LOGAN SEAL Team Seven (Book 2) (5 page)

BOOK: LOGAN SEAL Team Seven (Book 2)
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I walked over to her, still holding a little of myself back. I couldn’t unleash on her after all, that would be fucked up. But she was gonna get some of it. If she hadn’t acted up all damn evening I might’ve given her a severe dicking, which meant she would’ve walked twisted for a day at most, but with her bad behavior and my fucked up mood, she was looking at a pussy pounding, and a pussy pounding is nothing to sneeze at.

First things first though! “Kneel.” She looked up at me as she got to her knees in front of me. “You know what to do.” She knew from my tone that she wasn’t allowed to touch me with anything but her mouth. Her hands went behind her back and her head bobbed forward, mouth open wide to take me in. She sucked on my cockhead first, getting her cream, then pulled back and licked from tip to base and back. She nibbled on my dick being careful not to nip me with her teeth too hard before swallowing my shit in one gulp.

My hands went to her hair and fisted and I started face fucking her hard. She made gulping sounds as she tried to keep up as drool and pre-cum leaked all over her face; that was one of my favorite looks.

“Hold it.” I was at the entrance to her throat when I stopped her, and then I slowly eased in all the way. There was an art to this shit unless you wanted to hurt your woman; I wasn’t into that shit.

A pussy can take more of a beating than a throat I think. What I did do, was flex my cock in her neck until she balked and choked, but with my hands in her head keeping her in place she had no choice but to deal. Lesson one.

I pulled out of her neck and looked down at her sternly as she looked up at me a little more weary now that she sensed my mood. I tapped her cheek with my twelve and a half inch rod and ran the tip over her lips, leaving pre-cum to dry there. “Up on your hands and knees.” She climbed onto the bed and looked over her shoulder.

“The fuck you looking for? Eyes front.” I knew this way the anticipation would kill her, she didn’t know what I was about to do back there.

I eased in behind her and grabbed her ass cheeks and spread. I saw her tense because she knows I said I won’t take her there since the one time we tried she was in pain for hours and I had barely got my tip in.

I played with her cheeks long enough to get her worried, and then took my cock in hand and rubbed it up and down her drooling slit. I like the way her hips and thighs jerk a little when I do that, so I did it again. I teased her with my cock tip, using my fingers under her belly to play with her clit while I eased just the tip into her pussy before pulling back.

I kept that shit up for a good five minutes until she started to relax, then I slammed into her forcefully. I had to hold onto her so she didn’t slide across to the other side of the mattress from the force of my thrust.

Now she looked back wide eyed like ‘what the fuck?’ I used the opportunity to wrap her long mane around my fist and pull on her hair hard enough to sting, while going into her belly with the next stroke. Oh she was scared now. “Logan…”

“Shut up.” She whimpered and tried spreading her legs wider to ease some of the pressure but a hard slap on her ass soon had her changing her mind. “Stay where the fuck I put you. I want you to think about what the fuck you did wrong while I fuck the shit out of you.” The shit probably wasn’t gonna work because her pussy was already doing overtime in the leaking department. She was tight as fuck too around my dick, choking me off in her fear.

“Relax your pussy muscles or it’s gonna go bad for you.” I slapped her ass again when she didn’t obey me fast enough.

“I can’t, please I’m sorry.” I’m sure she was but it was too late for an apology, she shouldn’t have started her shit in the first damn place. I used my fingertips on her swollen clit to soften her up a bit.

I nibbled my way around her ear and down her neck, leaving my mark there, all the while plotting to loosen her up so I could put a hurting on her pussy that she won’t soon forget.

As soon as I felt the give in her, that slight easing of her flesh, I made my way in there nice and easy; just another one of my tactics to get her to let her guard down.

I turned her head so I could feed her my tongue and slid it past her lips. She sucked as her pussy opened up even more and that’s when I struck. I swallowed her screams of disbelief as I let my dick do the talking.

A heavy dick at full hardness can be a serious weapon in times like these, and though she’d gotten her ass in trouble before, it was nothing like this shit.

The secret to this shit wasn’t just the pounding either. When your woman was accustomed to being taken care of, was used to loving touches no matter how rough the sex was, you take that shit away she notices. There were no whispered words of praise, no soft smiles, and my touch was as impersonal as it was possible to get. I held even my grunts and moans in check; in short I gave her nothing; just the steel length of my cock butting against her cervix.

When I felt my nuts beginning to draw up, I pulled out of her quickly for my crowning glory. I sprayed the small of her back, tapped the last dregs off on her ass cheek and hopped off the bed headed for the shower.

Her tears started before I left the room. That’ll teach her disrespectful ass to show out in front of our family or anyone else for that matter.

Especially since everything I did was to protect and keep her safe. If I gave even an inch with this one I’d spend most of my day getting her out of shit; she’s one of those.

She must’ve hit one of the other bathrooms because when I came back she was in bed, all fresh and sweet smelling. I didn’t say shit to her as I got dressed in the dark for what I had to do. I felt her eyes on me but was still too pissed to care. I wasn’t only mad at her, but at the situation. This was the very reason why all of us had promised never to settle down while we were in.

I thought we were out of that shit now, but it seemed trouble had followed us here as well.

There was no way for me to get her to understand my side of things, how could she? Most women were accustomed to their man opening up about shit at the dinner table, discussing their day and their business like regular people, we weren’t gonna have that, not when it came to shit like this.

I left the room and the house, making sure to secure her inside until I got back. We were moving under cover of dark so no one would know we were off the compound since we were using a secret exit route. I still wasn’t too happy about leaving the women here unguarded so we left Cord on night watch. He didn’t even grumble about missing the action because he knew how important this was to me and Con.

Robert the fuck had disappeared off the grid for a minute but we found him again. The idiot was so unoriginal that he’d moved to a town over on the other side from the one he’d use to live in before. It was just as easy breaking into his place this time as it had been the last, I guess unlike his partner in crime, he hadn’t really learnt that lesson well.

“Hello asshole.” Connor waited until he was standing over him in the dark with a penlight pointed at him. He came awake with a start and you could almost smell the fear coming off of him. He sat up like someone had prodded his ass and almost broke the damn headboard. He wasn’t looking too good either I noticed, looked like someone had fisted his face. “Who worked you over Robert?” I figured I should try to get at least that much out of him before Con pulverized his ass just for being.

“Not you again, what do you guys want, haven’t you caused enough trouble?”

“Are you really that fucking stupid? We weren’t the ones who got in bed with these assholes that was all you. You’re lucky you’re still breathing after what you tried to do to my woman, now who the fuck worked you over asshole?”

“I told you before I don’t know. You think you’re working for one guy, but then he’s working for another guy and another and another. I don’t know who is who I swear, just please just leave me alone I’m sorry I ever got involved.” He wiped his hand under his nose and my stomach turned, what an absolute sap.

“Why did you?”

“Why did I what?” Damn, he’s so stupid I almost felt sorry for him. He turned his frightened eyes my way, I guess he figured anything was better than Con. “Why did you get involved?” We hadn’t really got much out of him the last time, but then we hadn’t yet realized how big this thing really was. Back then we were more focused on the money laundering thing and why Dani’s name was being used.

“It was fast money.”

“How did they approach you?” I kept my voice civil unlike some people who were looking at him like he was a specimen they’d like to extinguish. “I told you already the last time.”


“Tell me again.” I got closer to the bed so he could see what there was of me to see. We were all painted up pretty good and covered in black from head to toe. I guess it was our approach that had given us away.

“Someone contacted me, I guess they knew about me and Dani…”

“Don’t say her fucking name.”

“Con…” I gave him a look, which I’m sure he missed in the dark, but he got the message, stand the fuck down. I expected him to pound this douche into dust any second but I was hoping to get more out of him first.

“Uh…” he looked at Con like he was a two headed monster and moved closer to my side. “Okay um, they knew about the charity and that I might have a way in.

They said she wouldn’t get hurt I swear.” Again he looked at his own personal monster before carrying on with the story. “We were only supposed to move some numbers around, no one would’ve ever known if you guys hadn’t gone snooping. That last time wasn’t the first time we’d done it, we’d made a few dry runs before to see how things would pan out.”

“Get to what we wanna know before this one takes your head off.” Con was looking like he was ready to go all Samurai on his ass, and I wasn’t sure I wouldn’t let him. This guy was a real piece a work. “Like I said, someone contacted me.”

“How, by mail, email, over the phone how?”

“Oh, they called the first time.”

“And why did you take the offer?” He got the beady eye syndrome then. You know, when the eyes get smaller and start flitting around like prey looking for a predator.

“I was in a tight spot okay, I needed the money.”

“Who knew you needed money?”

“My bookie I guess, why? You can’t be thinking it’s Clancy, that fool wouldn’t know how to run a set up like this, I’m telling you, these guys are professionals.”

I was inclined to believe the idiot and the more we pushed him the more convinced I was that he was telling the truth. He was just another hump who’d fallen in with the wrong crowd. For me, I’d just leave his dumb ass alone and be done with it, but Con had an axe to grind. “Let’s go sailor.” He gave the douche one last glower before following me out the room.

“Why won’t you let me end him?”

“Because it’s not right?”

“The fuck you care?” I tried not to laugh because I knew what his problem was, it was eating him up that Dani had once been with this guy, but I can’t have my men going around killing off exes, how many virgins were they expecting in this bitch anyway? That brought my mind back to my own pain in the ass.

“Women are a pain in the fucking ass.” I signaled to the others to fall in from their positions in the dark outside the townhouse as I made my way to the truck. “Okay I’ll bite why do you say that? Gaby giving you fits?” I could hear the laughter in his voice, disrespectful fuck. “When isn’t she giving me fits? What the hell is wrong with them, well not yours, Dani’s a saint, I ended up with the menace.” He stopped short and looked at me with his mouth open before breaking out in laughter.

“What the hell’s so funny? She is.” The others wanted to know what the joke was so I filled them in while Con tried to compose himself. Of course I had to listen to all of Gabriella’s virtues and how a beast like me should be glad she’d even spit in my direction.

“Fuck you Ty, you’re just hanging on for those cheese biscuit things Dani says she makes.” Which I have yet to taste myself, because she’s got problems, fucking nut.

“And, your point? All I’m saying is that both little sisters could’ve done a lot better.” Con and I had to listen all the way home in the truck with the rest of those idiots to how lacking we were, and how much better off our women would’ve been if they’d chosen one of them. The mood was so light it didn’t even matter than we hadn’t learned anything more than we’d already known. Well except that we were right in our thinking that this wasn’t a small operation.

That led me to thinking about what else they could be in to. If we followed the waterway to the neighboring towns will we find more of the same? How did they come to choose this place anyway? Was it a local? That possibility was looking more and more real.

“We’re idiots; of course it’s someone local, or at least one of them is. How else would they have known about Dani’s charity and now the call about the Commander? Not to mention Robert the douche said they knew about his little gambling problem.”

That changed the subject again and we put our heads together trying to figure out who had that kind of pull in the small town. Both Con and I were dating the daughters of two of the town’s leading families, but I didn’t see them for this, and Con had already vetted his in-laws when that whole thing had gone down.

We were looking for someone else and I was pretty sure it wasn’t Gaby’s dad, but I was still gonna look to be absolutely certain.

We hadn’t gone that deep into the ledger we’d found or the other papers as yet. So far all we had was that the old man had suspected something was going on down by the water. There were a lot of dates and numbers that we were gonna have to figure out at some point, but no smoking gun pointing to any one person in particular.

The commander also wasn’t a foolish man, so if he was onto something he might’ve left us the ledger with our secret code, but there’s a good possibility there were other writings somewhere else, more well hidden. The fucking place was huge I wouldn’t even know where to start, but maybe there was something in the book.

“I think we have to get to the bottom of that ledger and soon. The sooner we translate that shit, the closer we will be to the truth. If the old man suspected something then this thing might’ve been going on for a while. We need to find out what he saw, what made him suspicious, because we all know he wouldn’t let something like this rest.”

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