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Authors: Pat Barker

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Two books dealing with other aspects of the medical history of the war were particularly useful:

Gentlemen Volunteers
by Arlen J. Hansen describes the work of American ambulance drivers at the front.

Doctors in The Great War
by Ian R. Whitehead is an account of how the army medical services expanded to cope with unprecedented casualties until, by 1918, more than half the nation’s doctors were on active service.

Several books give an insight into the atmosphere on the Home Front:

The Enemy in our Midst: Germans in Britain during the First World War
by Panikos Panayi
Ottoline Morrell
by Miranda Seymour
by Katherine Mansfield, edited by Margaret Scott

I would like to thank my agent, Gillon Aitken of Gillon Aitken Associates, and my editor, Simon Prosser at Hamish Hamilton. Above all, I am grateful to my husband, David Barker, for his unfailing love and support.


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First published 2007

Copyright © Pat Barker, 2007

The moral right of the author has been asserted

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ISBN: 978-0-141-90641-6

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