LifeoftheParty (11 page)

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Authors: Trudy Doyle

BOOK: LifeoftheParty
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“Quiet,” he said, spanking her soundly before he shoved
himself inside her.

“Jesus!” she yelped, his hands falling to her hips, her
bottom deliciously burning, his cock pummeling her mercilessly. It wasn’t a
moment later and she was climaxing, her neck arching, her clit throbbing
against his balls. She was coming so hard she lost her balance and fell over,
Doug losing his too, both of them tumbling off the bed.

“Son of a bitch! Are you all right?” he said without missing
a beat, Gina laughing uncontrollably. He kissed her neck and, rolling her over,
grabbed her ankles, sliding her legs over his shoulders.

She was raw and exposed and nearly folded in half, and so
aroused she thought she’d explode. He slid her legs down a bit and reentered
her, ramming into her with such force it sent a jolt through her clear up to
her bellybutton.

Gina came again, quickly and cleanly. Before it receded, he
lowered her legs, arching above her now, moving his hips slowly and succinctly,
his eyes closed, his mouth slightly opened. As he moved she watched his muscles
expand and contract, the bulges of his arms, his tightly mounded pectorals, the
hard ridges of his abs. Across his chest she noticed his taut veining, a
circulatory highway leading up his neck, to a jaw that clenched as his breath
came hard, straining to hold back his release. Holding back for her, she knew,
holding back for her pleasure.

Lord, she was a selfish woman. And he such a hungry man. But
maybe it was that hunger that made her so selfish. He took everything out of
her, leaving her naked, exposed. How liberating to be that honest.

If only she were.

She wished she could tell him, she longed for the courage,
and she would, or they’d never be at peace. But first she needed to get through
this, and she would do that too, she was sure of it. Because now he was here,
and he could do anything.

“Gina…” he murmured, sitting up, pulling her with him. He
nestled her in his lap, his knees bent, her legs arched beside him. “So
beautiful,” he whispered, kissing her deeply. “Christ, I love to fuck you.”

She leaned back against his legs. “Do you?” She lifted
herself off him, slamming her pussy down. “Do you really?” And again and again.
“Because if you love to fuck me so much, then why…” She did it again. “Why am I
doing all the work?”

His eyes flared.

He pulled himself from her and Gina to her feet, whipping
her around to leave her braced against the footboard. It was so high the top
nearly came to her hips, and she latched on to it, steadying herself. She had
hardly gotten her bearings before Doug nudged her legs opened and, tilting her
ass, entered her pussy from behind.

She jolted as he rammed into her, digging her heels into the
carpet to keep upright.

“Hence the reasoning behind the shoes,” he whispered hotly
in her ear.

She turned her head, wrinkling her nose at him.

His response was a deftly placed finger to her clit. “Hold
on,” he said, proceeding to pump fore and aft.

Her head slammed back against his shoulder as he tilted his
hips to gain greater access, fucking her so hard he nearly lifted her off the
floor. Within seconds she was coming with a force almost painful, her mouth
open wide and straining to scream. Before she could she felt his lips close
over hers, his arms wrapping around her so tightly stars dotted her vision and
then he was coming, brutally so. He huffed into her mouth, his cock throbbing
deep within her, his trembling body sending vibrations through her spine. When
he was finished he pulled himself from her and twisted her around, his hand
kneading her breast as he kissed her deeply and soundly. With his cock against
her belly she felt his come flowing from her, snaking a rivulet down the inside
of her thigh. She pressed herself to his hip, leaving some against him.

He pulled back to look at her, his eyes a deep, deep blue.
Then he dipped his finger to her pussy.

She gripped his shoulder, exhaling hard, never expecting it.
It was simply the most intimate thing he’d ever done. Maybe it wouldn’t seem so
to anyone else, but it certainly felt that way to her, Doug sliding his own
come against her clit. Almost instantly she climaxed, shaking as he swirled and
circled, his hand flooding with his own juices when he sank his finger into
her. She rose up, pressing her lips to his.

“Gimme more,” she whispered, rubbing against him. “Give me
everything you’ve got.” He sighed heavily then lifted her into his arms. She
wrapped her legs around him and he slid himself in, carrying her to the bed.

This time was slow, easy, like the rock of a boat, Gina
under him, Doug arching above her. When she came, so did he, an even
undulation, a comfortable roll, a gift. When they were finished he pulled back
the sheets and they slipped between them, Doug falling asleep quickly, softly
snoring against her breast.

She brushed the back of her hand down his cheek. “I love
you,” she whispered, safe in the knowledge he couldn’t hear her.

* * * * *

Gina leaned up on her arm. “Where in God’s name are you

Doug looked up from tying his shoe.
Jesus Christ
, he
thought. Was there any woman in the world who looked as good naked as she did?
“I thought I’d do a little investigating.”

She glanced at the bedside clock. “At this hour?”

“Come on, Gina. That’s what we’re here for, isn’t it? I
won’t be long.”

“And you also won’t be going without me either.” She threw
back the sheet and swung her legs over the side. “Give me a couple of minutes
to freshen up,” she said, grabbing fallen clips to pile her hair atop her head.
“I won’t be long.”

As he heard the shower raining, he suppressed the urge to
follow her, knowing full well if he did that, they’d never leave the room. He
glanced to the door, contemplating going without her. Not a good idea either.
He hated the idea of leaving her alone even for a minute, as much as taking her
with him left her wide open for a target. There simply was no compromise. Until
Sunday he’d just have to be her conjoined twin. Not, he rubbed his chin, that
that was such a horrible prospect.

He got up, slipping into his holster, smelling her perfume
on his jacket when he pulled it on, his gaze falling to her nylons draped over
a chair. He picked one up, smiling as he slid it between his fingers, teetering
between happiness and disbelief. How was this possible? He just couldn’t figure
it out.
One day at a time
, he told himself. Damn, where had he heard
that before? He picked up the remote, clicking to ESPN.

Ten minutes later, Gina emerged, naked, fluffed and looking
for her clothes. “Jesus,” she huffed, hands to hips, “where the hell are they?”

“Here,” Doug said, pointing to the sofa. He had them lined
up in sequence order. “I picked them up while you were sleeping. They were all
over the floor.” He took a step closer. “Woman, you are an animal.”

“Stay away,” she said, brushing past him. “As it is, the
friction is killing me.”

Ten minutes more and they were out in the hall. “Now what?”
she asked.

Doug looked to a brochure in his hand. “Says here there’s a
club lounge down the hall with complimentary wifi. That’s as good a place as
any to start.” They found a couple of computers tucked in a corner of the empty
room. Doug sat at one, Gina looking over his shoulder.

“What’re you doing?” she asked as he quickly went into
administrative mode. “Damn, how’d you get there? That should be

“Anything gated is just asking to be opened,” he said,
scrolling files. “Public computers are notorious for viruses and a thousand
other infections with all the fingerprints left on them.” He clicked out.
“Nope, nothing came from here.”

“But how do you know?”

“Because I just scrolled though all the Yahoo! mail
temporary files, and not one of them matched the time stamp on the one you

“Oh. Well, that’s easy enough.”

“If you know what to look for.” He switched to the other
one. “This one either.”

Gina looked at him, amazed. “Where’d you learn to do that?”

“Hackers, where else? Arrested a couple of guys not too long
ago plying their trade for dope. Both of them have job offers from Microsoft
when they get out. You believe that?”

“I’d believe anything from you.”

“You’d better.” He took her arm. “Come on. There’s more

Four computers were tucked in a little alcove off the lobby.
Halfway through the third one, he sat back, tapping the screen. “Bingo, here it

She leaned in. “You sure?”

“Positive. Watch.” He tapped a bit more, bringing up the
file history. “There it is, clear as day.”

“Jesus, Doug, wouldn’t it be something if we could tap into
this guy’s mailbox?”

He looked at her, grinning. “Who says we can’t? But not yet.
There’s still some things a little bit more pressing.” He stood up, slipping
his arm around her waist. “Whaddya say we get a nightcap before we turn in?”

She leaned back, nuzzling his neck. “Just what I had in mind
to soothe my frazzled nerves.” She winced. “And nerve endings.”

He kissed her temple. “Doll, I’m gonna have to toughen you

Halfway to the bar, Gina stopped cold.

He followed her line of vision to a man just turning, his eyes
lighting with surprise. “Gina! Why, hello, you two. Fancy seeing you here.”

“Hello, Lee,” she said, looking slightly dazed.

“I was just going for a drink,” he said, his composure
smoothly restored. “Would you like to join me?”

She glanced to Doug. “I-I—”

“We’d love to,” said Doug, sweeping his hand. “Lead the

Chapter Ten





12:24 A.M.


“Pinot noir, wasn’t it, Gina?” asked Lee, half sitting on a
stool. “I recall a particular San Luis Obispo you used to swoon over.”

“Really?” Gina’s smile was brittle. She crossed her legs
atop the barstool. “I don’t remember.”

“Well, I do. It was that good. Lieutenant?”

“Thanks.” Doug took the double scotch Lee offered,
preferring to stand. Because something about this Lee Roland sparked all his
instincts, and he just might need to shove his glass down the fucker’s throat,
especially if he kept scoping Gina’s legs. He took a good swallow and forced
himself to focus.

“Granger Canyon,” said Lee. “2004, I believe, their best
year for pinots.” The bartender set a wineglass in front of Gina before placing
another before Lee. He grinned. “From what I remember you would’ve drunk it by
the bucket.”

She glanced at him then sipped deeply. “I had my reasons.”

Doug’s hand tightened around his glass. “So, Lee, how funny
is this, running into you here.”

“Very funny,” said Gina dryly. “Practically a coincidence.”

“More on your end than mine, I should think.” Lee flashed a
badge from his pocket. “Shareholders’ meeting for Smythe Kleeg Bachman. It runs
the weekend, but I’m not staying past tomorrow morning’s Synthopax
presentation. All these doctors give me the jumps.”

“Lee’s family are major stockholders,” Gina supplied. “His
mother’s a Kleeg.”

“Ah,” said Doug, sipping. “The family business. I suppose
you spend a lot of time in Center City then.”

“At their headquarters?” Lee swirled his wine and gave his
black-rimmed glasses an adjust. “Mom and my brother Darrin do have seats on the
board, but I prefer the life of the idle rich.” He glanced to Gina. “That’s why
I’m in politics, eh, sweets?”

Gina eyed him coolly. “You do slay me, Lee.”

“Because you know I’m joking. Seriously though, great buzz
about your boy. They say he’s a cinch to cinch it. Especially if he agrees to
meet with Milton Tate. That’ll line the conservatives up behind him like

Gina’s face pinched. “He’d never do that.”

“You mean the guy who heads that victims’ rights group?”
Even Doug knew who he was.

Gina shook her head. “Yeah, who fought Jack every step of the
way on the DNA bill. Who stalked his office and called him a murderer more than
once. Believe me, if there was to be any meeting with Tate, I’d be arranging
it. And that’s not going to happen any time soon.”

Lee arched a brow. “Have you been locked in a closet?
Because let me tell you, it’s been the buzz all day. He’s going to show his
solidarity with Jack by standing on the podium with him Sunday.”

“That’s impossible.” Gina instinctively reached for her
purse and the ever-present BlackBerry inside. But both were somewhere upstairs,
her phone switched to vibrate, probably wedged between a cushion. Doug could
see the panic across her face. She looked to him then to Lee, sliding off the
stool. “I need to go.”

Lee stood. “I think you’d better.” He turned to Doug, his
hand extended. “Great to see you again, Lieutenant. Take care of our girl now.”

Doug closed his hand over the man’s, resisting the urge to
crush it. “Senator.”

“Hurry, Doug,” Gina urged, halfway out the bar.

“Damn, damn, damn,” she muttered, frantically pushing the
elevator button. “He’s probably been trying to get me all afternoon.”

As they stepped inside, Doug said, “You haven’t exactly been
incommunicado. You haven’t talked to him once?”

The door shut and she smiled, shooting him a sideways glance.
“With your cock inside me it’s hard to breathe, let alone have a conversation.
And you must admit it’s been my companion for a major portion of the day.”

Doug cleared his throat, shifting his hip slightly as he
slipped his hands into his pockets. “You complaining?”

“Hardly. Yet it does seem very strange Lee would know about

“Not to mention being in Rittenhouse Square this time of
night when the Convention Center’s halfway across town. I mean he does live in
Jersey, right? Being a state senator and all?”

“Not twenty minutes away. A real big house in Marlton.” She
blushed slightly. “The last I heard, I mean.”

Son of a bitch—she knows him well
, Doug thought, the
idea sending a nauseating rush though his gut. He had figured it from the
moment he’d seen them together at the fundraiser, but he chose to ignore it. He
looked at her, struggling to keep his voice impassive. “He was your lover,
wasn’t he?”

Gina gasped, her hand flying to her breast. The elevator
opened and she bolted into the hall. Doug grabbed her arm halfway down and,
opening the door, shoved her inside.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” he hissed.

“Are you crazy? And risk seeing you like this?
to be nuts to do that.”

“I’ve got nothing to do with it. Someone’s trying to kill
you. Old lovers are always the first suspects.”

She threw up her hands. “Oh, well that makes sense. Because
if that’s true you should be on the top of the list.”

“Don’t push me, sweetheart,” he said, looming over her.
“Remember, I’m the one trying to help you.”

She brushed her hands through her hair. “And killing me in
the process.”

He grabbed her by the shoulders. “If I wanted to kill you I
could’ve done it a long time ago. God knows I had a reason.”

“And your reasons were always so much more important than
mine. Doug the omnipotent. Doug the all-knowing.” She shrugged him loose,
heading for the end table and her purse. “Well, maybe there’s a few things you
don’t need to know about me. Maybe it’s better that way.”

He could feel the blood boiling in his veins. “If you want
me to help you I need to know everything.”

She reached into her purse, pulled out her BlackBerry. “I’ve
already told you all you need to know.”

He came up behind her. “Just saying that tells me you’re
hiding something.”

“Yeah, I want to die. That’s real intelligent.” She moved
away, scrolling. “Now I just so happen to have a life that doesn’t include you,
Douglas, so why don’t you go back to your investigation while I get on with
mine or you won’t have anything to—”

He grabbed the phone and hurled it into the room. “You
stupid little bitch.”

“Animal!” She slapped at him and he latched hold of her
wrists, forcing her back on the sofa.

“Don’t fuck with me, Gina, I’m warning you.”

“Go to hell!” she cried, struggling under him.

“Yeah?” He gave her a shake. “Tell me what you know or I
swear to God I’ll walk right out of here.”

She stared at him, incensed. “Why does that not surprise me!
You’d rather have me die than ever imagine me with anyone else. Get this
through your head, Doug! I had a life before you and after you and I have one
now. You can’t crawl inside me and watch me every second of the day. There will
always be parts of me you’ll never understand. My God! What do you want from

Some seal inside him blew and before he could think he was
clawing at her, scrabbling her dress to her waist as he fumbled with his belt
and his zipper and he was driving himself in, pressing her to the sofa, his
cock harder than he’d ever felt it, his mouth falling to hers to squelch the
curses flying from her mouth like richly carved pearls. He fucked her with a
passion and intensity he’d never felt before, a primal urge egging him on that
he was helpless to ignore.

Gina writhed beneath him, her hips bucking as he pushed into
her, biting his tongue as he shoved it ceaselessly inside, muffled curses still
streaming up her throat. After a minute she abruptly stopped, her breath
turning to gasps, and it was then he knew she was coming. He released her
mouth, her neck arching into the cushions as she shivered and moaned against him
and then he was coming too, his mind blanking as he emptied himself into her,
draining himself, spending everything, a pleasure so deeply feral his groin
ached. When it finally ended he slumped against her, more tired than he ever
imagined. A moment later he felt her arms around him, her breath warm against
his neck.

She kissed him. “We have a lot of angry sex, don’t we?”

He closed his eyes. “I’m a fucking bastard, I know it. I
wouldn’t blame you if you kicked me right in balls.”

He could feel her laughing. “Oh honey, they’re my balls as
much as yours, and that’s the last thing I’d do to anything with that much
entertainment value.”

He eased up, looking at her. “Is that all I am to you?

“No,” she said softly, gliding a finger down his cheek. “Of
course not. To me you’re everything.”

Then he kissed her, softly and thoroughly, gathering her up
in his arms to set her upright on the sofa. “You okay, baby?”

“Aces, flatfoot.” She yanked his tie. “C’mere.” She kissed
him quick, ruffling his hair. “But I think we’re going to have to ease up on
the hot sex for an hour or two.” She squirmed. “My nether region is starting to
feel a bit ragged.”

“Lightweight.” He kissed her back, pulling her to her feet.
“Let’s go. I’ve got just the thing.”

A little while later they were both sitting suds-deep in the
Jacuzzi, Doug’s arms flung atop the sides, Gina at the opposite end scrolling
through her BlackBerry. “This is really odd. There’s only one message from
Jack, telling me that Ted Parks has the list from the fundraiser last night.”

“Yeah, I know. He also called the squad.”

“He did? Don’t you think that’s kind of weird?”

He snorted. “I think all your friends are weird, but who am
I to say.”

She snaked her foot between his legs and gave his package a
nudge. “Come on, Doug. Why would Ted think that I’m with you?”

“Why would he think you wouldn’t be?”

“Look, no one knows about the death threats outside of you,
your captain, Jack and Roark. And no one knows we’re,” she rolled her eyes,
smiling, “an
besides you and me. So how would he know to call the

“Because someone told him. Or he knows our history.” He
looked at her directly. “You tell me.”

“I have nothing to say. And that’s the truth.”

“We’re going there, first thing. Should’ve gone this

“So we kind of got sidetracked. But I don’t regret it a
bit.” She set the BlackBerry on top of the toilet. “At least I haven’t heard
from bigfan today. That’s a relief.” She slid herself over to his side,
slumping against him with a sigh. “Oh Doug, this was such a good idea. See this
steam? It’s not entirely coming off the water.”

He kissed the top of her head. “Never underestimate the
rejuvenating power of a good soak, doll. You’ll be all right in the morning.”

She shifted to look up at him. “Does that mean tonight?”

“Sleep,” he said, laying her head back against his chest.
“Blissful, restful sleep.”

She sighed again, closing her eyes.

They got out before the water turned cold, drying each other
with thick terry towels. He watched her as she bent to the sink to brush her
teeth, her breasts leaning with her, her beautiful ass arched, wanting to sink
himself into her so badly he had to look away. But when it was his turn she was
behind him, those same breasts rubbing up against him as she hugged his back, watching
him shave and brush and floss, even kissing him between his shoulder blades as
he pissed.

“Men are so lucky,” she said. “All you have to do is aim.
Now, women? Imagine having to struggle out of a thong. And all those cold
toilet seats. Even worse when you go to a public bathroom and the toilet
paper’s empty.”

He flushed. “Yeah, but the sex is easier. No runoff. And no
evidence bulging out your pants. And you don’t even have to touch your pussy to
get off.”

Gina scowled at him. “Do too. Even when I—” She blushed

“Masturbate? Oh don’t sweat it, doll. Everyone does.”

“Whatever. But that’s not what I mean. I mean you’d still
have to touch my pussy to get me off.”

One brow shot up. “No I wouldn’t. And I’ll prove it to you.”
He swept her off to the other room and, pulling back the covers, set her down
on the bed.

She snuggled into it, throwing her arms over her head.
“Proceed, Dr. Welland.”

“Then pay attention.” He leaned up on his elbow. “The whole
body’s an erogenous zone. You just have to treat it like one. Remember when you
were sucking my toes?”

She grinned. “Oh yeah. Did you like it?”

His groin twinged in remembrance. “If I didn’t stop you I
would’ve made a mess of myself. But on a woman there’s more obvious spots.”

“My breasts. Obviously.”

“Obviously. I’ve heard of some women getting off while
nursing their babies.”

Gina winced. “There’s just something wrong about that.
Where’d you hear it?”

“Never mind. The point is…” He leaned into her, his mouth at
her ear. “Oh hell, one example is worth a thousand explanations.”

Gina flinched when Doug’s tongue found her ear, deftly
lacing into each crevice, dipping into the canal, gently tugging at her lobe.
From there he traced his tongue down her neck, nipping and planting soft
kisses, all the way down to the curve of her breasts. She mewled softly, arms
over her head twining into each other as if she were a dancer
en pointe
He dipped lower, curving his trace into her soft, smooth armpits. She flinched,
this spot obviously virgin so he exploited it, huffing softly against the
sensitive skin until she moaned, kissing a trail to her breasts again.

“Is it working so far?” he asked softly. He knew it was when
the answer came back as a groan. He then moved on to her nipple, sucking and
tugging and branding her anew, going from one breast to another until she
fairly glided beneath him, her hands scrubbing into his hair as he kissed and
licked around the heavy underside of her breast. From there his hands took
over, kneading and squeezing, while he took her mouth with his, kissing her
deeply and with a flourish that left him just as breathless as she.

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