Lock (28 page)

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Authors: Kate Hill

Tags: #Romance, #Erotic

BOOK: Lock
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“Let me get behind you and I’ll wash it,” Sparrow said. She lathered his hair with floral-scented soap and massaged his scalp, her fingers sliding through kinky tendrils. “I love your hair.”

Lock closed his eyes and leaned against her, enjoying the feel of her breasts against his back. “I remember the first time you washed it.”

“You were so irritated because you could hardly do it yourself.”

“I was irritated because of how I felt about you.”

She rubbed her cheek against his. “You liked me then? I thought you hated me.”

He moved swiftly, dragging her from behind him so her chest pressed to his, their legs entangled in the water. “I never hated you. I always liked you too much. Nobody ever treated me like you do. I didn’t know how to deal with it.”

“You don’t have any problem now.” She smiled, covering his mouth with hers.

He closed his eyes and buried his hands in her hair as their tongues fenced.

A knock sounded on the chamber door and before Sparrow could answer, two servants stepped inside.

“Don’t you wait for an invitation?” Lock snapped, reaching for a towel to cover Sparrow.

“Pardon,” one of the servants said, “but by order of the Empress, we’ve come to retrieve you.”

Lock and Sparrow exchanged looks.

“What does she want him for?” Sparrow demanded.

“She wants him in her chamber. Come now.”

“I don’t want you in her chamber!” Sparrow whispered.

Lock shrugged. “She’s the Empress. If she wants me, you know I have to go.”

“And you love it, don’t you?” Sparrow sounded furious.

He stepped out of the tub and reached for his trousers and shirt. Sparrow, the damp towel wrapped around her mid-section, watched as he dressed.

“I never should have let you talk me into allowing you to enter the competition! You’ll sell your body for anything!”

His eyes met hers with a harshness that nearly stole her breath. “What do you expect from a SothSea whore and a pirate to boot?”

He left her glaring after him as he followed the servants to the Empress’s chamber. Sparrow was right, of course. There was little he hadn’t done or wouldn’t do to get what he wanted. He also knew Sparrow spoke in anger. He didn’t blame her. If she had been ordered to some Emperor’s chamber for sex, he probably would have killed the man himself and ended up with a death sentence. Still, her words wounded him in a manner he’d never expected. He thought by challenging Miska, he was giving Sparrow the opportunity for the revenge she so wanted. He’d seen her rage in the city square when she’d tried to attack the gladiator. Lock was certain she wanted Miska dead more than she wanted marriage. Never, never would he understand women—at least not a woman like Sparrow. The Empress was much easier to read. He’d guessed that if he won the competition she’d want to sleep with him, if he hadn’t asked for his freedom. When he’d been helping Shea-Ann with her herbs, he’d asked her for one to put someone to sleep. Shea-Ann, never completely trusting him, wanted to know why. He’d told her his suspicions regarding the Empress. Shea-Ann had provided him with a potion that, when mixed with the Empress’s food or drink, would send her to sleep for an entire night.

Outside the Empress’s chamber, the guards knocked.

“Send him in.”

One guard opened the door and stepped aside for Lock to pass. The door closed behind him, and he glanced around a carpeted marble room. An enormous tub took up one wall, an even larger bed stood against the other. A round table laden with fruit, bread, cheese, and wine stood in the center of the room.

The Empress lay on the bed amidst black velvet pillows and red satin sheets. Her long hair hung down her shoulders in gleaming chestnut tendrils. She wore a loincloth of black beads. Her large, slightly sagging cranberry-tipped breasts were bare. Though not an ugly woman, Lock found her by no means attractive, and since meeting Sparrow, the idea of bedding anyone but her was unappealing to him. Still, he knew better than to reveal his feelings to the Empress.

“Come.” The Empress beckoned Lock with a finger. He walked to the bed and crawled toward her. His hands roamed over her body as he smiled seductively. The Empress grasped handfuls of his hair, still damp from the bath, and pulled hard until his mouth hovered over hers.

“I know why you told Sparrow you’d marry her. Being a husband is better than being a slave—unless you’re slave to the right woman.”

“Dare I hope you’re the right woman, Empress?”

She chuckled deep in her throat, closing her eyes as Lock’s mouth swept down her neck. Her hands slid beneath his shirt, her pointed nails digging so hard into his flesh that he wondered if she drew blood. He forced himself to keep his disgust from his face. She had all the finesse of the pirates who’d paid for his body during his boyhood.

“I’d love some of your wine,” he murmured against her lips.

“Of course. How selfish of me. You must be starving and thirsty after that lovely performance. Too bad you’ve already bathed. We could have had so much fun in my tub.”

“We still can.” Lock rolled out of the bed and approached the table. He glanced over his shoulder, noting the Empress still lay on the bed. With his back to her, he slipped Shea-Ann’s potion from his trousers and emptied it into a wine glass. “I could spend my life in the water.”

“You could spend the rest of your life in me.” The Empress slid off the bed and approached Lock, her hands roaming over his waist. She grasped his cock, squeezing hard. Lock forced a smile, pretended to sip from the wine glass, and offered it to her.

The Empress ignored the wine, but Lock held the glass to her mouth and said, “Drink it and let me lick your beautiful mouth clean.”

“You are a jewel,” she purred, taking a long drink from the glass.

Lock swept her into his arms and carried her to the bed, running his tongue over her full lips, closing his eyes and trying to pretend it was Sparrow he kissed.

“If Miska doesn’t destroy you in the ring tomorrow, I might consider making you mine,” Daryn said. “Would you like that?”

Lock only smiled and kissed her again.
The woman is a complete bitch. Sparrow is supposedly her friend. She knows Sparrow and I want to marry, but she’ll use her power to take what she wants anyway. Not only that, Sparrow didn’t even bother telling her what Miska had done since she knew Daryn wouldn’t punish her best gladiator. I’d rather mate with an eel.

The Empress clung to Lock, thrusting her body against his while he closed his eyes and tolerated her touch. It had been years since he’d played the part of the whore, since he’d lain with someone against his will. Just a few more moments, and the potion should work…

Daryn’s arms slipped from him, and she muttered something about feeling sleepy before she fell into unconsciousness, her legs still entwined with Lock’s. His lip curling, he disentangled himself from the Empress. He walked to the table, took a sip of wine from the bottle and sloshed it around in his mouth, hoping to wipe away her taste.

He opened the door, and the guards outside raised their swords.

One of them said, “The Empress told us you’d be spending the night.”

“She ordered me out. She’s asleep. See for yourself.”

The guard peered inside, saw Daryn sleeping peacefully on the bed, and nodded. “Be on your way.”

Lock walked to Sparrow’s room. She’d probably be more furious with him than ever, but he hoped to warm her up. He needed to spend the night in her arms. Not that he planned on losing to Miska, but plans didn’t
work out.

* * * * *

Sparrow lay on her bed facing the ceiling, unable to sleep for the enraged thoughts twisting her mind. She hated Daryn for sleeping with the man she loved. She hated Lock for selling himself for any price, and most of all she hated herself because no matter how bad he was for her, she couldn’t control her feelings for him.

“That’s what you get for falling in love with a pirate!” She clenched her teeth so hard so wondered how they didn’t crack. While rage and jealousy twisted her insides, he made love with an Empress! Sparrow imagined the sort of bed Daryn had. Years ago in her own palace, Sparrow had a big, beautiful bed covered with silk and satin sheets. Why would he want rough wool and muslin in a farmer’s bed when he could have fine fabric, wealth, the best any slave could ask for?

“Slave!” Sparrow sat up, pressing her hands to her temples. “He’s not a slave at all. Not really.” But that afternoon, when he’d danced, she’d forgotten what he was. He’d become a symbol of sexuality, a rare jewel for sale to the highest bidder, and who could bid higher than an Empress?

He’s worse than a slave! He’s a pirate! Everyone knows he’ll do anything for money

A tapping on the door roused her from her angry thoughts.

“Who is it?” she demanded.


If possible, Sparrow’s stomach tightened even more.
He was done with the Empress and had come slithering back to her.

“Go to the slave quarters!”

“I’m not going to the slave quarters!”

“You’ll do what I tell you or I’ll have you whip…” She stopped, the words sticking in her throat. No matter how furious she was, she couldn’t threaten him with that.

Suddenly the door burst in, the lock clattering to the floor. Sparrow sat up, her hands clutching her pounding chest. Lock slammed what was left of the door behind him and strode toward her, his pale eyes glowing like a demon’s, his jaw clenched.

“You’ll have me

“Nothing,” she muttered, then pointed at him. “Get out of here! I don’t want to see you.”

He stopped and offered a deep, mocking bow. “Forgive me, My Lady. I was under the impression you wanted me in your bed every night for the rest of our lives. I guess I was mistaken.”

“Huh! A lot you care! You’re in there pleasuring that bitch—”

Lock glanced over his shoulder and snapped, “Will you be quiet? Do you want to get yourself executed for treason?”

“Bitch!” Sparrow repeated. “That raw-boned, painted, ugly—”

Lock dove on top of her, his body pressing hers into the sheets, one large hand clamped over her mouth. “Are you crazy, girl?”

She struggled beneath him, but he was too strong. Her teeth found the flesh of his palm, and she bit.

He let loose a string of curses, but held her fast. “I’ll let you up if you promise to lower that loud mouth of yours!”

Sparrow nodded, her heart racing with anger and—to her dismay—arousal.

Lock’s hand moved from her mouth to her neck. He kissed her, not roughly as his blazing expression would have led her to believe, but tenderly. His lips brushed her temple, and she jerked away, wishing she could hate him.

“How dare you come here after being with
? You stink like her perfume. You have her lip paint on your face!”

Lock wrinkled his nose and rubbed his face with his hands. “Is it gone? That woman is worse than an octopus.”

“As if you didn’t have a fine time bedding an Empress!”

“She certainly wouldn’t have been the first, if I’d bedded her at all!”

“You’re a liar!”

“Why do you think I came back so fast?”

“Don’t tell me she let you go. I saw how she looked at you, like she wanted to devour every inch of you—not that I blamed her.”

He smiled. “So you liked the dance after all?”

“Only if it had been for me.”

Lock’s fingers sifted through her hair. “I didn’t sleep with her, Sparrow. I couldn’t wait to get back to you. Shea-Ann gave me a potion to mix with her wine. She’ll be asleep until morning and when she wakes won’t remember a thing. For all she knows, we fucked the whole night.”

“Must you always be so crude?”

He lowered his head to her breast and loosened the ties of her nightshirt with his teeth. “Let’s find out.”

Sparrow threaded her fingers through his hair, closing her eyes. “I don’t want to share you with any other woman, Lock.”

“There is no other woman for me.”

Sparrow shifted position so Lock could remove her clothes. When she lay naked, he gently covered her eyes with his hand. “Close them.”

She did as he asked, her belly tense with anticipation.

“Relax,” he whispered against her lips as he massaged her temples. His caress trailed across her jaw then his fingertips stroked her throat, moving to her collarbones and shoulders. Long, soft touches traveled down one of her arms from biceps to wrist. His thumb massaged her palm and he gently rubbed the length of each finger before beginning the same ministrations on her other arm and hand.

Sparrow’s entire body relaxed as contented pleasure enfolded her like a warm embrace. She sighed as Lock’s kisses covered every inch of her breasts, leaving only her nipples untouched and yearning. Finally he took one peak between his lips and flicked his tongue over it until his caress was almost painful. Then he moved to her opposite nipple, paying it the same attention.

Sighing, Sparrow’s toes curled with desire as his lips trailed beneath her breasts and covered her abdomen. He ran his tongue down the joining of her hips and thighs and along the edge of her pubic hair. His large, callused hands tenderly gripped her thighs, rubbing down to her knees which he kissed. He caressed her shins, calves, and ankles then kissed the arch of each of her feet. Burying his face between her legs, he lapped her clit and ran his tongue down her pussy lips.

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