Life's Next Chapter (4 page)

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Authors: Sarah Goodman

BOOK: Life's Next Chapter
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“Bro, what the fuck was that? I can’t believe you just asked your neighbor for the urologist’s number on a fucking Saturday.” I laugh as I start to dig for a beer in the cooler.

“Asshole. He’s Amanda’s gynecologist, and you have no clue how hard she is making my life right now. She refuses to go on any pills, saying it makes her gain weight. She looked into some IDU…DUI…IUD shit and she says there are too many risks. Don’t mention tubal, she throws it back into my face. ‘
Brody, so help me God, you mention tubal, I will cut your cock off myself. YOU didn’t spend hours, upon hours pushing out babies that inherited your big-ass head. Do you know how many hours I was in labor? Forty-two hours, combined, to give you your sons. No way am I going into a hospital to get cut open. The only way I’ll end up in a hospital is if I hurt myself from castrating you. Get the number from Jacob. You are getting a vasectomy!
’” Brody mocks to us in Amanda’s voice. Nick is laughing so hard I think he is going to throw up. I can’t stop snickering.

“Bro, I’m sorry, it’s just sad to think you and Bruno will have something in common: both neutered and kissing goodbye your manhood.

“Shut the fuck up, Luke. I can’t believe you just compared me to my dog. Asshole!” I hand him a beer, and ask Nick to pass me my fishing pole. Once I’m settled in my seat, my sunglasses on, and my beer sitting next to me, I sit back and relax. Looking across the lake I notice Jacob on his Jet Ski, talking to a blond on the other Jet Ski. Lowering my sunglasses, I can see she has on a ridiculously skimpy purple bikini top. She has these big ass sunglasses on, so I can’t see her whole face. I watch her take off, leaving Jacob wiping away the water. Watching her come close to the boat, I hear her laugh; she has the sexiest laugh I’ve ever heard. She is making my dick hard just by her laugh. She zips by us in a blink, but I feel like I know this woman.

“Bro, do you know that woman?” I point to the blond as she speeds down the lake.

“Dude, that’s Kate.”
Ah, Fuck

“That’s Kate…Dr. Kate…the Kate that is our current client…that Kate?” I sputter. I can’t believe that was her.
Shit, she’s dating the doctor?

“Yes, douche, that is Kate. She must be hanging out at Jacob’s house.” Brody says, sipping on his beer.

“Is she dating the doctor?” I ask, trying to look busy with the fishing pole.

“She’s single. Jacob is married to Kate’s best friend, Beth. But don’t get any fucking ideas, douche. We have eight weeks to finish this job; you will not stick your dick in her until we are done. Do you understand me? We will not lose this job because you can’t keep your dick in your pants.”

“What the fuck, Bro? I know how to tame my dick. Chill!” I’m pissed, and I can’t believe he talked to me like I’m his fucking son. I chug my beer and toss the empty bottle back into the cooler. Grabbing another beer, I take a deep breath to calm myself, “So tell me, what do you know about Kate?” I ask sincerely. I really do want to get to know her.

“Well, I met her a little over four years ago, when her then husband and she wanted me to draw up plans for a house.”

“You drew the plans for her house? That’s a sweet house. You designed it to look a lot older than it is.”

“That’s what she wanted. She wanted a country house, with the wraparound porch, shutters, and all. She said it would look funny if we built a contemporary house on the land. She wanted a house that fit with the stable and clinic. Now, she wants the clinic and stable to fit with the house. She has great taste; she did most of the design herself. Oh, and she’s an amazing photographer. You could say it’s her hobby. She was the one that did Amanda’s pregnancy pictures.”

Shit, is all I can think. I can’t believe it… Kate is the whole fucking package. She is beautiful, with her shoulder length blond hair, her bright blue eyes, handful size tits, a plump small ass I could just squeeze, and legs that I can only imagine how they would feel wrapped around my waist. “Why is she divorced?” I question him.

“The douche cheated on her. Cheated on her for a long time. He’s a cop and used his badge to the fullest advantages, if you know what I mean. She kicked him out, thinking they could share the parenting duties. Then she noticed a shit load of money was disappearing from her checking account. Apparently, he has a nasty gambling habit, too.”

“Seriously?” I ask.

“Luke, she’s been dragged through shit, but she’s a fighter and one determined woman to make it right. She’s a good mom, too.”

“Yeah, I’ve seen her with her girls. They’re cute little girls. Makes me remember those moments.” I finish my second beer and look to Nick, who is passed out on the bench seat. Poor guy, he’s a firefighter and works long, odd hours.

We spend about another hour on the lake. I watched Kate zoom by and listened for her laugh every time she came close. I want to make her laugh like that around me. That’s a sound that would make me happy to hear every damn day of my life.

We call it quits and head back to Brody’s house, where Amanda and his boys, Caleb and Connor, are waiting for us. We eat dinner then I return home, where I lie in bed thinking of Kate. If only tomorrow were Tuesday.







I’M PUTTING IN all the labor I can muster packing up my clinic on Labor Day. My mom, Mary, took the girls shopping for clothes and supplies. Hard to believe my babies will start Pre-K this year.

My office manager, Suzie, did a great job packing up the office and its equipment. She’s moving all the necessary office supplies to my dining room, where she will set up camp and do all the office work. I’m converting one horse stall into an exam room, mainly to be used for well visits. I have informed all my patients to contact Dr. Pierce at Best Friends Veterinary Clinic, in the meantime, for the more invasive procedures and complicated visits.

I’m in the last exam room, packing it up when my phone rings. Answering the call, it’s my mom. She wants to know if she can keep the girls through dinner. Looking around the clinic and realizing I’ll be here longer than planned, I let her know keeping the girls be great.

After a quick lunch and catching up with Suzie on reports, I head back to the clinic. I’m digging through cabinets, when I come across a framed picture of Keith and me with the girls. I used to have these all over my office. I stare at the picture of us. The picture is from the girls’ second birthday. We took them to have breakfast with the Disney Princesses. Julia’s in her Cinderella dress and Nicole’s in her Belle dress. Keith and I each have a girl on our hip and we’re centered between Snow White and Cinderella. We look so happy. In frustration, I throw the picture frame on the top of my desk. It was only a week later I caught the first of many texts from a girl he was seeing. How could I have been so stupid? Why did he leave the girls and me?

I walk to my office window just in time to see Luke’s truck and a huge trailer pull up next to the clinic. Watching him get out of his truck is a sight. Realization quickly sets in; once again, I’m in no shape to be seen. I’m sweating all over my black cotton shorts and red tank top, and my hair is pulled in a messy bun. And my sneakers are my worn-out ones I weed the flowerbeds in. Ugh!! Why does this man need to see me at my worst? Why is he even here? As I walk to the front door, he walks in, all sexy as hell in jeans and a black polo shirt. I just smile as he stands there. He has this effect on me, and I’m really enjoying it. Just a few feet apart, I ask him what he’s doing here.

“I was at the office doing some last minute work before starting tomorrow, and instead of driving out there again in the morning for the trailer, I thought it would be alright to drop it off now. I can’t park it where I live,” he explains.

“It’s alright with me. I wasn’t expecting anyone, so your arrival was a surprise.” I mutter, looking down at what I’m wearing. “Sorry, again for looking like a mess.”

“I think you look…um…great,” he says softly, with a big grin. I know he can see my face turning red. I haven’t been complimented in months.

“Well, if there isn’t anything else you need, I need to get back to cleaning out my clinic.”

“I don’t have to be anywhere, if you’d like, I could help you clean and pack.” He offers in the most charming voice. I can’t believe my ears. He wants to hang out with me and clean out my office?

“Umm…if you want to, you’re more than welcome to help me clean. I’m taking the opportunity to clean out my office, too.”

Walking back to my office, I quickly scan all the rooms. I think I have everything out that needs to be out. Salvation Army is coming by to get all the old desks, chairs, and tables. He follows me into my office, and I walk over to the shelf behind my desk. “If you want, you can pack all these books for me. The box is over here.” Pointing to the corner with empty boxes, I walk around to the front of my desk to pack the things I pulled out of the cabinet. Luke turns around and watches me. We’re in an awkward silence. From my peripheral vision I can see him watching me.

He looks down at my desk and sees the picture of what used to be my family. “Is this your ex?” He says.

Blowing out a good cleansing breath, I say, “Yes, that’s Keith. It was our daughters’ second birthday.”

He just keeps staring at it. “You look very happy in this picture.” He moves to place the picture back on the desk, but before he can, I stand up and grab it from his hands, tossing it in the box with the rest of the items I’m packing away.

“I was happy,” is all I manage to say. He turns and begins pulling books off the shelf. This is so awkward. The air is thick in the room and the tension is nearly unbearable.

I’m taping up the box when he suddenly blurts out, “I’m sorry, Kate. I’m so sorry you aren’t happy anymore, that…that bastard took away your happiness. I hope you’ll find happiness like that again, someday.”
What the hell?
I just look at him, dumbfounded. He has so much remorse all over his face. I am so confused.

“It’s not your fault, Luke. Sometimes bad things happen to good people. I like to believe it makes us stronger for the next round of crap that comes our way.” He looks pissed. I can see his jaw twitch and the muscles in his forearm bulge. His beautiful tattoos are straining.

Not knowing what else to do, I walk over and lay my hand on his tattooed arm. “Why are you so mad? You couldn’t fix this, even if you tried.” His big, beautiful greens eyes gaze into mine. I can see his hurt in those eyes. I see pain, too.

“It just makes me mad to think someone hurt you. You don’t deserve to be hurting like you are.”

I look up, into those amazing eyes, and smile. “I’m not hurting, anymore. Seriously, I’m good, and cleaning all this out and moving on is what I need. Really, I’m good…promise.” I give him a little pat on his chest and walk back to the box I taped and move it out to the hallway. Before going back in, I take a moment to pull myself together. The sincerity in his anger for my situation nearly brought me to tears.

Hours pass as we continue to clean and move boxes to the house or stables. Luke stays the whole time and helps me. We enjoy small talk about the weather, the girls, the construction of the clinic, and Brody. We’re outside, in front of the clinic, with the last remnants of 1960’s furniture for the Salvation Army, when I see a black truck flying into the clinic driveway.
Holy shit!
The truck is a few feet away from the curb when I realize it’s Jacob. I run towards the truck, panic rising that something bad has happened, just as he jumps out, covered in blood.

“Jacob, what the hell happened?” I shout as I approach. He isn’t listening to me. He swings open the back door of the cab and comes out cradling Pebbles. “Kate, she was hit by a car. You have to help her!” Fear has overtaken him.

“Jacob, I can’t do that here. Everything is packed away.”

“Damn it, Kate! She won’t make it if I take her somewhere else.”

“Bring her to the stable.” I decide, thinking quickly about the supplies I didn’t pack up. Luke rushes over and grabs Pebbles from Jacob’s straining arms, and we hurry to the stable. Once in the converted stall, he gently sets her on the metal table. “Jacob, I’ll get her stable, but then you have to take her to Dr. Pierce. She can fix her. I don’t have the equipment, or enough medicine, to treat her.” I run to the cabinet of the few supplies I have.

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