Lisa's Gift (14 page)

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Authors: Mackenzie McKade

BOOK: Lisa's Gift
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Her friend’s hands were already bound, which meant only one thing.

Nicolas was going to bind her to Lisa using the smaller restraints, her face aligned with Lisa’s pussy. 101

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Again, Jana’s heart jumped, skipping a beat this time when he placed a bar-looking thing between Lisa’s ankles and then strapped the bindings in place. When finished he stood and turned to face Jana. She could see pride shine in his eyes.

He crooked a finger, calling her to his side.

As Jana placed her foot on the first step, she had to admit that Lisa made a hot image, bound as she was on the stairs, wild as her short, mussed hair framed her sexy features. The man beside her looked like the devil himself.

A shiver shook Jana.

When he touched Jana’s arm, sizzling hot flames licked her sensitive skin. She grew hot. And damn if her nipples didn’t betray her by drawing tight. Not to mention the cream that developed between her thighs. With just a simple caress Nicolas made her weak and she slipped upon her knees.

With deft fingers, he bound her using the wrist restraints connected to Lisa’s thigh cuffs and then moved behind her. She tried to look over her shoulder, tried to ensure he made his way down the stairs, but she wasn’t that lucky.

“I’m not going anywhere, doll. While you pleasure Lisa, I’ll pleasure you.”

Jana found her voice, which had been unnaturally absent tonight.

“It’s not necessary.” Nervous energy flowed through her veins. What had she gotten herself into?

A brush of air touched her shoulder as he murmured in a deep, sexy tone, “I’m going to have some fun, too.”

Okay, she couldn’t fight that logic. Lisa was right. Nicolas was insatiable.

Nicolas positioned himself behind her, as his hands slid between her thighs. Her gaze darted downward and she couldn’t help the tight squeal that left her mouth.


Lisa’s Gift

“Easy, doll. All I’m doing is making you easier to accommodate me.”

He parted her thighs, exposing her further. “Beautiful,” he whispered and she again felt his warm breath on her moist folds.

When he slipped a finger into her wetness, the abrupt invasion made her fall forward, grasping Lisa’s thighs. Jana’s gaze met Lisa’s. Her brown eyes were soft with tenderness.
You can do this
, she mouthed adding,
I love you

Yes, she could do this. Jana mimed,
I love you, too

Lisa smiled, then puckered her mouth as if blowing Jana a kiss before sliding her tongue across her full lips. Jana focused on her friend’s face, trying to ignore the thick fingers moving inside her. Slowly, she moved her bound hands so she could grasp Lisa’s ass cheeks and stabilize her stance.

Lisa thrust her hips forward. Jana took a deep breath of courage and buried her face into Lisa’s pussy.

Relief filtered across her with a hint of shame at being afraid. It wasn’t at all what Jana expected as she smoothed her tongue over Lisa’s swollen folds, felt the tiny bumps of hair follicles that lined her friend’s labia. Lisa released a deep groan, her thighs parting further as she bent her knees. Jana flicked her tongue across the velvety surface, once more eliciting another moan from Lisa that curled around Jana’s body like silk. Then she pressed her tongue deep into Lisa’s slit. The feel was wild against her tongue, soft, like taffy folding around her, drawing her further into Lisa’s cove.

The scent was different, hard to describe, but not unpleasant. The taste, however, surprised Jana. She hadn’t known what to expect; still, the light, sweet taste was not it. Maybe the fact that Lisa ate tons of fruit contributed to her unique flavor.

Who knew? Who cared?

Jana hadn’t expected to like what she was doing, but once again she had to admit to being aroused and it wasn’t just because of what Nicolas was preparing to do to her. He had taken the opportunity to crawl 103

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between her thighs to taste her. With each lick of his tongue across her slit, desire burned.

Was Lisa feeling the same exquisite sensation?

When Nicolas ran his tongue over Jana’s clit, Jana mimicked the action against Lisa’s. The sensation was strange and stimulating. Lisa’s hidden nub swelled against Jana’s tongue, hardened and then pulsated like it had its own heartbeat. And darn wet. The flood Jana released on Nicolas’s tongue would rival the wave of desire Lisa freed.

Lisa’s legs began to quiver. She bent her knees, opening herself even wider as the shaking intensified.

“God, Jana.”

Jana didn’t recognize her friend’s ragged voice as she wrapped her tongue around Lisa’s clit and sucked.

Lisa exploded, her pussy contracting in small jerky motions, discharging a thinner, sweeter fluid than that of the lubricating moisture.

When Jana tasted Lisa’s climax she moaned deep into Lisa’s pussy. Her friend thrashed against her bindings, making it difficult to continue.

Then Nicolas touched a sweet spot inside Jana and all thoughts of Lisa disappeared.

Nothing existed except Nicolas between her thighs.


Lisa’s Gift

Chapter Eleven

An omnipotent rush of power and dominance surged through Nicolas’s veins as he brought Jana to orgasm. She writhed above him, desperately clutching onto her friend’s thighs for support. Breathless, she trembled beneath his touch, whimpering softly.

As he rose from beneath her, he’d never felt so invincible as he did at that moment. Strong energy built, growing inside him with full vital strength. Forceful and powerful, he could taste its red-hot potency upon his tongue.

They performed as he commanded. He held them in the palm of his hands. The godlike power invigorated him.

The illusion that he could do anything surfaced, which included opening the condom packet that slipped through his moist fingers.

When he finally had the damn thing on his cock, he remained quiet, admiring the bound women on different levels of his staircase. Lisa strapped to the banister, Jana shackled to Lisa. He reached for Jana, his palms gripping her hips. With one thrust he entered her from behind.

She made a sound between a cry of surprise and a groan. She was wet, drenched, and so tight that he lost control the second he thrust deep between her swollen folds.

“Fuck.” The cry tore from his throat. It was like expelling fire as his orgasm ripped through his shaft, but different because there was such a forceful pulse of pleasure. He couldn’t help collapsing against Jana’s back, driving her forward. He couldn’t breathe. His balls spasmed.

Nicolas tensed from the intense pleasure/pain. Seconds passed as he lay there, feeling the last of the rippling spasms die out, leaving him relaxed and sated. 105

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The haze around him began to clear as he heard his name spoken.

“Nicolas.” Lisa’s voice didn’t sound right. High-pitched and shaky, she cried, “Oh God, Nicolas, release me.”

“Lisa, are you okay?” Jana asked as concern tightened her features.

Blood drained from Lisa’s face leaving her as white as a sheet. The area around her lips turned blue.

As Nicolas struggled to get to her his movements were sluggish, awkward. Jana was in his way. He had to free her first in order to get to Lisa. With haste, he undid her wrists from Lisa’s thighs and then literally pushed her down the stairs. He heard her body thump as she rolled, heard her deep groan.

Fuck. What had he done?

When he finally got to Lisa her eyes rolled back. Her skin was cold.

Without delay he worked on the spreader bar to release her ankles. She groaned softly and then collapsed on the stairs, pushing them both down a couple steps making him land atop her. He struggled to rise, hearing Jana’s frantic cries. “What’s wrong with her? What have we done to her?”

Nicolas hurried to release Lisa’s wrists and worked to lift her into his arms. When he had her securely in his embrace he took two steps at once, heading up the stairs toward his bedroom.

As he laid her limp body down on his bed she opened her eyes. “My purse. Get my purse.” Her request was almost inaudible.

He turned and saw Jana disappear through the open door.

With a brush of his hands he moved Lisa’s hair from her face. “Baby, are you okay?”

“Fine,” she managed to say. But he knew she was anything but fine.

Light, shallow breaths barely moved her chest. Her face had twisted into a mass of pain. “Water.”

Nicolas sprang from the bed, heading for the kitchen, passing Jana on his way. The worry in her eyes reflected his own concern. Nothing mattered but taking care of Lisa.


Lisa’s Gift

The kitchen smelled of garlic and a handful of other seasonings and herbs from his half-cooked dinner. From the cabinet he retrieved a glass, filled it with water from the refrigerator, and then moved hastily back to the bedroom. When he arrived, Lisa was sitting up against his pillows.

Some color had flowed back into her face, still dark rings around her eyes remained. Jana was offering her a tiny white pill that she took and placed on her tongue. Nicolas handed her the glass of water and she took a small drink.

“Thank you,” she said, laying her head back against the headboard.

“I’m calling the doctor.” Jana sprang to her feet, moving toward the telephone on the other side of the bed.

“No. Please, Jana.” Life seemed to spring back into Lisa. She forced a laugh that simply did not sound like she was having fun. “I’ll be okay. I just get headaches from time to time. The doctor said there’s nothing they can do for them.”

“Bullshit!” Jana barked.

“Really, Jana. Watch, in five to ten minutes I’ll be just fine.” She reached for her friend’s hand, but Jana was already in motion.

Jana turned about sharply to face Nicolas. “What happened?”

Nicolas was speechless at the accusation in her eyes. Nothing he had asked them to do would have caused Lisa’s reaction.

Jana pressed her fingertips to her forehead. Her eyes closed briefly.

“This is my fault.”

“That’s ridiculous. We did nothing Nicolas and I haven’t done millions of times.” A huff left Lisa’s thin lips. Then she cringed like pain overtook her. She took several deep breaths releasing them slowly. “Well maybe not millions of times. Jana, calm down. I enjoyed what we did together.”

She waved her hand. “Come here.”

Jana’s movements were stiff as she approached the bed and then sat beside her friend. Lisa took her into her arms, laying her head on Jana’s shoulder. “I loved what we shared. Please don’t think poorly of yourself or Nicolas.” She held her free hand out to him and he went to her. “Beside me. I want both of you beside me.” 107

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Lisa’s eyes were red, tired, as he pulled back the comforter and sheets, letting both women climb beneath them before he took his place next to Lisa. When he wrapped his arm around her he accidentally touched Jana and she pulled back like he’d burned her.

“Children, play nice together.” Lisa chastised them, sounding like she was almost too tired to speak. “I’m sleepy. Can we just sleep for a while…” No sooner did Lisa speak, before she fell into a deep slumber.

The same couldn’t be said for him or the other woman in the bed.

Nicolas didn’t know how long he had lain there when exhaustion overtook him.

Nicolas woke curled around Jana. Lisa was nowhere in sight. His concern for Lisa remained, but it felt so good, so right holding Jana against him in his bed. Many women had shared this space, but he had never gotten the sense that they actually belonged there, as he did with Jana.

The thought gave him pause. What the hell was he thinking? Jana didn’t even like him much after last night. And he wasn’t feeling all that great about himself either. He still couldn’t figure out what went wrong.

As he tightened his hold on Jana, the sweet scent of her musk was overridden by a delicious smell wafting through the open bedroom door.

His stomach growled, reminding him that he hadn’t eaten since mid-afternoon yesterday.

Who was in his kitchen?

What time was it?

As he rose slightly to look at the clock on the nightstand next to his bed, Jana moaned and shifted onto her back. She was beautiful. He couldn’t resist tasting her as he pressed his lips to hers. Within seconds she was kissing him back, her arms snaking around his neck.

Then she froze, which could also be said of how her icy blue eyes looked when she opened them and saw who held her. With a jerk of her head their mouths parted.

Her palms struck his chest and then pushed. “Get off me.”


Lisa’s Gift

He made no attempt to move, instead he adjusted himself further so that he pinned her to the bed with his body, his rigid cock pressed against her hip. “Jana, you have to believe that what happened last—”

“I should have never participated. It was wrong.” The whole time she stared at his mouth. He could see that she wanted him to kiss her again.

“Lisa—where’s Lisa?”

He cupped Jana’s chin. “No! It wasn’t wrong. I won’t let you belittle what happened last night. It was beautiful. Special. Even Lisa recognized how good we all are together.”

She shook her head in denial.

“Dammit! Doll, you know you enjoyed what happened between us.

You’re just having next morning regrets.” This happened all the time to people. They allowed their desires and their frame of mind to butt heads in the morning. In Jana’s case, it was compounded by Lisa’s sudden illness. He should have anticipated Jana’s response.

“Now. Now. Children, I thought I told you two to play nicely.” Lisa waltzed into the bedroom holding a tray covered in food that set Nicolas’s stomach to growling again. She wore one of the transparent nightgowns she kept at his house. The kind that made him feel like he had infrared vision, able to look through shadows and see everything. In this case it was the dips and curves of her lithe body.

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