Lifting the Veil (11 page)

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Authors: Kate Allenton

BOOK: Lifting the Veil
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hearing voices. What if this psycho targets you? Maybe we shouldn’t do this.”

What if he did? Maybe she needed to get that gun a little quicker than she anticipated. What if this guy thought she was just like the others? Sophie swallowed around the lump in her throat. She knew in her heart that she needed to help, but what if Amber was right? Not only that, but now she’d dragged her best friend into the mess. Sophie turned down Amber’s street and pulled into her driveway. “I think you’re right. I’m going to take this box into work on Monday and let the investigators handle it.”

Amber shrugged. “It might not hurt to look through the box tonight and then turn it in. Maybe one

of her items will trigger another episode and give you something more to work with.”

Sophie touched Amber’s arm. “Thanks for being such a good friend. I’m not sure many people

would have believed what I’m going through.”

“Are you kidding?” Amber scrunched her nose. “I expect free readings…I am the best friend after


Sophie grinned. “Deal.”

Amber climbed out of the car, and Sophie waited until she was in her house before pulling back out and heading down the road. Her gaze scanned the cars on the street and the roads as she drove. She gripped the wheel tight, her knuckles turning white while she glanced into the rearview mirror, looking for anyone suspicious. Her heart hammered in her chest the entire way back to her house. She reached behind the passenger seat and grabbed her purse to move it to the front seat. She pulled the can of mace out, keeping it within reaching distance. Her nerves were strung tight as she pulled into her complex and parked. She grabbed the mace and her purse, holding the key fob in her other hand, ready to trigger the horn should anyone try and attack her. She popped the trunk and opened the box,

grabbing out only the appointment book which was sitting on top. She shoved it into her purse and

slammed the trunk closed. She started walking to her apartment, looking over her shoulder as she went.

She turned toward her apartment again and jolted to a stop, her heart thundering in her chest. A man was sitting on her steps, and not just any man but Jack.

“You scared me.”

“Yeah, well, your neighbor must be napping.” He stood, his gaze scanning the lot like she had just done. “Where the hell have you been?”

“Excuse me?” She sidestepped him, unlocked her door, and walked inside. He followed behind,

throwing the dead bolt after him. He dropped a bag on the couch and followed her into the kitchen.

“Marshall called.”

She popped the top on a beer and took a swig before grabbing another and handing it to him.

“I should have known.”

“He was worried.”

Sophie tilted her head. “So… are you here because he asked you to come, or were you worried


Jack popped the top on the beer and tossed it in the trash. “Damn it, Sophie. They found another


Just as soon as he said the words, the woman she’d met from the coven, dressed in black, appeared

in Sophie’s living room. Her face was sad; her head was tilted. “You must stop him.”

The blood drained from Sophie’s face, her hand flew to her mouth, and her legs grew weak. As

quick as the apparition had appeared, she was gone. Sophie swiveled around in circles frantically

blinking, wondering if what she’d seen was real.

“You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

Sophie eased into her recliner, afraid her legs might give out. Her heart fell into her stomach.

Sorrow overcame her and a tear slipped from her eyes. “I think I did.” She looked up at him. “It was the other woman, wasn’t it? The one dressed in black.”

He leaned against the entry way separating the kitchen from the living room, his gaze assessing. He watched her wipe the tear from her eyes.


Sophie’s head dropped forward. She rested her arms on her knees and let the beer dangle from her

fingers. “He’s not going to stop.” She looked up to find he’d moved closer to her.

“Where were you, Soph? I was worried about you. I was just about to call your brother.”

“I went to Mystic,” she whispered around the lump lodged in her throat.

“What did you say? I’m sure I didn’t hear you right. Did you say you went to Mystic?”

She lifted her chin. “Yes, I went to Mystic.”

His deep eyes swirled as they penetrated hers. His jaw muscle twitched before he started pacing.

“What the hell were you thinking?”

Sophie leaned back into the leather chair. “It sounded like a good idea at the time. I found another clue.”

He stopped pacing and spun in her direction. “What?”

Sophie shrugged. “The shop owner packed up Valerie’s things when she didn’t return.”

His gaze darted around the living room. “Did you bring them here?”

She pointed toward the door. “They’re in my trunk. I was going to take them into the station on

Monday and hand them over to the investigators.”

Jack let out a deep sigh and plopped down on the sofa, taking a swig of his beer. “Okay, well, here’s the deal.” He lifted his gaze to meet hers. “I’m staying here until this guy is caught.”

She abruptly stood. “Oh, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

He nodded. “Sure it is. Partners stick together, and if you were so scared you needed to go gun

shopping, then I’m staying. It’s either that or I tell your brother...everything. The choice is yours.”

Sophie’s mouth parted. “What if this guy is never caught? He was in the cold case files for a reason.

Do you expect Kingston to catch him when he couldn’t before? I’ve done more detective work and

found more clues than he could on a case he worked for three months, Jack.”

“Sophie, be reasonable. Kingston might have a few personal issues, but he’s a damn good cop. He’ll figure it out.”

“What if he doesn’t?”

“He will.”

She shook her head, not at all happy with his reasoning. “Nope, I’m not betting my life on a cop

with emotional issues. If you’re staying here, we work the case; we catch this guy, and then you leave.”

“Sophie…” Jack rose and rounded the table. “You aren’t thinking clearly.” He turned his back on her and started pacing again. “You went to a shooting range. Marshall thinks you’re scared. What makes you think you can figure this out without getting yourself killed?”

He had her there. There was no logical explanation she could give him. Everything in her gut told

her to tuck tail and pretend nothing had happened, that she didn’t know anything, and as logical as that thought was, it was also fleeting. Those women deserved justice, and so what if she was better at

pretending to be a cop than Kingston was at being an actual one?

“I have you on my side.” She shrugged. “It doesn’t hurt that the voices in my head are apparently

watching out for me too.”

Jack nodded and picked up his bag. “Just show me to the spare bedroom and I’ll get settled.”

“Jack, I’ll be fine. You can go home.”

Sophie walked over to her purse, pulled out her can of mace, and flashed it at her partner. “I have this.”

Her big-brute partner grumbled and disappeared down the hallway. She watched him walk into the

spare room, turn around, and walk back out. “Bookshelves and a recliner, are you kidding me?”

Her face flamed. Her apartment was small, and she never had overnight guests. She needed the

room for more important things than sleeping.

“I don’t have many overnight visitors.” She pressed her lips together. “See, just one more reason

why you shouldn’t stay. Doesn’t the thought of your nice, comfortable bed sound good to you? Hmm?”

He rolled his eyes and carried his bag to the couch, dropping it on the floor. “The couch will do for now.” He glanced around the small apartment again. “I’d feel better if we stayed at my house, but if I had to guess, you wouldn’t come willingly.”

“Nope, and you’d get in trouble for kidnapping.” She grinned. “Let me get you a pillow and some


Sophie disappeared down the hall to grab the bedding. She wasn’t sure how she felt having a man

sleep over. Her brother would kill her if he knew. Eileen would give her a high-five, and her best friend would be asking for details. Not that there would be anything to tell. Guys had spent the night before.

Her ex-boyfriend was a prime example of that, but she’d never had one sleeping on her couch like a watchdog. There was a first for everything, she surmised. She returned moments later and helped make up the bed. “You know you don’t have to do this.”

“Yeah…I do.”

She glanced around the living room. “TV remote is on the table. Drinks and snacks are in the

kitchen.” Sophie faked a yawn and stretched. “I think I’m going to bed.”

He nodded. “Good night, Soph.”

Her brows dipped, “Good night, Jack.”

Sophie grabbed her purse and disappeared into her bedroom for the night. She took a quick

shower, wrapped a towel around her, and walked back into her room. She pulled open her drawer, and her fingers skimmed over the black lingerie lying on top. She pulled it out, running her hands over the smooth material.

“Don’t stop on my account.” Jack’s husky voice interrupted her.

She felt the heat creeping up her chest and into her cheeks as she dropped the nightclothes back

into the drawer and clutched her towel tightly before turning around.

“Did you need something?”
Say me, say me.
She licked her lips. The thought of him wanting her made every nerve-ending stand at attention.

Jack’s face was unreadable. His gaze started at her toes and traveled a slow path up her towel-clad body. She watched as he visibly swallowed. “As much as I can almost picture you in that scrap of black material, I’m not sure it’s safe for you to wear it.”


He nodded as he closed the distance between them. “If you were walking around in that little bitty thing, I’m not sure I’d be able to concentrate.” He grinned, giving her a glimpse of his dimple. “Actually, all rational thought would just fly out the window.”

Her heart hammered in her chest. “Jack…”

She wasn’t sure what she was going to say, but the moment was stripped from her as he spun

around and walked out of her room, leaving her a bit flustered by his quick departure.

Sophie grabbed her boy shorts and tank top and stepped into her bathroom to change before

reemerging. She walked out into the living room and paused at what she found. The lights were off, and Jack was under the blanket. One hand was propped beneath his head; the other disappeared below the sheets. Her body throbbed at the sight. What would he do if she walked over and climbed on top of

him? Would he push her away or make love to her right there on the couch.

“Did you need something, Soph?” Jack rasped out without even looking her way.

She shook her head. Words eluded her.

He tossed the covers aside and rose, standing shirtless in front of her.

“I bet you were wondering if I was naked beneath the sheets,” he teased.

Her fingers itched to touch his chest, to run her fingers over his muscles and trace the intricate tattoo on his pec.

“Might be awkward, you running around trying to play mean cop while going commando. Don’t you

think?” She grinned.

Her mouth watered as images of kissing and tasting every square inch of him entered her mind. Her

gaze dropped lower to the trail of hair that dipped down, disappearing below the unbuttoned waistband of his jeans.

He stepped closer to her, his body so close all she had to do was lean into him and she’d know first-hand what that smooth skin felt like.

“Might be awkward but I can guarantee you wouldn’t be disappointed.” He wiggled his brows.

“I’m sure I wouldn’t.”

“Did you need something?”

Yeah you, in my bed.
She cleared her throat. “No, why would I?” She stepped back, putting some much-needed space between them.

He closed the distance and ran a finger down her arm. “You came out of your room.”

She shook her head and waved her arm. “Oh right…when you came in my room, did


His gaze held hers. “I just wanted to say good night.”

She tilted her head. “You already did.”

He placed his palm on her cheek. She could read the hesitation and intent in his eyes. “This is a bad idea.”

She stepped closer to press her body to his. “The worst.”

He leaned down, his breath hot against her cheek. “Good night, Sophie.” He placed a kiss on her

cheek, and his lips lingered against her skin.

She turned into his kiss, locking her lips to his. He momentarily stiffened, and she closed her eyes in horror. Had she just done that?

He cupped her neck and pressed his lips harder against hers, running his tongue against the red

flesh, and she opened when he prodded. He kissed her slowly, and she savored every tantalizing minute of it. The feel of his warm palm on her neck sent her libido into overdrive. His fingers tangled in her hair as he slowly and seductively licked her lips. She laid her palms on his chest and slid them up around his neck.

She swallowed his moan of approval and knew she hadn’t made a mistake when she felt his palms

on her hips moments later. He pulled her into him, his fingers slowly tracing paths up her sides.

“Soph, we can’t,” he whispered against her lips, his fingers contradicting his reply as they inched upward beneath her top.

Her breasts were heavy. Just another inch and his hands would be right where she wanted them.

He slowed his movement almost too much until they were right beneath her globes.

“Yes we can.” She lifted his hand and placed his palm over her breast. “Oh…” She moaned when he

squeezed, his finger toying with her nipples. Her head dropped back as she lifted the material off her body, dropping it at her feet.

His mouth latched on, sucking the ripeness while his other hand toyed with her other breast,

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