Life After Life

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Authors: Kate Atkinson

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Life After Life: A Novel
Kate Atkinson
Little, Brown (2013)
Mystery Detective, Fiction, Suspense, Historical, General, War Military, Literary, Thrillers
Mystery Detectivettt Fictionttt Suspensettt Historicalttt Generalttt War Militaryttt Literaryttt Thrillersttt

What if you could live again and again, until you got it right?

On a cold and snowy night in 1910, Ursula Todd is born to an English banker and his wife. She dies before she can draw her first breath. On that same cold and snowy night, Ursula Todd is born, lets out a lusty wail, and embarks upon a life that will be, to say the least, unusual. For as she grows, she also dies, repeatedly, in a variety of ways, while the young century marches on towards its second cataclysmic world war.

Does Ursula's apparently infinite number of lives give her the power to save the world from its inevitable destiny? And if she can -- will she?

Darkly comic, startlingly poignant, and utterly original -- this is Kate Atkinson at her absolute best. Review

An Amazon Best Book of the Month, April 2013:
Every time Ursula Todd dies, she is born again. Each successive life is an iteration on the last, and we see how Ursula's choices affect her, those around her, and--so boldly--the fate of the 20th-century world. Most impressive is how Kate Atkinson keeps the complexity of her postmodern plotting so nimble.
Life After Life
approaches the universe in both the micro- and macro sense, balancing the interior lives of Ursula's friends and family with the weight of two World Wars. (How many writers can make domestic drama as compelling as the London Blitz?)
Life After Life
is an extraordinary feat of narrative ambition, an audacious genre-bender, and a work of literary genius.
--Kevin Nguyen



"Kate Atkinson is a marvel. There aren't enough breathless adjectives to describe Life After Life: Dazzling, witty, moving, joyful, mournful, profound. Wildly inventive, deeply felt. Hilarious. Humane. Simply put: It's one of the best novels I've read this century." (Gillian Flynn, author of the #1 New York Times bestseller *Gone Girl
* )

Life After Life
is a masterpiece about how even the smallest choices can sometimes change the course of history. It's wise, bittersweet, funny, and unlike anything else you've ever read. Kate Atkinson is one of my all-time favorite novelists, and I believe this is her best book yet." (J. Courtney Sullivan, bestselling author of
and *Commencement
* )

About the Book

What if you had the chance to live your life again and again, until you finally got it right?

During a snowstorm in England in 1910, a baby is born and dies before she can take her first breath.

During a snowstorm in England in 1910, the same baby is born and lives to tell the tale.

What if there
second chances? And third chances? In fact an infinite number of chances to live your life? Would you eventually be able to save the world from its own inevitable destiny? And would you even want to?

Life After Life
follows Ursula Todd as she lives through the turbulent events of the last century again and again. With wit and compassion, Kate Atkinson finds warmth even in life’s bleakest moments, and shows an extraordinary ability to evoke the past. Here she is at her most profound and inventive, in a novel that celebrates the best and worst of ourselves.



About the Book

Title Page



Be Ye Men of Valour

November 1930


11 February 1910


11 February 1910

Four Seasons Fill the Measure of the Year

11 February 1910, May 1910, June 1914


11 February 1910


June 1914, July 1914, January 1915


11 February 1910


20 January 1915


June 1918, 11 November 1918


11 February 1910


12 November 1918


11 February 1910


11 November 1918


11 February 1910


11 November 1918


11 February 1910


11 November 1918


February 1947


11 February 1910

Like a Fox in a Hole

September 1923, December 1923, 11 February 1926, May 1926, August 1926, June 1932, 11 February 1926, August 1926

A Lovely Day Tomorrow

2 September 1939, November 1940

A Lovely Day Tomorrow

2 September 1939, April 1940, November 1940

A Lovely Day Tomorrow

September 1940, November 1940, August 1926

The Land of Begin Again

August 1933, August 1939, April 1945

A Long Hard War

September 1940, October 1940, October 1940, November 1940, May 1941, November 1943, February 1947, June 1967

The End of the Beginning

Be Ye Men of Valour

December 1930


11 February 1910

The Broad Sunlit Uplands

May 1945


11 February 1910


About the Author

Also by Kate Atkinson


Life After Life

Kate Atkinson

For Elissa

What if some day or night a demon were to steal after you into your loneliest loneliness and say to you: ‘This life as you now live it and have lived it, you will have to live once more and innumerable times more’ … Would you not throw yourself down and gnash your teeth and curse the demon who spoke thus? Or have you once experienced a tremendous moment when you would have answered him: ‘You are a god and never have I heard anything more divine.’

The Gay Science

Everything changes and nothing remains still.


‘What if we had a chance to do it again and again,

until we finally did get it right? Wouldn’t that be wonderful?’

Edward Beresford Todd

Be Ye Men of Valour

November 1930

A FUG OF tobacco smoke and damp clammy air hit her as she entered the café. She had come in from the rain and drops of water still trembled like delicate dew on the fur coats of some of the women inside. A regiment of white-aproned waiters rushed around at tempo, serving the needs of the
at leisure – coffee, cake and gossip.

He was at a table at the far end of the room, surrounded by the usual cohorts and toadies. There was a woman she had never seen before – a permed, platinum blonde with heavy make-up – an actress by the look of her. The blonde lit a cigarette, making a phallic performance out of it. Everyone knew that he preferred his women demure and wholesome, Bavarian preferably. All those dirndls and knee-socks, God help us.

The table was laden.
Bienenstich, Gugelhupf, Käsekuchen
. He was eating a slice of
. He loved his cakes. No wonder he looked so pasty, she was surprised he wasn’t diabetic. The softly repellent body (she imagined pastry) beneath the clothes, never exposed to public view. Not a manly man. He smiled when he caught sight of her and half rose, saying, ‘
Guten Tag, gnädiges Fräulein
,’ indicating the chair next to him. The bootlicker who was currently occupying it jumped up and moved away.

Unsere Englische Freundin
,’ he said to the blonde, who blew cigarette smoke out slowly and examined her without any interest before eventually saying, ‘
Guten Tag
.’ A Berliner.

She placed her handbag, heavy with its cargo, on the floor next to her chair and ordered
. He insisted that she try the
Pflaumen Streusel

Es regnet
,’ she said by way of conversation. ‘It’s raining.’

‘Yes, it’s raining,’ he said with a heavy accent. He laughed, pleased at his attempt. Everyone else at the table laughed as well. ‘
,’ someone said. ‘
Sehr gutes Englisch
.’ He was in a good mood, tapping the back of his index finger against his lips with an amused smile as if he was listening to a tune in his head.

was delicious.

,’ she murmured, reaching down into her bag and delving for a handkerchief. Lace corners, monogrammed with her initials, ‘UBT’ – a birthday present from Pammy. She dabbed politely at the
flakes on her lips and then bent down again to put the handkerchief back in her bag and retrieve the weighty object nesting there. Her father’s old service revolver from the Great War, a Webley Mark V.

A move rehearsed a hundred times. One shot. Swiftness was all, yet there was a moment, a bubble suspended in time after she had drawn the gun and levelled it at his heart when everything seemed to stop.

,’ she said, breaking the spell. ‘
Für Sie

Around the table guns were jerked from holsters and pointed at her. One breath. One shot.

Ursula pulled the trigger.

Darkness fell.


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