Lone Rider (20 page)

Read Lone Rider Online

Authors: Lauren Bach

Tags: #Action & Adventure, #Fiction

BOOK: Lone Rider
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She did, moaning as
buried himself to the hilt -- then pulled back. Only to do it again and again and again, raising her slightly with each stroke.

She felt him intimately, buried inside of her. Fanning the flame. Now she understood where the feeling was leading. If he kept this up
she would burst into a thousand pieces.

had no choice but to continue. She was too tight, too hot. He pumped faster, deeper. Harder. Showing her the rhythm.

Tess squirmed beneath him, panting, crying. Within seconds she screamed.

sealed her mouth with his, absorbing her cries. When she raked her nails down his back, he felt his control slip, on the verge of snapping.

Time to stop

But when he moved to pull back, Tess suddenly tightened her legs, grasping his buttocks to hold him in place as she scraped her teeth against his shoulder, nipping him, lost in her own vortex of shimmering passion.

felt her womb clench tightly, milking him. Unable to stop, he exploded in a powerful climax, claiming her.

Cursing, he stiffened as he felt himself pouring into her, too late to withdraw.

Too late to use protection








Two days later, in the middle of the night,
hurried along the dark path toward his cabin.

The air was oppressive, charged with static from the approaching storm. Behind him the wind kicked up, blowing dirt and grit. It was going to be one helluva storm. Long overdue.

The path turned sharply, the ground inclining as the cabin’s outline finally appeared around the bend. Against the black horizon the small structure appeared even darker. No light shone from within.

He scowled. Friggin’ electricity was probably out again. If she was awake, she was probably terrified.

He took the porch stairs two at a time. Unlocking the door, he slipped inside and paused, allowing his eyes to adjust to the much darker interior. He listened carefully for a noise to confirm his worry. All he heard was his own harsh breathing.

You promised never to leave her again, like this, at night.
Cursing himself and the circumstances that required his absence, he eased from the doorway, silently picking his way across the room to the bedroom door.

He entered quietly, grateful for the hazy moonlight filtering through the window. The slight form on the bed didn’t move.
released a pent
up breath as he stepped closer and confirmed -- thankfully -- that she was sleeping soundly. She wouldn’t ask questions about how long he’d been gone.

felt the stab of conscience. She was probably exhausted. She’d slept little the night before
and they’d made love twice before he’d left.

He watched her, his eyes skimming over her from top to bottom. She was lying on her left side, in the middle of the bed, her head half on his pillow, half on her own, arms extended over her head.

His hostage

The quilt covering her rose and fell slowly, following the rhythm of her deep, even breaths.

Shifting back,
shrugged out of his leather jacket and silently pulled off his boots, his eyes never leaving her. A thousand weights seemed to drop from his shoulders knowing she was safe -- asleep -- just as he’d left her.

He r
emoved the nine-millimeter semi
automatic he had tucked at his back, securing it within easy reach, before he peeled off his shirt. In the distance a low roll of thunder rumbled. The storm was moving in.

Tess stretched slightly, drawing his attention once more to the bed. Damn, she was beautiful. He felt himself harden and enjoyed the uniquely male sensation. Did she know she had the power to arouse him so instantly, so innocently?

The top button of his worn jeans gave way. She’d entered his life
a little over three weeks
ago, captured his heart and nearly destroyed the master scheme he and his partner had been working on the past two years.

He kicked aside his jeans, brooding.

Every thought, every move had been meticulously calculated. Nothing had been left to chance. Every option had been preplanned, every action purposeful. Except for her. Except for his reaction to her.

And his partner’s untimely death.

recalled his movements of the past few hours. Soon it would end. Or just begin.

He was ready for it to be over. He had literally put his entire life on hold to take on this assignment, immersing himself so deeply in the game that at times it had been hard to remember his life before.

He hadn’t seen his father or sisters in nearly two years. From what Barry reported, he had a new niece, courtesy of his sister, Beth Ann. His family knew, of course, had always known that
’ job required him to disappear for long stretches of time. They didn’t like it, but they also knew not to ask questions.

This particular assignment
had proved longer and tougher than anyone had imagined. Sometimes the only thing that kept him going was knowing it would be his last undercover job. He had decided months ago he’d had enough of covert operations, that he was no longer willing to pay the price.

Watching Tess, he realized that, now more than ever, he wanted his life back, his freedom. His integrity. All the things he’d sacrificed to take on this role.

he promised. Very soon. The end had already begun.

Sanchez had made his move, had left his Canadian headquarters. The women he was transporting in a private jet would be free by morning. That was the good news.

The bad news was that divers searching
tonight had located Matt’s body. Just as Tess had described. Stabbed in the back.
’ gut tightened.

The noose around Snake’s neck was tightening. Soon the ax would fall on Bogen and Sanchez as well. With any luck, Snake and Bogen would receive the death penalty for Matt’s murder. Plus there were a host of other charges to be levied, from kidnapping to drug trafficking.

And how Tess would react was the only answer that still eluded
How would she feel about him when she learned the truth? How did he want her to feel?

Would she understand why he couldn’t tell her? Would she forgive him?
Could he forgive himself

Oh, yes.

In fact he’d do it all over again if it was the only way to have her in his life.

He didn’t regret what he’d done to her, to her life. Nor did he regret the passion they’d shared. The past was immutable. The future...

His flesh throbbed, pulling him away from the abyss of dark thoughts, but still he made no attempt to enter his bed, content to watch, finding satisfaction in the steady rise and fall of her covered breasts. Guilt cooled his ardor. She was sleeping so peacefully he’d not awaken her.

Above him, he heard the persistent drum of raindrops hitting the roof. He started to leave the room when a different noise stopped him.

In a heartbeat
was on the bed, beside her, reaching to where her arms were still outstretched above her head.
I should have freed her first thing, instead of watching her,
he berated himself.

She whimpered, rolling and twisting, tangling in the sheets as she fought the unseen terror in her nightmare, sought to be free of the bed and the bonds that held her arms immobile.

whispered fiercely.

He released her and yanked back the confining weight of the quilt before gathering her close. “Tess, wake up. You’re dreaming, sweetheart.”

She pushed against him, her eyes fluttering open in  confusion. “
.”  She buried her face in his chest, seeking sanctuary from the spinning remains of her desolate dream. “It was awful.”

“I know.

“I keep thinking it will go away.”

“It will.”  He shifted, easing f
rther down on the bed, wrapping her more tightly in his arms. She shivered. The rain picked up, the thunder lower, closer.

“How long has it been raining?”

“It just started,” he whispered.

“I can’t see the clock.”

“Power’s out. It’s gonna be a bad storm.”  He kissed the top of her head. “Go back to sleep.”

“I’m cold.”

Keeping one arm around her shoulders,
grabbed the quilt and pulled it back up, bundling them both in warmth.

“Better?” he asked.

She nodded, pressing her nose against his shoulder as she burrowed against him. “I wonder if I’ll have nightmares the rest of my life.”

Tell her the truth. End it here and now, while she’s in your arms.
What difference would a few hours make?

rejected the thought, pulling her closer, hugging tightly as if to squeeze out the night terrors that tormented her. Keenly aware this was his last time to offer consolation in the dark.

Slowly her trembling subsided beneath whispered comforts and reassuring strokes. The room was alive with the sounds of the storm.

Eyes shut,
allowed his hands to sweep over her, imprinting her curves into his memory. The thought of not seeing her again was painful, foreign. But what kind of relationship could they have after this? The odds were against him.

And more, it had to be by her choice. A choice made in complete freedom. From captivity.
From him
. Christ! Could he let her go if it meant not seeing her again? Not touching her again?

His fingers slowed, grazing the perfect swell of her hip.

He’d sworn to himself that earlier tonight was their finale. His physical and emotional good-bye to her. Already his body forgot the pledge.

Tess wriggled, boldly peeling off the shirt she wore, then wrapping her arms about his neck. Her cold-roughened nipples stabbed against his chest as she started to nibble the sensitive skin below his ear. Her passion amazed him, the knowledge that he’d been her only lover enflamed him.

pressed her close, knowing full well that he should discourage her. Instead he welcomed her, tangling his hands in her long, silky hair, his knee sliding intimately between hers, holding her still as his mouth sought hers. It was wrong, but the line between right and wrong had wavered a long time ago. So had he.

He caught her bottom lip tenderly between his teeth, loving it gently
then releasing it as his tongue swept deeply into her mouth. Her breath came out on a sigh as his mouth traveled lower, caressing first one breast, then the other. She arched against his leg, rubbing, seeking friction.

His hands teased, dropping to her abdomen, then trailing down to find her most tender place. Her hips undulated slightly as his thumb stroked the hot little nub, coaxing a shudder from her. A low, deep moan escaped her throat. Encouraging. Gratifying. Confirming he knew exactly how much pressure to exert to drive her wild. And exactly when to stop to keep her from going over the edge without him.

He recalled his promise, tamping down control over his rising passion. For the rest of the night, he’d only pleasure her. He watched as she writhed with delight in his arms.
So damn beautiful...

He thought about how she’d changed, evolving from innocent to seductress over the past days, changing him as well.
. Once in a lifetime. How could he ever let her go?

She had entered his dark world like a bright promise, reminding him of the life beyond this assignment. A life he had started to think would never be his own again.

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