Living Extinct (11 page)

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Authors: Lorie O'Clare

BOOK: Living Extinct
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Fuck. He needed her so desperately he was about to explode. But it wasn’t finally having her body pressed against his that threw him off guard—and damn, the way she stretched against him brought out a carnal side that he didn’t want to control. It was her thoughts, raw and wild. More aggressive than he’d realized they would be. Her loyalty to a pack that no longer existed, to a sire and mother she hadn’t seen in five years, was stronger than he’d expected it would be.

That brought him pause. She knew less about the gift
than he’d anticipated. It made sense. Bruno never took the time to help her develop it, wishing her to have a normal upbringing. But even Bruno and Renee thought she’d explore her gift more than she had. Yet she’d suppressed it, hiding behind the world of GWAR and keeping damaged emotions hidden, which hadn’t given them time to heal. Bruno hadn’t made him promise to this, but knowing what he now saw in Moira, he would have to take matters slower, draw out what she had, let her experience what was inside her for herself.

Fucking her would be no problem. Taking her hard, riding her while she screamed—he wanted that more than he wanted to breathe. And she’d let him fuck her.

That made it even harder. She’d growl and grumble, show a little tooth and claw, but her hot little body pulsed with hard, raw lust. And he saw that challenging him, taking him on, got her more hot and bothered than submitting and going belly-up. She ached for his cock as badly as he ached to give it to her. Truth be told, her getting riled made his cock swell with need faster than any bitch going docile on him ever had.

“What do you know about the gift?” She asked the question that he knew plagued her thoughts as badly as her lust for him did.

“I know it flows in your blood as strongly as it courses through mine.”


Lorie O’Clare

The only way she could back away from him was to climb onto the couch. His arms kept her pinned, unable to move to either side, while his fingers stroked that perfect curve of ass right above her thighs. He looked down at the top of her head, at the way her black hair parted over her glowing caramel-colored skin.

As a cub, his pack had moved around Europe, exposing him to many different races. The belief that werewolves should mate with their own still ran strong among most packs. Werewolves were even more antiquated than humans.

Moira appealed to him though. No matter that many would comment on their different races. Neither he nor Moira had strong ties with any pack that would judge them for mating. Diluting the line, some would call it. Bruno hadn’t seen it that way—

he’d created a new line, having nothing to do with nationality or breed. Dante didn’t see it that way either. He saw Moira, spirited, aggressive, taking on the world when it had labeled her extinct. And even though her thoughts at this close range were new to him, her warrior drive, her will to survive, to fight, to challenge and not accept until she was satisfied turned him on more than any other bitch he’d ever met.

She pushed against his chest, a feeble attempt on her part to create space. He dug his fingers into her ass, shoving her against his hard cock. Her entire body jumped.

Looking up at him quickly, her lips parting, forming a small circle while a breath escaped her, the need that swarmed in her gaze had his cock throbbing between them.

“If you had the gift then you should have helped save my pack,” she said bitterly.

Now wasn’t the time to defend his actions or what had actually transpired all those years ago. Already she suspected his ability to grab her thoughts. And yet she wanted a reason to deny that he’d been in her mind. She’d grab on to anything right now to call him a liar again. Well, he wouldn’t feed her fire.

At least not the fire that instigated her temper.

“There are many things you don’t know,” he whispered, bringing his hands up her back, raising her shirt with his movements.

“And you claim to know so much.” She lowered her arms, pressing against him to block his path up her warm body. “Your actions belie your words.”

“How is that?” He slipped his fingers around her waist.

She didn’t have half his strength, probably less than that in her human form. No matter that she tried to control his wandering hands, she was no match. “For all I know, you saw me five years ago, liked what you smelled, and just happened to stumble into my path again,” she whispered, her lips barely moving. “Do you really think you’re the first to try and play this game?”

Her touch grew hot, too hot. He looked down at her hands, her dark skin making him look pale in comparison. For a moment he saw what she attempted. Smoke appeared around her fingers. The heat from her hands was building. If he allowed it, he would smell burnt flesh, see the flames she cast into his mind as she worked his own thoughts against him to make him believe his arms were on fire.


Living Extinct

The parts of her gift that she knew, she’d mastered very well. GWAR would fight tooth and nail to get her back. And he would fight just as hard to keep her. The only difference was that he didn’t want to use her, to play games with her. And no matter what she said, she didn’t think he wanted to either.

He let go of her waist, giving her what she wanted, but then moved quickly.

He grabbed her shirt and yanked. The material ripped down the middle. Her breasts bounced when he pulled the shirt from her body. He tossed her down on the couch while she let out a surprised yelp.

“What the fuck!” she cried out.

Before she could fight back, he was on top of her.

“So you like to play with fire, do you?” he hissed, forcing her legs apart and pressing his cock against her moist, hot pussy.

Her eyes darkened. The smell of her lust mixed with surprise until she relaxed underneath him, not moving for a moment while she studied his face. Possibly he’d finally pushed her to the point of their sexual battle where she would offer herself to him. The rich smell of hard-core fucking need thickened between them. He took advantage of her astonishment and pressed his lips to hers, tasting her once again.

Her arms moved, her body pinned under his. Adjusting himself, his cock burning from heat that was very real, he grabbed her wrists, pinning them above her head.

Second-guessing her took as little effort as breathing.

She struggled underneath him, her breasts brushing against his chest. Nipples as hard as small pebbles tortured him beyond control. Lowering his head, he sucked one into his mouth, tasting her flesh, teasing her with his teeth and his tongue.

“Shit. Oh shit,” she cried, twisting underneath him.

Arching against him, giving him free rein, she didn’t fight to release her hands. A fog rushed through him, carnal needs surfacing that made it hard to focus on his own thoughts, let alone hers. Her legs glided against his outer thighs, warm and smooth and muscular. Her twisting and squirming underneath him positioned his cock at the peak of her heat, soaked, on fire, willing him to take the plunge.

He held her wrists in one hand, running his fingers down her arm, touching her cheek, stroking her neck. Every muscle inside him bulged, desire that he’d kept at bay for years coming to a quick, furious head. She made it real damned hard to think clearly, something he wasn’t used to. His mind burned with primitive drive. Fuck her hard. Fuck her now. It was as if they were in their fur, rational thought having no play in their actions. All thought drained to his cock. Take her. Claim her. Finalize this mating he’d been promised so many years ago. It would hold. No pack, no werewolf government anywhere would challenge him. His cock screamed to dive into her soaked cunt. Every muscle in his body cramped while what little strength he had fought for control.

“Moira,” he growled, looking up at her, reluctantly pulling his attention from her perfect breasts.


Lorie O’Clare

Her mouth was open, her lips parted as her breathing came hard and staggered.

Long, thick black lashes draped over her eyes. When she blinked, opening her eyes briefly, he saw how fogged her gaze was.

“Moira,” he said again, barely able to speak, his cock inflamed with more need than had burned through him in a long time.

Her tongue moved, slowly moistening her top lip. She made no attempt to free her hands, as if she’d forgotten they were above her head. Her perky breasts were round mounds that distracted him, her dark brown nipples damp and shining against her caramel skin.

Too much lust, need, clogged his mental vision and his cock was pounding furiously. Blood pumped through him too hard and fast for him to think clearly, see clearly. Unable to control his own mind, there was no way he could see into hers.

“You…you…” she stammered, licking her lips again, her eyes closing and then slowly opening.

Hard breaths made her breasts rise before him. His cock filled with blood, his orgasm pressing hard, building furiously.

“I can’t fight you like this,” she said, exhaling.

Her admission of defeat hit him harder than if he’d been punched square in the gut.

No way could he take her when she’d be giving herself to him on a reluctant surrender.

She’d resent him later, pull further away. Without her trust, her lust meant nothing.

Damn if his cock didn’t want to disagree.

“Fuck!” he roared, forcing himself backward.

His muscles hardened with enough fury to stimulate the change. Blood rushed through him like bolts of electricity. Every vertebrae in his spine stiffened, the hard pain of change rushing through him faster than he could run.

Letting go of her wrists and falling back on his haunches, he stared at her naked body, at so much temptation lying underneath him. No matter the amount of control he enforced, he almost came all over her.

“There is no battle between you and me,” he growled, his teeth pressing against his gums, speech becoming harder as his tongue thickened.

“There is nothing between you and me.” She made no attempt to move though.

The rich smell of her lust could be cut with a knife.

Grabbing her legs, lifting her ass off the couch, he devoured her cunt. Feeding on her with his half-changed mouth, he was careful not to cut her tender skin but more than aware that his teeth scraped over her.

“Fuck you.” She squirmed against his mouth, but her legs spread farther apart.

“Oh, hell yeah!”

His tongue wouldn’t form words at the moment, but not a damn thing was wrong with his taste buds.


Living Extinct

He growled his approval.

Dipping into the heat that his cock ached to be a part of, he watched her through hazy vision.

Moira cried out, grabbing the side of her head, thrashing it from side to side while she pulled her hair. “You are so damned good. Shit, Dante.”

Muscles rippled and hardened her belly, her body tensing as he sucked and nibbled and watched her come. She exploded for him. She thrust her hips the best she could in the position he had her in, soaking his mouth, his cheeks and chin.

Pain tore through him, taking over every muscle, every bone, while he fought his own release. His mind remained in a fog while he watched her thoughts clear. Surprise mixed with intense satisfaction spread over her face. She stared at him for a long moment, her black hair falling over her breasts and fanning around her over the couch.

When her gaze dropped to his cock and her tongue slowly moved over her lips, he couldn’t take it any longer.

“What about you?” she purred, and ran her hands over her breasts, teasing him further, taunting and torturing while her desire to control him sparked in her eyes.

His will was strong, damned strong. It would take nothing to fuck the shit out of her right now. She wouldn’t stop him. Her satisfaction ebbed, but he didn’t doubt for a moment he could bring her heat to a boiling point and push her over the edge harder than ever before.

“Is that all you can do?” she teased.

He sensed her confusion, her wonder at why he didn’t fuck her.

Standing quickly, the act making him lightheaded while all blood still resided in his cock, he grabbed her arm, pulling her up with him.

“What?” she asked.

But words weren’t there for him right now. He stalked down the hallway, fighting his every movement when all he wanted was to slam deep inside her. Not letting her go until they reached the bathroom, he flung her inside, moving in quickly behind her and closing them in the small space.

“We’re showering.” His voice was still garbled but his thoughts slowly cleared.

His cock seemed to weigh a hundred pounds. It was swollen and grew even more uncomfortable when he moved. His balls itched, tight and drawn up, craving release.

He wouldn’t fuck her—not yet. There was no trust, and without that he’d be forcing himself on her. That wouldn’t happen tonight. He didn’t let go of her arm while turning on the shower, testing the water and then pulling her into the bath with him.

She reached for him. He grabbed her wrist.

“Not tonight.” He let go of her wrist, afraid he’d hurt her. “Just stand there and I’ll take care of things.”


Lorie O’Clare

Water streamed over her, draping her long hair over her breasts and her hard, flat tummy. She didn’t answer but he knew she wouldn’t move. His actions confused her and she would damn well live with that.

Sticking his head under the jets of pounding water, he used it to clear his brain.

Grabbing his cock, he stroked it, pulling hard and long, bringing his own release. She didn’t watch. He wouldn’t give her that privilege. Not yet. Not until she understood.

Her scent wrapped around him though, weighing heavy in the steam that collected, trapped by the shower curtain. Blood pounded in his brain while he stroked and breathed in the smell of her.

With his back to her, he jacked off. Refusing to look at her, his eyes closed tightly, didn’t keep him out of her mind. He just didn’t have the strength to leave her thoughts alone. Her anger nipped at him. She was angry that he’d attacked her, gotten her so aroused, and although he’d allowed her to come, he hadn’t finished what he’d started.

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