Little Wolf (46 page)

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Authors: R. Cooper

BOOK: Little Wolf
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“You aren’t any other were!” Nathaniel shouted. He had his hands out as if he wanted to grab Tim and make him see reason. “You aren’t anyone else!”

“You don’t want me to go into town.” Tim had him, but he wasn’t sure what kind of victory it was. Nathaniel was burning through too many emotions for Tim to parse them all. He wasn’t so polite anymore either.

It was possible Nathaniel knew Tim had manipulated him. He gave his answer through clenched teeth. “No.”

There was something seriously wrong with Tim. Instead of calming Nathaniel down, he wanted to poke at him even more. “But you said I would be safer in town.”

Nathaniel lowered his head to give Tim a glare so angry that Tim nearly collapsed on shaky legs. He held on to the couch to stay up. This time when he tipped his head up to bare his neck it wasn’t entirely on purpose.

“Then what do you want?” he demanded, and he felt the change in the air before Nathaniel moved. Power pushed Tim back against the couch, pulled his shirt from him, pinned his body close. Tape scratched at Tim’s bare skin. Nathaniel’s chest hair was against his palms. Everything was hot, but nothing was hotter than Nathaniel’s open mouth sliding over Tim’s collarbone to his shoulder and the faint scrape of his teeth, as if he was considering the perfect place to bite down.

He exhaled, and Tim pushed his hands up to Nathaniel’s shoulders. He remembered what he’d asked. This was his answer. “You want
.” His shock was already fading, replaced by the rightness of Nathaniel’s thigh sliding between his. He dug his fingers into the back of Nathaniel’s neck, curled them into Nathaniel’s hair. “You want to keep me here.” There was tension under his fingertips, enough to make Tim wonder who would ever say no to that, and then he forgot the thought entirely when Nathaniel pressed his teeth against Tim’s neck, where it met his shoulder.

Tim clutched at him hard enough to feel Nathaniel’s old bite scar on the pads of his fingers. If Tim were going to leave scars he’d mean them. He bit down on Nathaniel’s ear, then released it to pant for the deeper press of teeth into his skin. “Yeah,” Tim told him, biting again at Nathaniel’s ear and pressing his fingers into that fucking mark that hadn’t come from Tim. “Yeah, do it, because you’re mine aren’t you?” Nathaniel bit down until the pain was sharp, and Tim cried out involuntarily. He clutched at Nathaniel when Nathaniel stopped and tried to pull away. “No, yeah, that was….” Tim felt slow and hot with pain, heavy with need. He slurred his words. “That was good.”

Nathaniel licked over the throbbing skin.

“Oh my God.” Tim kicked a foot against the couch and then squeezed his eyes shut and moaned. Heat shot from his neck down his chest to his dick. “Yeah, fuck, do it again.” He could barely stand it, but Nathaniel’s body was against him, and his hands were splayed over Tim’s sides, and Tim could feel his heart, the excitement and arousal pounding through him. He pushed against Nathaniel’s thigh in slight, slow increments, and Nathaniel bit down again, all need and steadying hands on Tim’s hips. Tim breathed in, harsh and surprised, and Nathaniel pulled away. He placed softer kisses up Tim’s throat until Tim almost clawed at him. “Mine,” Tim told him in a daze, and twisted a hand into Nathaniel’s hair to push him toward the bite he wasn’t done leaving. He didn’t need to stop. Tim could take it, same as any other were.

But when the third pass of Nathaniel’s teeth made him flinch, Nathaniel came up to kiss him, so sweet Tim couldn’t duck away. Nathaniel adjusted them, sliding his hands along Tim’s chest and easing Tim up against the couch until Tim was more secure. It wasn’t what Tim intended, and he flushed with shame even as he parted his lips. Nathaniel’s mouth slid over his again, lingering for a moment to give Tim a taste of himself, sharp iron and longing, and then Nathaniel pulled back to speak at the corner of Tim’s mouth. “Mine,” he exhaled, his satisfaction too obvious for even Tim to deny, and licked at the fresh mark before coming up to nose beneath Tim’s ear. He didn’t seem to mind Tim’s grip on his hair or his startled silence. “Tim.”

Tim was on board before his mind fully understood what he was doing. He whined until Nathaniel’s attention came back up, and then they were kissing, long and slow. He wondered if he should be embarrassed, if Nathaniel was, but the tension was slipping from Nathaniel, and he kept on kissing Tim as if the mark was good but this was better.

It wasn’t Tim turning to face the couch or a hand to hold him down, but Tim still grew hard for it. He squirmed after a few minutes, wriggling for better purchase to push up, and Nathaniel slid a hand into his jeans without moving away. He released gentle puffs of air over Tim’s lips one moment and then urged him back for a deeper, rougher kiss the next. Tim was buzzing, alive under his skin. He let one hand fall, his palm to Nathaniel’s chest, and whispered against Nathaniel’s mouth, because this was his too. Oh God, all of it. “Take your pants off.” Tim didn’t care if he sounded bossy or begging. Either way it worked. Nathaniel took his hands away to remove his pants, and Tim dropped his head to try to watch. He gave up after a second for the chance to get a nipple in his mouth.

The feel against his tongue was good, new. The sound Nathaniel made was inspirational. Encouraged, Tim nibbled a little before growling into a patch of hair. “Now take
pants off.”

His answer was Nathaniel’s thumb briefly passing over the constant ache of the mark and then Nathaniel’s hand over his fly. He slid down the zipper before pushing his hands under the fabric to grab Tim’s ass.

Tim offered his neck without hesitation the moment his jeans fell to his knees. With Nathaniel pressed to him, it was as far as they could go. His feet weren’t completely on the floor, and he still couldn’t seem to care. Nathaniel sucked a wet hickey onto the other side of Tim’s neck without biting down, hauled Tim right up against him to strip his jeans off the rest of the way, and then brought them back together. Tim kept his grip on Nathaniel’s hair and reached for his cock with his other hand.

He hadn’t gotten much of a chance to touch Nathaniel the night before. Maybe he wouldn’t have had the patience, but as horny as he was now, Tim had to pause at the shudder that ran through Nathaniel when he trailed his fingertips up and down a few times. Nathaniel would not beg, Tim would never let him beg, but he exhaled against Tim’s damp, bruised skin, and Tim took it as a sign to close his hand and firm his grip.

He tried a few strokes, his hand dry and inexperienced. Nathaniel shuddered again but didn’t stop him, didn’t even direct him. He buried his face in Tim’s hair and pulled Tim’s leg up around him and didn’t say a word. Tim licked at Nathaniel’s shoulder and then the top of his arm, dragging his lips over a thin scar he had just discovered. Nathaniel tasted good, horny, slightly drugged, so Tim lifted his hand for a moment to lick the flavor of Nathaniel’s dick from his fingers before he slid his hand down between them. “I’m going to suck you soon,” he remarked, kissing warm skin and flexing muscle. He was going to be terrible compared to what Nathaniel was used to, but that didn’t matter. This was his. Nathaniel’s cock twitched at the idea of Tim’s mouth, and Nathaniel squeezed Tim’s ass, in warning or in promise; Tim wasn’t experienced enough to know. But he liked it.

“Are you strong enough to take me right against the back of the couch?” Tim hoped
fuck me
exuded from his pores. He wanted Nathaniel’s cock in him and his mouth on his, or if not there, then he wanted Nathaniel’s mouth over his mark as he thrust in. He gripped Nathaniel’s hair tighter and ran another delicate touch along the shaft of Nathaniel’s cock to feel Nathaniel’s reaction. “I want to know how much you’re mine.” It came out softly, maybe too softly. If Tim hadn’t already been hot he would have blushed. Nathaniel was meant for someone a lot different than Tim. “I mean, you’re mine right now.”

Nathaniel dipped his fingers down the crack of Tim’s ass, then kissed Tim under his chin. “I’m yours.” For a moment his words were rough. “I’m yours more than you know.”

The skin over Nathaniel’s collarbone was warm with need, salty. The side of his neck already smelled of Tim. Tim tugged him down and pressed his fingers into thick muscle until he could get his mouth on it.

Nathaniel’s stomach was firm and hot, and the muscles contracted a little when Tim dropped down to mouth at his nipples again. His ass made Tim growl and wriggle back up to chew at his ear. There was too much of him for Tim to explore when his dick was this hard. He bit, leaving round impressions of his teeth that pleased him greatly and brought Nathaniel in right up against him so Tim could feel that cock on his skin. Nathaniel had come on him last night, and Tim would take that again if Nathaniel wasn’t going to fuck him.

“You’re fucking beautiful.” He’d never sounded so desperate. For once Nathaniel was making no effort to calm him. Maybe he was still tired, or maybe he was holding on to Tim and keeping them up and it was finally Tim’s turn to do the touching.

“Tim.” Nathaniel was startled; Tim could taste it even if he didn’t understand it.

“Do you not…?” Tim began, then shook his head and shoved at Nathaniel’s impossible shoulders. “I can’t handle you. I literally cannot handle you, yet I’m going to anyway. Just…. Just…. Just let me.” When Tim kissed Nathaniel’s neck, Nathaniel’s pulse was right there. Tim would swear Nathaniel’s skin was hotter, thinner, over the artery. He thought about his dick, how it felt when Nathaniel marked him, and then shoved Nathaniel down to suck a hard, hard bruise onto him, right there, where Nathaniel’s blood was pounding.

Nathaniel made a sound as beautiful as he was, hurt and happy all at once, and allowed it. Tim wanted to pet him and lick him and did both in between pauses to admire what he’d done and then rub his face on it. Under his hands Nathaniel was hot, and the scar tissue of Nathaniel’s old bite was an irritation. Tim slid his mouth up and let his body follow, uncaring that he turned Nathaniel toward the couch and bent him down as long as he could get to that mark.

He sucked a deeper, darker bruise there while he ran his hands down Nathaniel’s back and pressed his cock against him. Nathaniel said his name, one startled whisper with his face hidden. It was even more of a turn-on. Tim pushed into his muscles and hot, smooth skin and groaned when he took his hand away to wet his palm. He wrapped it around his cock and brought his mouth to Nathaniel’s shoulder. Nathaniel was marked, and Tim was going to mark him some more. He gasped and shut his eyes and jerked himself off to the sound of Nathaniel’s heavy breathing. It wasn’t only his precome tanging the air. Nathaniel’s scent edged him along, like Nathaniel needed the hot splash of spunk on his skin too.

With his forehead pressed to Nathaniel’s damp shoulder blade, Tim opened his eyes to look down as he finished. An uneven stripe of his come hit the small of Nathaniel’s back. Some of it went over the curve of his ass. Tim stroked himself until it was painful and Nathaniel was shaking, then he had to touch. He used his finger to trace a
in the mess and ran his tongue along Nathaniel’s spine. Nathaniel shivered. Tim tried to imagine what it would be like to have a permanent tie to Nathaniel. He had no idea what that would mean, which was probably for the best since he never would.

Nathaniel held still for another moment of Tim licking at him and rubbing his come into his skin, and then turned around. He wrapped his arms around Tim as if Tim was in danger of tipping forward on his shaky legs and falling to the floor. Tim might have been. He put his face to Nathaniel’s chest and leaned in. It would have been easier to catch his breath if he could have stopped kissing all that skin. He kissed around the tape and then the tape itself. Removing it was going to take some hair. Tim was content to leave it for the time being, even if Nathaniel probably didn’t need it anymore.

Or Tim had just rubbed off against him while he was still in pain. Tim jerked his head up in embarrassed horror. “Shit. Are you okay? I had one job, to take care of you. And what do I do?” Nathaniel put a hand over Tim’s mouth. Tim kept talking. “I hurt you more,” he mumbled into Nathaniel’s palm. Nathaniel’s hand tasted like Tim, and there was a faint smile on his face. “Don’t tell me. Werewolf come will make you stronger too.”

“No, but I’d like to see the black market for that,” Nathaniel remarked after a beat.

Tim narrowed his eyes. “If that were true and there was a black market,
would not be going anywhere near it. I don’t care how much it would make for the town.” He closed his hand around Nathaniel’s cock and relished the way Nathaniel put his head back and briefly closed his eyes. “Did you already forget you’re mine?”

Nathaniel had let Tim claim him. Tim staggered forward to renew exploring Nathaniel’s body with his mouth. He’d had Nathaniel’s cock in his hand and he’d been
. He began to kiss in a downward direction. “I’m going to blow you now, okay? That is a thing I need to happen. I’m not going to be great, but I am going to suck you and taste you and swallow everything. I know you like being the big man, but I want to do this.” He paused. There was something stubborn about the way Nathaniel clenched his jaw. Tim made a face at him. “Control freak. Most guys want a mouth on their dick, right?”

Nathaniel might be hard and he might smell like he was dying to fuck into Tim’s mouth, but he still seemed tense. Tim kissed his stomach and enjoyed Nathaniel’s small shiver of reaction, so he spent a few moments exploring Nathaniel’s dick with his fingers, gently at first, and then with more confidence. “You aren’t hurt that I’d ask, are you? Because I like it when you make me come, but I want to do the same to you. At least once in a while.” Nathaniel’s cock felt amazing in Tim’s hand. Tim wanted it in his mouth next. “Nathaniel?”

Nathaniel’s skin was its own fragrance, layered and complex, but the base scent was
. Nathaniel let out one sharp breath when Tim squeezed his dick from the base to the head, then put his hand on Tim’s cheek. His thumb was a suggestive weight on Tim’s lower lip for a moment, but when Tim opened his mouth, Nathaniel pressed it to his teeth.

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