Lies (Phoenix Undercover #1) (5 page)

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Chapter 10





My phone rang in the darkness, and I rolled over to look at the clock on my nightstand. It was three in the morning, and I was instantly worried something had happened to Mom or Dad. I lifted the phone and squinted at the screen.

I had programmed Josh’s number in my phone under the name
‘FBI Hunk’
after we had dinner. He laughed when I showed him and then turned his phone around. My name in it was
‘Real Estate Hottie’

I didn’t expect him to call this late at night—or early in the morning. Whichever.


“I’m sorry to call at this time, but I needed to talk to you.” Something about his voice sounded off.

“Are you okay?” I asked, sitting up in bed.

“I know this is gonna seem crazy. Hell, you may even hang up on me, but I was really hoping I could see you.” His voice had taken on a hopeful note. “Please, I just need to talk.”

“Okay, you can come here.” I rambled off my address, and we hung up. I slipped out of bed and put on my robe, then called down to the doorman to let him know I had a guest coming.

Ten minutes later, a soft knock sounded on the door, and I peeked through the peephole to find Josh on the other side. He looked exhausted and maybe a little sad. When I opened the door, his eyes locked on mine and he forced a smile. “Hi,” he offered.

“Come in.” I stepped to the side and allowed him to enter. “My sister is sleeping, so we need to keep our voices down. She lives with me.”

“Shit, I’m sorry. I never should have bothered you.” He ran his hand through his hair in agitation.

I placed my hand on his forearm. “Josh, really, it’s okay,” I assured him. “You need to talk, so we’ll talk. We can go to my room. Her room is on the other side of the apartment.”

Yes, we had only met a week ago, and yes, we may have only shared one dinner, but we both knew it was much more. We shared a connection, the kind where you just knew you wanted to keep the other person around. Whether we would be more than friends was something we would find out over time. But right now he needed a friend, and I would offer that.

I took his hand and led him to my room at the end of the hall, where I nudged him inside and closed my door behind me. I walked to my bed and crawled under the covers, then patted the spot next to me. “Come on,” I encouraged.

He sat down beside me and turned to face me. He was silent for a while before he spoke. “I joined the narcotics unit hoping to clean up the streets.” He took a deep breath. “I told you I had a sister, didn’t I?” I nodded. “But what I didn’t tell you is I had a brother too.”

“Had?” I asked, and he nodded this time. “As in…?”

“He died,” he finished for me in a whisper. “Brett was four years older than me.” My chest tightened with sorrow. “He, um,” he began once more. “He overdosed when he was seventeen, and I knew then that I wanted to become a cop. And then once I was, I wanted more. It was always more. I trained and joined the bureau, and when I became a senior agent in the narcotics division, I felt like I had finally reached the level I wanted. It took me years to get where I am, and now that I’m there, I don’t know if I can do it.”

“What do you mean?” I had no idea what brought this on. I could only hope by listening I could offer him some peace.

“After tonight, I just don’t know if I have it in me. I never thought I would have to do the things I’ve had to do tonight. It sickens me, and I don’t know if I can carry this out.” He looked so troubled. “I shouldn’t be telling you any of this, but if I don’t get it out, I’m afraid I’m gonna snap at the wrong time.”

“You can tell me,” I encouraged him. “I’m here, and it’s just between us. You have my word, Josh. Please just talk to me.”

“I just dealt with a situation tonight that tested my limits and involved things that made me ill.” He took my hand. “I just needed some help calming down. After the night I’ve had, there was no way my mind was going to relax. I’m sorry for waking you.”

“Don’t even think twice about it. I’m here to talk whenever you need it.”

He traced my lower lip with his thumb. It was a simple gesture, yet it conveyed so much. “Thank you,” he whispered. “You didn’t sign up for any of this. You may wanna rethink getting to know me better.”

“No,” I replied. “I enjoy a challenge.” I shrugged when he smiled at me. It was a welcome sight.

“Do you mind if I hang out a bit? You know, since you’re awake and all.” He smirked, and I couldn’t stop myself from returning the gesture.

“You hungry?” I asked, and his eyes lit up. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

I stood from the bed, grabbed his hand, and helped him up. We had just reached my door when he stopped walking and lightly pulled me back toward him. After spinning me to face him, he placed a hand on each of my hips. I looked up and met his gaze.

“Thank you for allowing me to see you. Even if nothing I said made sense, just know that it helped.” He leaned down and rested his forehead against mine. “I’m glad I had the date from hell, because it led me to you. And you, Gabby, made it worth it.”

He placed his lips against mine in a soft kiss. I could taste the minty mouthwash on them.




“Well, what do we have here?” Brooklyn’s voice rang out loudly through the living room. “What number do I have to call to order me one of those?”

I glared at her because I knew what she was referring to. I also knew there was no way I was getting out of this without an explanation. The last thing I remember was curling up at Josh’s side early this morning, watching some show about a man who had been wrongfully convicted of a crime and sentenced to prison. Now I was waking up, basically in the same position, except Josh was holding on to me like he was afraid I would disappear. Oh, and my hand was under his shirt, rested firmly over his taut stomach.

“If you think you’re going to leave out the details of what led to this very handsome man curled up with you on our couch, you are sadly mistaken.” Brook was absolutely ridiculous. She was eating up the idea of something besides paperwork and romance movie marathons going on in my life.

So what if I’m boring? Yes, I’m a homebody who loves Nicholas Sparks and all those sappy love stories—though don’t get me wrong, I love me some comedy too. I am the girl that also enjoys sitting back and analyzing others, laughing at their embarrassing moments even though I would die of humiliation if our roles were reversed. I refrained from dating because truthfully it was a lot of work that only ended in disappointment when it all inevitably fell apart. I hated being vulnerable and sad. But Josh was an exception to this. I wasn’t sure why I was still testing the water with him, so to speak. I just felt like there was something different about him.

“He is honestly a hunk, Gabby. I am seriously impressed,” I whispered so I wouldn’t wake him up. I looked up just in time to see her raking her eyes over the man still sprawled out at my side and possessively gripping my waist.

“Those hands alone are drool-worthy. And he has such strong arms.”

Irritated with her, I felt like I should throw a blanket over him or something.

“That mouth and that dimple when he grins.” Brooklyn fanned her face, and I turned to see what she was referring to. It was then that I saw Josh smirk and slowly open his eyes.

“Were you awake this entire time?” I asked as I sat up taller.

“No, but I think I was around the time she mentioned my hands and arms.” He chuckled.

I shot a look at Brook, who appeared to be holding back her own laughter. “Wow, you’re as bad as she is,” I told him as I started to get up, but he yanked me back against his side. I squealed when he tickled me and tried to squirm away.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he asked as he held me against him.

Our eyes locked, and our mouths were only inches apart. I licked my lips instinctively, and his gaze fell to my mouth.

“I’m just going to go take a shower and leave you two alone for a little while,” Brook said, but I didn’t even acknowledge her. My heart was racing, and I suddenly felt warm all over.

“You’re a cuddler,” Josh whispered, and I smiled. “I slept exceptionally well with you pressed against me. Better than I have in a long time.”

“I didn’t mean to fall asleep.”

“Me either. I guess it just shows you felt relaxed too.” He inched his mouth just a little closer, and my stomach tightened with anticipation. “It’s Sunday, and I know I said I wanted to spend some time with you on Sunday night. Are we still on?”

“What do you have in mind?”

“I usually go to my father’s house for dinner. Would you join me?”

I was immediately caught off guard. “You want me to go to dinner with you? At your father’s?”

“Yes,” he whispered against my lips, and the vibrations made the hair on the back of my neck stand. “It can mean whatever you want it to. I just want to spend time with you, Gabby. Things at work are crazy, and they’re about to get even crazier. There will be times when I won’t be able to see or talk to you for days. So right now, I just want to take advantage of the time we do have.”

I hated how empty the prospect of not talking to him or seeing him made me feel. In a short time, I had already begun to look forward to spending time with him.

“Okay, I’ll go with you,” I responded just before his mouth covered mine. And when I pressed my tongue against his lips needing more, he reciprocated and gave me just what I craved.









Chapter 11





I loved Gabby’s confidence. Most women would be nervous at being invited to meet their date’s parent, but not her.

The moment my father opened the door, he acted as though she had been around for years. “Hello, darling.” He pulled Gabby in for a welcoming hug. “Great to have you here. You sure are a pretty one.” As he led us into the living room, she looked back over her shoulder and winked. My father had taken my girl from me, and all I could do was smile. She sat on the love seat, and I quickly slid in next to her before my dad could even consider it. He was a sneaky old man, and I saw him eyeing the spot.

He chuckled as he sat down in his favorite brown suede recliner instead. “I’m real happy you could join us, Gabriella. It’s good to see my boy spending his time doing something other than working.”

And so it begins.
“Okay, Dad, that’s enough,” I said in annoyance.

“It’s nice, that’s all I’m saying.”

Before the conversation could go any further, there was a knock on the door, which immediately flew open. The loud squeals of laughter grew even louder as my nephew Jonah ran into the room. He skidded to a stop right before Gabby and me, and froze. His eyes locked on Gabby, and he stared up at her in a daze. It was comical to watch his little features change.

Gabby leaned forward, placing her elbows on her knees. “Well, hello there, handsome. What’s your name?”

He didn’t shy away from her, yet he didn’t respond, either. Instead, he continued to stare as if he was seeing some mythical princess.

“Tell her your name, buddy.” I looked up to see my sister standing in the doorway. She was smiling as she stared at her son.

“Jo-nah.” It was adorable how he stated his name with a long pause between each syllable.

“Well, Jonah, I must say that is a very strong name,” Gabby assured him as she pretended to feel his arm muscles, “for a very strong little man.”

Her words seemed to bring him back to reality, and he beamed back at her, still a little awestruck.

I scooped him up and placed him on my lap. “I know just how ya feel, bud. She is mesmerizing, isn’t she?”

Gabby smiled and leaned back against the couch, where she reached out and tickled Jonah’s stomach.

“Looks like you have some competition, Josh.” I cringed as Greyson’s voice filled the room. He had a tendency to lay the flirting on pretty thick, and I knew he wouldn’t hold back with Gabby. I just wondered how she would handle him being so forward.

I hadn’t seen Greyson since we left the warehouse last night. He walked into the living room and sat down on the arm of the love seat next to Gabby. She looked up at him and cocked an eyebrow. He had no idea what he was doing; she wasn’t like the other girls he toyed with.

“Hi, beautiful, I’m Grey. I’m the better-looking, much more skilled agent. If you want me to rescue you from this bore, I would be more than happy to.” He grinned widely and scanned over her appreciatively.

“I guess everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but if you don’t mind my honesty…” She paused as she looked him over from head to toe. “I would have to disagree. Josh has definitely got you beat.”

I chuckled, and even my dad got a laugh out of the scene.

“I can assure you I’m a much better kisser.” Greyson tried once again to redeem his ego.

“Once again, a matter of opinion,” Gabby said as she stared back at him. “But I’ve heard men that stroke their own ego are compensating for something that is lacking in their life. Is there something you would like to confess to?” She paused for effect. “Maybe we could help you out with your

Greyson’s eyes shifted to mine. He clearly had no idea what to say. I knew he would get nowhere with Gabby. Her attitude was one of the things that had attracted me most to her. She could keep a man on their toes.

Libby brushed past Greyson and in the process pushed him backward, causing him to fall off the arm of the love seat. “Give it up, Greyson. She will only humiliate you more.” She held her hand out to Gabby. “Hi, I’m Libby, Josh’s sister. You’ll have to ignore Greyson. He’s like a stray dog you fed once who keeps hanging around.”

“Don’t lie to her, Libs. You love me,” Greyson said from the floor.

“No, Grey, I feel sorry for you. Don’t mistake that for love.” She kicked at his shoe, and he chuckled.

“Okay, kids, you’re gonna scare her off,” my dad said, trying to tame the crew, but he couldn’t hide his smile. He enjoyed our banter; he always had.




“How did you sleep last night?” Grey asked as he joined me on the back deck after dinner. Libby and Gabby were inside washing dishes, and Dad was playing with Jonah in the living room.

“It wasn’t easy,” I confessed. “My mind was pretty fucked up. I never thought we would be dealing with that shit. Yeah, maybe after a few interactions, but not on the first night.” My stomach was in knots as I tried to keep my mind from wandering, but visions of those three girls kept flashing through my mind.

“You do know when word gets back to Frank, he’s gonna flip his shit. No personal involvement, remember?”

I didn’t reply, and Greyson and I both remained silent as we stared off into the darkness.

I knew I had compromised our assignment by demanding the girls be exclusively ours. But after what we had been through with them and knowing just how scared they were, I acted without a second thought. I know my plan didn’t guarantee their safety, but it may have bought them just a little more time. And maybe we would be able to get them out of Leo’s clutches before more of their innocence was stolen.

“I know your heart was in the right place, Josh, but we have a job to do,” Greyson said after a moment. “We have to keep our heads on straight. We knew going in that we may be forced to do things we disagreed with. It was clear.”

I knew what he was saying, but it didn’t settle my stomach in the slightest. “Yeah, well, violating young girls is something I don’t think I can go through with, no matter what is at stake. I have to be able to look at myself in the mirror after this, Grey.”

“I know” was all he said, but I knew he felt the same thing. We would just have to keep playing my plan out, hoping it continued to work.

The sound of the glass door sliding on its track caught our attention, and we turned to find Gabby stepping out onto the back deck.

“Hey, sweetheart, did you finally come to your senses? You ready to find out who the better kisser is?” Grey was right back to taunting her.

“Greyson, now that it’s just the three of us, I’ve got to ask.” She looked up at me and winked before turning back to him. She held her hand up and arched her pinky out, wiggling it. “Is there something you’re trying to hide? You shouldn’t feel ashamed about size. Some girls don’t think it matters.”

Greyson once again had nothing to say. He only shook his head and walked back inside. When he slid the door shut, Gabby and I were alone.

I gripped her hips and pulled her body against mine as I looked into her big, blue eyes and smiled. “Thank you for coming tonight.”

“Thank you for inviting me. It was fun. Your family is wonderful.”

I inched closer, bringing my mouth to hover over hers. “You’re wonderful,” I whispered and placed my lips against hers.

A kiss that was meant to be gentle quickly deepened as desire gripped us. Gabby slid her hands around my waist and glided them along the flesh just beneath the hem of my shirt. I groaned at the sensations her fingers were causing, and my body came to life even more as she rolled her tongue against mine. When she gently sucked on the tip, my cock twitched in excitement.

Visions of dropping to my knees and tugging her pants down around her ankles before spreading her legs wide to feast on the sweetness between them rolled through my mind. Gabby was awakening my animal instincts, and I knew we had to stop before we lost all control.

I pulled back, and she groaned in protest.

“I know,” I whispered. “I’m so fucking hard right now, I could pound nails, but we are on my dad’s porch. And I have to walk back through the house, and I can’t do that in my current condition.” I looked down toward my zipper, and her gaze followed mine.

A smile spread across her lips. “I can see how that would be a problem,” she said brightly with a proud gleam in her eyes. She was not sorry in the least.




How we got to Gabby’s place was a blur. All I knew was that the sexual tension between Gabby and me was high. It had been since we walked back into my father’s kitchen.

We said quick good-byes to my family and Greyson, and we’d had to pull ourselves apart three times since then. Once outside my dad’s house, where I caged her against the side of my car. The second was in the parking deck of her apartment building, where somehow she ended up in the driver’s seat, straddling my lap. And the third and final time was in the elevator when we arrived on her floor.

Now I had her pinned against the inside of her front door with her legs hooked around my waist. I was currently grinding my erection against her and swallowing her moans. I hadn’t even taken into account that her sister may have been behind us watching the whole damn thing, but I no longer cared. I just knew I wanted Gabby; I needed her. I had to feel human again after the fucked-up shit I had seen last night. I wanted something real.

“Bedroom,” she panted.

It was all the invitation I needed. I gripped her ass and lifted, and she wrapped her legs even tighter around me.

I entered her room through the open door and kicked it shut behind me. Once I reached the bed, I lowered her to her feet and stepped back. When she looked at me in confusion, I smirked.

“I want to watch you,” I said. Her eyebrows scrunched up in uncertainty. “Undress for me, Gabriella. I don’t want to miss even a single inch of you.”

I could see the uncertainty in her eyes, and I knew she was questioning my request. I had to keep talking, because I was fearful of losing her in her own doubts. I opened the button of her jeans before lowering the zipper ever so slowly. “You are so fucking sexy, and I can’t wait to taste every part of you. But right now if I touch you, I may lose myself, and things will be over a whole lot faster than I want them to be.”

She smiled, and I could see the temptress within her then as she hooked her thumbs in the sides of her jeans. I lowered my hands and watched in awe as she shimmied them over her hips and down her long, slender legs—legs I could barely wait to have wrapped around me as I drove into her over and over.

Her blue lace panties left little to the imagination, and I wondered what purpose they truly served. They were as sexy as fuck, yet barely existent. I couldn’t help myself from trailing my finger along the waistband. She bit her lip and immediately grabbed for her shirt, which she lifted up and over her head. Her bra matched her panties and cupped her breasts perfectly, making my cock throb even more.

I reached into my back pocket, pulled out my wallet, and removed the condom from the inside pocket before tossing my wallet to the floor and undoing my jeans. As Gabby watched me hungrily, my hands began to tremble with need. I couldn’t get my damn clothes off fast enough. With my jeans, boxers, and shoes in a pool at my feet, I removed my shirt and tossed it to the floor as well. I knelt before her and slid my hands between her thighs, parting her legs slightly. She lifted one and hooked it over my left shoulder, bracing herself by placing a hand on my other shoulder. When she was openly exposed, I licked my lips, craving her. She was just about to speak, but I hooked the small piece of lace with my fingers and pulled it to the side. I then placed my mouth over her and began to suck, and any thoughts she may have had quickly faded away.

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