Little Wolf (38 page)

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Authors: R. Cooper

BOOK: Little Wolf
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“When I was younger,” Nathaniel began in an idle, if breathless, tone, “I learned control because I had to.” A were of his size could inflict damage even on other weres if he didn’t pay attention. Tim nodded along and whined for the scrape of Nathaniel’s teeth in new territory. He wanted a new bite but feared it. Nathaniel ignored his garbled plea. “I don’t care if you ever learn control.” It was like he was feasting on Tim’s taste, and Tim couldn’t stop shaking once he realized it. Nathaniel’s scent was a delicacy. “Lose it again and again, Little Wolf, and I will only want more.”

He released Tim’s hands to take hold of Tim’s waist. He put his face to Tim’s shoulder and then pushed down on Tim’s unbuttoned jeans. Tim wriggled without conscious thought, and his jeans and soiled underwear dropped to his knees. Nathaniel’s everything blanketed him. Even Tim’s teeth in his lip couldn’t hold back the noises he wanted to make.

“You can give me more, can’t you?” Nathaniel was
. Tim bared his teeth but shut his eyes tight. It made it worse when he heard Nathaniel lick something, and he tensed, tight as a bowstring until Nathaniel wrapped his hand around his cock.

“Fuck you, I’m going to come all over you,” Tim threatened through clenched teeth. The scent rising from Nathaniel was killing him. He gasped, but it was still there, and Nathaniel was stroking him with a firm grip and clear intent. “Oh fuck you,” Tim said again and opened his eyes. He raised one hand and pressed his fingers to the mark at his throat. Nathaniel’s gaze fixed on him. Tim arched his neck and wet his stinging lip. “Then take off your shirt so I can come on your skin.”

Nathaniel’s movements were a blur, a short, chilled moment of his hands gone from Tim’s body and then so much heat as he returned, magnificent chest bare, his hand once again on Tim’s dick and jacking him harder than before. Tim gasped and groped him blindly. He stretched up on his toes and shivered for every kiss, every squeeze. The lush scent was partly his now. He thought of Nathaniel painted in his spunk and it felt good, so good, hot and tight and right, like it was his, like it should be.

This orgasm tore out of him, rough and proper in Nathaniel’s hand, and he watched his seed splash over Nathaniel’s stomach with loud, panting appreciation. Nathaniel rumbled, growled, in pleasure, and Tim shivered for the thick marks of his come over Nathaniel’s belly button, sticking in his chest hair. He lurched forward when Nathaniel’s hold went slack, only to realize his legs were made of jelly and still trapped in his jeans. He didn’t care. He pushed himself against Nathaniel and dragged his open mouth over Nathaniel’s shoulder and collarbone. His own skin was tingling, his body twitching where they came into contact, but Nathaniel was wearing his come, and nothing was going to stop Tim from claiming that.

Nathaniel caught him and bent his head, mouth open as if in question, but Tim seized either side of his face and pulled him down for a hard kiss. For a moment this was his, and his thoughts weren’t entirely human. He scratched at Nathaniel’s shoulders until Nathaniel’s arms came around him and then he pushed himself up, letting Nathaniel take his weight.

Nathaniel’s cock was hard against him, and his stomach was warm and sticky. Tim could feel the echo of Nathaniel’s bite at his neck. They were going to Nathaniel’s bed, and Tim was going to have no control at all. None, and Nathaniel was going to eat it up. Tim growled and pressed his fingertips into Nathaniel’s muscle to leave bruises of his own. “Take me to bed.”

There were worse things than being wrapped around Nathaniel. Tim started kissing him again immediately to make being carried more difficult. Tim was little, but he wasn’t light. He was a solid mass of werewolf, and Nathaniel had better remember it.

He felt small, though, the moment Nathaniel swept him into the bedroom and laid him gently on the bed. Tim wasn’t the world’s most awkward groom, but Nathaniel was looking at him almost as if he were. He pulled on Tim’s socks and then on his jeans, tugging them free and then stopping to stare at Tim all over again.

Nathaniel still had his jeans on. Nathaniel still had his
on. Tim glared at him through the blushes probably turning his face bright red. He was a skinny, flushed mess of drying come, and Nathaniel could stop making it worse any time now. “What?” Tim snapped, and Nathaniel, the bastard, grinned. “You had better not be waiting for my permission, or second thoughts, or whatever again.” Tim started to snarl. “Because if I wanted to be gone, I’d be gone.”

Bare-ass naked bravado was something Tim had yet to master. Here he was demanding to be Nathaniel’s bitch, and he wasn’t quite sure he hadn’t lost his mind. But then Nathaniel reached for his fly and Tim’s remaining doubts shut the hell up. He pushed himself against the deliciously Nathaniel-scented pillows to watch.

His dick was currently too sensitive for anything, but Tim ran his hand over his stomach in anticipation and liked how Nathaniel’s grin vanished. Nathaniel, the fucking sex god, took forever to lower his zipper. Like he wasn’t even about to get naked for sex, like it was nothing to him because he looked like this every day, except he kept his gaze on Tim’s face like a nervous person would, and Tim didn’t have the brain space to think about that right now. Nathaniel’s cock sprang free, and Tim dug both his hands into the bedding as he imagined stroking that. When he thought about it in his ass, he trembled but then had to fight not to roll over. That did not compare to his fingers. Not even close.

Nathaniel stepped out of his jeans and Tim made pathetic noises to himself before lifting his chin. “If you talk about chess right now, I will marry you.”

Nathaniel froze for a moment, then gave that satisfied, taunting huff of a breath again as he knelt on the bed. “Gambit accepted.”

“I hate you so much,” Tim breathed at the perfect reply, knowing the lie would hang obvious in the air. Then Nathaniel crawled over him, pausing on his way up to sniff around Tim’s spent cock. Tim put his hands in Nathaniel’s hair. First, it seemed the thing to do, and then he liked twisting his fingers until he could have pulled Nathaniel wherever he wanted. Nathaniel licked at the splatters of semen, then at the head of Tim’s cock, pushing at the foreskin with his tongue. “I could have undressed you,” Tim complained breathlessly, with his head back, and gave a jerk when Nathaniel spoke against his thigh.

“Next time.” It was a promise. Tim relaxed his grip on Nathaniel’s hair, only to clutch at it even harder when Nathaniel continued to nose and taste skin still flushed and wet. It was too soon, even for a were, but Tim wasn’t about to tell Nathaniel no when Nathaniel’s mouth was that close to his dick. He sagged into the pillows and made a very small noise of protest when Nathaniel pushed Tim’s knees up to settle between his legs. Nathaniel was very thoroughly replacing any stray scents with his own. Sometimes he dug his hands into Tim’s thighs as if he’d found a trace of Albert, and despite the pain, Tim found himself petting Nathaniel’s shoulders, tracing down the curve of his spine as far as he could reach.

“Nathaniel.” Tim was not complaining, and he was not begging. He was merely calling attention to the fact that Nathaniel had gotten distracted. Nathaniel raised his head. His lips were dark and wet. Tim stretched to touch them, then remembered himself. He swallowed and glanced pointedly downward. “You gonna put that thing in me or what? I can’t be your bitch if you don’t fuck me.”

Nathaniel frowned at him. “What did I tell you about that word?” he warned, but rose up onto his knees over Tim, which was a pretty sight. Tim scrambled back and then climbed up to meet him. He curled both hands around Nathaniel’s dick and watched, his chest oddly tight, when Nathaniel’s eyes dipped shut. Nathaniel’s eyelashes were a distraction by themselves. His open mouth was another. Tim dared to lean forward, nosing at one perfect cheekbone, and Nathaniel sighed against him.

“Sex god,” Tim named him, his tone gentle and unfamiliar, and burned when Nathaniel opened his eyes to look at him. “Big Wolf,” Tim added quietly and watched a fine shiver work through Nathaniel as Nathaniel got himself under control. Almost nothing from Tim and he’d nearly lost it. Tim was starting to think he’d been mistaken about who the bitch was here. He eased away and kept his gaze up until his intention was obvious, and then he lowered his head and turned toward the mattress. He bent his knees because Nathaniel was in his way so he couldn’t lie down, then exhaled against the pillows.

He was getting better at bravado. His voice had almost no tremor this time. “Show me what all that experience taught you.”

Nathaniel had to know Tim was scared. Nathaniel knew everything sometimes. But he ran his hand carefully up Tim’s spine, then curled it over his neck. Tim went still. The mattress dipped, and Tim held his breath. Then Nathaniel moved off the bed, leaving Tim to turn his head and blink at him. He had one pissed-off second to wonder what the hell was happening, and then Nathaniel finished digging around in his bureau and came back with a bottle of lube.

Tim opened his mouth, but Nathaniel glared at him so he shut it. Nathaniel placed the bottle at Tim’s side, then got on the bed. He grabbed Tim by the waist and dragged him up against him. Tim yelped, caught off guard and immediately embarrassed about it, but then relaxed slightly when Nathaniel’s hand slid over his stomach to hold him. A hard, large cock was against Tim’s ass. He started to breathe faster. So he was nervous, and Nathaniel had proved his point, and Tim should let him take it slow. It didn’t mean Tim still didn’t want this. He’d wanted this even when he’d been wary of Nathaniel. He twitched his hips back to get a better feel, and Nathaniel snarled and pushed him down into the pillows, held him there too, easily, with just one hand.

“I’m not going to hurt you, no matter how fast you’ll heal,” Nathaniel bent over him to whisper. Tim shivered uncontrollably.

“You unbelievably decent fucker,” Tim yelled into the pillows. He was pinned and ass up. Nothing was going to calm him now. Nathaniel’s hand was firm on the back of his neck, and Tim didn’t care if it was instinct or not, he moaned. Nathaniel moved again, changing his position from the sound of it. Whatever Tim looked like, it must have been good. There was extra force in the hand holding Tim down, as if Nathaniel needed him that way.

Tim turned enough to draw in long breaths, long, lusty, salty breaths that made him adjust his legs and reach down to tug at his dick. Nathaniel’s approving exhale flooded over his back, warm and much, much closer than Tim had thought. Nathaniel’s mouth followed it, open and wet, from Nathaniel’s hand all the way down to the crack of Tim’s ass. Tim turned again to keep his embarrassing moans between him and the pillow, but Nathaniel didn’t waste time rimming him, even if it was a move straight out of Ramona Greenleaf. He pulled his mouth away and reached for the bottle. A second later Tim yelped again at the slick, cool brush of fingers over his asshole. He shut his eyes tight and made himself stay motionless as Nathaniel used his fingers to penetrate him.

That was how old Ramona would have said it. Tim would have said Nathaniel fucked him open slowly, so slowly, achingly slowly, with slicked-up fingers. He would have said he groaned and drooled into Nathaniel’s pillows while pushing into that burning sweep of fingers. He would have said Nathaniel squeezed his neck in warning, but Tim shook his head and continued to inch back until those large fingers were inside him and he was dying, loudly, and with enthusiasm.

Nathaniel said something. At first Tim thought it was some kind of scolding, until he caught the tone, the smell, and wished he could roll in that deep approval. Alpha thought Tim was good. Big Wolf liked what Tim was doing. Tim’s every muscle was shaking, but he twitched his hips until Nathaniel’s hand got even tighter on his neck. Nathaniel’s fingertips were directly on top of the mark, the bruise Tim wished he could see instead of merely smelling the blood near the surface. He wanted to bite into Nathaniel’s skin and bit the pillow instead as he fucked himself on Nathaniel’s fingers and clumsily stroked himself. He’d come twice already and yet he’d never been so hard.

The sound of Nathaniel’s breathing changed, and Tim turned toward it, catching a glimpse of Nathaniel behind him that made his hand stutter and stop on his dick. Gold eyes reflected the need and hurt shimmering from Nathaniel as Nathaniel watched Tim open himself. Tim parted his lips, but no sound emerged. When Nathaniel withdrew his fingers, Tim recovered enough to whine and lower his head.

The response, strong hands closing around Tim to lift him up, left him confused. Big hands pushed his to the headboard, directed his head down, spread his legs even as they urged him to sit up, and then Nathaniel’s chest was pressed against Tim’s back and the head of his cock was at Tim’s ass. Tim hissed and grabbed at the headboard and groaned. It was pain, or something like pain, discomfort and ache and stretching and more ache, and then Nathaniel stopped. His hand was slick on Tim’s stomach, his heartbeat thunderous. Tim shook his head and left his eyes open. Nathaniel spoke just above his ear.

“Little Wolf.” He was strained, tense, wanting to drive in and wouldn’t. He still smelled of pain, of longing. Tim had to make him see reason.

.” Tim could beg after all, with his whole body aching and Nathaniel fitted against him. He turned his head so the red mark from Nathaniel’s mouth was on display. Nathaniel immediately returned his mouth to the spot, sucking smaller bruises over the first. Tim made a noise and pushed back, down, and Nathaniel took hold of his hips to slow him.

Slow, but not stop. Tim could feel the bold emotion leaking from him, felt it hot on Nathaniel’s skin before it buried itself under his. He whined for it and for the smooth push inside him and brought a hand up to keep Nathaniel’s mouth at his neck. Nathaniel’s hair was soft. His teeth were sharp. He buried his cock in Tim with the sweetest sound Tim had ever heard and bit down until Tim was shouting.

When Nathaniel moved, it was to get a hand around Tim’s cock. He was better than porn, so much better. Tim wanted to give him everything. If that made him a bitch, he couldn’t find any shame to feel about it. He angled his head to offer the untouched side of his neck and arched up eagerly when Nathaniel accepted it. The kiss was hungry, almost careless. Tim felt it in his chest, pounding down to his balls and the pulsing dick in Nathaniel’s hand. Nathaniel’s cock was the same, an insistent throb inside of him until Nathaniel pulled out just enough to allow one shallow thrust back in.

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