Little Bird (The Tangled Series) (33 page)

BOOK: Little Bird (The Tangled Series)
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“Those are brave words for a man with two guns pointed at him.” Hartwell laughed gruffly as he tried to subdue Savannah, slapping her hard across the face. “I told you to spread your whore legs!”

Savannah’s vision blurred with the force of the hit, the wind knocked out of her. Gasping and choking for breath, she could feel Hartwell urgently trying to force his way between her legs. She focused all of her energy on firmly clamping her thighs together, determined to prevent his entry. Hartwell slapped her again, growling, “You will open your fucking legs for me the way you opened them for him!”

Savannah raised her eyes, meeting his with a defiant glare, and spit in his face. Hartwell’s complexion went purple with rage. He wiped one hand over his face before slapping her for the third time.

He stalked off behind her. A moment later, she felt the tension on her arms slacken, and then he was back, pulling the rope down from the ceiling and hauling her behind him as he crossed the room. Hartwell walked fast, pulling hard on the rope, and Savannah lost her balance, catching herself on her hip when she fell. But still he didn’t stop, dragging her across the floor until he stood in front of Lee. Looping the rope around the base of a sturdy rack, he tied it securely and leered down at her. Savannah lay on her back, her body just out of reach and perpendicular to Lee where he sat on the couch, her hands tied above her head. Hartwell had intentionally positioned her so Lee would be able to see every touch and every thrust as he raped her.

Hartwell straddled her, his erection lying against her stomach as he reached up, tearing the top of her dress open and yanking her bra down to expose her chest. Leaning over her, he abused her breasts, biting and slapping them cruelly. With each of her screams, Savannah felt his cock twitch and she shuddered with loathing.

“You will open your legs if I have to pry them open and tie them that way.” Hartwell grunted as he tried to force himself between her legs again, his erection pressing against her thighs. She crossed her ankles, holding her legs firmly together, but he was stronger than she was and would win in the end. She started bucking her hips wildly, trying to throw him off but that only seemed to encourage him. “That’s right, you want it, you dirty fucking slut. Fight against me all you want, but your bucking hips tell me all I need to know. You want it and you’ll like it.”

Savannah closed her eyes, fighting for all she was worth, knowing it was only a matter of time before Hartwell would tie her ankles and pry her legs open. Her determination flagged. She was tired and in pain. He was going to win anyway. Maybe it would be better to just give up. But before she could even finish the thought she heard Lee grunt and her eyes flew open, watching as he launched himself at Hartwell, hitting him in the chest with his shoulder. As Lee and Hartwell fell backward together she heard a gunshot and Savannah screamed in horror. Blood bloomed on the thigh of Lee’s pants.

Todd sprang from the couch only a fraction of a second after Lee, barreling into Victor with enough force to knock him from his feet. Todd subdued him quickly, recovering his gun, but not before Julian got another shot off, this time blood coloring the side of Lee’s shirt over his ribs. Lee had maneuvered himself on top of Hartwell, pummeling him ruthlessly with his fists, and didn’t even seem to realize he’d been shot not once but twice.

Todd had one arm around Victor’s neck, the man’s face going purple as Todd methodically choked him, and he quickly squeezed off two shots with Victor’s gun. The first went wide but the second hit Julian squarely in the shoulder and the man crumpled to the ground with a groan. Todd crossed to Julian, dragging Victor with him. Bending to pick up Julian’s gun, Todd tucked it in the waistband of his pants and quickly cuffed the two henchmen to a chair before gagging them both. Savannah choked on her own deranged laughter as she thought that was a nice advantage of BDSM, there were always plenty of cuffs and gags around.

Todd turned back to Lee and Hartwell, frowning. “That’s enough, brother. It’s over.” When Lee didn’t respond, or even appear to hear him, Todd stepped behind him and grabbed the collar of his shirt, hauling him off the senator. “Jesus, that’s enough. You’re going to kill the motherfucker.”

“That was the plan.” Lee grunted as he wiped blood from his nose. “Let the fuck go of me.”

Todd chuckled and let go of Lee’s shirt. “I’ll untie Savannah.”

“No.” Lee’s voice was harsh as he climbed to his feet, wobbling unsteadily. “I’ll get her. Tie the fucking bastard up or shoot him or something, and then go check on Cara.”

Lee limped toward her and Savannah sobbed as she watched the blood spread down his pants leg and over his shirt. When he reached her side, he awkwardly went down on his good knee, holding the wounded leg straight to the side, as he leaned over her and untied her wrists. Gathering Savannah against his chest, Lee pulled her into his lap as he sat down, smoothing her hair with one hand and holding her tightly against him.

“Shh, it’s okay, sweetheart. It’s over. I’m right here.” She sobbed against his chest as he soothed her, whispering tenderly against her ear. “I’ve got you, Little Bird. It’s all right.”

“Oh, God.” Savannah gasped as she felt the bile rise in her throat. “Levon, I think I’m going to be sick.”

Lee laughed softly and stretched his arm behind him, wincing with the movement. Finding the trashcan at the end of the couch, he pulled it around in front of them. Savannah leaned forward, retching into the can as he held her hair and quietly reassured her.

While Savannah heaved over the can, Todd tied and gagged Hartwell and then helped Cara, who was now awake, over to the couch. Finding a towel, he gestured toward Savannah as he tossed it at Lee, who caught it with one hand. When she leaned back against his chest again, he used the towel to wipe her mouth. Todd came to remove the trashcan, but Savannah shook her head, only able to mumble she wasn’t sure she was finished.

“Cara, you need to go find whatever it is you need, because we have to get the fuck out of here.” Lee glanced over his shoulder at Cara and then turned to Todd. “Go help her. We need to get out of here fast. I’m bleeding all the fuck over the place and there is no telling when George or Harry might show up.”

“I assume you know how to use this if you get in trouble.” Todd handed one of the guns to Cara, before turning to Lee with a shake of his head. “I’m staying. Between your bleeding and her puking, neither of you is in much of a position to defend yourselves. Besides, I can put a bandage on that leg so you don’t bleed to death just sitting there like an idiot.”

Savannah moaned weakly at Todd’s last comment and leaned forward again, retching into the can. Lee glared at him as he rubbed her back. “I’m not going to die, sweetheart. He’s just being a dick.”

Cara rushed from the room while Todd and Lee carefully moved Savannah so she sat on Lee’s right leg, leaning over his arm to heave into the can. With Lee’s left leg now free, Todd carefully wrapped it with another towel he’d found, applying firm pressure to slow the blood loss. Lee grunted when he pulled the towel tight but made no comment. Todd narrowed his eyes and said, “Sorry, brother. Not much I can do about your side.”

Lee just shrugged and wiped Savannah’s face with the towel again when she had finished being sick.

“Feel better now, sweetheart?” Lee gave her a tired smile as his hand settled on her stomach. When Savannah nodded weakly, he moved his thumb over her belly and kissed the tip of her nose before saying, “Do you know I’ve never loved you more than when you spit in that bastard’s face?”

The sound of her own laugh surprised her as she leaned into Lee’s shoulder. “I couldn’t let him…” Savannah’s voice trailed off, her laughter fading, and she hiccupped through her tears.

Lee kissed her temple and leaned back against the couch behind him. “Don’t say it, Savannah. Don’t even think about it. He didn’t and he won’t ever. I’ll keep you safe always, Little Bird. I promise. Now rest for a bit while we wait for Cara. I…” Lee’s voice caught a little as he sighed, “I need to rest.”

Chapter Sixteen


By Nell Tucker for
The Washington Post Online

Senator Charles Hartwell, (R-Texas), has gone missing, according to top aides. Hartwell, who had been a pilot during the Vietnam war, and Sandra, his wife of 43 years, were reportedly flying his private jet from Washington, DC en route to Bermuda for a short vacation when he lost control of the 5-passenger Piper Cheyenne Saturday afternoon. The Coast Guard and the United States Navy are searching the waters in the area the flight is believed to have gone down but have found no signs of the Hartwell’s or the plane.

Hartwell, who was in his sixth term in the Senate, was a well-respected member of Congress. Serving as the chair of the Senate Committee on Appropriations and as a member of several other influential committees, Hartwell had long been recognized as one of the most prominent members of Congress, despite a failed presidential bid in 2000.

Washington Post Online
will continue to follow this story and provide updates as they become available.

Lee lay on the couch watching TV, his leg propped up on a pillow, when Savannah came in with a glass of ice water in one hand, juggling several pill bottles in the other. He had been lucky and neither gunshot had been serious. The bullet in his thigh had traveled through muscle as it entered the back and exited the front of his leg. The bullet to his side had glanced off his ribs, leaving an ugly wound but no serious damage.

All in all, Savannah was very grateful Julian hadn’t been a better shot. In total, he’d put three bullets in her husband and none of them had ended up being serious. Lee had lost a lot of blood and would be hurting for a while, but he would be just fine and the hospital had released him to Savannah’s care after several days.

“Time for your medicine, big guy.” Savannah grinned as she pressed the glass of ice water into Lee’s hand.

He shook his head and glared at her. “Everything but the pain killer. That can wait.”

“Oh, you like the pain now? I didn’t realize that was your thing.” Savannah cocked a brow at him playfully.

Lee rolled his eyes at her and grunted, ignoring her comment as she sat on the floor next to the couch and sorted the pills on the coffee table. “You know, it’s a little hard watching all this news coverage about what a great guy Hartwell was.”

“Tell me about it.” Savannah held the first pill in front of his mouth. “Open wide.”

“You’re a shitty nurse.” Lee grumbled at her before he opened his mouth and she pressed the pill to his tongue.

“Am I?” Savannah was unamused as she watched him gulp down the pill with a big drink of water. She’d been waiting on Lee hand and foot ever since he came home from the hospital yesterday, and now he was going to criticize the care she’d been giving him? Jackass.

“Yeah, shouldn’t you be wearing one of those sexy little white nurse uniforms that leaves your tits and ass hanging out? Oh, with thigh highs and a garter belt and the cute little nurse hat, too.” He gave her a suggestive grin as he took the second pill from her.

“I thought about it. But it seemed kind of cruel with you being an invalid right now and all.” Savannah laughed as she gave him the third pill, waiting for him to realize he’d taken the pain medication after all. It didn’t take him long.

“Wait, was that three pills? Shit, you got me distracted thinking about the slutty little nursing outfit you ought to be wearing right now and slipped the narcotic right by me. Naughty little bitch. I’ll forgive you though, if you’ll get a nurse costume like that.” Lee reached out, flicking his thumb over her nipple and grinning as it hardened beneath her shirt.

“For what purpose? This morning after I helped you into the bathroom you were cursing like a sailor and begging me to hit you over the head with a blunt heavy object so everything would stop hurting. You’re hardly in any shape for fucking right now.”

Lee shrugged, undeterred. “You could give me a hand job. Or you could suck my dick. Or you could sit on my face while you suck my dick. Or you could ride me. You’d have to do all the work, but I can just lie here on my back for any of those things.”

“You’ve given this a lot of thought, I see.” Savannah laughed as she stood up and started to turn away but he grabbed her wrist, stopping her.

“I have.” Lee tugged on Savannah’s wrist as he pulled the blanket she’d covered him with earlier off his lap, exposing his erection. He gave her a lopsided grin as he added, “But you have to hurry before that narcotic you gave me kicks in and I get all high and loopy again.” He pulled harder on her wrist, guiding her hand to his hard-on and moaning when her fingers brushed against him.

Savannah laughed, wrapping her fingers around his shaft and slowly stroking him. “Is that why you didn’t want the pain medicine? You wanted to be clear headed enough to seduce me?”

Lee’s eyes darkened as he watched her hand move on his cock, his breath catching as Savannah rubbed her thumb over the crown. “Not so much for the seducing, no. You’re easy like that. But I wanted to be clear headed enough to really appreciate the results of said seducing.”

“I’m easy, eh?” Savannah raised a brow at him as she released her grip on his cock.

“Yes, you’re easy.” Lee’s eyes raked over her body as she stood next to the couch looking down at him. “Take your shorts off.”

Savannah had intended to take a stand and prove she wasn’t easy, but the tone of his voice when he’d told her to take off her shorts was irresistible. So much for not being easy. She unbuttoned her shorts and pushed them over her hips, stepping out of them as they fell. Lee looked up at her questioningly when he saw her pink cotton thong.

“Did I tell you to wear panties?”

Savannah shook her head and he tugged on the bottom of her shirt.

“This goes, too.”

Pulling the shirt over her head, she dropped it to the floor with her shorts before sliding her fingers under the thong at her hips. She started to push them down but Lee shook his head, his voice hoarse. “Leave them.”

Savannah furrowed her brows with confusion. Lee’s hand found her hip, pulling her down to straddle him, her panties the only thing separating her from the hard heat of his erection as she sat looking down at him. His shoulder was no longer bandaged and the wound there was healing well, though she knew it would leave a scar. There was a thick bandage wrapped around his midsection, just below his nipples, covering the fresh wound there. Another wrapped around his thigh behind her. Now that Savannah could feel Lee’s cock pressing against her panties, she wanted to move against him but she was terrified of hurting him.

“See, if it weren’t for that thong, I’d already be inside you. You should have figured this out on your own after that day I fucked you on the kitchen table. I haven’t exactly been subtle in my preference that you not wear panties.” Lee grinned as he reached up, cupping her breasts. “But I’ll make it real clear for you now. When we’re here at home, you don’t wear a bra or panties. Ever. When you go out, you’ll have to ask for permission if you want to wear them.”

Savannah nodded and Lee chuckled. “You acted all offended that I would call you easy, but look at you, pushing your tits into my hands.” He released one breast and slipped two fingers beneath the edge of her damp thong, tenderly probing her. “My easy little whore.”

Savannah gasped, her hips instinctively jerking as Lee’s fingers moved over the piercing between her legs. Only Lee could make the word whore sound affectionate. Still, she wanted to tell him she wasn’t an easy whore, that it was he who made her act this way, but she couldn’t find the words and decided he already knew from the way he looked at her. Lee dropped his other hand to her bottom, lifting her as he pushed the thong to the side, and then slowly guided her pussy on to his cock.

Her fear of hurting him forgotten, Savannah tried to push her hips down faster, wanting all of him inside her, but he smacked her bottom, cocking a brow at her. “Easy, slut. Go slow.”

Savannah moaned with frustration and leaned forward, planting her hands on the couch on either side of his head as she gradually took him inside her. She panted already, Lee’s hands on her breasts again, rolling her nipples between his fingers. When he was almost fully inside her, she couldn’t wait anymore, sinking down on him with a sigh of pleasure as his erection filled her.

Lee groaned as she started to rock against him but it sounded different to Savannah. It wasn’t just the familiar sounds of his sexual arousal; there was pain there, too. Savannah stilled her movements, looking down at him with concern. “Are you okay? We should stop if it hurts.”

“It hurts but this is really fucking worth it.” Lee gave her a lopsided smile, his eyes lidded, as he slid one hand behind her neck, pulling Savannah forward to lie against his chest. Turning his face into her hair, he breathed in the scent of her as his hands roamed her body, touching and caressing her until they found her ass. Cupping her bottom, Lee guided her, encouraging her to move against him, her pussy sliding rhythmically along the length of his cock.

“Oh, Levon.” Savannah’s voice was breathless as she moved on top of him, her pussy gripping him.

“I know, sweetheart.” Lee grumbled, his fingers digging into her bottom as he directed Savannah’s pace, urging her to move faster.

Savannah panted loudly with anticipation, her fingers clawing at the arm of the couch. Turning her face to his, her lips brushed over his mouth as she moaned, her pussy beginning to spasm.

Lee’s hands urged her faster as he grunted, “Not yet. Wait for me, Little Bird.”

Savannah let out a strangled cry as she moved harder against him, her slick pussy gripping and releasing his cock with the rise and fall of her hips. She bit his lower lip, tugging it between her teeth as her eyes met his. Lee returned her gaze, his eyelids heavy as she writhed on top of him, his hands holding her tight as he lifted his hips to meet her grinding movements.

“Now, Little Bird. Come with me, Savannah!” Lee’s voice was a hoarse growl and Savannah mewled in response, her pussy contracting around his jerking cock. Lee smothered her cries of pleasure with his mouth, kissing her fiercely.

Savannah was still lying against his chest, panting softly, when she heard Toby barking outside, followed a moment later by a knock on the front door. She turned her head to look at the door and sighed, slowly disentangling herself from Lee’s embrace.

“Whoever it is can come back later.” Lee grunted and pulled her back against his chest.

Savannah rolled her eyes and relaxed against him. She knew it would be useless to argue with him, especially now that the narcotics were setting in. They’d given him something different this time when he’d complained the painkiller they’d sent home for his shoulder had been largely ineffective, and the new painkiller, while more helpful, made him belligerent and unusually argumentative.

She was lying with her head on his chest, smiling as she listened to the slow steady beat of his heart, when the knock came at the door again, this time more insistent. Savannah started to stir against him but Lee shook his head, his eyes closed as he said, “No.”

She pinched his nipple and struggled against his arm clamped around her back. “Come on, Lee. It might be important. The sooner we find out who it is and what they want the sooner they’ll be gone.”

Lee grunted, unconvinced, but he released her and Savannah rolled off the couch.

“Coming!” Savannah called toward the door as she quickly pulled on her shorts and shirt before tugging the blanket over Lee again. But no sooner had she done that and he pushed it off. “Stop that. You can’t just lay there and expose yourself to whatever poor person might be standing out there.”

“I’m hot,” Lee mumbled as he kicked the blanket away when she tried to cover him again.

“Look, this won’t take long. Just deal with it. I’m sure Joni or Ginny or any number of other people who could be on the other side of that door right now don’t want to see your cock and balls today.” When he didn’t respond, she pulled the blanket over him again, waited a second to see what he would do, and then turned for the door.

As she cracked the door open, she saw Cara and Paul standing on the step with two men in black suits, who looked like federal agents, standing a few feet behind them. Savannah hadn’t seen or heard from either of them since the first night at the hospital. Once it had become clear Lee would be okay, Cara had left and hadn’t made contact again until now.

“Cara! You’re okay! When will the story—”

Cara shook her head, looking around nervously, as she interrupted, “Can we come in?”

Savannah nodded and swung the door wide, holding the screen door with one hand while they all passed in front of her. When she heard Paul’s shocked gasp and Cara’s amused laughter, she could guess what had happened. After closing the door behind them, she turned around to see, as she’d suspected, Lee had kicked the blanket off again. Hurrying to his side she pulled it up only to be met with immediate resistance.

BOOK: Little Bird (The Tangled Series)
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