Lindsey's Wolves (17 page)

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Authors: Becca Jameson

BOOK: Lindsey's Wolves
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Ryan let go with one hand and pulled enough with the other to bring her into his embrace, his free arm wrapping around her.

“Oh, hon, you’re adorable.” He nibbled around her neck and up to her ear before breathing onto her lobe with the perfect combination of air and tongue to send a chill down her body.

As he made his way across her cheek to her mouth, she felt her body relaxing against him. Her grip lessoned. She wanted this man again. What was happening to her?

The blazing hot kiss caused her to lose all other senses. All she knew was Ryan’s taste, the feel of his tongue on hers, the smell of his personal musk. She couldn’t think.

And that had been his objective, she realized, when the blanket slipped to the floor and Ryan scooped her limp body into his embrace and set her in the delightfully perfect water.

He didn’t even break the kiss, just climbed in beside her. Gentle pressure on her shoulders made her bend her knees until she was seated on the bottom of the tub.

Only then did he stop torturing her with his lips, his tongue. He pulled back a few inches and gazed into her eyes with a hungry look that told her everything she needed to know about where this was going.

Ryan slipped behind her and sat down, his legs straddling hers. He leaned against the tub with a low moan and pulled her back against his chest, his arms coiling around her middle.

“This feels fantastic,” she mumbled. Every muscle in her tight body relaxed as she settled against his chest. Her arms shook and floated up to the surface. She was weightless and powerless to do anything except let Ryan hold her. Her eyes fluttered closed.

“Ahh, that looks so inviting. Is there room for one more?” Alejandro’s voice broke the silence. Lindsey jolted upright, jerking from Ryan’s arms. Her breasts came out of the water and she instinctively reached to cover herself. How had she forgotten about Alex? She needed a shrink. Hell, she had a shrink. She needed daily visits apparently. She was going insane.

Alex chuckled. “Did you get all modest on us?”

“She did. Took a lot of coaxing to get her into the tub in the first place.”

Alejandro arranged the contents of his hands, three glasses and a bottle of Merlot, on the edge of the tub.

“Um, babe? I think the modest ship has sailed. We’ve seen you naked.” His smile was genuine. He wasn’t mocking her. “
, I might add.” He filled each glass and set the bottle back down.

“Sorry, I…”
You what? It’s a little late for this act isn’t it?

“It’s okay,
. We understand. This will take some getting used to.” Alejandro climbed into the tub. He faced her and spread his own long, gorgeous legs to land over the top of both hers and Ryan’s.

She held her breath as she watched his once again stiff cock bob around in front of him as he lowered into the water until it was out of sight. Only then did it occur to her she was staring. When her gaze jumped to his face, she found him grinning.

The flush that rushed to cover her cheeks left her extremely hot and nervous.

“Lin, baby. Look all you want. Any time you want. I like how your eyes light up and your skin turns pink. Don’t be embarrassed.”

“Hey, why can’t I hear your thoughts now?” Shouldn’t she be able to connect with them after that mind-blowing episode on the front lawn? Wasn’t that how it worked? “I thought…”

Ryan pulled her back against him into the position she’d been in before Alejandro entered. One hand, however, did not exactly land in the same spot around her waist this time, but instead began to draw circles around her breast. She gasped when he flicked lightly over the nipple and then resumed the spiral pattern with one finger, circling gradually away from the center and then back in to once again flick her nipple.

She moaned and her head lulled back against Ryan’s shoulder.

“How can I possibly be aroused again?”

Alex leaned forward and gently clasped her chin with one hand. He placed a sweet chaste kiss on her lips. “The claiming process has begun. That’s why you need us again,
mi amor
. And you’ll find it more and more difficult to resist the temptation over the next few days. My brother said his mate turned into a complete nymphomaniac when they were going through the process.” He smiled, eyes wide with … hope?

“Oh, no…” She held her breath. He was so sexy with his hair all ruffled and falling across his eyebrow. If her arms weren’t so floaty, she’d have reached to brush the locks away from his eyes.

All her blood seemed to have drained to her core, however, and none was left to control her limbs.

Alex relaxed back against his side of the tub and lifted one of her feet into his hands. He pressed on her insole and massaged away any stress she was feeling. Her limp body went even more flaccid as he worked over her toes and heel.

Ryan mumbled into her ear. “You can’t connect with us mentally yet because the process isn’t complete.”

“Why not?” She twisted her face toward him, her lips landing only a breath from his. “We just…”

“It wasn’t enough. We have to take you at the same time, honey. You weren’t ready for that.”

“At the same time? What was that if it wasn’t ‘at the same time?’”

She shook her head.

Ryan laid his forehead on hers and clasped her face with one hand, his other falling away from her breast. His gaze bore into her.

She sucked air in and out so rapidly she thought she’d hyperventilate.

“I can’t,” she whispered. “I just can’t.”

“You will, honey. Give it time. We’ve nothing but time. Just relax. Take a deep breath. No one is forcing you to move at a quicker pace than you are ready for.”

Ryan released her chin, which only caused her to resume shaking her head slowly back and forth.

“You don’t understand.” She furrowed her brow. There was no way in hell she could have sex “that way.” She couldn’t even bring herself to think the words, let alone participate in the act.

Ryan pulled her body back against his and Alex switched to her other foot.

Lindsey gasped for air.

Deep inhale… Deep exhale… You can do it

“We do understand.” He brushed the locks of hair that had fallen over her eyes away from her face. Long strands floated around her. “We are not pressuring you. We won’t have to. You’ll see. You will crave the claiming as much as we do. In fact, you’ll beg us to take you at once soon.”

She felt his smile against her neck. Thank goodness he didn’t laugh out loud.

Alex moved to her calves. When had they gotten so stiff? His expert touch was so professional. Of course he did say his sisters had taught him everything he knew. She’d have to thank them.

Shit. What was she thinking? She’d never be able to face them. She was sleeping with their brother … and another man for heaven’s sake.

She had to concentrate to talk over the wild assault on her body. Between the hands climbing expertly up her legs, working out every knot she’d ever accrued, and the fingers resuming their delicate dance around her nipples, she was tongue-tied.

“No. You can’t comprehend what I was taught as a child.” She took a deep breath, only causing her chest to heave into Ryan’s palm. “If women aren’t meant to enjoy sex or even participate in it except for the express purpose of procreation, what do you think the church preaches about … that?”

Alex chuckled. “That? You mean me burying my cock in that sweet ass of yours?” He reached her thigh simultaneous with his explicit words, both hands wrapping around her, rubbing up and down the length of muscles, precariously close to her sex.

“Yes … that. Do you have to be so crass about—” She gasped when his fingers brushed against her entrance.

He’d obviously told Ryan precisely when he was going to do it, too, because both nipples got pinched in unison with Alex’s intimate contact.

“What was that,
? Did you say something?”

The evidence of Ryan’s arousal was pressing against her back, growing with her own anticipation. His hands molded and squeezed her breasts simultaneously now, applying more pressure than before. Pressure she welcomed, needed.

A fire burned in her stomach, an ache she’d never even known existed until tonight. Sure, she’d masturbated alone occasionally in the past. Dr. Mathius had encouraged her to in order to get more acquainted with her body. See herself as a sexual being. But, it had been so clinical. Never had she felt this quickening, this need for release.

When Alex switched thighs, she couldn’t stand it another minute. She reached for him with her hands to still his own, leaned forward and grasped his fingers with her palms, her breath heavy, her head tipped down, a veil of her hair surrounding her face so all she saw was the rippling of the water. All she heard was the pop popping of the tiny bubbles inside her little cocoon.

Gently, Ryan released her breasts and ran his palms down her arms until his fingers tangled with hers. He tugged them away from Alex and tucked her arms under his own, trapping her against him. “Let us bring you pleasure, Lin. Get used to it. We’re going to do it so often you’ll be exhausted.”

Her mind raced at the implication. Let them?
them? She shouldn’t. It was wrong. Sure, she’d just had sex with them under a tree, although apparently not “good” enough to count, but it was deeply ingrained in her to say “no” to this sort of pleasure.

Her reflex was to automatically pull away.

“We can smell your arousal. Your need for release.” Alex resumed the pressure, this time on both thighs at once, his fingers so close to her center she moaned.

“We know you want this, hon. Your body is rigid with need. So, if it makes it any easier, I’ll take the choice out of your hands, literally… That way you can sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride.” To emphasize his words he squeezed her arms tighter against his body, resumed weighing her breasts in his palms, and brushed his thumbs over both distended nipples.

His hands were firm and kept her from bucking when Alex pressed her thighs apart and abruptly pushed both thumbs inside her.

Now, she was truly going to hyperventilate. “Oh … oh…” She pulled in vain to lean forward, stop the madness. But oh man it felt so good. So right. She wanted to let this man do whatever he desired. That’s what she really wanted. Bless Ryan for understanding her need to have the decision made for her.

Alex’s fingers came together from each hand to circle her clit, creating an infuriating need for him to rub harder. His thumbs pressed in and out of her, going deeper with each pass.

She couldn’t stop from lifting her torso up to meet him.

“God, that’s hot,
mi alma
. So sexy.”

She was so close … so, so close. Four hands driving her crazy.

“What do you want, hon?” Ryan’s voice penetrated her senses over the sloshing of the water and the ringing in her ears.


She leaned her head back against Ryan once again, desperation forcing her to beg. “Please, make me come. I… I need you so bad.”

“All you had to do was ask.”

Ryan pinched her nipples hard. Alex pulled his thumbs from her and twisted so that several fingers plowed into her as deep as they could with one hand, his thumb landing on her clit and pressing so hard she exploded on a loud groan.

“That’s it, baby. Let it go.” Alex curled his fingers up and dragged them over her in just the right spot to prolong her orgasm.

Her vaginal walls pumped him so hard she could feel herself squeezing his fingers over and over.

And she wanted more. It wasn’t enough. She should have been sated, replete, exhausted, but she needed him inside her.

“Please… I need you inside me,” she mumbled. She opened her partially closed eyes and gazed into Alejandro’s deep endless blue stare.

He didn’t say a word, just stood and lifted her with him, tugging her from Ryan’s grasp around her middle into his arms.

In a whirlwind of seconds, she found herself carried dripping wet through the bathroom and into the bedroom. And then plopped unceremoniously in the middle of the huge bed.

Alex lowered himself on top of her and took her mouth in a searing, demanding kiss, moaning against her lips. Before she could even catch a breath, he pushed her legs apart with his thighs and slammed all the way into her in one long, delicious drive forward. “
Dios mío. Me vas a matar
. You’re going to kill me,” he muttered against her lips. “So tight. Ryan, she’s so fucking tight. I can’t move.”

Lindsey had nearly forgotten Ryan and a chill went down her arms as she realized he was right there alongside them, his fingers grazing up one arm and across her face. “Yes, I know. It’s agonizing isn’t it?”

“I’m sorry,
mi alma
. I’m not going to last this first time. You’re so sexy … all flushed and wanton. I can’t take my eyes off you, but the look on your face is enough to make me explode.” He brushed her hair away from her eyes with one hand.

“Move, damn it.” She lifted her hips, grasped his biceps with her fingertips. Would he please shut up and move already?

He smiled slow and sexy, one side of his mouth rising higher than the other. “Of course, but…” Finally he pulled out and pushed back in just as quickly. He held his breath and gritted his teeth as though in pain.

Lindsey smiled deep inside. She did this to him. She made him unable to hold back. It was so sexy, endearing.

Ryan slipped his thumb into her open mouth and she greedily closed her lips around him and sucked, bringing a moan from next to her ear.

“You’re going to be the death of us.”

With a pop, her clasp on Ryan’s thumb released and Lindsey was abruptly flipped through the air until she landed on top of Alex who remained impaled deep inside her. Her eyes grew wide with shock. She straddled the man, could control the need for friction inside her dripping sex.

She lifted off him gently at first and then slammed herself back down, heady with the newfound control. Her need for release again, even so soon, forced her to lean forward so that on the next pass she ground her clit against Alex’s torso. “Ahhh.”

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