Lokai's Curse (12 page)

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Authors: J. Lee Coulter

BOOK: Lokai's Curse
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As his thoughts began
turning toward bedding his wife an excited cry echoed in the hall. “Diedre!” His head shot up as Seonaid hurried into the great hall. “When did you arrive? Da, you should have called me.”

Lokai could not believe that this was the same lass he had visited a few days past. Her cheeks were aglow with vibran
cy as her emerald eyes sparkled. Her auburn hair bounced in time with the spring in her step. The dark circles had disappeared. He knew then that Garrick and Seonaid drew their life-force from each other. Neither one could survive without the other. The men stood as she approached the dais, bowing, then aided her up the steps.

“You look wonderful, Seonaid! You are better now?” He raised his blonde brow quizzically.

“Oh yes, Lokai! I am much improved now that my husband has returned…if only in spirit. We chat until the wee hours of the morn…” she giggled, “among other things.”

“I see.” He noticed some maids giving her an odd look then scurrying away nervously. He grunted in approval as he saw their plan unfolding. “And the bairns…they are well?”

Her expression twisted for a moment in consternation. “You ken? They seem much improved as well. Perhaps they ken that their father is home? Mayhap they are linked to him also.”

Diedre pulled Seonaid’s attention away from her husband. “Do tell me all, sister!
Is he still as dark and handsome as always…or is he mutilated from his death? Can you call him out to show us you have not imagined his presence? I would hate for your clansmen to think you have gone daft!”

She shook her head. “Nay. He is nae ready to show himself yet.
He does nae wish to frighten his clansmen…but he is just as handsome as ever, except he has a new scar over his heart.” She gave Lokai a stern appraisal, letting him know that she understood what he had done to save his life.

He met her disapproving gaze and held it.
Would she have preferred that I not save him? No, I will never believe that.
He arched his brow in question as she mouthed “thank you” when no one was watching. A smile twitched the corner of his lips as he gave a brusque nod in answer.

“So Garrick’s spirit wants his people to believe you are a lunatic? That seems a trifle unkind.”
Diedre winked mischievously.

Seonaid grinned at her sister. “I do nae mind. This way I can have him all to myself.” She sighed as the
memories of last eve were recalled. Heat rushed through her body at the thought of him stroking her feverish skin, his seductive lips demanding fulfillment. Her body quivered.

Thinking of me again, mo cridhe?
She gasped, then chastised her mate as he chuckled.

Husband! Please behave yourself when I am entertaining. I must concentrate on what I say.

Very well, wife, I will leave ye be for now. I should get some sleep afore I go haunting this eve. Call if ye need me, love.

Garrick strode through the dark passage marveling at how his luminescence removed the need of a torch.
Something was not right about the tunnel. He stopped, perusing his environment. Cobwebs! There were none in this section! He knelt down to study the dust-covered floor. There he found a woman’s footprints had disturbed the powdery substance. One distinct print was the same size as he had seen in the mud at Hagar’s hut. Could Natasha have been the one who murdered his old nursemaid? One thing was certain…she was stalking his wife. A dark scowl crossed his countenance.

He stood and walked to a hidden chamber near the master’s bedroom. Only he knew it existed. After checking for signs of any disturbance, he hurried inside, closing the wall behind him. The pallet looked inviting as weariness entered his bones. He yawned deeply
stretching out on the hard floor. He had stayed awake for almost two days keeping a watchful eye on his family and satisfying his wife’s needs. He smiled as he closed his eyes wearily…it had been worth it. He was instantly asleep.

Chapter XII

Garrick was surrounded by a white mist.
His eyes darted around him as he strained to see where he was. Had he died after all? His heart began to beat a tattoo within his chest as panic threatened to engulf him. He drew in deep draughts of air trying to comprehend what was happening. As he attempted to calm himself he heard a muffled sound just out of his sight. Instinctively he reached for the sword strapped to his back…it was gone! He checked for his dirks and sgian dubhs…they, also, were missing. Why was he unarmed?

“Because ye are dreaming, boy!”

“Hagar? Twould that be ye in the mist?” His voice shook with emotion. If he was meeting Hagar, then, surely he must be dead.

“Aye, laddie, tis me. But ye are nae dead so get that foolishness from your mind. Ye are merely sleeping. Tis the only way I could reach ye from the netherworld. There are things ye must ken, being as ye are the last
adult Ancient that lives.”

Garrick’s eyes widened
in surprise as she appeared from out of the fog. He had expected to see Hagar slightly bent with age, with flowing white hair dressed all in black, but before him, standing straight and tall, was a beautiful young woman with violet eyes and ebony hair to her ankles. He gasped.

“What? Did ye think I would show me age after I died?” She cackled. “Why should I want ta hobble around like that for all of eternity?

“It…it…is just unexpected.”

She gave a curt nod. “Aye, I suppose it was. So, boy, what did ye bring me…any ale?” Hagar asked with a twinkle in her eye. She knew that he had brought naught for her. He shook his head sadly. “Never mind, me laird. I should nae tease ye. Ye have been through much this past fortnight…including your transformation.”

“Do nae let me death trouble ye so, Garrick. It was me time…that is all. Although I would have preferred something a little less painful,” she muttered as she shook her fist at the sky. She glanced back at him. “I should tell ye a few things before ye wake.”

“What would that be, Hagar? The name of your murderer?” His sapphire orbs darkened with anger as he clenched his fists.

“Nay…nothing as mundane as that. Besides, ye already ken who did the deed. I have a need ta inform ye of your ancestry.”

Surprise lit his face. What else was there to know?

She eyed him warily. “As an Ancient ye were born with inherent powers… your children have been as well. I was hoping that they would emerge before I passed on but they appear when the time is right.”

“What kind of powers? I have noticed naught.”

She twirled her hand in the air causing the mist to dance and swirl about. “Ach! It varies. Some c
ould prophecy…others had magic. Ye, though…I ken ye will have all of the power of the Ancients so ye can pass it on ta the generations ta come whether ye be able ta use them or nae. Some had great strength and agility. Others could transport themselves with a thought…like the Fae.” Hagar glanced at him. “Ye have already crossed two realms with your thoughts...something the Fae have nae mastered. There will be nae limit ta what ye can do once the power emerges…whatever it might be. Just be aware that it will come ta ye soon. Use it wisely.”

A deep sadness swept through him. Hagar had filled the gap left by his mother’s death when he was a bairn
. Throughout his life she had always been there for him…but that was about to change. His eyes misted as he fought the lump building in his throat.

“Will I ever see ye again?”

“Perhaps…who can say?” She stroked his hair. “I will be watching ye though, boy. On that ye can be assured.” She hugged him close then disappeared into the fog.


Another sennight had passed since Garrick’s dream. The castle was abuzz with rumors of seeing his spirit prowling the corridors while others believed Seonaid was losing touch with reality. Neither was true.

Diedre grew restless as she waited for something…anything to happen. Mayhap they needed to plan something more.
She slipped a robe on over her chemise and donned her slippers. A few moments later she was scratching at her sister’s door.

The bolt slid noisily as Seonaid opened her door. Diedre swept in, glancing around quickly.

“Is he not here?” She pouted as she glanced at her sister. A soft scraping spun her around to find Garrick emerging from the wall. She grinned at his glowing body. “Ah, you are frightening indeed.”

“What brings you here, Diedre?
Surely tis more than curiosity.” Seonaid smiled as she fussed with her hair.

She blushed as she realized that she had interrupted their bed sport. “Oh do forgive me! I cannot sleep so I thought that perhaps we should think of a new plan to find these villains. Do you not think it strange that they have not tried anything?”

Garrick nodded. It was peculiar for certain. What were they waiting for anyway? “I have already planned to make myself seen this eve. I propose on walking the battlements. Nae one will miss me there.”

“True…but you are not the target any longer. I believe that Father and I are the ones they are truly trying to catch alone. I just do not understand what Natasha’s purpose might be.”

Garrick and Seonaid exchanged looks. Alred had told them of Diedre’s mother but it was not their place to inform her.

“Diedre, I believe you should speak with Da about Natasha. He kens more about her than anyone else.”

“Aye. Tis a good idea. Other than that, I do nae ken what else can be done.” Garrick’s brow furrowed. What else could they do besides wait? Unless…one of them set themselves up as bait. His eyes darted to Diedre in surprise. “Nay! Ye will nae do this thing! Lokai and I will nae permit it!”

“What will I not permit?” A deep voice behind her asked.
Oh bother! She knew that he would not let her follow the plan she had in mind.

“Your daft wife wants ta go fishing!”

“I do not see the problem as long as either I or her father goes with her.”

Garrick eyed her sternly. “She wants ta fish for our villains…with her as the bait.”

“Are you insane?” he roared. “Look at you! You are almost six moons swollen with my son! Why would you wish to put yourself and our child in such jeopardy?”

She smiled sweetly up at Lokai. “I am tired of waiting and
with you to protect me there would be no danger.”

He scowled at her. “Did you learn nothing at Dragon’s Glen? I believe you are right, Garrick, my wife has gone daft!”

Diedre stomped her tiny foot as her ire rose. “Fine! I will go alone then! You forget that I am skilled with the bow. I can protect myself.” One look at his face and she knew she had gone too far. She scurried out of his reach.

He stood with his arms crossed…his chest heaving, eyes black. She never thought his eyes could go black but, apparently, she had
touched the right nerve to cause the phenomenon. His mouth was pressed into a thin line with his rage.

“Your bow will do you no good at close range.” He shook his head. “You are not considering the variables, woman. Too much could go wrong. No, we will think of something else.

Garrick could see that Lokai had the situation in hand as he kissed Seonaid, then he left for his stroll about the castle.
Lokai gave him a curt nod as he slipped out of the chamber. He was almost to the exit that allowed access to the castle walk when he noticed a scent of roses. At the next turn there appeared the glow of a torch reflecting off the wall. He ducked into the nearest chamber rapidly. He was not ready to confront Natasha just yet. Athor was the one he wanted. She could wait. He listened intently as the sound of her skirts swished past him. There was no heavy step of a man discernible so she must be alone.

He waited a few moments then moved to quit the chamber he was in. A woman screamed behind him. He spun around to find Mary and Angus staring at him. Damn! Garrick had been trying to avoid
frightening them.

Angus held his hand over his wife’s mouth as a wide grin split his face. His eyes twinkled with
hilarity as he saluted his laird.

“Good morrow, me laird. Tis good ta see ye are feeling better. I was wondering when ye would see fit ta visit us.” That is when he realized his ruse would not work.

Defeated, his shoulders dropped. “How do ye ken that I am nae a spirit?”

Angus chuckled. “Do ye forget that I do nae believe in spirits or witches? Besides…spirits do nae sweat. Do nae get me wrong, Garrick. From a distance your disguise would work
but, up close ye are nae transparent. I should be able ta see through ye if ye be a ghost.”

He made a mental note to mention it to Lokai. He gave them a nod as he slipped back to the passage continuing on to the walkway.

Mary turned to her husband with wide eyes. “What game does he play?”

“Ach, sweet lass, he plays cat-and-mouse. I only hope that he is the cat.
At least on the morrow ye can say ye have seen him. Will not all the maids be jealous? Now go back ta sleep.”

Chapter XIII

Natasha crept stealthily through the dark corridor. She had heard the rumors that the laird’s spirit was haunting Castle Brodie. She scoffed at their superstitious minds as a shiver ran up her spine. She had mentioned it to Athor and even he trembled with fear for a few moments. That is the reason she was in this dank place this eve…to quell his fears. She would spy on
the laird’s wife to find the truth. Either the rumor was a lie or…Garrick was not dead. She would not allow herself to believe it could be true. As she neared the laird’s bedchamber, she heard muffled voices within. Natasha moved to a discreet crack that allowed her to see a portion of the room as well as hear the conversation.

She licked her lips hungrily as she stared at the golden warrior arguing with his wife.
Mayhap I will let him live for a time after I kill Diedre. He promises great bed sport for certain.
A wave of lust dashed through her.

Lokai snarled at his stubborn wife. She refused to be swayed from her plan. Why does she wish to put herself in harm’s way? He shook his blond head in disbelief. Did she already forget what he had shown her about Athor? No, that cannot be it. Guilt perhaps?
He was not certain.

“Come, Diedre. It is late and you need your rest…as does your sister. We can finish this talk in private.”

There was no reason to continue their dispute in Seonaid’s chamber. She glanced at her sister. “You will be well?”

Seonaid nodded, stifling a yawn. “Aye. Perhaps my husband’s ghost will return this eve. Who kens? But until then, sleep would be welcome.”

“Very well then, I will take my leave. I grow weary as well.” Glaring at Lokai, she spun around to face the door when a flood of dizziness hit her. She wobbled uncertainly for a moment then felt her husband’s warm embrace encircle her as the floor steadied beneath her feet. He swept her into his arms and, with Seonaid handling the door, carried her back to their chambers.

He nuzzled her velvety neck after entering their room, inhaling her scent of jasmine. Lokai loved the smell of her
. He could never get enough, he thought, as he inhaled deeply. His cock stirred as desire grew. Then swiftly shriveled back to normal as he heard her soft snore. Grimacing, he settled her into the bed.

She tires more easily each day and yet believes she can take Athor on. Silly Sprite. You still do not comprehend the evil that resides in his heart.
He shook his head as he passed his hands over her body, checking her health. Finding no problems, he stripped off his clothes and lay down, pulling her close. A soft sigh escaped her lips as she snuggled into his warmth. Satisfied…he kissed her brow and slept.

Natasha cursed as they left Seonaid’s chamber. It would do no good to follow them. There was no access there.
She cursed again. The night was wasted! She had gained no knowledge of Garrick at all. A smile touched her lips as a decision was made. She will simply tell Athor that it was a rumor…naught more. Who is there to say different?

Hurrying through the catacombs, she scowled darkly. This reckoning with Alred was taking too long. Including Athor in her plans may have been a mistake. He was too unstable in his ways…and she suspected that he was murdering local maids to satisfy his lust.
He was taking unnecessary chances and drawing unwanted attention. It had to stop. Her hazel eyes turned dark with menace.
It is time that he earned his keep. I will set him on Diedre…that will make one less Fae to deal with.
She was smiling as she emerged into the crisp night air. Glancing cautiously about, she scurried into the woods.


Sightless brown eyes stared up at him as he reached his climax. He grunted as he thrust his shaft one final time…releasing his seed. Athor rose from the body beneath him, giving it a kick as he dressed. These maids died too easily of late. There was no challenge…no foreplay, which left him dissatisfied for the most part. He was not given the opportunity to play with all his toys. His scowl darkened. Only the witch, Natasha, had lived through it. But, then again, she has not tasted all of his toys. He growled. Time to take out the rubbish, he thought as he hefted the body over his shoulder.

She was waiting for him when he returned. He fetched a mug of ale, ignoring her presence, then sauntered to the table and
plopped down. Sneering, he saluted her with his cup.

“What news have you?”

“Not much.” Eyeing him surreptitiously she delivered the lie. “The rumors of Garrick’s spirit is just that….superstitious rumors. There is no evidence of his haunting at all. It is quite safe to follow through with our plans immediately. I will stand for no more delays!”

“You are certain?” A
shudder went through him as he raised a questioning brow. Spooks unnerved him. Their wispy state was so unnatural. He preferred solid forms that he could wrap his hand around and control the outcome. His knuckles whitened as his grip tightened on the mug.

“I am quite certain. Now, I believe our next move should be you getting Diedre out of our way. Even though she is Fae, her being with child should work in our favor. She can be coerced to do our bidding if we use the bairn’s well-being as a threat.” She glanced at
Athor to gauge his reaction. He said nothing. “I will send her a message to coax her out of the castle...then you can dispose of her. I will meet her in the woods and give her a potion to make her sleep. The rest will be up to you.

“Why are you so set on me
slaying her?” His amber eyes began to glow dangerously as they turned on her. “Mayhap I will wed her after removing Lokai. She is quite beautiful.”

She glared back at him. “She carries the heir
, lest you forget! We need to be rid of all claims to the throne! You know this!”

He nodded slowly. Natasha was a fool if she thought he would do as she ordered. He might kill Diedre…eventually. But not right away. He masked the smirk that
threatened to erupt.

“We are agreed then?” He nodded. “
Then I will lure her out on the morrow. Meet us in the small glen where I met you, a little before gloaming. Be ready.” As she rose to leave, she placed her hand on his arm. “Athor, it would be wise to control your urges until this matter is settled.” She was pleasant enough with her words but he knew it was a warning. He scowled. No woman ordered him about! He would be patient, though…for now.

Disappearing into the blackness, Natasha all but ran to escape the foul smell of death that surrounded him. Why would the odor cling to him? She did not believe that the
butchery he had been involved in would cause such a smell. Her step faltered as another thought struck her. The spell she had used to bring him back may have been too weak. She cursed her parents’ puny Fae blood. Her magic would have been stronger if her mother had been Fae, as well. Calculating how much longer Athor might walk the mortal realm, she cackled out loud.
Perfect! By the time I have the throne he will be due to complete his journey to the netherworld! Ahh, the Fates are with me.
She quickened her step as she hurried back to her hideaway to catch a few hours’ sleep.


The next morn as the family was breaking their fast in the great hall, Liam came rushing in out of breath. As he gasped for air they could hear the sounds of horses whinnying, harnesses creaking and instructions being shouted in the inner bailey behind him.

Angus gave him a stern look to remind the gangly lad of his manners. He had been the laird’s squire until recently but that did not excuse his conduct. Catching his eye, Liam swiftly ran his fingers through the shock of red hair on his head, smoothing it
down, then cleared his throat. With a quick bow, he announced the visitors.

“Angus…m’lady…the MacGregor is here.”

“Aye lass, that I am.” Standing in the archway behind him, arms akimbo, stood the father that had raised Seonaid. His stalwart body still strong and muscular for a man of almost two score and ten. As he approached the dais his brown eyes softened with heartfelt sympathy. “Why did ye nae send word ta me lass? Ye ken that I would have come ta comfort ye.”

Joy sparkled in her emerald eyes as she rushed into Seamus’ open arms. He hugged her tightly kiss
ing the top of her head. After a few moments, he held her out from him and studied her face intently. She did not look like a grieving widow. He lowered his voice as he questioned her further.

“What goes on here, Daughter? Do ye nae miss your husband?”

Diedre could not help but hear his question and giggled…clapping her hand quickly over her mouth. He glared at her.

“Have ye nae feelings for your sister?” He reprimanded her in outrage.

She nodded contritely as Lokai squeezed her hand in warning. Too many people were already aware of Garrick’s resurrection.

“Forgive me, but it is difficult to grieve a loss when he visits her nightly.”

Seamus gasped as his eyes darted back to Seonaid.

“Tis true? How can this be?”

Seonaid regretted that she would have to lie to her father but knew it was necessary. To keep everyone safe from harm they had to believe he was only a spirit…or lie extremely well. She knew that Seamus was a terrible liar from experience. Sighing, she bobbed her head.

“Aye, Father. He began appearing to me a sennight ago. He comforts me in my sorrow and we have wondrous talks! I am well-pleased that he has done this.”

His eyes widened as he crossed himself. He glanced at the others sitting at the table. Was she going daft in her grief? Each in turn gave either a look of pity or belief…mostly pity though.

“Has anyone else seen your apparition?” He wished to support her and give her the benefit of a doubt.

Diedre spoke up quickly. “I saw him just last eve! Lokai did, as well.” He squeezed her hand tighter. She glanced at him harshly then focused on her porridge.

Seamus’ attention darted from her to her husband, then noticed Angus nodding in agreement. “Aye. Me Mary and me saw him
, as well as several guards on the castle walk. They said he seemed to be watching the woods for something. He did nae speak ta them though. Mayhap he is watching for his murderer.”

The hairs on the back of his neck stood up as he shuddered. He believed in spirits…always had since he was a lad. He knew there were many unexplained happenings in the world…like the existence of Fae. He made up his mind to take this news with a grain of salt. After all…the alternative was to believe Seonaid was losing touch with reality.
he refused to give credence to.

“I am glad that he gives ye comfort, lass. Mayhap he will deign to visit me while I am here. By the way, I have brought the mares with me. If ye speak with your husband ye may perhaps ask if I might exchange them for two of the others. I ken that ye will nae part with
Majesty, but perhaps the other bay and the black?”

“Aye. I will ask him.” She looped her arm around his. “Come and refresh yourself. Ye must be hungry and thirsty after such a long trip. Liam? Invite the warriors in, as well.”

“As ye wish, m’lady.” Bowing, he hurried off to do her bidding.

“How did you hear of Garrick’s fate?”

Alred spoke up. “I sent a missive to him. You were doing so poorly at the time that I thought, perhaps, Seamus could be of some help.”

“Aye. That be the way of it, Daughter. Are the bairns well?”

“Oh yes, they are fine. They are growing like weeds. You will nae recognize them, I fear.”

His eyes twinkled. He had plans for the babe, Alred, if Seonaid agreed…and her spirit husband.
After sating his appetite, he turned to her expectantly.

“I would speak ta ye on an important matter, Seonaid, concerning your second son.” He took a deep breath. “It would please me greatly ta name him as me heir since I have nae other children. There is a pretty little lass he could betroth, as well, but regardless of
that he will need his own lands when he is grown.”

Tears sprang to her eyes. It was a great honor that he offered her son. The MacGregor clan was very powerful in the highlands…almost as strong as the Brodie clan. She beamed at Seamus.

“I thank you for the honor you wish to bestow on li’l Alred, Father. I believe Garrick will be pleased as well. But I should speak to him about it before I accept your offer. I hope you do nae mind. The betrothal is another matter though. I have to say nay on that point. I want my children to follow their hearts when they wed.”

He shrugged. “Tis nae a deal
-breaker, lass…just a thought. If Garrick agrees, I have the papers with me ta sign. Look them over when ye find time.” He glanced toward Alred and received a subtle nod of approval. Everyone present at the dais knew how they were all related but the servants and warriors did not. He was Seonaid’s stepfather but hiding her Fae blood seemed prudent. Most clan members were highly superstitious. Twould not be wise to mention her mixed blood.

Diedre yawned widely. This babe was draining her energy more each day. It was a challenge for her to get through the morn without napping midway through it. She chose to forego the struggle this day since she had been up so late last eve. Turning to her husband, she discovered him observing her intensely.

“You are weary, Sprite.” It was not a question. She bobbed her head in agreement. “I will escort you to our chambers.”

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