climbed up her body. He rose over her, a sculpted, dominant god of a man, wicked intent on his face. His cock bumped her lips, a stinging smack. She opened her mouth, accepting the silken girth, drawing him as deep as she could into her throat.

It was the first time she’d wanted to do this with a man, for a man. The first time her tongue eagerly swiped along the mushroom head of a cock, lips forming a perfect O as he began to fuck her mouth, hard and fast as she struggled to learn the rhythm.

She cupped his balls, massaging the sacs, a heady sense of power filling her as he moaned, head lolling back on his shoulders in ecstasy.

“Yes,” he hissed. “Take all of me, baby. Fuck my cock with that hot little mouth.”

Long fingers gripped her breasts, batting and playing, tugging her nipples until she groaned around his cock. Tasting salty pre-cum, their liquids mingling in her mouth. She swallowed the moisture to keep it from dribbling down her chin, yearning for him to do to her pussy what he was doing to her mouth.

“Are you sorry?” he asked hoarsely, pinching her nipple. She cried out, pain and pleasure startling her. “Are you sorry you lied?”

He pulled out of her mouth so she could speak. Meredith swallowed once. “Yes, Liam, I’m sorry. Please, I’m sorry. I won’t lie to you again.” Though if he punished her like this- maybe she would.

The Alpha stroked her hair. “I think you mean it. And because I’m almost convinced, I’ll give you a reward.” He moved away from her and she sat up. “I’m going to fuck this tight pussy, Meredith, and then when I’m done, I’m going to put my cock in your ass. No part of you will be foreign to me; every part of your body will know I’m your Alpha.” He paused. “Are you with me, Meredith? Am I your Alpha?”

She trembled, eager desire and terrible apprehension mingling in a heady cocktail. He could scent it, of course, his cock swelling even wider, dark red and throbbing.

“I’m with you,” she said, shifting around onto her knees without him asking.

His hand pressed her shoulders, pushing her torso to the bed so her plump ass rose in the air. Spreading her thighs wide apart, she felt the tip of his cock nudge her pussy. She pushed back, a silent demand. Liam laughed, sheathing himself in one long thrust.

Meredith cried out from the possession, stretched to her limit, widening her legs in a futile attempt to accommodate him. He moved in and out as her back arched, instinctively positioning herself so his head rubbed against her spot, again and again. He reached between their bodies and fingered her clit, rolling the swollen nub of flesh as her fucked her from behind, skin slapping against skin, growls escaping his throat even as high cries escaped hers. He tugged her hair, causing her back to arch.

“Liam, I can’t take it,” she cried out, desperate for relief. For a climax or just a break she wasn’t certain. The pleasure intensified past the point she could handle the sensation. Her fingers clawed at the sheets as each thrust rammed her deep into the mattress.

“You can take it, you
take it. All of it.”

He shifted his hips, grinding inside her. “Your pussy feels so good,” he moaned. “Tight little slick hot pussy. Fuck. Mine. Mine to fuck, mine to taste. Mine.”

Hands wrapped around her waist and she realized he’d been holding back before. With the extra grip he pounded into her. She rose on her hands, breasts bobbing in the air, the smack of his balls against her ass like thunder as the scent of sex permeated the air.

Meredith screamed, climax overcoming her in a wave of body blanketing relief. She felt her natural lubricant coat him, making him even slicker as he roared his release.

But he was still hard inside her. He pulled out, shooting cum onto her ass. She was pregnant; she didn’t need his seed in her womb. He rubbed the cream in the crevice between her globes, smacking one cheek as his hands pulled apart her ass cheeks. The sting inflamed her; she wanted more. Wanted him to smack her ass until her skin burned. He rubbed more cum around her puckered entrance, Meredith trembling as a thick thumb pressed its way into her virgin hole.

“Liam,” she said, voice shaky.

He caressed her ass then pulled away, weight leaving the bed. She looked over her shoulder, pushing hair away from her face as she watched him walk to his dresser and pull something out of the top drawer. When he turned back his face was no less savage, eyes no less full of sexual fury as he returned to the bed. She had to close her eyes or else lose her courage, her trust. His face was not the face of a man prepared to be gentle.

But when he covered her again his touch was light. “I won’t hurt you,” he said. “I’ll go slowly, take my time. You still want to apologize, don’t you, Meredith?”

She nodded, throat dry, saying nothing.


Cool, slick fingers teased her entrance, thumb once more pushing inside her body. The sensation was strange, an invasion that felt both taboo and erotic.

"Relax," he murmured.

Meredith forced the tension to leave her body, giving herself completely to his dark possession. Abandoning trepidation, shyness, delving into the heart of her sensuality as a woman, a lover. She wanted everything he could give her; wanted him to take everything she had to give.

"Good girl."

Liam pushed in further, sliding past the tight ring of muscle. She felt her body clamp vise around his fingers, hugging the wide knuckles, the shape of his nail as his fingers moved inside her, an erotic tickling like the brush of fingers on the back of her hand or the inside of her thigh. Except more intense as she felt the spot inside her pussy pulse. The combined sensations brought a shiver of sound from her throat, a startled mewl. If she'd thought she was sated, drained, unable to feel anymore pleasure- she'd been wrong. Her body woke from its dazed slumber, clamoring for more.

He opened her further, taking time to continue to coat his fingers in the lubricant, taking his time to fuck her slowly, slowly, until her hips began to buck, demanding more of the almost painful pleasure.

"Liam, stop teasing me," she nearly growled, clit engorged and desperate for relief.

Her lover laughed. "This is
reward, not yours. But..."

He withdrew, and the next thing she knew the tip of his cock pressed against her hole, wet, silky, pressing in and in the channel he'd already prepared for his true possession. It was much different, accepting the size of his cock versus the size of his fingers, but once he was past muscle and inside, sheathed to balls that tickled the globes of her ass, he began to move.

Incredibly, it felt as good as if he were fingering her clit. The dual sensation when his fingers entered her pussy was almost too much to bear. Stretched taut, invaded, he fucked her with a growing strength, sliding in and out. She lowered herself onto her chest, ass in the air and reached between her legs to touch herself, rub the throbbing bit of flesh that offered, begged for her to taste ecstasy.

An orgasm built, trembling, preparing to throw her over the precipice. Her fingers moved faster, harder, matching the strokes of his hand, of his cock. Her mouth trembled open, as he rubbed her spot from inside her pussy and inside her ass, a relentless building pressure.

"Cum for me," he growled. "Now."

And she did, body exploding even as she felt the creamy heat of him inside of her ass, cum filling her as her juices coated his fingers. He roared, a primal sound of dark male satisfaction, having taken his woman for his pleasure and providing ecstasy in return. Branding her, binding her body and soul to him in the most primal way. Only Liam could make her body sing; she would never be able to touch another man again.




Meredith saw the missed call from Brick on her cell and hit return call.



She sat up, disturbed by the girl’s hushed tone. “Brick, what’s wrong?”

“Can I come stay with you?”

“What? What’s happened?”

“I just- I think my foster brother may be stalking me.”

“But- he lives with you. Why would he- Brick, is he the reason your face was bruised the other week?”

She threw off the covers, cradling the cell between ear and shoulder. Pulling on sweats and slip on gym shoes, she pulled her hair back and left the bedroom, grabbing keys as she went.

“I’m on my way, just -”

“Meredith, where are you going?” Liam asked, appearing in the hall after she’d passed the kitchen.

“Brick’s in trouble, I need to go get her,” she replied brusquely, slamming the front door closed behind her.

The rumble of a growl warned her a split second before his hand wrapped around her upper arm. He grabbed her cell.

“Brick? This is Liam. What’s wrong?”

“Give me back my cell!” Meredith jumped, swiping at his head. He glanced at her, irritated, wrapping an arm around her middle and hauling her against his chest, immobile.

“Okay, but Meredith is pregnant. She can’t come, I’ll be there myself in a few minutes. Oof- Woman! Behave!”

“Then let me go,” she said through gritted teeth.

He ended the call, lowering his head until his nose touched hers.

“Go back in the house. Sit down. Stay.”

“You can’t make me. No, Liam! She’s my student, and she needs me. She’s also my friend- I’m not sitting home while she may be in trouble.”

He studied her face. “Fine, But you stay in the truck, you hear me?”

Meredith nodded, stiff. But figuring agreement was quicker than a fight.

They made fast time to Brick’s house. The foster parents protested, but when Meredith growled at them, Liam backing her up with the threat of a call to the foster agency, their protests dried up.

Brick climbed into the SUV, a worn backpack slung over her shoulder.

“When we get home, you’ll need to tell me everything Rebekah,” Liam said. “We could get in trouble for taking you out of your placement- we need to have good cause to show. And we go to the police if it’s warranted. Do you understand?”

The girl nodded jerkily, taking a deep breath. “I’ll write everything down, too. I- I’m tough. But the next kid who comes to live with him might not be.”



















“Meredith, can you come in here for a minute?”

She left the couch, putting aside her notes for the Teens and Greens winter program. Entering the kitchen, Liam sat at the island working on his laptop. It was a rare day for him to be home this time in the morning- lately he'd spent every last minute at the restaurant. He glanced up as she entered, expression impassive.

Her heart twisted, just a little. She knew she had to give him time to.... come to terms with everything that had happened. But she missed the easy warmth between them. Missed it, and wasn't sure how much longer she was willing to wait to get it back. Either he could be with her one hundred percent, or he could be without her. But this coolness- outside the bedroom, anyway- would have to stop.

"What is it?" she asked, leaning on her elbow next to him.

"I made an appointment in Seattle for this weekend. There's an OBGYN up there who specializes in high risk- and she's a Bear."

Meredith frowned at him. "Liam, you should have consulted me first. I wanted to pick my own doctor."

"Do you have medical insurance?" he asked, closing his laptop with a prissy finality that just... infuriated her.

He damn well knew she didn't have any kind of medical insurance. Private was too expensive, her work as a W-9 ESL instructor didn't come with any benefits, and she didn't qualify for state medical because she was a single, healthy woman. Though, she now realized, they'd probably cover her now since she was pregnant.

"No, I don't," she replied, relaxing her jaw. "But I can go to DHS in the morning-"

He laughed. "Funny."

"Well, how were you proposing I pay for this fancy obstetrician?" She held up a hand. "I understand you are well off-" she bit off the words "-but I am not. And I feel responsible to pay half of the medical costs- and I’m certain I can’t afford even half of what a specialist in Seattle would charge an uninsured patient."

Liam rose, sliding the Mac under his arm. "I'm not arguing with you on this, Meredith."

"Then don't," she said to his back as he walked out. "Because I'm not going."

He stopped, turned. Meredith smiled at him, facing him fully and setting her feet. Liam studied her for a long moment, then shrugged a shoulder.

"Suit yourself," he said, leaving. "But if something goes wrong with the pregnancy- we both know who will be to blame."

That was it. "Now wait just one damn minute!" she yelled, striding after him.

He rounded on her as soon as she was within an inch of him. "Yes, sweetheart?"

Meredith bounded off his hard chest, grabbing his upper arm to keep from falling. He didn't budge an inch off balance.

"I'm getting a little tired of your attitude," she said, letting go of him. "I know we have issues between us-"

"You call lying to me an issue?"

She wanted to stomp, to jump around like a crazy woman and tear out her hair. Scream. She indulged the behavior in her head for a good minute until certain she could speak without looking psycho.

"If you can't get over that, then there is no point in us continuing."

"And what does that mean?" he asked softly.

She took a deep breath. "Look. I know you’re a good man, Liam. You probably want to do the right thing by this baby. But-" she took a second to steady the tremble in her voice "-it seems as if the relationship just isn’t what we both thought it would be. We aren't married, we haven’t made any kind of commitment. Maybe it's time to- to walk away."

Each word was a tear in her heart. But she understood that if he couldn’t forgive her and move on now, so early in their relationship, then there was little chance of them having a warm, loving family. She couldn’t force him to love her, to want her outside of sex. She couldn't force him to respect her when he clearly thought of her as a deceiver.

And maybe she was. But she hadn’t meant to hurt him and everyone made mistakes. It was time to either move on, whichever direction moving on meant.

"Are you done?" he asked, emotionless.

She stiffened. "Yes."

"We'll discuss this tonight when I come home."

"I might not be here."

His charcoal eyes paled to amber as the Bear peeked at her. "If you aren’t here, I will hunt you down- and you won’t like my mood when I catch you."

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