Logan's Woman (19 page)

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Authors: Avery Duncan

Tags: #romance, #action, #cowboy, #innocent

BOOK: Logan's Woman
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At some point, he’d undone the buttons to her
skirt. It was now gone, and so were her panties.

Claire didn’t even care. The
pleasure was so great that she found herself begging for him to
stop, to keep doing it, to let her come, to get away from her. She
didn’t know what she wanted to happen — but she knew that whatever
Logan was doing to her was going to




His fingers brushed against her damp curls.
God, she was so wet for him. So perfect for him. Her voice was like
heaven to him and her hands...

They were roaming his shoulders, his chest, his
neck, his hair. Her eyes were closed and her head was thrown back.
Logan swore she didn’t notice what her hands were doing.

Smiling darkly, he lifted his mouth
from her breasts. The nipples were hard, puckered,
. God, everything
about her was perfect. She would never be anything less than

He forced himself to ignore his
needs. His body was raging, he was
to be inside her, but she had
to be ready.

And damn did she smell amazing… Her scent
wrapped around him like a lovers caress, enticing him to taste her.
Which was exactly what he planned to do. Moving down her body, he
kissed his way down until he was just at her hip bones.

Claire was so delicate that he felt
as if he could break her with just the barest of touches. And so

Her face was flaming red, her chest was heaving
for breath, and her lips were parted. Blonde hair fell around her
face, spread over the pillow like golden silk.

Claire resembled a goddess.

Desire surged through him just
looking at her, and he grabbed her thighs, pulling her to the edge
of the bed. She didn’t fight him and he was grateful — he had to
have her
right then

He trailed his eyes over her body, then looked
her straight in the eyes. He pressed his hands on her thighs and
opened them. Her eyes widened in shock and right when she was
making a move to protest, he pressed his mouth against her —



Her shocked, pleasure-ridden scream slapped
into the walls — it was music to his ears. She was wet, her body so
desperate for him that she had her legs wrapped around his head.
Logan tasted her and fell straight into heaven — or hell. Fire
danced around them. Pleasure burned through his body, his soul,
just from making her feel like this.

He slowly pressed a finger inside

God, she was tight. Clenching around
him, milking his finger with her inner walls. She was
, burning. He kissed
her softly, pulling back to meet her eyes. They were dazed, hazy
with pleasure. Her back was arched, nipples begged to be kissed and
sucked on.

He moved up her body, not taking his hand from
her warm entrance. He lightly brushed his lips over each of her
nipples, and then her collar bone…her neck…the corner of her

“Logan. Oh,
, Logan. Please…I need you. Right
now…need you…” He smiled for only a second, then groaned when she
clenched around his fingers.

He worked another one into her, loving the burn
of her heat. “Are you sure?” he asked, even though he knew what her
answer would be.

She nodded frantically, grabbing his face and
dragging his lips to her.

He kissed her back, using one hand to undo his
slacks, starting to move his hand against her slowly. She gasped
against his lips, trembling.

Logan only pulled back for a second to tear his
shirt off. Claire moaned at the site of him, her hands desperately
reaching for his chest, his shoulders. He closed his eyes at her
touch. The way her fingers danced over his skin was

“Claire…I can’t wait anymore. I need to have
you,” he growled. It was the only form of apology he could get out
before he took his hand from her tight, grasping heat and pushed
her down into the bed.

He hovered over her, roughly biting the side of
her breast, kissing her body, rubbing her sensitive nub with his
thumb. She whimpered in his ear and begged him with her body to
finish it.

For one second, he forgot that she
was a virgin. How could he remember that when he was so overcome
with pleasure? His mind was blank except for her. Her scent. Her
cries of pleasure. Her withering body that moved as if to
him enter

He brushed against the curls, and lost all

Her legs fell open for him and he reached down,
guiding himself while thumbing her nub still. He barely registered
her whimpers, her sighs, her pleas. It was impossible with the roar
that was building in his ears.

Logan drew his hips back and met Claire’s ocean
blue eyes.

He entered her with one, swift

She screamed.

Oh god —

He felt that fragile barrier break the same
time he heard the pain enter her scream.

“Logan?” she asked thinly, digging her nails
into his shoulders.

“Claire… Fuck, Claire, I’m so sorry…” Even as
he started to feel like the worst piece of shit in the universe, he
groaned when she involuntarily clenched around him.

She was silent, her body strung so tightly that
her muscles could have snapped.

“Why did you…stop?” she panted after a second,
her face lined with strain.

He stared at her, a breath leaving his chest
almost painfully. “What?”

“I…. Just keep going...”

“Claire, I hurt you. I can’t keep —“ She
squeezed around him like a fist, this time on purpose. Her eyes
closed and a brief smile flitted over her face. His groan fell into
a growl and he couldn’t help it when his hips thrust against

Claire grabbed his shoulders in a painful grip
and pushed her hips up, taking him deeper. He breathed out roughly,
thrusting his hips again. Expecting her to wince or cry out in pain
again, he was shocked when she only whimpered, eyes rolling

Her body arched against his and her long,
elegant legs wrapped around his waist.

His control snapped.

He should have been gentle. He wanted to be. He
wanted to be as gentle and loving with her as he could — but he was
claiming her. Tonight, right now, she was becoming his. And going
by the way she was urging him on, he didn’t think she

He increased the speed of his hips, pushing
deeper into her than he had before, loving the way she milked him
as she cried out his name. The sound of slapping skin echoed
through the room, mixing with the sounds of their

Desire and pleasure — it all came together as

Logan and Claire — they

He could feel Claire’s release building and it
signaled his own. He pumped inside of her, kissing her breasts, her
neck, her lips. She clung to him, and he felt it rise

Thrusting his hips faster, he growled harshly
as she started to convulse around him.


This woman could steal my

That was his last thought before they both came
apart in a blinding symphony of pleasure.

Chapter 19


Lunar rays glistened on the dewy
grass. It was slick to walk on, but not noisy

which was the main concern. There
weren’t lamp-poles posted around the large area that was Logan’s
ranch. The only source of light for the night was the moon and
several windows that had a soft yellow tint shining through them.
It was a perfect night for things to go wrong.

It was silent. Quiet. Eerie. Not
even the cows were awake at this hour. All there was to be heard
were grasshoppers and something else. Something out of place.

Nathan nodded his head at the three
men that stood behind them. When he’d told Logan that he’d set up
camp in the basement, he’d left out that they’d also set up extra
equipment in one of the seemingly unused barns. The paint was
crusted on the side of the barn, weeds were growing through beneath
the wooden planks, and old, soppy hair was piled near the front of
the barn. They’d set up the equipment

surveillance camera’s, monitors,
comm. links, hidden arsenal

in the far back corner of the second stall to the
last. There was an exit close to that door and was closest to the
power-outlet that supplied the energy for their set-up.

Right now, through one of the
dim-lit, black-out privacy screened monitors, they were watching
odd shadows form alone the side of Logan’s house. All of them were
silent, watching. There had been no sign of an actual human
forming, and until they saw it, they would make their move. There
wasn’t a way they couldn’t

camera’s were scattered around the house and in
the trees, to the point where every angle and every crevice would
show up on their monitors.

“Nathan,” Blake said, catching his attention.
He heard a shuffle behind him before he turned and glanced at the
screen that Blake obviously wanted him to look at.

He smiled grimly as an arm was caught through
the camera. “We got our signal. Let’s go.”

It took less than five seconds to arm-up. From
the second they’d stepped foot on Logan’s property, they’d been
armed and ready for even the slightest of threats. Nathan himself
had two Berettas and five clips of ammo strapped to his person. One
of the guns was clipped to his thigh, and the other was on the
inside of his jacket. His favorite bayonet was at the small of his
back, with several smaller blades, used for throwing and long
distances, wrapped around his abdomen.

He knew the other men were dressed similarly.
They were all in dark jeans, black shitkickers, leather jackets
that held all of their weapons, and a black, cold-gear, long-sleeve

They exited out of the barn.

Only one light was on in the house, and that
was Logan’s room. They’d scoped out the house as soon as the couple
had left the first time and they all had the layout memorized so
well, not even an ant could find a hidden entrance.

The fuck was right under his window. It was two
stories up, the window, but that didn’t mean someone couldn’t scale
the side. He signaled Blake and Eric to go around the left side of
the house while Nathan and Luke came from around the other

The monitor had only shown one man, but that
didn’t mean he had no back-up with him. Feeling a cool, deadly calm
wash over him, he murmured into the comm. link. “Blake, you take
care of him. Eric, make sure that he doesn’t have any friends.
Nathan and I are going to go into the house and get you from the
top. If you have any company, don’t hesitate.”

Nathan’s motto was kill first, ask
questions later. It might not be the best rule to live by, but
after everything that he’d been through, it was the best way to
handle things. If you didn’t get rid of the enemy first, you
basically gave them a chance to get rid of
. All of the men understood the

“Got it,” he replied, his voice the same tone
as Nathan’s.

He spoke solely to Luke this time. “Go up and
cover them. I’m going to warn Logan. Bullshit that this had to
happen tonight,” he grated. Logan was most likely blissed out of
his mind with his new wife right now.

“I know he has shit in there, but give him this
just in case.” Luke pulled out his lucky bayonet and handed it to

He flashed a quick grin before taking the
knife, opening the door, and then getting upstairs to wake the
couple up.

Nathan knew it was all about the
job. He shouldn’t care that he was ruining their night of happiness
for the sake of their safety. But he knew better than anyone that
Logan deserved what Claire had to offer him

a night
where his new wife was in danger, with men she barely knew waking
her up.

Anger coursed through him, flashbacks of the
past almost making him lose concentration. He couldn’t, though. No
matter how much he missed and agonized over Amaya, he had to make
sure that Claire didn’t meet the same fate.

And on their watch, she wouldn’t.

He braced himself for a sight that he really
didn’t want to see and pushed open the door.

Logan was asleep, as was Claire. A
blanket covered them


it was clear by the state of their
bare shoulders and arms what had gone on between them. Hardening
himself against what he was about to put her through, he went to
Logan’s side, shoving him in the shoulder.

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