Lisa's Gift (21 page)

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Authors: Mackenzie McKade

BOOK: Lisa's Gift
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“Perhaps you want to show your subs about, Lord Nicolas. I’ve reserved the Blue Room for you at ten o’clock.” Trent’s eyes glowed with something Jana would rather not think about as he said, “I’ll join you in a while.” He handed Lisa’s chain to Nicolas.

Side by side, with Nicolas in the middle, the three began to move toward the stairs that led to the basement.

When they reached the basement, Nicolas explained, “There are separate rooms for each play scene. This first room is what Master Trent refers to as the Yellow Room. It consists of a St. Andrews cross similar to what I have in my dungeon, but everything you see here is top of the line.” They moved among the crowd, finding a place just inside the door.


Lisa’s Gift

The scene was just about to begin. “It’s important to remember that while a scene is in progress you must remain quiet, respectful to the participants.”

Silence was not going to be a problem for Jana. She couldn’t believe what she saw. Speechlessly, she watched as a hooded man dressed in just enough leather to hide his cock strapped a woman to the cross spread-eagle. The brunette smiled, her eyes glassy with excitement.

Jana couldn’t comprehend how anyone would place themselves on exhibition for the pleasure of others. It was one thing to go through these steps behind closed doors, another to share it with complete strangers.

She just didn’t know whether she could ever do that.

When the hooded man reached for the halter top the submissive wore and tore it from her body, Jana gasped. The sharp ripping of material filled the room. Jana looked for some reaction from the woman. Her smile had disappeared. Instead of anger, fear or humiliation, excitement reflected in her drawn nipples and the deep rise and fall of her large breasts.

Then the Dom reached for her short-shorts and again the ripping seams caused everyone to inhale sharply as he revealed her shaved pussy. Or perhaps the gasps were from how she looked naked, strapped to the cross—helpless.

Jana closed her eyes.
Just a game. This is ridiculous. It’s just a game

When she felt her composure return, her eyelids rose.

As if Nicolas and Lisa knew what she was feeling they moved to each side of her, enveloping her with their bodies as though guarding her from her own mind. Lisa lightly kissed her on the cheek. Nicolas gave her a supportive hug.

Jana scanned the room for others affected by the scene. But, of course, there were none. Instead their eyes were filled with appreciation and white-hot arousal.

Just a game
. She tried to calm the tremor that shook her. 155

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Dammit! She wasn’t going to let this bother her. She was going to have fun. Nicolas had promised they could go home if she wanted. But she was hell-bent on not letting Lisa or Nicolas down.

From a table that stood next to the cross the hooded man retrieved several chains linked together. Two chains had small clamps on each end, the longest of the three a larger looking clamp.

When he affixed the first clamp to her nipple, she screamed. Jana nearly jumped out of her skin, sending her leash swaying across her body. Immediately, Nicolas pulled her into the shelter of his embrace. As she leaned her back against his chest, Jana could feel his hard erection, which had evidently been stimulated by the scene. For that matter, Lisa’s breathing intensified with each inhale and release.

Shit! Jana’s own nipples began the slow tightening that announced her approaching excitement; or was it because Nicolas was quietly grounding his pelvis against her ass?

The brunette on the cross seemed prepared, focused as the next clamp was applied, leaving a single chain with the large clamp dangling at the apex of her thighs. When the hooded man dropped to his knees, Jana sucked in a tight breath of disbelief.

He wouldn’t

Oh. My. God

He did.

With just a move of his hand he slipped the larger clamp over the poor woman’s clit. The most bloodcurdling scream tore from her throat as she threw back her head.

Jana began to shake. She couldn’t help it. Nicolas quieted her when he slipped his palms over her silk-covered breasts and began to knead softly. She felt the leather of his pants against her legs, the cheeks of her ass, and his erection pressing into her back.

In a hushed tone, he said, “He’s not doing anything she hasn’t had done before, or doesn’t find pleasurable. Trust me.” His deep, sexy voice washed over her like calming water. He stroked her with reassurance.

“We should move on. You might not be ready for what’s next.”


Lisa’s Gift

He was right. What she had seen was enough for the first time. “Don’t you ever think of putting that thing on my clit,” she said, drawing out a quiet chuckle from him as they pushed through the crowd and out the door.

“What about the nipple clamps? Would you let me tease you, make you horny and hot, then slip them on so that the pressure remained while I fuck you?” Nicolas asked as he slipped his hand under the corset and tweaked her nipple.

“I-I don’t know,” she stuttered, unable to think.

“We’ll work on it.” He issued the sinful promise, sending a thrill up her spine as they began to move through the crowd. “This next room is the Red Room, or the suspension room.” Nicolas ushered both ladies through the door.

Jana’s palm flew to her mouth.

What the fuck had she gotten herself into? It was a freak show.

Unconsciously her hand drifted to her throat as she felt the collar around her neck and gave it a pull.

Three people were hanging from the ceiling by chains and leather straps. One woman dangled, a foot off the ground, bound by her hands.

Muscles and tendons stretched to their limits, pressed against her delicate skin. A man hung by his feet, his hands trussed behind him at the small of his back. Another woman was gagged by a scarf, her arms and legs hogtied behind her as she swung by her waist. Beside each suspended person stood another individual and in their hands a whip or a flogger.

“Dear God,” Jana whispered. “They’re going to beat them.”

“No.” Nicolas grasped her biceps, pulling her around to face him. “Not beat them. Pleasure them. Remember, there’s a fine line between pleasure and pain, like the spankings and the floggings that I’ve performed on you and Lisa. Pain can be pleasurable when it’s introduced while you’re aroused. Think about the scenarios we have acted out.” With a thumb and forefinger he raised her chin. His eyes were warm with concern. “Choice is what makes the difference to anything you’ve 157

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experienced. These people choose to be here. They choose to have these things done to them, because they experience an ecstasy that can only be found in this world.”

Lisa leaned in close and whispered, “Open your mind, Jana. Let’s experience something new tonight.”

Jana couldn’t believe what she was seeing—hearing. “I-I can’t do that.”

Lisa’s giggle held a hint of unease. “Perhaps this is
much for both Jana and me. Let’s go, Nicolas.”

Nicolas grasped Jana’s and Lisa’s hands, leaving the leashes to dangle, as they moved on.

They passed a refreshment table with a variety of hors d’oeuvres, fruits and vegetables. To the right was a bar. “They only serve non-alcoholic drinks here,” Lisa explained. “No one is allowed to be under any type of influence.”

“That’s comforting,” Jana said.

She couldn’t believe how many people mingled, some of them basically naked, wearing only collars, nipple clamps and a variety of other body jewelry. It was obvious who the Masters and subs were, not only by how they were dressed, but how they interacted between each other. Subs took a formal stance when not serving their Masters, while others were cherished as if they were pets or a prized possession.

Masters and subs appeared to be comfortable, even happy with their stations.

Even Lisa knew the protocol, which made Jana feel somewhat inadequate. As Nicolas stopped to converse with another Master, Lisa as well as the Dom’s sub stood with their feet shoulders’ widths apart, placed their hands behind their backs, and bowed their heads. Lisa’s actions received a soft look from Nicolas. He reached out and stroked her hair and gave a tug of appreciation on her leash.

The desire to please Nicolas, to see pride warm his eyes, was growing inside Jana, pushing past the fear and anxiety that twisted inside her.

She wanted to please him, too. She didn’t exactly know how yet, but she 158

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could learn. All she had to remember is that this was make-believe. No one was actually being forced to submit. No one would be hurt. Pleasure was their only goal.

“Impressive.” The Master speaking with Nicolas boldly scrutinized both Lisa and Jana. “The redhead is new?” He pinned an interested gaze on Jana.

. What was it about her that screamed newbie? Was the word tattooed across her forehead? Or was there a sign plastered to her back?

“Yes, but coming along nicely.” Nicolas winked at her.

His sexy endearment made her nipples tighten. God, what she’d give to be kissing him, feeling his strong hands take control of her body.

Given half the chance she’d opt for going back to his place and screwing his brains out.

“Well, if you’re interested in sharing or auctioning her let me know,”

the Master said.

Jana’s brows shot up, as she murmured, “Over my dead body.” Lisa gave Jana an elbow to the midsection. “Shhh…”

The Dom turned to his sub. “Come, slave, the spanking bench awaits us.”

Soft laughter left Nicolas at Jana’s expression. “Don’t worry. I’m not taking you to the Green Room.” Then he pulled Jana against him, his erection pressing into her belly. “But I do have to tell you how much I would like to see your skin pink from my hand, brighter than it was the first time I paddled that beautiful ass.” He added to Lisa, “Yours too, baby. Come, ladies, I believe it’s time to see to our own pleasures.”

Much to Jana’s relief the Blue Room was empty. She hadn’t known what to expect, but she’d prayed for no audience. She was ready to try a few new things, but being an exhibitionist wasn’t one of them.

“This is Trent’s playground. Every sex toy you can imagine is here.”

Lisa pointed to the variety of whips, floggers, clamps and clips hanging from the wall. Many more items lay atop the table pressed tight against the wall. The items clearly outnumbered Nicolas’s three times over. 159

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Additionally, there was a spanking bench and an ominous table set off to the side which strangely looked like one you might find at the doctor’s office. She couldn’t help the sliver of panic that made her pulse race. One wall contained D-rings for restraints, several chains hung from the ceiling and floor, a large fireplace adorned one wall, and an oversized bed which four people could fit to sleep—or play.

Now that was more like it, she sighed inwardly as her stiletto heels clicked against the marble floor, stepping deeper into the room.

An archway introduced a breathtaking bathroom. Visible from where she stood in the playroom was a Jacuzzi that bubbled invitingly, and a walk-in shower not far away. Only the commode appeared to be set off and hidden from all eyes.

Yes, a lot of fun could be had in this room.

A flood of excitement released from between Jana’s thighs. By the heated look in Lisa’s eyes could she be thinking the same thing, getting Nicolas between the sheets of that great big bed? In unison, they pinned their gazes on him, and then both began to laugh.

“What?” he asked, moving toward them. Muscles rippled beneath his tanned skin.

“We only wish to please you, Milord,” Lisa purred, running her fingers through the dark hair on his chest. “What can we do to turn your world inside out?”

And that was exactly what Jana wanted—to show him as much pleasure as he had given her the last couple of weeks.

That was until the door opened and Master Trent entered.

“Let the play begin,” he said and removed his robe, displaying an impressive chest and a bulge between his thighs molded by black leather pants.

Oh. My. God. No one had told her it was going to be a foursome.


Lisa’s Gift

Chapter Fifteen

Several weeks ago a foursome sounded fun and exciting, but now Nicolas wasn’t sure as he stood in the middle of Trent’s playground. This particular room was the talk of all his friends’ parties. Referred to as the
land and sea ecstasy
, participants could easily ride the waves submersed in the Jacuzzi or shower, or lose themselves in the bed with as many partners as was desired.

Man, I hope I don’t end up regretting this decision.
Anxiety slid across his skin as he glanced at Jana. Bottom line, Nicolas didn’t want to share her, not now—not ever.

Nicolas had enjoyed the playground’s amenities before, usually with Trent and several experienced subs. He gazed about the bedroom at the whips, floggers and other toys hanging from another wall. The floor was marble with throw rugs of several different textures, each designed to heighten the senses.

By the look of disbelief on Jana’s face as she stared at Trent, Nicolas had shocked her once again. She didn’t run screaming from the room.

A good sign. Yes?

He had made these plans to include Trent before he had really known Jana. It was just something he thought would be fun at that moment.

While Nicolas’s experience as a Lord was not extensive, Trent was an expert. His friend knew Jana was inexperienced. Not to mention that Lisa was fairly new. Nicolas trusted him not to go beyond the limits they had discussed.

A strong and determined wave of confidence rose in Nicolas, making him square his shoulders. These were his women. It was his 161

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