Lone Bear: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Bear Mountain Book 1) (6 page)

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Chapter Six


One month later…


Kate watched the plus sign on the stick blur and she closed her eyes. A single tear slipped down her face and she swiped it away with the back of her hand. She knew it made sense, they hadn’t used protection once, but the news still surprised her.

Would she make a good mom? Could someone who had been moved around as much as she had love a child? She pushed the stupid thought out of her head and turned to the side, pulling her shirt tight against her large stomach, and studied her reflection in the bathroom mirror.

Whether or not she could love her children wasn’t the issue. She loved Gage deeply and she knew she would love her children as well. Her worries lied with her mate.

Would Gage still love her when her stomach swelled larger with more weight? She didn’t doubt his love, but they’d never discussed pregnancy and children. Did he want children? Would he leave her if he didn’t? Could he? Or would he stay and resent her for the rest of their lives?

No! Gage loves you unconditionally.

She chastised herself and put the stick back in the box and threw everything away. She knew Gage’s love wouldn’t die or fade if she gained weight or had children. Her hormones already seemed out of control. Until today, she hadn’t doubted his love once since he marked her.

The last month had passed easily as they melded their lives. Gage started the job as sheriff the Monday after the town meeting, and had already implemented some plans for the community to help each other move forward and put the past behind them. He was a natural leader and perfect for the job.

She still worked for Randy, but had dropped down to a part-time employee. She’d offered to stay on full-time until they found someone to replace her, but he and his wife declined her offer. They wanted her and Gage to have plenty of time to enjoy their honeymoon phase and bring them grandchildren as soon as possible. They had always treated her special, but their words warmed her heart.

It looked like they would get their wish sooner than later.

“Katie, I’m home.”

She took a deep breath and left the bathroom to face her husband, anxious to get it over with and tell him the news. The sight of him made her pause.

She already thought him handsome and sexy, but seeing him in his uniform added a whole other level of hot. She knew every woman in town had noticed how the material hugged his muscles and molded against him when he moved.

The reminder sent her doubts running wild again and she stood in place, picking at a loose string on the couch, instead greeting him with her usual kiss.

He toed off his shoes and started unbuttoning his shirt.

“I want you. I have something to tell you, and then I’m going to fuck you hard and smack your ass just how you like.”

She smiled, but didn’t look at him.

“What’s wrong?” he stilled with his shirt half way down his arms.


“Katie, look at me.”

She did and he pulled his shirt back on, crossed the room and pulled her into his arms.

“What happened? Are you okay?”

She held on tighter than she ever had before.

“I’m fine, but I have something to tell you, too,” she mumbled against his chest.

He pushed her back and studied her face.

“Is this about the babies?”

“You know?”

“Yes, I’ve known since our second time together. I didn’t tell you because so much had happened leading up to that day, I didn’t want to add on the extra stress right away. I’ve been waiting for you to tell me.”

“I only suspected a week ago. Are you okay with it?”

“Okay? I’m more than okay. I’m perfect. You’re giving me everything I ever wanted. What about you?”

“I’m nervous, but happy. I didn’t know how you’d react and I was worried you’d be mad.”

“Mad? Why would you think that?”

“Because,” she shrugged, “we hadn’t talked about children, or the weight I’ll gain from getting pregnant, or…anything.” She buried her head against his undershirt.

He rubbed her back in soothing circles.

“I’m sorry. I thought you knew I wanted a family, but you’re right, we should have talked about it. Especially because I didn’t know if you wanted one or not. As far as the extra weight, I don’t care about that. I think you’re perfect, but I will love you forever, regardless of how much you weigh.”

She nodded against him.

“I know that. I guess I just got scared. I don’t really know anything about babies.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll figure it out together. I know you’ll make a wonderful mother to our cubs.”

“Cubs?” she pulled back, alarmed.

“Children,” he laughed. “They will be born healthy, human babies, and shift when they’re older.”

“Okay, good,” she said. “You keep saying babies, does that mean you want more than one child?”

“Yes...and you’re carrying twins.”

“Twins? Oh God,” she buried her head on his chest. “How do you know?”

“I can sense their energy, that’s how I knew you were pregnant. Wild bears usually give birth to two cubs, but not always. It’s the same for shifters.”

“Are you a twin?”

“No, my mother had singles, but I do have a younger brother. That’s actually what I wanted to talk to you about. I can sense another shifter making his way toward us. Because pregnancies are rare, bears without cubs will usually congregate around a pregnant couple. We might have more than one visitor over the next few months.”

“Is the shifter you sense your brother?”

“I don’t know who it is, but I doubt it’s him. We haven’t spoken in nearly fifty years.”

“Why not?”

“It’s a long story, but I’ll tell you about it later. Right now, I’d rather show you how much I love you.”

She shoved his open shirt off his shoulders and rose up to kiss him gently on the mouth.

“Mmm… I can’t wait,” then she ran toward the bedroom, laughing.

He caught her easily and kept his word.

She never doubted his love again.



Gage watched from the window of the sheriff’s office as his brother walked down the street toward the café where Kate worked. Any visiting shifters would be able to sense his presence, but they would be drawn to the energies Kate carried inside her.

He left his office and followed the other man.

The café was nearly empty, and his brother waited by the register until Kate noticed him. When she approached the counter, Gage walked inside the shop.

Her smile gave away his presence and his brother turned to face him.



“It’s been a long time,” Seth commented carefully.

“It has, but I’m glad you’re here. I’d like you to meet my mate,” he motioned toward Kate and Seth gave her his full attention. “This is Kate.”

“Hi Kate,” he extended his hand, “it’s nice to meet you, sister. Congratulations on your mating and little ones.”

“Thank you, Seth. It’s nice to meet you, too.”

“Where’s Elsa?” Gage asked. He moved over to stand next to Kate and pulled her close. She wrapped her arm around his waist.

“I have no idea. She ran off just like you said she would,” Seth answered and looked away. They were both alphas, but his brother had always submitted.

Except during their last encounter.

Gage remembered the fight like it was yesterday. He’d warned Seth about Elsa, told him she’d run when he revealed his true self, but his brother had been determined. Seth had left and set out to claim his mate and start his family far away from Bear Mountain. He’d always hated how that afternoon had played out.

“You should have come back sooner. I’ve missed you.”

“I—you did?” Seth whipped his head back and looked him in the eye.

“Yes. I’m sorry about that day. I should have stayed out of it.”

“Maybe, but I should have listened to your advice. You were right.”

“Are you sticking around?” Gage asked, hopeful. He’d love to get to know the man again. It had been too long.

“I’d like to. Is that okay with you?” Seth questioned.

“I’d like that very much, brother.”

“So, sheriff huh? Do they know what you are?”

“The deputy does, but no one else, so be careful when you shift.”

“Always,” Seth said. “Is the food any good here? I’m starving. I need to eat and then figure out where I’m going to live.”

“The food here is great,” Kate said, “and I’ve got a solution to your problem.”

She led them to a table and he and Seth sat, then he pulled Katie down on his knee. He knew what she was prepared to say, and he loved her for it.

“I’m fully moved out of my apartment except for the furniture. Gage and I haven’t decided what we were going to do with it yet, so if you’d like to take over the rent, it’s yours. You can keep what’s inside or get rid of it, it’s up to you.”

“That sounds perfect. Thanks Katie.”

If it had been another man, he would have growled at the use of his endearment, but he knew Seth didn’t mean any harm. He’d have to find out the details later, but he was glad Elsa had left. She had been manipulative and caused his brother misery on more than one occasion. He deserved better.

“Right?” Seth said, and Kate laughed.

“What?” Gage asked, returning to their conversation.

“This town is finally living up to its name again. There are finally bears back in Bear Mountain,” he laughed. “Oh, and I have a feeling there will be more soon. I saw the Garrison brothers on my way over here. They didn’t confirm they were staying, but they felt the energy, too. I doubt they can ignore it.”

“It sounds like there will be a whole clan of bears in town before we know it,” Kate said.

“Definitely,” Seth said. “I can’t imagine a better leader, Gage.”

After years of being alone, he had a mate and a family of his own on the way. His brother had come home, and they expected more visitors soon. Whether or not the new bears stayed, the hierarchy had been established, and he welcomed the honor of leading the clan of Bear Mountain.

“Thank you, brother. Welcome home.”


The End

From the Author


Thank you for purchasing this book. Your support allows me to continue doing a job I love every day. If you liked this story, please consider leaving a review so more people can find and enjoy my books.



Ruby Shae


About the Author


I write sizzling, sexy, shifter romance. Until I find my own tall, muscle bound, alpha shifter…I’ll keep writing about them. Visit my website to learn more about my books (and me!)



Also by Ruby Shae


Bear Mountain

(Stand-Alone Romance Novellas)


Lone Bear (Book 1)

Brother Bear (Book 2)

Double Bear (Book 3)

Idle Bear (Book 4)

Lost Bear (Book 5)


North Pole

(Stand-Alone Holiday Romance Novellas)


Jingle Bear (Book 1)

Silent Bear (Book 2)


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