Lightbringer (5 page)

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Authors: Frankie Robertson

BOOK: Lightbringer
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Jared didn’t so much look as trail his fingers along surfaces, sometimes stopping to place his palm firmly upon an object. A doorknob. The desk. The phone. If she didn’t know better, she’d think he was using psychometry—reading the past of objects by touching them.

Cassie paused at the thought. She
know better. And it would explain a lot about how he’d reacted earlier. “Are you psychic?”

“Everything’s fine.” Jared spoke at the same time, then pulled her close into an embrace.

She was so surprised she didn’t resist. A rill of excitement sped through her as he folded her into his arms. Automatically she put hers around him and reached out with her gift, but at no place did his skin touch hers. Still, as close as they were, she felt his concern for her, and his tight mental control. Jared’s hands stroked from her waist up to her shoulders, then back down to the swell of her hips, leaving a hungry fire in their wake.

Cassie groaned softly as her body responded. Unconsciously she leaned into him until they were pressed together from breast to thigh. It felt too good, but she couldn’t find the strength to pull away. She tried to focus, but his breath feathered against her cheek and her concentration faltered.

“Your house and phone are bugged.” He whispered in her ear, his lips close, but not touching her flesh. “There are cameras too.” In a louder voice he said, “Why don’t you stay at my place tonight?”

Cassie stiffened and her pulse jumped with alarm.
Not again!
Her vision narrowed. She couldn’t breathe.

It couldn’t be Andy again, could it? He’d moved to Denver when he’d left her. She’d heard he’d married, had a kid. He wouldn’t be bothering her now. And she would have recognized the feel of him if he’d been here. Wouldn’t she?

The thought of cameras in her house, in her
, made her shake. Someone was probably watching her right now. She was glad she hadn’t undressed for bed. Her knees shook, but Jared held her steady.

“Take a deep breath,” he whispered, rubbing her back in slow circles. “Come and sit down.” He started to lead her toward the sofa.

The rest of what he’d said filtered through.
Stay at my place tonight

It shocked her how much she wanted to say yes.

Or was he handing her a line?
The old “your place is bugged” ploy
. But Jared couldn’t know the effect that would have on her…unless he’d seen the pictures. Cassie felt sick to her stomach. She’d thought that was all in the past.

She remembered how Jared felt about the truth. He wouldn’t lie. She was certain of that. But he’d known she was going to the hotel first with Linda.
He had time to plant the cameras himself.

“Did you put them there?” she asked, her voice harsh and low. She knew he’d tell her the truth, and she dreaded the answer.

Jared drew back, his eyes wide with surprise. “No. Absolutely not.” He sounded offended.

Cassie almost sagged with relief, but Jared’s strong hands still held her. “Then let’s get rid of them!” she whispered, pressing her cheek to his. She needed skin contact to read him more fully. It was an invasion of privacy, but she didn’t care. She had to know more about this man who was making her want things, who was pushing his way into her life when her life was turning upside down. She felt the slight scratch of his stubble at the same time her searching mind bounced off a mental barrier so rigid the impact fell like a blow. Cassie pulled back, but Jared held her close and whispered into her ear as if he wasn’t aware of her attempted invasion.

“We’d better not. If he doesn’t know we’re onto him, he might get careless and give himself away.”

Cassie had never encountered a mental fortification like Jared’s. He had to be deliberately shielding. No one had natural barriers that tight. What was he hiding from her? He had to be a psychic, and a powerful one at that.
Powerful enough to lie with his mind? Is that even possible?

He hadn’t been this closed off when she’d read him in the parking lot. But she hadn’t seen he was psychic, either.
And why does a man who values the truth so highly need to hide behind a shield that tight?

“Give himself away? You mean like you just did?” she whispered sharply.

Jared tilted his head, the question in his eyes clear.

It took an act of will to keep her voice soft. “You’re psychic. Why hide it from me?”

Surprise flashed across Jared’s face, which was quickly suppressed and replaced with a small chagrined smile. “We shouldn’t have this conversation here. Let’s get out of here.”

“I’m not going anywhere with you until I get some answers.”

“Fine.” His low voice rumbled in her ear. “I’ll follow you to the Hilton. Or would you rather stay here with the cameras?”

He might be handing her a line, despite what she’d read in him. She hadn’t foreseen what Andy had done, after all. Or there might really be bugs and cameras secreted throughout her house. Someone
been in her house, after all. But how could she know? She couldn’t just take his word for it.

“What cameras? Show me.”

Jared sighed, shifted her in his arms so she could see, nuzzling her ear. “There’s one in the bookcase here—no, don’t stare—one in the spare bedroom, and one in yours.”

It was hard to look without being obvious, and hard to concentrate while his lips were caressing her cheek. She couldn’t see anything.
No, there
. She saw a glint of light that shouldn’t be there. A tiny camera lens. She was both horrified and relieved.

Truth. He’s been telling the truth

“There are mics too. And a tap on your phone,” he whispered.

Cassie’s stomach went sour.
This can’t be happening again
. She was going to be sick. She pushed Jared away. He let her go, but followed her to the bathroom and shut the door behind them.

When she’d finished losing her dinner, he helped her sit on the commode, put a cool cloth on the back of her neck, and left the water running. “So what’s it going to be, my place or the hotel?” He spoke quietly, but he didn’t whisper.

There must not be any mics or cameras in here
. She took small comfort in knowing that whoever had bugged her house hadn’t just watched her toss her cookies. “Neither. I don’t care if the guy who planted the cameras knows we found them or not. I want them
. I have proof now that someone was here. I’m calling the police.”



Jared crossed his arms and leaned against the sink, effectively blocking the door. Normally he’d think calling the police a good thing. The more people watching Cassie the better. But if an Apostate was involved, that would just mean more people dead. “You could do that. Of course, anyone who could break into your house without leaving a trace is probably smart enough not to leave any fingerprints behind either.”

“So?” Cassie stood and dropped the washcloth in the sink.

Jared struggled not to be distracted. In the tiny bathroom they were almost nose to chest. The scent of jasmine and pure Cassie rose like an intoxicating perfume from her hair. “So what do you think the police can do? They’ll take a statement, dust for prints, make a report, and enter the information into a database. Maybe they’ll drive by your place a couple times. And you still won’t know who invaded your privacy.”

“At least I’ll have done something!” Her face was still pale, but she propped her hands on her hips, challenging him.

“And then?” Jared asked.

“Then I go on with my life.”

“Whoever did this won’t give up just because you call the police. If you remove the surveillance equipment he’ll just do something else.” Jared hated scaring her, but she had to understand.

Cassie’s eyes widened and her arms dropped to her sides. “Like what?”

“That depends on why he planted the bugs in the first place. Do you know anyone who would do this?” Anyone who would ally himself with a chaotic being of destruction?

Cassie bit her lip as she wrapped her arms across her middle. Her voice was small when she spoke. “He wouldn’t.”

“He, who?”

Cassie hesitated a long moment before answering. “Andy.”

The mysterious Andy he’d heard mentioned in the ladies’ room. The one Linda called “The Jerk.” Jared swallowed. Whatever had happened between this Andy and Cassie hadn’t been good. “But he’s the one who comes to mind. Why?”

Cassie shrugged. “It’s old news. He wouldn’t do this.”

“Does he have a key?”

“No. I bought this place after he left. Besides, he’s in Denver.”

“When was the last time you saw or heard from him?”

Cassie glared up at him, her exasperation clear on her face. “Four years ago. I told you. He’s old news.”

Clearly, the memory was painful. Jared wanted to pull her close, feel her curves pressed against him, keep her safe in the circle of his arms. But his embrace would be a poor defense against an Apostate, and he doubted Cassie would welcome it.

. Jared forced his attention back to the matter at hand. He was here to protect her. That was the only thing he should be thinking about. “Okay, let’s say you’re right. Andy didn’t do this, even though he did something like this when you broke up.”

Cassie turned startled green eyes up to his. Her face colored and she looked away.

Jared didn’t enjoy having his guess confirmed. “Who else would want to do this?”

“I don’t know! Nobody!” She flung her arms out, hitting the shower curtain.

He caught her other hand before she smacked the mirror. Fortunately she was too upset to focus her gift on him, and she didn’t seem to notice his unusual speed. “So we’re back to Andy.” Jared softened his voice. He didn’t want to hurt Cassie with the memory, but he needed to know. For himself. “What did he do to you?”

Cassie glared at him and jerked her hand from his. “Don’t pretend you don’t know!”

Jared stared at her for a moment, then shook his head. “I don’t.”

Cassie stared back, obviously weighing his honesty. After a long moment she said, “You don’t, do you?”


The corner of her mouth turned up in a bitter smile. “Good. It’s none of your business, anyway.”

Jared couldn’t help smiling. Whatever Andy-the-Jerk had done, Cassie hadn’t let it crush her spirit. Nevertheless, he needed all the information he could get if he was going to keep her alive, and Gideon was no help in that department.

The person who’d planted the surveillance equipment probably wasn’t going to kill her tonight. They wouldn’t have gone to all this trouble to watch her if they planned to murder her right away. He hadn’t sensed an Apostate when he’d searched the house. It was possible this invasion had nothing to do with the threat to her or Linda. But he wouldn’t bet his life on it.

Or Cassie’s.

She can’t stay here
. “The guy who did this wants to watch you at the very least. Since we don’t know who that is, we don’t know what he’ll do if he’s frustrated. Apparently he can get into your house whenever he wants. It’s not safe for you to stay here, whether we leave the bugs in place or not.”

“Then let’s frustrate him and force his hand.”

Fear rippled through him. “Use you as bait?” He shook his head. “No. Absolutely not.”

“What else is there? I can’t live in a hotel for the rest of my life! I have a business to run.” An expression of realization suddenly lit her face. “You’re psychic! Can you read me? My future, I mean.” She held her hands out to him.

Jared fortified his mental barrier just in case, then clasped them, palm to palm. Her anxiety crawled up his arms like an army of spiders, but beneath her fear lay a tough courage he admired, and lurking around the edges was her tingling awareness of him. She wanted him, even now. His cock started to rise and he ruthlessly stomped on his response. I
t’s just her reaction to the fear
. “I’m sorry, I don’t have that kind of

Cassie’s shoulders slumped and she pulled away.

Jared clenched his hands to keep them from feeling empty. “It’s late. You can decide tomorrow what you want to do, when you’re rested. You can call the police, or take out the cameras, or do whatever you think is best. But I’ve learned a little working for Gideon, and I picked up a few things with my psychometry. Let me help you. Give me a chance to find this guy. You can stay at my place tonight in the spare room, or I’ll take you to the hotel. If you insist, we can always use you as bait later.” He held his breath, holding his will in check, leaving her free to decide. He expected her to object again, but she surprised him.


Cassie went to her bedroom and glanced furtively around, wondering where the cameras might be. Her stomach roiled as she pulled a backpack from the closet and stuffed some underwear into it.
I should have taken Mrs. Tolson up on her offer

But then she’d never have known about the cameras. She shook her head. This was surreal, like something out of a movie. Real people didn’t have their homes bugged, did they? And why was she trusting a near stranger, a stranger she couldn’t read, with her safety? Just because he had a body corded with muscle, warm brown eyes, and dimples? Just because he made her hot and wet every time they were close? Just because he was psychic?

No. That’s not enough
. But what should she do?

Cassie sat down on the patchwork comforter on her bed and covered her face with her hands, trying to think. She’d gone through a phase in high school where she’d wanted to be normal. She’d tried to ignore her gift, but it hadn’t worked. Her
wouldn’t be, couldn’t be, pushed aside. Once she’d realized that fact, accepted it, she’d grown to trust it. Her ability was natural, as much a part of her as her sense of taste and smell.

Memory twisted her stomach.
Natural, but not fool-proof
. Never again would she make that kind of mistake with a man.

Usually she got enough information from other people’s surface thoughts to know whom to trust and whom to steer clear of. But with Jared, all she’d been able to get were a few brief flashes before he’d shuttered his mind completely to her. Enough to know he was basically honest, but not nearly as much as she was used to getting.
How do other people go through life half blind like this?

A floorboard creaked. She opened her eyes to see Jared kneeling beside her. How had he gotten so close without her noticing? He covered her hand with his.

She looked into his eyes. He knew what he was doing, touching her. He was giving her a gift, letting her read him. Trying to reassure her.

Again she sensed his strong barrier, but it was softer now. She pushed a little, and the curtain slid aside.
His mind churned with questions. Who planted the bugs? Who’s after Linda? What had Gideon gotten him into? His love of Truth underlay all like a solid foundation
. Reassured, Cassie pressed on.
Warmth. Urgent protectiveness. Fear for her
. Cassie shivered, scared even more now that she knew how seriously he took the threat to her.

She looked deeper and more of his emotions washed through, rolling over her like a restless sea.
Hunger. Desire. Passion, quickly suppressed
. Cassie’s body tightened in response. Heat rose in her, wanting to burn with his.

Anger, hard and cold as a stone
. Cassie pulled back, her ardor quenched. She couldn’t see who had offended him, she just knew it wasn’t her.

Cassie drew her hand away, withdrawing from the intimate contact. It reassured her, that he’d let her feel his desire. It was an honest emotion. And she had to admit she liked having that effect on him. Then embarrassment heated her face. If she could read his desire, he could read hers too.

She searched his expression. There was no sign of smug satisfaction. Maybe his psychic etiquette was better than she gave him credit for. Cassie nodded. He’d only shown her a small bit of himself, but it was enough—for now. “Thank you,” she murmured. Jared looked relieved. She got up to finish packing.

Jared returned to the living room and slowly released the breath he’d been holding. It was better if he gave her a little space. He shook his head. Who was he kidding?
needed the space. The warm touch of her awareness had been like silk and velvet sliding over his skin. Arousing. Stimulating. Nothing like communicating mind to mind with Gideon. He adjusted his stiffened cock.

He gave himself a mental shake. Being in this form, with its overly sensual nature, tended to lead to flights of fantasy. There was nothing sexual about his contact with her. They’d touched minds and exchanged information, that was all. That she felt different from Gideon was hardly surprising. She was Progeny, after all. Gideon was Celestial.

He wished he could tell her the whole truth about himself, and about her own background as Progeny. She deserved to know, especially if an Apostate was after her. But a surfeit of history had proven that wasn’t a good idea. The knowledge almost invariably screwed up people’s lives—when it didn’t put them in danger. No, he wouldn’t risk telling Cassie, though he thought if anyone could handle it, she probably could.

He’d taken enough of a risk, letting her in like that. At least he’d learned a little more about her. An old wound blighted her heart, keeping her from trusting him, and from having complete faith in her gifts. Was it Andy who had shaken her belief in herself and her trust in men? A bright flare of anger made him clench his jaw. He was liking Andy less and less.

Jared ran a hand over his face.
Focus. Focus
. He was letting his emotions run away with him. If this was what happened when he touched Cassie, he’d have to keep contact to a minimum. He couldn’t afford to be distracted if he was going to keep her alive.

Edgar sauntered into the room and jumped onto the couch. Jared sat down beside the cat and scratched the sweet spot along his jaw.

“It was worth it, Edgar,” Jared murmured, thinking of the risk he’d taken letting Cassie in.

Edgar’s only thought was,
*More to the left.*
Jared complied.

This time the risk had paid off. She’d been satisfied by what he’d let her see. She could rely on him now, at least a little. The knowledge lightened his heart more than it should—especially since he wasn’t giving her the whole truth. Though it was a lie of omission, and lying went against his grain, he’d let her continue to believe him to be like her: a gifted human. That belief would help explain certain things she might witness in the next few days.

Her budding trust wasn’t the only thing he liked. She wanted him, at least a little. His cock twitched at the memory of her heat. Jared suppressed a smile and pushed that knowledge aside.
Never mind that. It’s not important
. He wasn’t looking for a paramour, especially not one of the Progeny, who might be able to discern what he really was. But he couldn’t help feeling pleased.

Cassie emerged from her bedroom with a well-stuffed backpack. She looked at Edgar sitting on the couch with his feet tucked under him, his yellow eyes half lidded. “Do you think he’ll be safe here? Should I bring him with me?”

Jared took the pack from her. “He’ll be fine. Whatever reason you’re being watched is just business. I picked up that much. Whoever it is won’t hurt him.”

“Good. He hates riding in the car.” Cassie refreshed Edgar’s bowls with kibble and water. A few minutes later she locked the front door behind her. “For all the good it will do,” she muttered. Louder she said, “I’ll drive my own car.”

Her declaration didn’t surprise him. She wasn’t going to let what was happening to her rob her of her independence. He just wished she could see that accepting help didn’t make her weak. Jared walked Cassie to her Volvo and reluctantly handed her the pack. She tossed it onto the passenger seat, then turned to face him.

“Thanks for the invitation, but I can’t accept. I’ll go to the Hilton and stay with Linda.”

Jared nodded. He’d expected this too, but he still felt a cold splash of disappointment. “I’ll follow you there.”

“You don’t need to do that.”

“Humor me. I won’t be able to sleep until I know you’re settled.” He deliberately echoed her words to Linda.

Cassie opened her mouth, then shut it, then finally sighed and said, “Okay.”

Jared smiled.

Dave Hopkins watched the cameras’ monitors from the back of his van. Cassie Lewis was leaving her house. Something had tipped her to his visit, but she hadn’t found the cameras, and neither had the cops. For a minute he’d been afraid that Jared character would see them, but the man had walked on by the placements and hadn’t said anything to the girl. He must be her boyfriend, the way they were nuzzling each other.

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