Life Light (20 page)

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Authors: R.J. Ross

BOOK: Life Light
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"You're—you're—" he stutters, his eyes glued on Grandpa.

"I'm dead, as far as everyone's concerned," Grandpa says, leaning down and picking him up by the shirt. I'm pretty sure it's starting to rip by now. "Do you really want to be the reason people find out I'm alive?"

"No," Rylon gasps, grabbing Grandpa's wrist with both hands. "Not really."

"Good to know. Tell your parents we'll take very good care of your little sister, won't you?"

Rylon nods and Grandpa drops him. I feel Grandpa's arm go around my waist and I grab on, looking up at him for a moment.

"Do you forgive me yet?" he asks.

"I suppose," I say. "Thank you, Grandpa."

"Thank you," he says, "for being willing to use that title."




"So then we flew back and sneaked in through a hole he created so Grandma couldn't catch us," I say, laughing. "But she was just standing there, waiting for us, so it was a total waste of time."

"That must have been hysterical," Morgan says, "I’m a bit surprised you didn’t use him to torture the football players more, though.”

“I couldn’t have done that!” I say, not as shocked as I should be. I’ll admit, it WAS tempting. “I didn’t even threaten them with Jack--there’s no way I would threaten them with Superior." I think I did well enough on my own that they won't be going after other healers. I know that Grandpa Taurus was extremely interested in hearing this story earlier--he said that he’d keep an eye on that group for me, just in case.

“Yeah,” she says a bit reluctantly. “How’s Alyssa? I’m sure Ace will want to hear.”

“Is that jealousy I hear?” I tease.

“It is NOT!” Morgan says. “Wait a moment, I need to get further away from our RV,” she adds. I hear the wind and realize she’s running. “Here, this is better--just in case, you know?”

“Are you mad that Nico put you on his team?” I ask, seriously.

“Why would I be? Ace is a very good friend of mine.”


“Of course he is!”

“When was the last time you talked, just the two of you?” I ask. “Last time I checked, I’m pretty sure you avoided being alone with the guy.”

“You’re imagining things,” she says. “Both you and I know that--”

“Know what?”

“That... I can’t afford to focus on boys,” she says, sighing. “I’m going to be running around the world, looking for supers--”

“Just like you are right now,” I finish.

“And as soon as a new girl shows up he just HAS to start hitting on her!” she says, her frustration obvious in her voice. “He’s a blatant flirt, Aub, I don’t even get why I’ve got this stupid--stupid jealousy problem...” her voice gets softer with each word and she lets out a groan. “At least tell me Alyssa is a brat.”

“She started out a bit defensive, but she’s actually really sweet when you get to know her,” I admit a bit guiltily. “I have the same problem--I talked with Keliah for a little bit. She’s just a little girl, Morg, one that has a chip on her shoulder.”

“Maybe we should set Ace and Alyssa up--”

“No,” I say. “That’s a chicken way of doing things, and you know it. Morgan, think about it,” I say, “just because you’ll be running around the planet doesn’t mean you can’t have a boyfriend back home--it doesn’t have to be Ace, but don’t you think he’d be one of your greatest supporters if it was?” Because I’m not stupid, I’ve seen Ace watching her more than I’ve seen her peeking at him. I’ve also seen Justin watching her. I would honestly be okay if it was Justin she looked back at, but it’s not. It never has been.

She groans. “This is stupid,” she mutters. “He doesn’t even like me. If he did he wouldn’t have been so quick to flirt with someone else!”

“He flirts with me,” I point out, “and Zoe. I think he’s sort of fallen into a habit,” I say.

“But you two are obviously just a way to get to Jack and Max,” she says.

“That’s why I think it’s become a habit. Look, Morg, you’ve got all this time with just a little group and him. See if there’s something more than just friendship there.”

“I... I don’t know,” she says quietly.

“Jimmi's on your team, right?” I say.


“Well Jimmi is going through the same sort of problem as you’re having with Vinny, right?”

“Vinny only flirts with his kitchen,” she mutters, not denying it.

“No, he tends to sweet talk his food, too,” I correct her.

“The philanderer.”

We laugh. “But you two should talk. You can support each other.”

“I want YOU to support me,” she says.

“I’ll support you--but I’ve already told you what I think you should do. I don’t think Ace would flirt with other girls if he had a girlfriend, he’s not that type.”

“You’re already lumping me in as his girlfriend,” she says dryly.

“I think it’d be easy to become it--at least for you, it would.”

“Be easier for Alyssa,” she pouts.

“Sure it will, if you’re just going to pout and avoid trying,” I say bluntly.

“It’s not that easy!”

“It’s easier than you think!” I say, sighing and leaning back in my huge rocking chair. I love my room, I decide as I cuddle my rose pillow. It’s so peaceful. “Just--just try being nice to him,” I say more quietly. “Try to show him how much you appreciate his help finding the healers. You do, don’t you?”

“Of course I do,” she says, calming down. “He’s got a line up of debuts he’s going to do--including a few C-class heroes. He plans on taking the fall for at least the B-class and up. He’s already talked to Isotonic about it.”

“Do you think it’s easy for him?” I ask. “Sure, when it’s Emily and they’re already pretty good friends, it might be--but for someone he doesn’t know? Probably someone that thinks they rightfully deserve his fall?”

“No, of course not,” she says softly. “Does Jack have that problem, too?”

“Yeah,” I say. “He sometimes goes on a rant about it, but he calms down easily enough,” I admit. “If the hero is a good sport, he doesn’t mind.”

She sighs, and I can almost feel it, it’s so heavy. “I just don’t want to ruin our friendship because I’m suddenly feeling jealous. I was perfectly fine with being friends--”

“Until an actual competitor showed up,” I finish for her. “Jack CAME with his--he used to have a thing for Zoe, and it was even worse because I knew Zoe was likable. But honestly, Morgan, you wouldn’t be jealous now if there wasn’t something there in the first place. Some people might, but not you. Are you jealous of Justin running off to be a big star?”

“What? What does Justin have to do with any of this?” she asks blankly.

“Justin has a crush on you.”

She starts to laugh. “Yeah, right! Mr. Famous with a crush on ME?” she asks, literally hooting with laughter. “He’s probably got three girlfriends already, thanks to that tour, and it hasn't even started. I just hope Malina isn’t silly enough to get a crush on him,” she says. “I’d hate for him to break her heart.”

I sigh, feeling really sorry for Justin right now. “I doubt she will,” I say. “The last time I asked, Malina said that boys were, and I quote, ‘sort of annoying’ although she says she loves our brothers well enough.”

“Yeah, Justin’s not the guy to fix that ‘annoying’ belief,” Morgan says cheerfully. “She’s safe.”

“You’re really cynical about him, aren’t you?” I ask.

“He can take care of himself,” she says firmly. “But I just... I feel like Ace is vulnerable. Like he needs protecting, or... I dunno, support. Justin could take over the world.”

If you ask me, Ace could easily take over the world before Justin could, but I don’t mention that fact. She is right, in a way--Ace is more vulnerable than Justin, even now. “Then support him,” I say.

“How do I--how do I let him know I’m... interested?” she asks shyly. “Without making it awkward? Like, if I’m interested in him and he’s interested in Alyssa and he feels guilty because I’m--”

“Trust me, that won’t happen,” I say. “I seriously doubt he’s moved on with just one day.”

“Moved on?” she asks.

“You’ll find out,” I say evilly.

“Oh no you don’t--tell me!”

“Nope, you’ll find out,” I repeat. “You wouldn’t believe me even if I told you.”

“You’re so mean,” she complains, “no wonder you’re dating a super villain.”

“But Morgan--if this works out, you will be, too,” I say with a laugh. “Now go back to your team and start talking with Ace.”

“If this makes things awkward, I’m never talking to you again,” she threatens. “At least for a week,” she adds not even a second later.

“It’ll be fine, I promise,” I say. “Everything will be just fine.”


Bonus Material:


I Am NOT Bringing Him Home


“Through here, ladies,” Grandpa Superior says. It’s still early morning, I think. With the sun shining all the time it’s hard to know, exactly. Alyssa and I step through a door I’m certain wasn’t there the night before. It takes a moment for me to take in all the things around us--metal tables, blinking lights, all of the tools so familiar, but foreign at the same time. I see a definite Superior family touch, here. “I thought you would like to start working on your training, especially since Nicolas has gotten your second student,” he says, looking at me.


“My, ah, mom is still positive he was lying about the Arctic,” I hear someone say from behind us. I turn, breaking into a smile as I see Bobby standing there. He’s in a white and dark brown snow suit just like ours. “So when she calls, just tell her we’re still in Missouri,” he adds as we greet him.

“Nicolas still is--he said he was going to fix a tour bus for someone,” Grandpa Superior says. “I’ll be happy to get whatever it is you need for this training, Aubrey,” he adds, looking at me. “Nico provided most of your tools, but if there’s anything missing from here, feel free to ask.”

“It looks like a real hospital,” Alyssa says, wandering through the room with a look of wonder. “Are we going to have to learn how to use all of this?” she asks me.

“It’s useful, especially for the tougher cases,” I say, my mind on Grandpa’s offer. “There’s one pretty obvious thing missing,” I finally say.

“And that is?” he asks.

“Patients. We need someone to actually work on, if we’re going to learn.”

“I see,” he says. “Does it have to be human?”

“Well... I don’t suppose it does,” I admit. It’s not like he can kidnap humans and drag them up here--well, I’m sure he COULD, but we only just now got Isotonic off of our backs.

“Then I’ll be right back,” he says, leaving us standing in our new classroom.

“Nico brought in our platform,” Alyssa says. We head over to a small wall of computer monitors and the familiar metal platform. “Is that his way of saying we’re still on phone duty?”

“You catch on quickly,” I tell her. A blast of cold air hits us and we turn, watching as a hole appears in the wall of our classroom. It’s a huge hole, I notice--but it would have to be. Grandpa Superior has a full grown polar bear slung over his shoulder.

“Will this work?” he asks.

I take a picture with my phone before replying, “We’re going to need a bigger table, Grandpa.”

“That’s a--that’s a--” Bobby stutters.

“Well don’t just stand there,” Alyssa says bossily, “go wash your hands!” She really does catch on quickly, I think with a smile as my phone chirps at me.

I take a few seconds to send a text in reply before going to wash my hands, as well.

No, Jack, I am NOT bringing him home.


Where Nothing Happens...


"Okay, guys," Jack says, reaching up and touching his earbud. At least it's cloudy, he thinks as he glances at the morning sky. Nobody will complain about accidental blindings. "We've got a shaker for this debut, that means he's going to work the same way I do—"

"How's that?" Brandon asks quietly.

"He's going to use brute force, not brains," Ward explains for Jack. "But this is his territory and he's trying to get into the Hall line up, right? So he's going to be careful about breaking important things—"

The world under Jack's feet starts to tremble dramatically. "Or not," Ward finishes with a groan. "What a moron."

Jack lets out a laugh. Ward isn't actually as bad as he comes off, he's decided—that or he just finds the kid's irritation funny. He still hasn't decided which it is, but it's entertaining!

"We can't just assume that," Brandon says, but there's a hint of amusement in his voice. "He could just be going for the big entrance—yep, there he is," he adds as a teen in a dramatic brown and gold uniform steps into view. "His boots are even bigger than Kid Liberty's," Brandon says in wonder.

"Really, Brandon, THAT'S what you notice?" Ward asks. The two are on bystander duty—keeping the crowd back from the actual fight. "Among the three of us, who do you think is going to have the most trouble with this fight?" he drawls. He's in a hulking form that towers over the adults in the crowd—Jack sees him jump over a few, grabbing a kid that's about to fall from the earthquake. He picks the kid up, staring her straight in the eye. She looks about seven. "Stay away from the cracks, kid," he tells her gruffly before tossing her to an empty space in the crowd.

The audience screams—only to gasp in shock as she's caught by an invisible Brandon and put down. He shimmers into sight for all of a second before disappearing again.

"Everyone GET BACK! You're all our hostages!" Ward bellows dramatically. "So behave yourselves!"

"Let the people go!" the kid in brown snaps, pointing dramatically at Jack.

"Do you seriously have to take the fall for this guy?" Ward asks over the com link, his disgust clear in his voice. At first, Jack knows, Ward had assumed that it was only right they take the fall—they're the super villains. That attitude has changed overnight, he thinks with amusement.

"Unfortunately," Jack says, "I promised B-class and up, remember? But that doesn't mean we have to make it easy for him." He brings his fingers to his lips and whistles sharply. His surfboard races forward. The look of shock on the guy's face almost makes him laugh.

"I was supposed to win this," the earthquake boy says in a hiss.

"Sure you are," Jack replies in a quiet tone, "but you want it to look good, right?" He jumps on the surfboard and pulls out his mic. "Let me guess, your name is… Quaker?" he taunts. "Ladies and Gentlemen, let me introduce you to the Amish hero, QUAKER!"

"That's extremely rude to the Amish," Brandon complains over the com, "AND to the Quakers. They're two different groups, I think—but both deserve a more Eco-friendly hero."

"This is on television, they'll never see it," Jack replies easily. "If it makes you feel better, I'll have Dad apologize for me next time he's on TV—they won't see it then, either."

"Have him apologize to the Quakers," Brandon says, "they might."

Ward actually lets out a snort, catching himself quickly. He's too close to the audience to laugh, and he knows it.

"My name is RICHTER!" the earthquake boy says, stomping a foot on the ground. Earth shoots up, slamming into the nose of Jack's surfboard and throwing him off. He lands on his feet, and the surfboard stabilizes before heading straight for Richter.

It's going fine—the fight will be dramatic enough to get some prime time on the news, and they've even attracted a few helicopters—

"Sha—Shadow—" Brandon says over the com, his voice shaking slightly. "Shadowman's here! He's in the crowd!"

Jack turns, just in time to get tackled by Richter and thrown through the air. He crashes into Ward's back and they both fall.

"I can't handle Shadowman—I don't know what to do—" Brandon says, practically hyperventilating. Abruptly Jack remembers just who captured the zoo kids in the first place.

"Shadowman," Ward snarls, starting to grow. Jack is soon eclipsed by the younger teen. He lets out a silent curse.

"Stand DOWN, Ward," he snaps, "this isn't the time—Brandon, is he doing anything?"

"He's just—he's just standing there," Brandon says, his voice calming. "There's something off about him."

"Mom, you here?" Jack says as Richter slams into him with his shoulder, carrying on the fight. Jack barely remembers to grunt in response.

"I'm on it, sweetie," Jeanie says, making her way through the crowd and standing a few feet away from Shadowman. "Boys, if he tries anything, I'll take care of it, I promise," she says sweetly.

"Thanks, Miss Star Spangled," Brandon says, letting out a sigh.

Jack turns his attention back to the fight. But he can't help but wonder what the heck is going on.

By the time the fight is done, Shadowman's gone.

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