Lip Lock: Country Fever, Book 2 (20 page)

BOOK: Lip Lock: Country Fever, Book 2
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He’d lifted her off her feet, found her mouth, and delivered a kiss of such promise and possession her head still swirled and her thighs still clenched.

She took off toward the opposite end of the room once more, past the vending machine filled with green-tinted sandwiches and stale candy bars. Past the ugly print of the Wyoming sky that looked as if trolls had painted it with long, wicked fingers.

With everything in her being, she longed for comfort. But when she pictured comfort, it was Brant’s farmhouse, where they’d shared that last night together. How, in the heat of passion, had that place given her the sense of home more than any place she’d lived in the past fifteen years?

“No, I’ll tell her myself.” Brant’s voice reached her through the open doorway of the waiting room.

She twisted on a heel and rushed forward just as his big form loomed in the frame. He still wore scrubs, his hair matted from probably wearing a hat. But his eyes were bright with love and hope.

With a cry, she threw herself at him. He caught her, crushing her against his muscled body.

She breathed him in. Sterile clothes and disinfectant, but a soap and water scent mixed with his inherent maleness. Sweet pressure mounted in her chest, followed by the warm tears of relief and love.

Being in his arms again, knowing he wouldn’t wear that look on his face if her son wasn’t all right, all contributed to her emotion.

Brant cupped the back of her head and tipped her face up to meet his gaze. “Everything’s okay, baby. Drake’s fine. He’s in recovery. I had to set and wire his jaw, and it will be a tough six weeks for a hungry teen, but we’ll make it through. I promise.”

“We?” She clung to that word even as her mind worked over her boy, mentally mothering him though he wasn’t nearby.

Brant squeezed her waist. “We. Hayley, I want you. If you’d like me to go down on one knee right here, I will. I want to share my life with you, share everything I have.”

Suddenly dizzy, she plastered a hand to her face. Brant shifted, and she felt his hot gaze on her. Working to gather her control, she peeked at his face and found concern etched on his handsome features.

In the past couple months, she hadn’t given him the right responses. Well, that wouldn’t happen this time.

“Brant,” she whispered, “yes. I—I want to be with you more than anything in the world.”

A low groan broke from his chest, and he scooped her off her feet. In a sweeping motion, he moved to a settee. She found herself securely on his lap, tucked against his chest. Before she could draw breath, he kissed her. Claimed her mouth with a heated want that her body instantly responded to.

As she pressed her lips to his, hungry for his tongue, teeth, sweat and lust, she lost herself. He pressed on the seam of her lips, and she opened to him, moaning at the intrusion of his tongue.

Want clawed at her insides, building in her core. Her nipples pebbled against his chest. As if sensing this, he vibrated a growl. Between gulping kisses, she managed to squeak out a question.

“When…can I see…Drake?”

He tore away from the kiss and started up the column of her throat, leaving wet, sucking marks. “He’ll wake up in a half an hour or so. Then you can go see him. Until then…you’re mine.” Pulling back, he gazed into her deeply. Those familiar sparks struck her more forcefully, weighted with promise and devotion.

“Wanna go to the parking lot?” she murmured.

“Fuck, yeah. We can’t seem to stay out of them.” He tipped her onto her feet and stood. Grasping her hand, he towed her out of the waiting room and toward an exit. On the way, he nodded at a nurse. “We’ll be in to see Drake in a few minutes.”

The woman gave a knowing grin. Hayley felt her face scorch. How many people would she and Brant embarrass themselves in front of in a lifetime? Internally shrugging, she tripped after him, taking two steps to his one.

They burst into the sultry summer air. Perspiration broke out all over her, both from the heat and at the prospect of being pinned beneath Brant.

He threw her a lopsided smile and pulled her to the doctor’s parking area. Without a word, he shoved her gently against the side of his Mustang, bending her back and seizing her mouth.

Her knees weakened at the first taste of his mouth. By the time he ground his erection into her pussy, she was on fire. Dark need knotted her belly, stretching taut. He rocked against her until it nearly snapped. And only then did he slide his hand into the waist of her jeans.

As his big, rough fingertip skimmed her bare skin, she wriggled, desperate for him to unbutton her jeans and plunge that finger lower. Deeper.

She tugged at his hair, drawing him down for another scorching kiss. From the start of their relationship, she’d been unable to hold back when it came to her physical needs. But now she was finally being honest with herself and him, and her experience soared as a result.

He angled his body to protect her from prying eyes and with one deft movement, opened the button of her jeans. The engagement of the zipper teeth as he slid it down sent her into spasms of desire.

Twitching violently, she jerked her sex right into his hand. During their time apart, her body had demanded his touch even if her mind rejected it. Now her heart, mind and body had united. And she was pretty sure she was about to combust in the hospital parking lot.

He nudged her feet apart and anchored her to the car using his groin. She squirmed, need pounding her.

“We don’t have enough time to do this properly, baby. But I want to make you feel good.” He pressed his cock against her, rubbing through her jeans until she thought she’d die from inability to breathe. Just when she drew a ragged breath, he ripped it from her as he circled her clit with one finger. The maddening feel of his warm hand moving inside her panties stole her last remnant of control.

She gripped his wrist and held his hand where she wanted it, grinding her pussy against his fingers.

“Sweet Jesus, you’re wet, darlin’. Fuck. I just…have to have a taste.” He pulled his fingers free and for a crazed minute, she watched him lick off his fingers.

A quiet noise of want sounded in her throat, and he plunged his hand back into her panties.

“You’re wearing the purple ones. I love these fucking panties.” He pressed on her swollen pearl, sending shock waves to the tips of her fingers, and it felt as if the top of her head blew off.

Harsh rasps left her as he tormented her flesh with those nimble fingers. Applying pressure, retreating, circling, stroking. The temperature rose ten degrees at least. Perspiration slicked her throat and between her breasts. A bead trickled from her hairline, and he caught it with his mouth.

“Come on, baby. Come on my fingers. Let me make you feel good.” His ragged voice hurled her over the edge. He swallowed her guttural groan in a kiss, devouring her as the waves of bliss slammed her body. For a long minute, she floated on the sensation, oblivious to anything but Brant.

Finally, he gentled the kiss, lapping at her tongue and lips while she quivered. Knowing she was overly sensitive to his touch, he stilled his finger, resting it atop her clit, nestled inside her folds.

A final shudder racked her. Boneless, she slumped in his hold. She opened her eyes into his bright, lust-filled gaze. Suddenly, she realized how much she lived for this man. Since the instant she laid eyes on him, she’d allowed him to open her heart bit by bit, until he was her universe. He and Drake.

She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

He trailed his lips down her temple to her jaw. Bit her earlobe lightly. “I know, baby. We’ll have all night. Come in with me now, and we’ll check on Drake. After that, I’m taking you to my bed. You’ll only be allowed out after I’ve given you four orgasms and a home-cooked meal. Then we’ll come back and visit Drake again once some of his anesthesia has worn off.”

She nodded, heart too full to form words, but he seemed to understand. She allowed him to arrange her clothing and lead her back inside the hospital. After holding her breath for what felt like decades, she finally exhaled. Relinquishing control had never felt so good.

Chapter Sixteen

Hayley was wearing the bacon of clothing—a curve-skimming dress the color of a spring leaf that accentuated her eyes. She bent over Drake’s bed, fussily tucking his blanket more securely around his long legs and giving Brant an eyeful of her plump breasts.

He chafed a hand over his jaw, burning to bend her over and tear that dress off before he decided to eat her up right here.

A monster of need fisted his groin, and he actually had to move across the room before Drake noticed his state of arousal.

The boy was doing fine. Another night in the hospital to ensure he wasn’t dehydrated in this heat and with his jaw wired shut, and he’d be free to come home.

But home was an apartment when it should be a comfortable house. Something Brant planned to remedy as soon as he got Hayley alone.

“I don’t need the blanket, Mom. It’s summer. And I’m not sick,” he said through clenched jaw, his words muffled. He was allowed to sip clear liquids right now, until he got the handle of swallowing thicker substances. In the upcoming weeks, protein shakes would be his friend. Still, he was in for a hungry month.

As for the kid’s front teeth, Brant had been unable to save them. Instead, he implanted four metal posts with temporary rosin teeth. Later, after Drake’s cracked jaw healed and the wires were cut, Brant would place the temporary teeth with permanent porcelain teeth that were being fashioned right now from impressions of his old teeth.

The kid was lucky as hell he didn’t have a cracked skull.

Hayley issued a sigh and dropped to the chair besides Drake’s bed. The action pulled her dress tighter around her hourglass curves, and Brant’s cock thickened in response.

Fuck, if he made it out of the parking lot with her, he’d be a master of control.

She caught his eye—saw his look that probably said exactly what he had in mind for her—and her cheeks grew pink.

“Well, I don’t like my boy being in here,” she said to cover the moment. “I want you home, safe and sound.”

“At least I can be in the playoffs,” Drake said.

“Maybe,” Brant cautioned. “If everything heals all right.”

“Won’t need those front braces anymore.”

Hayley shook her head, laughing at the upside of things. “Oh yes, an oral surgery and four implants costs much less than those braces. Which I have yet to pay a dime on, by the way. When were you going to send a bill?”

Brant cleared his throat. This was as good a time as any to make his intentions known. As of yet, they hadn’t talked to Drake about their engagement. And he hadn’t talked to Hayley about his intention to take care of everything in her life, from groceries to clothing to medical bills for both of them.

“You know this surgery is pro bono.”

Her gaze snapped to his. “No, Brant—”

He held up a palm, darting a look at Drake, who was watching the exchange closely. He knew more than he was letting on. Hell, Brant’s relationship with Hayley was common knowledge to anyone who set eyes on them.

“Drake, I’m going to marry your mother. How do you feel about that?”

A smile stretched at Drake’s mouth, but he winced instead. “Sounds good.”

“And everything I do—work for, bring home—is for both of you. I’m not taking money for those braces just like I’ll refuse it for the surgery.”

Hayley’s eyes swam, and she gave a shaky sniff.

Brant had to get her alone. Now. He laid a hand on Drake’s lower leg. “You okay for the afternoon, son? I’d like to show your mom something.”

Drake nodded and took up the TV remote, flipping already. “Yep. I’ll see you later.”

Hayley, as if stunned, gained her feet and came around the bed to kiss the top of Drake’s dark head. Then, putting her hand into Brant’s, she followed him out of the patient room and down the hall to the elevator.

As he stepped into the empty space with her, he gave her the eye.

She squirmed beneath his gaze, hair tumbling over her shoulders. He leered at the fine, blonde waves that skimmed her cleavage.

The instant the doors shut, he reached for her. But she was too quick. She fisted his shirt, shoved him against the wall and trapped him with a kiss. Lightning tore through his body at the feel of hers pressed against him. He wrapped his arms around her waist and drew her onto tiptoe as he sent his tongue into her hot, sweet mouth.

She started to hum her pleasure—the most beautiful sound he’d ever heard. His cock hardened to the point of pain. He angled his head and slanted his mouth across hers, pulling more humming noises from her.

Fumbling a hand down his chest, she met with his cock at his waistband. Her hum changed pitch, lowered to a purr.

The ding of the elevator hitting the ground level roused him from his sexual haze. Without a care as to who saw them, he whipped Hayley up into his arms, dangling her legs over his forearm, and bore her out of the hospital.

Pulling out of the parking lot took about ten, tooth-grinding moments as she begged him to let her suck him in the car. Somehow, he was able to fight her off, though everything in his body screamed for her touch—for release.

BOOK: Lip Lock: Country Fever, Book 2
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