Life Among the Dead (Book 4): The End (45 page)

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Authors: Daniel Cotton

Tags: #Zombie Apocalypse

BOOK: Life Among the Dead (Book 4): The End
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To all who have made it this far:


Thank you for reading. I wrote Life Among the Dead back in 2007, I had no idea it would grow into this series. Book 1 itself was meant as a trilogy, three books that I loved so much together that I couldn’t separate them. After I published the first installment, my mind wouldn’t rest, I was constantly thinking of new characters. They developed and became real in my mind as they tried to survive in the world I had created. I love the idea of so many stories entering and exiting one another, just like real life. We are all the main characters of our own tale, but what about the people we run into along our way, they too have a storyline, what happens to them can shape our path. I tried to capture that in this series, whether they lived or died, succeeded or failed, we met people that we’ve loved and we’ve lost. Now, after four books I can finally let them all rest peacefully.

One of the greatest things about these past years has been hearing from readers who love this series, it fueled me in continuing. I never before in my life would have guessed that one day I’d receive fan mail. It’s great to hear what you all have had to say about the story, and I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on this final chapter.



-Daniel Cotton


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